How To Set Up a FiveM Server With ZAP Hosting | Configuration & Resource Installation

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hell no buddy thank you all very much joining me on this new video today we're going to be having a look at how you can set up your own 5em server using the zap host 8-week is specifically geared to be having a look at how you can set up your zap hosting server making lists all scripts and other vehicles to your server and how you can configure it to your liking so to start off with you're going to have to need a zap hosting account and obviously you're going to need to purchase a server and on zap hosting so if you haven't done any of those yet so you can use the link in the description down below so you go over zap hosting and get an account there there you can get your own 5em server pretty cheap you can see the price on the home page you might not be up to date for what you see now and you pay per slot so once you've bought your GTA 5 RM server you can go over to the web interface as you can see I've already purchased mine we'll be going over to the web interface now and once that loads up you'll see that I've got my own GTA 5 M Linux server you can see the IP over there as well which is all perfectly fine what we're going to do is we are going to go over to my game servers and the GTA 5 I've a modern linux server so once you click that you're going to be greeted with the web interface that SAP hosting has to offer you so you can see all your server details over here I got the location Saito's IP number of players etc you see the performance that the server is offering you at the moment and then on the left here you've got your dashboard your messages and a lot of other things you can use to install and configure your 5em server to your liking so when you've only just bought your server your server will be offline you can see I just put mines offline to get your settings configured to the proper defaults you want to run your server once so you gonna do is you're gonna click the start button and it's gonna start your server for use you can see starting and then once this cog finishes and it's a started that means that you're all ready to go so now I could technically go on to fire them and connect to this IP address and I'll be able to connect to my very own five M server once you've done that just turn it back off again this will have initialized all the settings to the proper values and you can go over to the information panel over here to configure them over to your liking so we're currently on the dashboard the first thing we are going to be looking at is the settings that's really going to give you the checking your browser just give that a moment to load up you can see here you can configure the settings you can configure the game port the custom slots and then you can also configure the server name as well as the Archon password and the database so most of these should be pretty self-explanatory if you want to change your server name you can do so here you can also leave this blank to mainly configure it later we'll just change it something else so we'll just change it to that host thing elbow 1 1 2 valve tutorial I would actually recommend trains of the Archon password as well so just change this to whatever you like I'm just going to put elbow at the end just to make that a bit more custom to myself let's click the Save button there again and then that's gonna have say that all you're able to go on to the next bit which is going to be the configs so the configs allows you to change all the various conflicts you have in your server which in most cases is just going to be the server dot CFG now if you've ever run your own server on a VPS you'll be quite familiar with this you can quite simply hit the Open File button and then you're going to be able to see what exactly the deal is with your server over here so as you can see at the top you've got a number of settings that are automatically configured by ASAP hosting such as the ports the IP and also the database connection detail so you don't really wanna touch these these are all set by the Zappos thing properly and then over here you can see you've got all the resources that you're going to pretty much want to have by default you can take some of these out for example if you don't want the player names you can decide to take that out I'm just gonna leave it in so if you have any custom resources that you're gonna install you're gonna put them below this line so we're gonna do some of that a little bit later but then for example if you wanted to add one you can just type to start and whatever the name of the resources for example jailer and then that'll automatically load the jailer when you start the server so I'm just gonna take this out here for now obviously we haven't actually installed the jail yet script hook allowed so depending on whether you want script or not you can set this to 1 or 0 if you set it to 1 people will be allowed to run scripts using script hook and they've got a whole lot of other things you can configure as you see the server name has not yet been updated because I don't actually run the server since I changed it that will automatically update when I do run the server you've got disabled announcing which we are gonna do because I don't really want this to show up on the server list yet so now we can only direct connect to it you'll actually see it in the server lists and the rest of this looks fine now something you might be used to from running your own server on a VPS is that you need a server key or a license key you don't actually need to put one in here because this is a certified partner that hosting is a certified partner with via them as of at the moment so you don't actually - worry about doing a license key thing here and then once you've configured all the sexy liking you're gonna click Save and that's gonna say that for you now as he's for earlier the server name had not yet been updated since we changed it in the settings area so what we're gonna do is we're just going to hit the start button here and then that should update the relevant settings it was going to wait for that startup and then we're going to open the server dot C of tree once again now we're going to open the server dot CFG file once again never the server has now the server started up and while we scroll down you'll be able to see that the server hosting name has indeed changed what we set it to earlier and so is the icon password so do bear in mind that if you make any changes in the settings you're gonna have to start your server for those changes and actually take effect in the serve dot c FG and with all that out of the way you can pretty much go and connect to your server you have any resources yet other than the default ones but it's playable you can connect to it and if you'd like to you can just keep it like this and run our default server but most people probably including yourself are going to want to install custom resources such as scripts vehicles peds some tough like that so we're gonna do is we're going to have to go over into the resources it's gonna check my browser again right off that to complete and as you can see the Zap hosting plug-in installer actually allows you to install a number of these plugins with one click so you can see you got my sqli sync which is quite a important plugin depending on what other resource you want to run you've got a central mode you've got the done codes VRP pack you've got quite a lot of things mostly framework so you can install so if you want to put these in your game or your on your server rather you can click the install button up next to them and then it'll put them in there's an example which is going to install the MySQL async and I'm gonna have a look what that looks like and wait for that to install and as you can see it'll come up over here and say that the plug-in has been installed and got the progress bar over here to see how far it is with installing it says it's gonna be finished and that's all good and then once that disappears we're going to be going over to the server dot CFG once again as you can see now he'll say this version has been install so just be a bit patient with that before you start spamming the button because otherwise it might mess up you know go back to configs and then it should hopefully show that the mysql async has been added to the start up resources so open the server dot CFG here once again as you can see inserted through the Zap resource system start MySQL a sync that has been inserted there so my secure a sync will automatically start when you've run your server you don't have to worry about adding them to your so let's see actually manually anymore in addition to that you've obviously got the MySQL connection string at the top that we saw earlier this connects your very own database on a sap hosting so you can do this what you like in administrator as you like and it'll connect to that without any issues at all now the next thing we're going to be looking at is how to install resources that aren't included in this easy installer provided by SAP hosting an example we're going to be using the in Shaler that I actually wrote myself it is available only 5m forum for download so we're going to do is we're going to be going over into the tools and you're going to have to go over to ftp browser I'm also just really quickly going to turn off my server because I don't really want that to be running while I'm making changes to it just in case as you can see we're now on the FCP browser page your go your ftp details over here you're going to have to remember those for later I'm gonna black them out too because you don't need to see them you'll have your own and what you're gonna do is you're going to scroll down and then when you scroll down you'll see got the message here stop your server before you edit stuff so that's important you're gonna need an FTP client so I recommend just downloading the top one FileZilla you're gonna have to click on the download button and then you'll be redirected to the files in a website you're gonna have to download that to be able to access the files on your server so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click download FileZilla client that's gonna down it up for me 64-bit windows and then I'm just gonna hit the normal download so say that wherever you like you see you've got it in the bottom left on my chrome here I'm just gonna hit that and that's gonna install for me as you can see now FileZilla client has been set up once you've run through the installation I'm gonna hit the start FileZilla now so once you've opened FileZilla you're going to see at the top that you've got host username password port it's going to enter those you're going to be able to again to find those on the 5em zap hosting FTP page so screwed up to your details and fill them in so the host is going to be the same as the IP you see in your details up over there then obviously your username and password is going to be pretty self-explanatory as is the port Oh Phil Matier and then hit the quick connect button now once you've clicked the Quick Connect button you're gonna be asked if you want to remember the password you can probably do this just to make it a bit easier to connect with yourself obviously you don't want to you don't have to see and click that option as well now you guys gonna hit OK as you can see here we've got on the right-hand side the contents of our zap hosting server so if we go into here you'll be able to see that we've got a number of folders and also files over here we're going to go into GTA 5 5 m don't touch the other ones and then as you can see here we've got the five M server so we're gonna go over into server data and this is really where you're only gonna be doing stuff so go over into or whatever the folder name is there GTA 5 5 m and then serve a data and this if you've ever run your serve on a VPS is what you'll probably recognize as being the file M server that you want to configure so you've got the server dot C F G here that we were editing before you've got an icon that you can change whatever you like and you've obviously got your resources folder which is what we are going to want to configure to our liking so if we go into here you'll see that we've already got the default resources as well as the MySQL async a resource that we installed using the SAP hosting installer earlier so this is good and then on the left hand side I've currently got that my PC files open I'm currently in my K drive and then I've Em's app folder Ouiser and it's gonna be downloading the resources aren't gonna install for the purpose of this tutorial obviously to install the resources we need to download them from somewhere first so you can animate them yourself where you could download them from the 5m forum I'm gonna never get over to the 5m Orem and then I'm gonna go over to my jailer a resource and we're gonna install it into here now as you can see we're on the download page of the jailer that I created you've got commands McDiarmid chat and the changes our winds could have the download button and I'm gonna save over in my 5m there's app folder in my clay drive I do recommend having some kind of separate folder where you keep your 5m staff just to make it a bit more organized for yourself and hear that and then the zip is gonna be over there and I think we're gonna have to hit the refresh button it'll show the 5m zip it'll show the jailer does it rather over on my PC in my k5m SAP folder obviously as we can see the jailer is set a zip file so what we're going to want to do is extract that zip file you can do this using your favorite extraction software you can use on WinRAR 7-zip or whatever you prefer I'm gonna use 7-zip and I'm going to extract it over to the Jaya folder as you can see that's gonna create the jailer folder over here and then we are going to be having all the files that you need over in that folder so we're going to go back to art FileZilla ours gonna have to hit the refresh button again and as you can see now we've got the jailer folder over on the left here in our 5m as that folder the files are in there so what you gonna want to do is you're going to want to make sure that you're in your resources folder on the server as we are at the moment and then you're gonna want to right click this it uploads and then as you can see it will say all files have successfully been transferred as you can see now we also have a jailer folder over on the right here you can open that and as you can see you've got all the necessary files up over there now going back to our sap hosting web interface remember that we have installed this jailor using the FileZilla so it won't have automatically been added to the server dot CFG now you've got two options here you can either edit the server CFG using FileZilla which is fine you can do that you can right-click and hit the edit button and then you can edit it using your favorite text editor what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna use the 5m zap hosting web interface just to show you how to do it over in there so we're done over in the FileZilla area so what we can do is you can simply hit the disconnect button and then as you can see has been disconnected from the server we can now safely close the FileZilla program because it's hit yes there and then what we're gonna do is we're going to go back into our configs area and then it's gonna have a look for the configs over in here and wait for that to load up because you've got the server dot CFG so we'll hit the Open File button up there and then what we're gonna do is we're going to simply put our custom resources below this line so I hit go over there hit enter we'll say start jailor now make sure that the name of whatever your starting is exactly matching with the folder name so if it's capitalized at the beginning as the jailer is then make sure to start this with a capital letter make sure you match exactly once you've done that you can quite simply hit the Save button there once again as you can see is gonna be taking you back to the web interface area the server we ensure that we had offline before we edited the files with FTP so now that that is done we can quite simply hit the start button and then it's gonna start what we are gonna be doing now is we are going to be connecting to the server will give the jail script a try and then we'll see if that is all working or not and what the server looks like right now so what you're going to do is we're going to be copy pasting the IP address because we chose to hide it from the server list for the moment and then what we're going to do is where you're going to go over into our 5em and start r5m so once you've loaded your 5em you're going to go over into the Direct Connect area and you're going to be copy pasting the IP address we copied earlier you can see zapped hosting comma although our on T 5 tutorial is exactly what we want so we're going to hit the connect button and then that's going to download all this content and as you can see we've got the default loading screen in over here so it's going to wait for this to load up and then we're going to be connecting to the server obviously if you do want a different loading screen like you've probably seen on some other servers this is also a custom resource so you can install the custom UNIX ring it exactly the same ways we've just installed the jailer simply put it on your own PC in the follower that you've chosen to use 2-5 him as a posting and they use FileZilla to upload it over to the server and then it'll be used by 5m and they're in the servers you can see we're walking around we've got our scoreboard over here obviously we're in the server alone so is only going to show us at the moment and then what we're going to do is gonna see we can use our shell scripts so we're gonna type slash jail mate and as you can see that is putting us into jail as the jailer resource allows us to do and as you can see we're also gonna be in jail for the default of 180 seconds so what we'll do is well on jail ourselves using the default passwords which is PS WD you can change that in this Jaina resource if you want to and I'll play our IDs gonna be one as you can see that's going to be an jailing us and put occurs outside of the prison so you can see the server seems to be working out so you find every resource that we had installed appears to be working correctly and with that it pretty much covers everything you need to know about using an AB hosting web interface now we have pretty much covered everything that we need to accept the databases obviously if you want to use a database for example because you need to use it a resource you probably know what you're doing with it already I'm not going to go into how you can use MySQL or SQL I kind of thing all I'm going to do is show you how you can actually access your database via sap hosting if you want to learn how to manage a database and how to set it up properly to match the resource you are using then you're going to have to look at Oriel elsewhere there are plenty available on the internet to do that so that is rather beyond the scope of this video but we are going to have a look at the databases section over here so you'll be greeted with your database you've got your server database user and password that you can use to connect your database using your favorite software and it is included with every server for free which is very good you can also create another one if you want to so you can only connect to it again using your own software or you can click the manage button over next to the server and there you'll be taken to a PHP my admin interface that you can use to manage your database obviously you've got your or your typical what PHP my admin things over at the top and this is pretty much self-explanatory so if you want to know how to use it from here you're going to have to look up a separate tutorial on how you can use SQL with PHP myadmin this is how you access it from the sap hosting web interface you can also use this to create a backup and you've got all your backups and your usage of your storage space down on this page as well one of 32 players online obviously I'm still connected to it myself as you can see over here in the bottom left and everything appears to be working very well I've got the CPU uses RAM usage and slot users over here everything seems to be running very smoothly now the only thing you really want to know about before we end up the video is if you go over back to the web interface button you'll be able to see your five M server if you go over to the live console you're gonna be able to see all the things that are going on on the server you can also type in commands if I want to restart the jailor scripts I can simply type restarts jailer at the sent commands and as you can see that is going to automatically restart that as you can see up over here so it's going to restart the jailer stop resource and then Janus so that over here you can type in any icon command that you want to use and that you're probably used to running your own VPS server using the icon interface so over here you actually have to use ice con you can quite simply use their own built-in console which is actually a very useful feature I do recommend you using that if you're going to be uploading and editing a lot of resources in other words developing now that is going to conclude our SAP hosting tutorial vehicles can be installed in the same way as we installed the jailer resource obviously vehicles and peds and all that are really only just resources you've installed them in assets folder and then in a stream folder I will link a tutorial to that in case you don't know how to do that so make sure to check that out in the description below and with that I hope you all enjoyed this video make sure that if you're going to be creating an account with SAP hosting I get yes over there so you use the link down below in the description that would be very much appreciated obviously that is an affiliate link and myself so if you want to use that that'd be much appreciated and with all that out of the way I hope you enjoy the video I hope it helped you out if it did make sure to hit the thumbs up like button if you'd like to stay up-to-date with future content and tutorials as well as other videos you can click the subscribe button down below as well to stay up to date with the channel if you have any questions please do feel free to ask them in the comments below and if you have any specific questions as a posting they have a very good support service which in contact using the various support methods up over there and with that being said guys take it all very much for watching I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Albo1125
Views: 269,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fivem, fivem tutorial, fivem server, fivem server tutorial, fivem scripts, fivem scripts tutorial, fivem server install, fivem server vehicles, fivem server loading screen, fivereborn, fivereborn tutorial, how to setup fivem server, fivem server installation, fivem zap, zap hosting, fivem zap hosting, fivem zap server, zap hosting tutorial, fivem cops, fivem police, fivem roleplay, fivem server configuration, zap hosting resource, zap hosting install, fivem jailer
Id: McfxCe3O3Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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