How To Make Queen Mating Nucs - Made SIMPLE

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hey it's Brandon brandsby's here so it is May 11th 2023 so what we're doing today is we're going to show you the second round of drafts of the cells that we're going to place in these main nukes so this is the second round so we're gonna show you the first round results about the middle to the end of the video so stick around for that but for right now we're going to show you how we place ourselves into these meeting nukes so we make two frame meeting nukes so we're just going to basically cut into how we like to set those up all right so we got our second round of graphs here so a little bit of bird come on this not a big deal this has some extra wax they're building so if you want to take a look at these here so I'm gonna set this down right here so we have two frames each so there's uh these are all split from dividers you can probably see through here so we got queen queen queen and we're gonna add this queen cell to this mating nuke so when we make these two frame maybe nukes there's two things I like to add one emerging bees coming out I always put the emerging bees closer in so they keep it warm throughout the box and two I always give them a little bit of honey so this some honey pollen usually a mix of the two so that way they can directly feed um or say the weather gets bad um it takes a while for the queen to mate and come back then um they can live off the stores for a little bit before um some other bees emerge because they have more mouths to feed so this is how I like to insert my hive so you can see they're already trying to chew her out to get to her so that's a good that's a good little sign there yeah see look this one's already starting to Fan because she's saying this is a good Queen here so I think that's interesting so give them a little bit of smoke just to get them down so these these um bees here have been queenless for about I mean these about yesterday so probably about 24 hours um what you want to do is you want to split or move these out of the way here uh give me one second I'm gonna take this glove off so if you put the cell down in right here and you don't want to smash any bees either uh Bob Beni always has a theory of Queen cells or Queens by smashed bees does not help with the take so then as you see just close it up over the Jay-Z Beezy cup and that's it you leave them right there they'll come and inspect it as they're starting to already and then you just close them up so keep it pretty simple give them bees emerging give them food to live off of we'll go back and check on these so that's the second round of graphs we're going to jump into our first round results so we're gonna cut through that right now all right so there's again a main nuke has four ways so there's a queen in each one of these so we actually had 75 take on this midi nuke specifically so what's really interesting about this is we grafted all these from Italian Queens so um these all came from the same Italian and I'll show you the differences on how they look some look a little darker some look completely like a uh Italian Queen it's really interesting here so all right so we'll go through we're looking for her this is the hunt looks like the honey frame we gave them I thought she's on this yeah that's all honey here so I'm gonna set this to the side and she's likely right on this other frame so we won't miss her when we get a finder believe me I don't remember right which color is which so if this is the dark one we might have have a second to find her but um so just so you can see or I could try to point it out here in the sun which I it's not a good angle here but all this is laid up in so there's eggs in almost every part of these cells here in the middle again hard to see with the with the Sun at the angle here but all right so we're where is she we see all of her evidence she runs and she's running from us here she run back to the other side oh there she is she's hiding in the corner all right where is she at there she is so this is interesting so I'll turn the camera a little bit so see she's like a dirty blonde type so she's she's definitely looks Italian but she definitely has that black hint of maybe mating with a couple carniolin drones it's interesting but that is what a mated Queen's supposed to look like and she's only laid about probably a full frame of eggs here but you could tell definitely not a virgin with the extended abdomen in the back so that's the first one we'll show you the comparison between the colors as far as uh the different queens and how they look so then to the next one okay so we're on to our second Queen here um you can see the first one has a lot of Italian look and this one if we get a good angle on her maybe she'll turn around here in the light perfect it she almost looks a combination of Italian and carnegal and like zebra striped um Italian corneal and mix and I almost make the joke of she's a a black-tailed queen because just after about halfway through her abdomen she's solid black on the tail tail in there but no she looks like a pretty good size um to me she's laid about half a frame here as she's trying to work around she is on this honey frame you can see here in the corner um it's white starvo honey flow she's not going to lay in this Frame because it is stored honey but you can see here in the corner it is the star of a honey flow so that's the second one let's get into the Third all right so we've got the third Hive here this one must be further along I must have grafted an older larva because this is already um this Queen's already made to come back laid and this is larva stage now so this is probably at least two or three day old varva at the bottom of these it might be hard to see if you look close enough here after I zoom in here you can definitely see The larva hanging out at the bottom of these cells so this must have been one of the bigger graphs um there she is so this is what I was talking about when she actually looks like the Italian Queen the most out of all three of them in my opinion she has a little bit of a black tail not much but she looks good she's running around definitely extended abdomen she's laying up a storm and it's larva already so she's looking pretty good so not too shabby and this is usually the part where I can talk about the stages of the queen themself so so this is the most useful graphic I've been able to find so basically what I like to we talked about um the cell Builder the graphs and now this is the cells himself so day four or five is usually when you like to graft your larva um then cells are sealed usually about day eight again depending on when you grafted these and then as we go out um I like to move my cells around day 11 to 14 just because it's um long enough so they've hardened the cells but then it's early enough to where the Queen's not exactly chewed her way out yet so the 14 to 16 uh she hatches and then I think um depending on weather such as temperature and wind conditions is the next six days from day 16 to 22 is when she has the opportunity to actually mate it's really hard because we've had some bad weather conditions and these Queens seem to do pretty good themselves now that we're going to the honey flow and then earliest I think I've seen some spin wheels talk about or calendars day 25 you start to get um eggs um this one talks about day 27 but this is extremely useful take a screenshot of this this is the biggest thing that's helped me out specifically for my queen um my drafts and mating nukes so if if this is a little bit helpful um screenshot this all right thanks for watching if you learned one thing in this video click the Subscribe Button as we leave it in the corner here um as we always like to say it's our first year Journey on YouTube so we really appreciate you watching and follow along as a good third Journey if you haven't seen it already here's our grafting video we'll leave here in the corner followed by our sailboaters up here if you have any questions leave a comment I said we always take uh comments in the section if not you learned one thing leave a like on the video thanks for watching
Channel: Brandon's Bees
Views: 25,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mating queen bees 2023, 2 frame mating nucs, how to set up a queen mating nuc, how to raise queens 2023, how to raise queen bees 2023, setting up queen mating nucs 2023, queen mating nucs 2023, queen cells 2023, queen rearing 2023, two frame mating nucs, two frame mating nucs 2023, mating queen bee, honey bees 2023, how to install queen cells 2023, introducing queen cells 2023, setting up queen cells, queen bee laying timeline, how to mate a queen bee, beekeeping 2023, queen
Id: V2Vx2oJlguU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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