How To Set Up Google Workspace Business Emails | Google Workspace Tutorial

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Google workspace is an all-in-one Suite of business apps and collaboration tools designed for all shapes and sizes of business it's also a popular email service for setting up business emails for your entire team this means your organization can shift away from unprofessional emails that end with to professional and custom emails using your business domain hey guys Stuart here welcome along to this channel I hope all is well on your side of the world now in this Google workspace tutorial for beginners I'm going to gently take your hand and walk you through the step-by-step process of actually setting up your professional business emails for your entire organization with a custom domain name using Google workspace okay so before we go ahead and dive into the setup process consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this Channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with this skills knowledge and tools to help your small business Thrive online and with that quick note out the way let's go ahead and launch into Google workspace [Music] okay so getting started with Google workspace in order for us to set up professional business emails for our entire organization we first need to head over to our browser and type in or feel free to click the link in our description below this video and that's going to take you here then simply navigate over to products over on the left hand side and then navigate down and click on see all apps and if we navigate down the page this is where you can view all the different applications that you'll get inside your Google workspace account each of your Google workspace users will have their own set of applications within their account now this Google workspace tutorial is all about initially setting up your account and setting up your professional business emails however in another tutorial that will link down below that you can watch after you've completed this tutorial we'll dive deeper into Google workspace and how you can get the most out of all the different features that Google workspace has offer okay so with that covered let's go ahead and get started with Google workspace to get started simply navigate over to the top right hand corner and click on start free trial Google workspace offers a 14 day free trial to help you get started and set up your Google workspace account and identify if this platform is going to work for your organization so go ahead and click here then navigate down and add your first name and your surname then simply click on this Arrow go ahead and add your current email that you use for business then again navigate over to this Arrow once you've added your email then go ahead and identify the size of your team I'm going to go ahead and click on a small team two to nine people then here Google workspace will ask what domain name you want to use to set up your Google workspace account you can come down and choose an existing domain if you already have a domain for your business or you can navigate over to a new domain and purchase a new domain through Google domains now if you currently do not have a domain name for your small business what I'll do is add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description that will guide you through the process of how you can choose the right domain name for your business so go ahead and check out that tutorial if you currently do not have a domain name again like I mentioned you can come down and choose a domain name through Google domains or you can use another provider this is completely up to you and Google workspace will walk you through the process of actually connecting that domain name with your Google workspace account now I already have an existing domain so I'm going to go ahead and click on select so I'm going to go ahead and add my domain name and here that I purchased earlier from Google domains so like I mentioned if you already have a domain name add that in here now then come down and click on continue and this is the domain that I want to use so I'm going to go ahead and click on continue and if you purchased your domain from Google domains Google workspace makes it super easy for you to initially set up your account with your domain now here what we want to do is set up our first professional business email to do that simply navigate up to username click here and ideally what you want to do is add the name that this email is associated to so I'm going to go ahead and add my name Stuart now you might be wondering about creating a username that's different to your name for example sales at admin at or help at but what you can do with each of your emails like this is add email aliases that you can use with your main account so for example for me what I do is create this email here this business email and I could be the sales manager so what I would do is add an email Alias that is sales at and don't worry I cover how you can add email aliases to your account in the following tutorial the one that we've linked down below okay so once you've added your username come down and add a password then simply click I'm not a robot and then come down and click on educate your users and Google workspace will send information to your new users that you add to your Google workspace account to help them get started with their account you also have the option to click here share ideas with Google based on your usage I'm going to skip that and come down and click on create account and continue to check out and if you're asked to add your payment details go ahead and add those details remember you're on a 14 day free trial so if you decide you do not want to use Google workspace you can simply cancel before those 14 days and you won't be charged then come down and click on next and then next again then Google workspace needs to verify the ownership of your domain simply navigate over to next and then Google workspace will give you the option to add additional accounts for your other users we're going to go ahead and click next and then we can activate our Gmail account go ahead and click on Finish First what we want to do is navigate up to protect okay so we need to add a verification code to the DNS records of our domain here to do that come down and click on I'm ready to protect my domain then click on sign in to verify okay then navigate up to the far right hand corner and make sure that you have the correct Google account selected the Google account that you use to purchase this domain through Google domains I have the right account selected so I'm going to come down and click on ADD and as you can see all set Stuart at Pat's Pizza is now an owner of Pat's Pizza so I'm going to go ahead and click on go to workspace and as you can see we've gone ahead and completed the domain setup for Pat's which is the domain we purchased through Google domains it's as simple as that to set up now if you're using a different domain provider Google workspace will walk you through the process of setting up your DNS so that your domain works with Google workspace then once you've set up your domain you can come down and create a new user so the moment we have Stuart at Pat's I can go ahead and click on Create and create additional users and their email however in the following tutorial which I've linked down below I'll show you how you can create additional users from inside your admin panel and then below that we can activate our Gmail for Pat's now it can take up to 60 minutes for your email to be active all you need to do is navigate over to activate and then all you need to do is come down and click I'm ready to activate Gmail and just like that it's as simple as that to set up your Google workspace account and set up your professional business email okay so what I'm going to do is quickly go ahead and click cancel for now and then navigate up to the top left hand corner click these three lines and come down and click on home and that's going to take us to our admin home and this is where you can manage everything to do with your Google workspace account to arrive at your Google workspace admin you can simply head over to your browser and type in and then then all you need to do is sign in with your email and password the one that we just created you can also navigate over to the far right hand corner and click on Google apps and this is where you can locate all your different apps for this account if we navigate down further you can find the admin panel here and that will also take you here inside your admin account now if you haven't set up your billing yet simply navigate over to setup billing then navigate down and click on get started and as you can see we're currently on the Google workspace business standard and I'm going to show you how you can downgrade to the starter plan come down and click on checkout and then simply add your details and then come down and click on place order remember you're on a 14 day free trial so if you decide you don't like Google workspace you can always cancel before those 14 days and you won't be charged okay so because this is just a tutorial what I'm going to do is head back to my admin panel and back under admin what we can do is navigate over to billing and come down and click on subscriptions then simply navigate over to add or upgrade a subscription and then simply come down to Google workspace business starter now the main difference with all of the different paid plans is the amount of storage that you have available and the number of users you can add to your Google workspace account so for most small businesses the Google workspace business data is sufficient enough come down and click on start free trial and then if we come down what we're doing is switching from the Google workspace business standard to the Google workspace business starter to do that simply navigate down and click on get started and again we want to use the 14 day free trial then come down and click on checkout and then place order and as you can see we've purchased the 14 day free trial for the Google workspace business starter again you can navigate up to setup billing if you want to add your payment details and you want to use Google workspace following the 14-day trial and to add additional uses simply navigate over to directory over on the left hand side and come down and click on users and then navigate over to add new user again we're going to cover all this information in the following tutorial which I've linked down below that will dive deeper into Google workspace however that is everything you need to know to initially set up your Google workspace account for your organization and there we have it guys that is it for this Google workspace tutorial helping you set up your professional business emails for your organization now if you have any questions about this process make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this tutorial all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like And subscribe to this Channel and that way I'll see you in the next video take care guys thank you [Music]
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 224,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google workspace, how to setup google workspace, how to setup google workspace email, setup business email on gmail, how to setup business email, google workspace for business, how to use google workspace for business, google workspace setup, google workspace tutorial, stewart gauld, business gmail
Id: JlszyJlyXgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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