How To Set Up Instagram Shop

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Oh, my God, there's a paraglider distracting me. Oh, look at that. Just filming and totally distracted. Gotta love PV, you know. Did you know that you can get the swipe-up feature, even with less than 10,000 followers, just by having the Shop tab on your Instagram feed for your product-based business? Yeah. You're going to want to watch this. You're here because you own a product-based business. Congratulations. But you're also here because you want to set up that glorious Instagram Shop tab that appears on your feed, allowing your followers to shop your products directly from your profile. In today's video, I'm going to walk you through how to set up an Instagram shop step-by-step so that you get the glorious Shop tab on your profile, driving more customers to your product-based business. But first, what is Instagram shopping? Instagram shopping is an aspect of the Instagram app that's rolled out over time, over the years. But long story short, what it does is allow people to shop products from your posts, whether they're photos or videos, you'll see a little tag appear on your post. People can click it and then be taken directly to your product page. It's actually an amazing thing. And something that product brands really should have set up and embraced by now, hence today's video. So for more on all of the Instagram shop features, check out this video right here. Why does Instagram shopping matter more specifically? The global social commerce market is estimated to be around $90 billion right now, but it's expected to grow to over 600 billion by 2027. That's only six years from now. In layman's terms, more people are shopping on social today than ever before. For example, 60% of Gen Zers in the U.S. use Instagram to discover new brands and products. And 48% of Americans ages 18 to 34 have made a purchase from social media. And it's only growing. So what are you going to need to set up your Instagram Shop? You need an Instagram account - whether business or creator, a connected Facebook page, a website, and you need to sell physical products. Got all those things? Ok. Pull open your Instagram account and let's set up your Instagram Shop. Your first step is to go to your Instagram homepage on your phone, tap the hamburger menu in the upper, right? And then tap settings. From there, you're going to tap either business or creator depending on what your account is currently selected to be. From there, you're going to see the button that says set up Instagram shopping. So tap that and then tap the get started button at the bottom. Then you're going to go ahead and connect your Facebook account. So you'll likely get a, pop-up asking you to sign in if you're not signed in and then you'll connect it to your business page and Facebook. Once that's done you're then going to see a screen asking you to set up your accounts center. So if you tap not now, you're not going to complete this process to set up your shop. So go ahead and tap finish setting up. From there, you should see a catalog connection page. So here is where Instagram lists out all of its partners that it can work with in terms of e-commerce products. So take a look at the background information on Shopify, if that's the backend of your shop, there's also Big Commerce as an option, as well as the Magento and then WooCommerce. If you don't have any of those set up just yet, go ahead and just tap new catalog. And that will take you to the next page where your shop has been submitted for review. Ta-da! You have begun the process of getting your shop on Instagram. Instagram is then going to take a few days and it can be up to a week to review your account and then hopefully approve your shop. Now that your Instagram shop has been submitted for review. There is another step that you can take while you're waiting and that's to connect your Facebook products to the backend of your sales channel, whether that's Shopify or WooCommerce now, for this very important and key step, I'm actually going to throw it over to our in-house product expert, Savanna, who's going to walk you through how she'll connect her Facebook products to Shopify. Over to you, Savanna. HI everyone. My name is Savanna and I'm going to be walking you through how to connect to your e-commerce website to your Instagram shop. For this demo, I'm using Shopify and you'll notice here I'm already logged in as an admin on my Shopify account. So the first thing I want to do is go to that left-hand menu, go all the way down to the bottom, where I see that little cog icon and it says settings, go ahead and click on settings. Once I click on settings, I'm going to see quite a few options here. And the one I want is sales channels. This is where you're going to manage what channels you can sell your products and services on. So if I go ahead and click on sales channels, what I'll see here is all the places that I currently sell my products from my Shopify store. So I'm going to go to that upper right-hand corner, where I see that green button that says add sales channel, and go ahead and click on that. Now I'm going to be presented with a pop-up menu. I'm going to scroll down until I find Facebook. That's it right here. And you'll see, this is where you bring your products to Facebook and Instagram users. That's the one I want. So I'm going to click on this green plus button to the right of it. Now that's going to add Facebook as a sales channel. Before I can continue, Shopify is going to ask if I want to give permission to share some information with Facebook. It'll show me down here, what data is going to be shared and what Facebook will have permissions to do within Shopify. I'm going to go ahead and scroll down to the bottom all the way to the bottom right. And click on where it says update sales channel, that green button again. After I click on that button, it's going to ask me which feature I want to get started with. So for today, I want to sell my products on Instagram. I'm going to click that gray button that says start setup. And now it's going to give me some tips on what I need to do to prepare my accounts for this setup. The first tip it's going to tell me is to use an established Facebook account rather than a brand new account. Making sure that I have owner or admin permissions for the Facebook accounts I'm going to be connecting. And also making sure that I have an Instagram professional account. I've already done all three of these things. So I'm going to go ahead and click I understand. That green button there. Next I'm going to connect my business manager to this page. I already have that here. So I'm going to go ahead and click the green connect button to the right of that. Then it's going to want my Facebook page. So this is now connecting the business page that I use to sell products or post ads. And I already see that here. It's already suggested it for me. So I will click that green connect button again. Now it's going to ask for what settings I want to use for data sharing. I can go ahead and enable this if I'd like, but for now, I'm just going to turn that off and click skip. And now it's going to ask for my Instagram business account. So I already have that here pulled up and I'm going to go ahead and click connect. You'll also see, I am eligible for Instagram checkout. That's not something I'm really interested in at this time, so I'm going to go ahead and skip that. Okay. So now I can see all of my accounts and pages are set up, which is great. So I'm going to select a checkout method. Now, if you are a U.S.-based company, you're likely going to be eligible to use Facebook and Instagram as a checkout method. Also known as Instagram Checkout. I'm personally not a fan of this because you don't own your customer information and I'd much rather have control over that one-to-one relationship with my customers. So for that reason, I'm going to select Shopify store and go ahead and click save in the corner. Now I'm almost there with my setup. It's now going to ask me to create a Facebook commerce account. I'm going to go ahead and click create new. And just like that, Shopify has gone ahead and made a commerce account that will sync to the catalog that I have on my page. And finally, I'm going to go ahead and review the terms and conditions for using this. And since that all looks good, I'm going to click accept terms at the bottom. That blue button. Now I see that everything is all set. So I'm going to go ahead and click finish setup at the bottom. Awesome. So I see here that my store has been submitted for review, and this might take a few business days, but once it's approved, I'll be able to connect my catalog from Shopify to my Instagram shop. Thanks Savanna for your in the field demo. Next, we have...pretending to be a reporter. Like shuffling my papers. Let's carry on. After you've taken the steps that Savanna has walked you through. Go ahead and check your Instagram app because one day, hopefully you see this message that your Shop has been approved. At this point, the backend of your sales channel has been connected to your profile. But the products don't populate automatically. You actually have to choose them from your catalog and add them to your Instagram profile. As you're adding products from your catalog, keep in mind that it might take some time for them to actually populate and for you to see them. So you might not see them showing up right away, give it 30 minutes or so, and then they should appear. Once everything's approved and you're starting to see your products appear on your Instagram profile. Yay. You can now go ahead and tag your posts with your products. Now tagging your posts with your products is a key last step. And for it, I'm going to throw it back to Savanna, who's going to walk you through how it's done. Okay. So from my phone, I'm now in Instagram, on my profile page for my business. Now I'm going to tap on the view shop button underneath my bio. And this is my Instagram shop, which is currently empty. So go ahead and tap on the blue add product. And now because I've connected the Facebook channel to my Shopify store, it's going to pull all of the available products. And if this is your first time connecting your store, it may take quite a bit of time for that catalog to populate in here. Just give it about 30 minutes or so and give it a nice refresh and that should solve it. So from here, I'm now going to select which products I want to add to my Instagram Shop. I'm just going to go down and select all of them by tapping on that blue add button and go ahead and tap on done in that upper right hand corner. So now that I'm back in my profile, I want to start taking advantage of those Instagram shop features. So I'm going to go to that upper right-hand corner and create a new post by tapping on the plus icon and selecting post. I'm going to grab this picture of our cookie monster cookie. Tap next. I could add a filter here if I'd like, I could write a caption and add my hashtags. And then now you'll notice I have this tag products option. So I'm gonna go ahead and tap on that and tap on the photo. And it's now going to pull in every single product from my catalog that I connected to my Shopify store. So this is that cookie there. And now you can go ahead and see that tag for that product. I'm going to tap done and go ahead and share that post. And let's say I wanted to create a story. Now, if I tap the sticker icon in the upper right hand corner, I now have this product option, which again, connects to that catalog to my store. I can edit the product name. So let's just say, I just wanted to call it cookie monster. I can tap on that sticker again to change the look of it, move it around. And what I think is really great is the link icon up at the top. So now I have the ability to link directly to my products without having to have 10,000 followers. Without having to have that swipe-up feature. So if I go ahead and hit product, I can select a particular product that my swipe-up will link to, or if I just want to redirect them to my shop, I could do that too. So for this one, I'm going to go ahead and connect them directly to that product that they're looking for. Go ahead and post that. So here's what my profile is going to look like from the outside as a potential customer. The first thing I notice here, underneath my bio, is that I now have this view shop button. So as a customer, if I tap on that, that's now going to show me all of the products that are available for this particular shop. If I tap back to that profile and scroll down, I can see here on this post, that there is this shopping bag icon. Now, if I tap on that post, it's now going to show me an option to view products. So if I tap on that, I can now see exactly which cookie this is. And if I wanted to learn a little bit more, I can tap again on it. This now brings me to the product detail page where I can see a description of, "hey, what exactly is in this cookie?" If I want more info, I can message the shop. I can also learn a little bit more about that shop or if I wanted to go ahead and add this to my cart, I could do that. I would tap that blue view on website option, where I would be redirected to my Shopify store to check out. Finally, let's go check out that story. So here we go. I have the product tag here, which will show me exactly what that product is. And if I didn't have that tag in the middle, you see down at the bottom, I now have that swipe-up feature to view that product. So if I were to do that - again, it takes me directly to that product detail page. And if I was ready to check out, I could do so and be redirected to my Shopify website. Or I could share this. So that paper airplane icon will allow me to share it to others or I can go ahead and save it to my wishlist. I hope that helps you guys get your Instagram Shop up and running. Back to you, Elise. If you've made it this far in the video, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back because it is a lot of work upfront, but it's so worth it. On that note, I'm kind of curious, are you a product-based brand and are you using Instagram to sell your products? Go ahead and comment below this video with the shopping cart emoji and let me know how you're using Instagram to sell your products. If you liked this training and you'd like more Instagram strategies to grow your business, I have a free masterclass for you. It covers the three secrets you need to know today to actually grow your Instagram, to actually get sales back to your business. So go ahead and head to and sign up. To ease and revenue. I'll see you in the next video. Thanks for watching today's training on how to set up your Instagram Shop for your business. If you liked today's training, go ahead and subscribe. Go ahead and subscribe. It's done. And don't forget to hit the bell so that you don't miss any future trainings, just like this one. Good enough.
Channel: Elise Darma
Views: 466,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to set up ig shop, how to set up instagram shop, how to set up instagram shop with shopify, how to set up instagram shopping shopify, how to set up my instagram shop, how to add my shopify products to instagram, how to add products instagram shop, how to add products on instagram post, how to add products to instagram catalog, how to add products to instagram from shopify, how to create shoppable posts on instagram, how to enable instagram product tagging, elise darma instagram
Id: W9x31rb3fNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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