How To Set Up A Home Photography Studio + Equipment You Will Need (COMPLETE BEGINNERS GUIDE)

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so you're thinking about starting your own home photography studio well i'm here to help you out with this video in this video i'm going to be explaining my setup and i'm also going to be going over all the equipment that i use for studio photography so if you're trying to get into studio photography you're definitely going to want to check out the equipment that i'm going to mention in this video stay tuned what's going on youtube a train here bringing y'all another video so before i get into all the equipment i want to first start off by saying you do not need a professional photography studio if you're trying to do studio photography i do studio photography out of my own home i will set this up in the living room like i have now i'll set it up in one of our spare rooms or in the garage so you do not have to have a whole professional setup to get good studio photography work and i'm just saying this because i don't want you to think you need a whole big fancy setup to actually get started with studio photography [Music] all right so now let's talk about the equipment that you're gonna need for studio photography so everything that i mentioned in this video i'm gonna link it down below in the description so if you wanna check out any of these pieces of equipment just head down to the description and you should be able to find it so the first thing we're going to talk about is this stand so listen you do not need a very expensive stand all you need is a little cheap stand i got this from amazon it was probably around 40 bucks but it's super cheap but it does the job all i needed to do is just hold up my backdrop you know it's lasted for a while so you don't need nothing crazy expensive so with this one you can adjust the height on it and you can also adjust the width at the top so if you're looking for a stand you definitely want to check that one out so as far as the backdrop i'm using seamless paper i think this is savage seamless paper has worked really good for me this is a black they have all kinds of colors you can choose from and this is one of my favorites right here i love this color right here so you know think about this you could just you know roll it out like i have it up here with the clips so you could just roll it out and roll it back up to save space and if you have parts that are messed up you can just cut it off so i really like this paper also with the stand you're definitely going to want to invest in some sandbags so i got these from amazon also you don't want your stand to tip or fall over i have had mine fall over before it didn't hit the client or nothing like that i was just sitting up and fell over so you definitely want to invest in something like this so you could weigh down the bottom the bases at the bottom so you won't have to worry about it hitting your client because listen if it hits your client you don't want that to happen that's going to be a bad day so you definitely want to invest in something like this this comes in like a pack of i think like four or six so this is you definitely want something like this all right so next up we're going to talk about this little attachment and stand and this is a reflector right here so what i use this reflector for is to fill in shadows so if i'm doing head shots i will usually place this under my client to fill in those shadows and maybe if you just need a little fill light from the side you could easily place this to the side of your client to bounce light or to add some feel like so you definitely want to invest in a good reflector and this is the attachment that i have which it really comes in handy because you could just set this up under your client instead of having somebody hold it or having to set it up and you know just kind of rig it up so i really like this stand right here and it just makes it easy to use a reflector like this because you don't have to worry about holding it or having you know somebody else hold it so i highly suggest getting this little attachment right here and this is just a regular tripod that you attach the attachment to right here so now we're going to talk about soft boxes so this is something that you definitely need if you're going to be shooting studio photography this is going to diffuse your light and soften your light so you need this to pit over your flashes so i use glow i love this brand and i have a full review this is my favorite one right here super big so i'm not going to open it up what i love about these is they're already set up the rods are already put in so you really just press this button down in the middle and it's set up you put on your diffusion layers and it is good to go this comes with two layers of diffusion you have a reflector plate and it comes with a grid also so and it comes with a cool case to put this inside so this is my favorite right here i highly recommend this you're definitely going to want a big soft box because the bigger the softbox i found the softer the light and just the better that the light looks and i also like soft boxes that have the silver lining in the inside i just like the details and the lighting that the silver gives off and this is another glow ez lock that i use this is the 20 i think it's the 21 inch deep parabolic i'll put some photos on the screen of me using this one but this is a smaller one so if you don't want something as big as the 42 inch you can definitely use something like this this can produce some good results also it comes with the same layers of diffusion a grid reflector plate and it has the silver lining i just love how the silver inside looks versus the white lining in the inside it's just better details better contrast just looks better to me i have a full review for the 42 inch glow i'm going to link that in the description and in the card up top if you just want to know more you know in depth about that specific soft box check out that review alright so now we're going to talk about lights because if you're shooting studio photography you need good lights you need good flashes so what i use this is my main key light that i'm using for studio photography this is the ad400 pro now with something like this this is expensive i think it's around 600 you don't have to get something like this if you're just starting out it took me a while i've been doing photography for about four years it took me a while to get something like this but you definitely want to invest in a good powerful strobe light and this is what you get with the ad400 pro it has a lot of cool features it even has the modeling lamp feature so if you want to get into continuous light you could just use your modeling lamp so it'll help with your exposure and you won't have to make as many adjustments because you can already see how your subject is exposed if you're using constant light so i really really love that feature with the ad400 so like i said this is very powerful you don't have to get something like this but if you just want to level up your studio photography you definitely want to check out this light right here and i have a video on my channel where i talk more in depth about the modeling lamp feature and i show a behind-the-scenes shoot of me using this flash so i'm going to link that in the description also and in the card up top if you want to check that out and this is the stand that i have this light on this is one of my favorite stands this is a heavy duty stand it has a huge base at the bottom and i really like the stand because i don't have to worry about my light falling over and when you're using bigger strobes like this you definitely want you know not one of these cheap stands like this but something that's heavy duty because you don't want your lights to fall over and break and i've had that happen before and i don't want that to happen to y'all so you definitely need to invest in a good tripod this is a great tripod big bass heavy duty perfect for big strobes like this so now we're going to talk about some more flashes that i use and with studio photography you definitely want to invest in a couple of lights maybe two or three lights because you can get more creative and do different setups when you have more lights so that's something to think about you know just how far you're trying to go with your studio photography because you're definitely going to want to get more lights than just having one light so this is a speed light this is the godox tt685 this is specifically for sony now with these godox is compatible with all brands i think like canon fuji all those nikon all those brands so make sure and you'll see it has a little letter at the end s stands for sony so make sure it's compatible and you get the right one for your specific brand of camera that you're using with these speed lights i'm not using this for my main light like i was saying earlier for your main light you want something powerful like a strobe like the ad400 pro or even this godox 200 that i'm going to talk about in a minute with the speedlite i have a couple of these i'm usually using this for my rim lights so my rim light is pretty much creating more separation from the background with my studio work and i love the look that it gives off it gives the photo more of like a 3d type look now this is the ad200 this is one of my favorite strobes i love this strobe you can see the size it's about the same size as the speed light but it's more power so as far as power this is between the strobe and it's more power than the speed light so that can give you an idea about the power that you're gonna get for something like this this is like a smaller strobe i do use this as my main light sometimes because it does have a good amount of power it's not as powerful as this big strobe right here but it is stronger than a speed light so if a speed light is not powerful enough for you but you don't want to invest in something huge like the ad400 pro you can check out something like the ad200 by godox i love godox you see that's all my lights it's just a great company a great brand they're compatible with all different types of camera brands so i love godox and also i forgot to mention that this to show y'all has a rechargeable battery and also the ad400 pro has the rechargeable battery too so that really comes in handy and the batteries last for a long time like it's not one of those things you know when you're done with the shoot the battery is drained you could use these for multiple sessions and not have to charge them at all next up i want to talk about triggers so this is something that you're going to need to work your flashes and connect them and control the power the output of your flashes with this trigger so this is the godox x-pro s i love the big screen easy to navigate through i love this one they have other ones but i like this one because the screen is so big and you can navigate with within your different groups easily so if you're using multiple flashes it's easy to go to those flashes and change the power on the screen make sure you get a trigger because you're going to need this trigger to connect your flashes and to work your flashes and stuff you have to get a trigger now with some speed lights you can use them as a trigger but i don't like the menu system on the speed lights as far as using that as a trigger to control your lights in multiple lights i love this trigger right here because the menu layout is so much easier trust me and it's just easier to navigate and control different lights especially when you're using you know like a two or three four light setup you definitely want to trigger alright so this right here is called a s bracket so you attach this to your tripod at the top this is how you put your flashes in it just like this you tighten that and then it has this little handle so you can change uh it's not working there it is but you can change the angle of your flash too so for your speed lights and something like the ad200 you might want to look into getting the s bracket to mount that on top of your tripod and it's super cheap so now we're going to talk about lenses so this is my main lens that i use for studio photography this is the tamron 28 to 75 f 2.8 tamron is a great third-party company if you're using the sony system i'd shoot with the sony a7 iii then tamron lenses are great and they're usually cheaper than the native sony lenses so if you don't want to drop a bunch of money on the sony lenses you can look into you know a third-party company like tamron even samyang they have good lenses at a cheaper price so that's just something to think about i love this for studio photography because of the range and i love using zooms because i can change my focal length very quickly instead of having to you know take off my lens and stuff like that kind of interrupts the shoot so that's why i like zooms for studio photography i can change easily you know i can go to 50 35 75 so i like that flexibility with this lens right here and this lens is tack sharp i actually have a full review on my channel i'm going to link that in the description also and in the card up top if you want to check it out something to think about with your lens though for studio photography is where your setup is you know it's something to think about because maybe you won't have a lot of room so you may not be able to use like longer lenses like a 85 a 135 so you really have to think about your setup because we don't have a lot of room in here so this really comes in handy even in the garage i can't scoot back super far so that's just something to think about before you purchase a lens for your studio photography how much room you have to work with with your setup so if you got some value from this video please smash that like button like i said earlier all this equipment is going to be linked in the description down below and i also have more videos that you might find helpful in the description also so check those videos out subscribe to the channel i post new content every single week on my channel i talk about photography the business side of photography i talk about equipment from time to time so if you're interested in that subscribe to the channel thanks for watching i will see y'all in my next video peace
Channel: Adrian Lard
Views: 125,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adrian Lard, photography youtuber, photographer, home photography studio, studio photography setup, studio photography setup lighting, how to build a home photography studio, how to build a home photo studio, studio photography equipment, studio photography equipment list, studio photography equipment for beginners, home photo studio setup, home photo studio setup for beginners, home photo studio tour, beginner studio photography equipment, beginner photography studio setup
Id: _3QlCw2x60g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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