Revealing My REAL Home Tour | IN LAS VEGAS

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all right come on in welcome to mtv cribs this is the casa so there's nothing here right now and the house is fully built it's completed even though it kind of looks like it's in the process this is the style it's kind of new york loft it's very open and let me show you just the kitchen first so this is the massive kitchen island it is huge although i'm not in love with it because whatever this is i'm not a fan of that granite so i'm gonna replace this but over here we have the tv it's the 10 inch flat screen i'm really proud of this one massive really flat i love it i love this tv now this is the security system there's like six or seven cameras came with the house cool and this is the rest of the kitchen so just for size scales you can see how how small i look in this kitchen it's huge so i don't know not much more to say it's pretty empty but this island right here is going to be extended a little bit maybe a foot and i'm going to replace all the cabinetry here because these are glossy cabinets i like them i like the hardware but they're glossy and i'm going to redo the whole kitchen island i'm going to put white calcutta marble slab material in the whole kitchen and here it's gonna be i think it's a chef's block it's like a brown bamboo material it's cool because it brings the outside in and it's gonna look super cool and then this whole island i'm gonna reshape into a 90 degree island with the waterfall feature i love that thing it's like a waterfall quartz or white marble it looks super cool and then the cabinets are going to be a little bit darker maybe dark blue or maybe black nice contrast all right so let's move on in this is the garage but there's nothing to see here it's a two-car garage um the house itself by the way is 4 300 square feet so it's a huge huge house so let me show you the rest of the living room oh this thing this is super cool this is a giant mirror just so you can see size wise comparison this is me and this is the mirror this is from restoration hardware but anyway i'm gonna leave it here that's cool i love this wall this is one of my favorite things about the house this it just looks super cool it looks like the outside's coming in and this is my favorite part of the house is the windows right here it's super super open and we're gonna couch goes here and this is a projector screen that's going to be put here it's actually i'm not going to put a screen but you can see the projector is up there and this has a 5 speaker surround sound bose stereo system which crazy cost like 5 000 but it came with the house so that's super cool and uh besides that this whole thing right here the fire pit with this wall i'm gonna remove this entire thing i'm gonna remove this thing right here which is a closet so all of this is gonna go and instead i'm gonna put right here a three-way glass and this is gonna be a wine room so it's like a see-through wine feature it's gonna be super super cool and if you come on in right here here is our two bedrooms on the side they're flanked by the bathroom in the center so i'll show you this room first this is gonna be a guest room or maybe a podcast recording room i'm not sure this tv it's old but it came with the house so i'm gonna probably keep it and uh yeah it's not a huge room but what's super cool about this room is this right here i don't know if you could see it on video but it's uh it's a recording sound room so i guess i could just go in here and record some b-roll it's kind of creepy but it blocks out all the noise it's super cool so i'm gonna leave that here and use it for i don't know what and out here is the bathroom nothing special this is a shared bathroom between these two rooms and this is the other room where my roommate angelo i've known him since i was five years old he's gonna be here and it's a nice room but whatever you want and besides that let's move on forward i'm not a realtor so this is always awkward like oh let's go what do i do oh one of the coolest features by the way about this house is these windows it came every single window by the way this house comes with these electronic shutters so watch this activate barn door [Music] protocol all right so that's super cool but they break all the time and they're really expensive so that kind of sucks but let's go upstairs i love these railings i thought about changing them but i think they look pretty cool as they are so let's come upstairs look at these light fixtures they look like what's the style anyway all right so here is the rest of the house but not quite there's actually three floors this is the second story and this is the main living room which i love but i also hate at the same time because if you come with me this couch by the way came with the place i'm probably getting rid of it that right there super cool skylight i can't turn that off but it's just you know the sun is illuminating the rest of the house but what's cool about this room it's very open but it's not very private so i don't want to just put my bed here and sleep here because i just feel very weird about that besides you're going to hear everything which is weird and so i'm going to block this room out and i'm going to put what's called a critter style door divider which i'll throw on the screen right now it's kind of like a new york loft slash like london-esque kind of iron wall with all glass pane windows it's going to look super cool and this carpet is going to be replaced with wooden planks it's not going to be wood it's going to be uh the laminate material it's like a high end nine inch wide laminate plank material it's going to look super cool and out here we have a little patio nothing special this entire bathroom right here looks like this and i'm going to change a lot about it it looks super cool i want this fireplace gone it doesn't belong here and here we have the tub and here we have the his and hers on the opposite side and this is the shower looks like this and it's cool because it also has a skylight which is pretty cool and i'm going to redo this whole entire thing so i'll show you what i'm going to do so these cabinets are going to be replaced this entire backsplash for this entire bathroom is going to be changed to the same material that's going to be in the kitchen which is the white calcutta right in the back then this whole wall is going to be torn down and i'm going to put a glass panel enclosure put the tub inside the glass sitting on a bed of lake rocks like those smooth little gray rocks it's gonna look super duper cool and then if you come through you will see what are you doing in my house just kidding that was tyus he's actually helping me film this he's got a youtube channel who just thought it was funny but this is the coolest part look at this closet it's the size of my bedroom right now it's crazy that's what it is one of my favorite features about this is it has on both sides i've never seen this before i don't know about you but check this out one of the pull outs is this little laundry basket which you can just throw your laundry in take it out and then you know do your thing and it has one on the other side which i've never seen before this side is a laundry room so there's actually two laundry rooms one in the garage and one here crazy this this ac uses these giant filters which you can't buy at regular walmarts you have to order them online they're really really thick all right so let me now show you my favorite part of the house which is actually the dungeon no it's the it's the basement all right so now we're back on the main living room main living room floor and now let's go downstairs [Music] all right so this is the basement this is a shuffleboard that came with the house this thing is not cheap it's super echoey here by the way so i apologize these two chairs are gonna go inside my studio this whole wall is gonna be plastered with super cool art this pool table came with the house which i think i did the favor to the owner because getting this thing out of here it would probably cost way more than just leaving it here so this is the basement this is going to be kind of like the playroom the fun arcade room so check this out i haven't shown you where i'm actually gonna film my youtube videos but that's for a strategic reason because come with me this is gonna look super cool open sesame alright this is the secret room where my youtube studio is going to be so this is what it looks like it's pretty big [Music] yeah so on this side is going to be set one and the opposite side is gonna be set two and here in the center i'm gonna put those two chairs that you saw out there with some art behind here and a super cool chandelier so that way i can have guests over and maybe record podcasts and those are the two sides of the recording studio and this also came with a broken slot machine in case i get the urge because i live in vegas it's broken it doesn't work this thing right here i'm gonna get rid of because it's uh it was some dude's dungeon i don't know what that was about so let's just move forward along and all right now let me show you the backyard all right so follow me up the stairs [Music] this is the backyard so it's not a huge backyard but this is the sitting area the common area i'm gonna move these pieces of furniture upstairs to the other patio that's literally above me and then here we have this interesting water feature that looks like this yeah i don't know why that's there this is the more interesting part right here i thought it was a spa but it's like a foot deep so this little grotto right here i thought oh it has a little bar inside of there but it don't it's empty and totally useless i'm not sure why this is here so this whole entire thing this whole entire feature i'm completely getting rid of this whole entire backyard is going to be gutted the only thing i'm leaving are the trees because i think those are beautiful that's the backyard i'm going to make it look nice i don't really know exactly what i'm going to do to it but there's a lot of potential it's a nice sized backyard it's not massive but it's manageable you know i'm not making this up true story back in 2014 i was looking at that specific house not the same community not the same plan no that specific house i was making 50 000 a year for my last job and that house was obviously worth a lot less back then but i could not afford it still and i was telling myself you know andre if you just sold all of your dividend portfolio and all of your stocks you'd be able to put a down payment large enough to get an approval from the banks to get a loan that's big enough to actually buy the house but i also knew that if i did that i would be house poor i would have nothing else other than the house and the obligation and i would be stuck at my situation for the next 30 years and i would never be able to quit my job and i would also lose all the leverage i had to negotiate with my boss a higher salary because then he would know that i had a financial responsibility and i was stuck and i would have to accept my current situation no maybe your boss is not that ruthless or strategic but mine was it's one of the perks of working for a small business where everyone knows everything about everyone so i never bought the place someone else did and now seven years later that house is mine so let's talk some numbers they say never talk about politics money or religion so let's talk about how much this house cost me because these bible thumping democrats are raising taxes on me no i'm just kidding that's a joke please don't kill me the grand total and i'd love to have you comment down below and just guess how much you think that house is worth all right pause the video and welcome back okay so the grand total the amount that i paid for it was 735 000 which was 5 000 over the asking price cash money which i realize is not the smartest decision it's not the best thing i don't want to pay cash but i had to for reasons i'll explain but when i told this to my friends they're like cash congrats high five you're never gonna know what it's like to have a mortgage payment but that's not a good idea because now 100 of my equity is tied up in real estate at least in this case it's kind of a lot of money it's not a little bit and i would have rather put down 20 or 147 000 and kept the other eighty percent or five hundred eighty eight thousand dollars in my bank account because then that's cash that i could have buffered to use for taxes which is very important or i could have used it to invest in the stock market or buy bitcoin with there's a lot of opportunity cost there for paying cash that also if the house is worth less in the future and i want to cash out refi to then withdraw something like 80 to then invest into something else if that house is worth less two years from now well then guess what i would only be able to take out what the house is worth then not what i paid for it so that's the other unfortunate thing now ideally that doesn't happen because obviously real estate should increase with time but obviously 2008 proved everybody wrong so now let me explain exactly why it's generally not a good idea to pay cash and why i did it anyway it was a cash offer because number one i don't have two years worth of stable income because remember i didn't make my youtube channel until january of 2019 and i didn't fully incorporate into an llc until the middle of 2020. so technically i won't even be eligible for a loan until the middle of 2022 which i'm super happy about because if i did get a loan i would have got way more house than i needed i would have bought that house from blue heron because let's face it that house is like over five million dollars and who needs five million dollars worth of house i want it but i certainly don't need it so for now i'm super happy with 4 300 square feet which is plenty big enough for me and i could hire a live-in editor if i need to and still have space which i definitely need to and i think over time it'll definitely increase in value especially because it's just seven minutes away from the strip it's centrally located five minutes away from the raider stadium which is this new stadium that vegas is building so i'm super excited about it and i just really got lucky because also this is a hundred seventy dollars per square foot which is an incredibly good deal in vegas anything that's 200 a square foot or less means that you're generally getting a good deal it's just a general rule of thumb it doesn't apply for everything some houses especially in henderson or summerlin where all the californian people are moving to especially if it's a single story home that's gonna ask and command a premium for but for now i'm super happy especially because i got so lucky on my timing because march the following month after i bought it the whole las vegas market inventory just dried up there's nothing for sale anymore in the resale market i mean there is but it's so low that all the prices have skyrocketed and all the new home builders have started increasing 10 on all their prices and people are bidding over the asking price five to ten percent and they're all offering cash it's crazy what's going on so i'm super happy with the house and everything that happened the way that it did thank you so much for making this happen i seriously could not be here without you watching my silly youtube videos so thank you for joining me on this journey hopefully you continue watching this financial journey from beginning to wherever it's going to take us and in the meantime love you thank you so much again i will see you back here on monday and friday sometimes a wednesday don't forget to grab up to 250 dollars worth of free bitcoin using this blog file link right here forward slash andre go deposit 100 with weibull and get two free stocks each of which can be valued up to sixteen hundred dollars and once you get them go track them automatically with my spreadsheet link down below on my patreon love you i'll see you soon take care
Channel: Andrei Jikh
Views: 434,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: investing, investing for beginners, investing in your 20s, how to invest, how to invest in real estate, how to invest in stocks, stock market investing, stock market investing for beginners, stock options, robinhood app, best stock trading app, how to be a millionaire, how to be a millionaire in 3 years, credit card, credit cards for beginners, passive income, how to build wealth, how to build wealth in your 20s, home tour, house tour, andrei jikh, house tour andrei jikh
Id: iXtl0qAlVW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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