How to set up the Kreg Pocket Hole Jig

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hello welcome to my workshop so in this video I want to show you how to set up your Kreg jig I purchased one of these and it was really really handy but that's take a few minutes to setup so I want to walk you through the setup of how to use your Craig so as I mentioned before there's a few things you need to do to set this up first of all the very first thing you want to do is take a clamp and clamp it to your work surface next you want to determine what size board you're using for this demonstration I'm going to use a three-quarter inch piece of wood and when you choose your size you can go up to inch and a half this can only go up to inch and a half if you're going to go bigger than that you're going to want to apply a different type of Kreg jig but for this demonstration we're going to go with three-quarter inch so you can see how this all works since we're going with 3/4 you're going to want to set your depth gauge to 3/4 inch to do that you want to loosen up this press nut just far enough to where this is loose and then as you see there are numbers along this side the 3/4 inch line needs to line up with the top of that block and then you tighten this back in and it should not move on you next we want to set our drill bit and stop gauge to do that you want to loosen this nut with the provided allen wrench that they give you loosen it so you can move it around as you can see there are two separate sides each of them have different depths that you're going to go we're going on to the 3/4 so this is how you said it you set this in there with the nut it should set in a little hole at the top make sure that's flush against the top and then you're going to want to set now this parts really tricky there it can be really tricky you can take the top of this part here not the tip but the part where it changes pitch and you set that right on 3/4 and then with it set there tighten down your set screw I would Snug it first and then take it off a little bit more tightness ok we're almost there we're almost ready to start doing our pocket holes but what you're going to do is that this depth here so that when you clamp it down this pushes the board against it nice and firm to do that but for simplest way I find to do it take the board you're going to use set it in there close the clamp and then tighten this till it just touches your board once you've got it touching the board release it because you block out and I give it about two to three more spins about half spins I then test it Mary now if it's not tight enough you can always go a little bit more that's perfect and now we're ready so next you determine where you're going to want your pocket holes now if we're want in our pocket holes to be here and here we want to line that up with one of these holes it really doesn't matter it does come in handy if you're going to do two you can space them apart where your a and C is you can do two holes without moving this and actually for this demonstration we'll just do that I'll set it there clamp it down take your favorite drill put your drill bit in it and then drill away there we have a perfect pocket hole well there you have it very simple to set up once you get the hang of it you're going to go flying through it like you've been doing it for many many years one real quick tip when you set your depth and you do all of the right procedures if you end up with two holes at the bottom of your board your depth is too far you don't want them to poke through because it's not going to give you a really good strong joint if you were to look inside this kind of like a cutaway you would actually see that the little hole is just about to poke through and that's what you want you don't want to see two tiny little holes poking through but I hope that helps you if your first finding this video because you searched how to worker Kreg jig I would really hope that you consider subscribing to my channel I do a lot of woodworking I'd also do a lot of tool reviews on this channel and I occasionally do some vlogs so if any of that is interesting to you please be sure to hit the subscribe button and be sure to hit the little bell icon so that you know of any future videos that I will put out I do a lot of tip videos as well this is kind of a tip one as well so if you like this you may like some more so I hope you stick around and thank you for coming to workshop and I'll see you next time thank you for watching
Channel: B&O Craftsman
Views: 121,066
Rating: 4.9598622 out of 5
Keywords: kreg jig setup, how to use a kreg jig, how to use your kreg jig, how to set up your kreg jig, kreg pocket hole jig, how to set up a kreg pocket hole jig
Id: zw3RKg0bK6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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