How to setup an FTP Server in Windows using IIS by Britec

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hi guys welcome to this video this video I'll be showing you how to set up your own FTP server in Windows 7 so what we need to do first is come to my YouTube channel here it's been voted for for one of these guys asked in for me to show them how to make a free FTP server so I'm going to be showing you that today so let's get started first thing you need to do let's go start control panel once you're in control panel you need to come down to programs and features click on there once you're in programs and features click on turn Windows Features on or off click on that once we got that open you want to come down to Internet Information Services put a little tick in there and then put your ticks inside here ok these free here make sure they're ticked and this is ticked click OK this will just install that type of software that doesn't normally ask you for the window CD so I'm just going to let that install I'll pause the video at this stage like to its installed okay let's knead here now just wait for this to finish off now once that's done sometimes it asked you to reboot a computer okay let's installed so what we need to do now is go back to control panel and then we need to go to Administrative Tools click in there and we should now see Internet Information Services III s manager so we need to click on that that's what we've just installed so now we've got this window open and as you can see if we go up to the right-hand side here this is Brian's PC click on that yours will say whatever your PC is click on sites and you can see there's a default one there but what we want to do is create a new one so what we're going to do is right click on two sites and then add new FTP site now you can call this whatever you like so I'm just going to call mine bright Eck and what we need to do now is pick a location where we want to share what what sort of place willing to share whether it is a folder or natural drive so I'm gonna just click on this and I'm going to click on this little 1010 gigabyte partition that I've made for my FTP shares so click OK there click Next and now once we get to this stage what we need to do here is come down and pick the right IP address now the IP address that you're going to be using you need to come onto ipconfig so go down to the run Bardia type CMD and open up command prompt and from the command prompt type in their IP config space forward slash all and a push enter like so and this will give you your IP address that you need ok so ug you just use the IP that you've got so what we're going to do now is come down to start of TP so I automatically require SSL so I'm just going to go allow SSL ok so then go next now we want to come in to anonymously now say for instance you want to just set up a free one where anyone can log on and it's always open you would put anonymous ok but what we're going to do is basic and click on there and you can either put all users or Pacific users ok so what to do now is a just click on that now what I'm going to do is put in here Brian because that is the name of my username so you need to make sure whether your username is so you can check that by coming in here going into users and see what user name account you're using okay so this is the account I'm going to be using so mine's called Brian and I'm going to give myself read and write privileges there or permissions for this FTP server because I want full access now if you're going to set this up for other people to look at you don't want to give them the right privilege and you just want to give them read okay okay so next thing to do is go next or finish and there we have our right tech FTP server path is F and so on and so on okay so what we need to do now is click on this now and this opens up all these little tools that we can use so I'm going to right click and I'm going to edit the permissions so we need to edit the permissions go security and you can see there's nothing in here now if you've got a long list of stuff in here same system and so on and so on you need to edit that you need to go in here and remove them the only ones you want is just for you ok so you remove all those and then you give yourself all these permissions allow okay full control modify and so on and so on someone because obviously it's your FTP server so make sure that you've got that exactly error is there ok allow and you just need to edit it ok so basically that's that side done pretty much we're okay there so I'm just going to come out of that click okay just going to right-click on this and just check make sure there's nothing else that I need to do no that's fine okay so the next thing we need to do now is check the actual site to see if it's active if you look on here you'll see F FTP site managed and you can see it's saying start and it's grayed out that means it's already running so it's open for use ok so let's have a look now go to the web browser ok so I'm going to type in here FTP : it's just right there so I can use this one and this will come up here ok now this is where it last you for your username and your password that's the password for your account for logging on your system ok so what you need to do is just put forgot which pcs on there ok so we need to just put out on our username in there and our password to log on and they have it what's happened is we're sharing that F Drive and that's what's in there so if I just quickly show you that's on my F Drive inside my F Drive this video called stability tests and that's what sharing okay now obviously this is just all crap basically but I'll just showing you exactly how to share stuff so that's basically it really so that will be open now obviously that's not open to everyone on the internet if you try to connect to that and on anonymously I hate saying that word but if you try and connect to that then it won't allow you unless you add permissions inside there okay so what you need to do now is just download whatever you like now if you're going to share this for a friend obviously you can set it up and ask these details and put them all in and then he can have shares too as well okay so that's as simple as that really now if you want to actually set up as I said you know another one which is a bit more open for everyone to use then obviously you do the same process but put anonymous and let them log on that way and it'd be wide open now if you can't access this through the actual through the actual web it it's not allowing you to access it you may need to pull forward and open up pork ports on your router so that would be port 21 you need to open okay and maybe I'll make another video to show you how to configure all that just in case people I've got problems for that and if you want to set up a DNS name rather than putting your IP address in and you can have your own name there maybe we'll make another part to that video too okay so my name is Brian from bright echo UK I'd be enjoying these videos if you do please remember to hit the subscribe button show you support and if you haven't joined the forum and head over to there and join the forums thanks again for watching guys bye for now
Channel: Britec09
Views: 58,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftp, server, windows, IIS, setup, Internet, configure, computers, Protocol, Transfer, File, data, tech, forum
Id: vrzNPq-B6Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2010
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