How to Set Up a Welding Table That Works - Kevin Caron

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hey Kevin what are you doing max hi fence that goes taut on the front patio of a custom home over here in Scottsdale Arizona and it just goes on this little low wall it's right next to the big fireplace and it got a little seating area and the owner wants to be able as daleks come up from so we want some kind of little fence to go there to keep them from wander oh that's what I'm working on but what I wanted to talk about today because I've gotten a lot of questions about my workbench we're going to come from how did I make it what have I done to it so I thought let me show you what goes on down there so actually when I bought this place this table was out back kind of buried the corner under a bunch of junk this top sheet this is a one inch thick by 4 foot by 8 foot pieced plate that I originally had on my my lift table but then when I got the bigger cheaper over there I figure let me bring this this piece over set right on top of the table fits just like a chain why did you want to do that well because the original tabletop was only 8 inch plate it had several holes cut in it and it was all been important and every time I was well look right on top of it it would work even more so I never had anything really flat to work with if you want to build something that's going to stand on the ground you got to start with something squared you got to start with a flat something and I think well let me put that sheet up there once it's tacked on it's welded on you notice it's not going to go anywhere it's too thick to work at least for the way I work that gives me a nice smooth surface to start with so I added some gussets to the table because once I put this additional 680 something pounds worth of weight on the top of it of course now the legs themselves paddled in a wobble table have a little movement in it so added four gussets help stiffen everything up so one of the changes I made was I got four trailer ball with the nuts down at the scrapyard they found a whole bucket full of them so I made these brackets to go in welded them to the leg and then put the trailer balls in so once I got that on then I could just come in and level the table with a level both directions now I know if I build anything here it's going to be square it's going to be straight gonna stand up straight when I get it outside let's whip it around just flip also do you have it on all four legs oh yeah I added it to all four corners so that way if I ever want to move the table so I can move it and real Evelynn know if the table gets hit hard enough to move it about about 750 800 pounds does it move very often but I have bumped it but no that way I can level the table no matter where it is the other thing I added some rounds so if I want to work on something a little bit lower I could put them on here I can clamp it I can just give you a little more versatility so the next thing I decided I needed on this table and it really hasn't worked out pretty handy was a cutting table attached right to the bench itself so I can put a you know 4 by 8 4 by 12 before by 10 whatever you know I could put a big sheet on the table pick and support it I can drag it off onto this I can do my cutting here and then I can work on it from there how's that supported why it gets got some bars go in another one on the other side you just pick the bars up it holds a flat hold it straight level on top of the table now handy a little attachment there once it gets bugger it up finally so bad that if it's to work or out of shape or whatever I can just replace this top grill piece or replace the pieces one at a time so I can just keep rebuilding it over and over so it's always going to be here so other than added the Beverly shear on one end so I can cut my curves and shapes and metal and I've got a big vise on the other end for clamping and working and keeping things still while I'm beaten on hill the other thing I do on occasion is I'll come in with like the 70s grinder with about a hundred and fifty grit you know underneath something like that pad on it and just very lightly very flat I'll go across the top and get it need a little the little bumps a little bingo balls off of it doing the little weld splatter that may be on there just to smooth off the top again never never dig on it never get on it really hard because I want to keep it as flat as I possibly can it's great having a big heavy table like this because like with this piece where it's just a piece of a plate on the bottom it's going to get bolted to the top of the wall I can weld that piece of plate right to the bench everything stays still everything stays straight I can do all my work here when I'm done I just come back a couple little spot welds off just lightly grind them off get smooth again tables flat tables ready to go good I don't treat the table the purvey Brust because I'm always grinding on it bill I'm always working on the top of it and it's indoors and we just don't have any rain for the guys back east the guys up north who have more humidity especially if they have their table outside yeah then it becomes a bigger problem and you have rust issues and try to deal with I hope that answers your question I'll see you next time you
Channel: Kevin Caron, Artist
Views: 119,935
Rating: 4.7503805 out of 5
Keywords: how-to videos, how to videos, studio, tools, metal, steel, welding, fabrication, grinder, grinding, vise, sculptor, workbench, welders, work bench, warping, work table, steel plate, angle grinder, cutting table, worktable, spot weld, sanding pad, tack weld, beverly shear, kevin caron
Id: -YSUQgfkyAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2013
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