How To Set Goals and Plan Your Year | My step-by-step yearly review process

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hi everyone it's the first video of the year and that means only one thing for me at the start of 2021 it's time for my yearly review now as a freelancer it's really important essential in fact for me to set goals and reflect and plan for the year if you're watching this video you're probably interested in setting goals and you know planning and all of that stuff and that means that you are pretty much ahead of the majority of the population when it comes to a productive approach to your life in this video i want to share my three-stage process to doing a yearly review and setting goals and i've even got a notion template to help us do it [Music] well hello welcome to better creating if you've not been here before my name is simon and this channel is all about simplifying creative life in this video you can either grab a cup of tea i'm very british and chill watch enjoy and maybe think about how you might employ or be inspired by some of this or you could literally follow along pause the video as we go and do your yearly review with me in this video i hope that can help some of you i do it in three stages stage one is all about reviewing and learning from the previous year stage two is to visualize get a vision and plan for the future set some goals and stage three is to implement and follow through with that plan now when i say that you are ahead of the majority of the population it is quite remarkable how likely that is a great person called jay shetty check him out check out his channel he talked about an incredible study which i think puts into perspective the value of what this kind of process we're going to look at today can i can have now in 1979 some interviewers asked some harvard mba students how many of them set goals 84 set no goals at all right 13 of them set some goals but didn't write them down three percent actually committed their goals to paper and set about trying to achieve them now 10 years later they interview the same group of people this is unbelievable the 84 that didn't set goals were earning half as much as those that did so doubling your earnings and your potential for for income from the same education even more astounding was that the three percent that actually wrote them down were earning more money between them than the entire 97 percent of people that didn't write them down put together if that is not an argument for why this process is important and can be powerful in your life i don't know what is let's start with stage one understanding the past to change the future so here is my home screen on notion and this is my basic my life planner and i'm deciding to do my yearly planning in this now as you'll see in here if we go into it we have a template to work from you can do this on pen and paper it doesn't matter but if i can make it happen i will share it in the comments below let's see how it goes but i'm going to try and put that below for you so you can download it and use it if you're an ocean user first thing we want to do is essentially reflect now without identifying what has helped and hindered us in the last year we're not going to be able to be as intentional in the way we set goals and plan to action the following year um first of all what i'm going to do is list every single positive or every single win that's happened this year and they can be big and small doesn't really matter the important thing is we just list them it's a great thing to do it's a celebration of what's gone well um but the most important part of this is to then write lessons that we've learned from it if you're working along with video write your wins now you might find like i do it's useful to break this down into categories my personal categories that i use are people and relationships experiences that i've had actions and projects i've undertaken knowledge i might have gained events that have changed things and things and objects have added value to my life here are some of mine um you'll see i've also put in categories into the template to help it work and here are some of my lessons feel free to pause they're just examples but give you an idea then we're going to look at all the losses so the negatives this could really sting a bit right it's not easy but it's often where the gold is it's fine for us to be getting things wrong we learn from those things the mistake is when you're not admitting they're happening because then you're not improving so we're going to put down all of the bad things the losses the things that didn't go well the negatives big or small into this box and then alongside each one i'm going to put the lessons that i've learned so if you're following along let's do it here are a few examples of me writing losses and lessons that i've learned you'll notice i've also added health into the categories for this uh feel three to delete all of the negatives if you want but hold on to the lessons because the lessons of the things that list of letters that you have they're going to be the thing that will guide how we then set our vision and our plan so by the way if you are joining in and working along with me or if you're gonna do this once you finish the video hit that like button let me know below that you're getting involved stage two of my process is to create a vision and a plan as you'll see from my template here i've divided this into a couple of sections we've got vision key goals and then milestones for those goals now the vision the idea of vision visualizing what next year will be like i'm taking my cue here from gary keller and jay papasan and their great book called the one thing what's the one thing that you can prioritize that such that by doing it everything else is easier or unnecessary now i'm going to get us to adjust that and think about what is the one amazing thing that you want to happen this year now i'm not going to hold you to it you don't have to hold yourself to it right but what it does is it gives you that kind of sense of fundamental direction if you're joining in go for it pause the video have a think now next what we're going to look at is the setting our three big goals any more than that you're not actually being focused in your year you may have heard of smart objectives quite a famous approach to setting goals which is about the needing to be specific measurable attainable relevant and time-bound now that's very helpful but i actually think for these big life goals we don't have to be quite specific as that now i would suggest you can see in my template they need to be scary enough and big enough that they are reaching for something but equally they need to be achievable enough in your head and inspiring to you in that way that you genuinely believe you can make them happen otherwise you're just doing some kind of loose new year's resolution that you'll never actually realize i do think that first idea of a smart objective is important are they specific do they help you understand how it fits clearly into your life in order to achieve it you need to feel like it would be a specific thing that you're doing i've decided to set a range of goals in different areas so it might be about impact on the world and others or some practical things you want to make happen or it might be more personal and about your health and your relationships here are some of my examples don't hold me to them now the next part of this stage is to finally set down three kind of sub goals i call them milestones they're tangible specific things that you see yourself achieving or creating or making happen that will be the steps towards that larger goal now they might be smaller parts of a project whatever else it is but the more specific and tangible these things can be the better for you what this layer does is lets that bigger dreaming come down to the goals which are kind of visualizable but huge and then it breaks them down into things like okay i can see those as smaller projects that means over the year there's kind of nine things right that you're going to try and genuinely make happen do it if you wanted to go further with this stage something to do before moving on to the final stage is to try writing down all the obstacles you think could get in the way of achieving each of these milestones and then the solutions to them so that might be people to find or connect with tools or skills to gather or actions or further learning that you need to undertake it's one of the best ways that you can overcome things that seem difficult to achieve now we just have to put the plan into action james clear says in atomic habits we rise to the level of our goals but we fall to the level of our systems as in if we don't have a system in place to make it happen when it comes to the mess of getting it done daily if there's not a system we're kind of going to be a mess i think that's why a lot of people's new year's resolutions fail or projects aren't as effective as they could be because the systems and the actions and the habits that are put in place are not sufficient to reach the aim i want us now to reverse engineer our goals and our particularly our milestones into actions and habits we're going to ask these two questions what are the essential practical achievable actions you need to be doing to work towards the goal and how regularly do you need to be doing them so for each goal i've got in my template key actions so we're going to type those in or write those down and then you'll see under here we have a frequency which is either daily weekly monthly or quarterly and that is going to basically be our guide to build our weekly schedule here are a couple of quick examples of mine and feel free to pause the video you'll also see i decided to add a bi-weekly frequency the final stage then is for us to create a weekly schedule where we block out time to make sure we hit those key action points and because we've reversed engineered it it means that we know that these elements of time are going to allow us to get to those places so that means that you're literally scheduling things like time off to socialize if one of your key goals is to be closer to your friends and family it might also mean that you have put in a kind of a daily thing so you're going to build a habit tracker to go i'm going to make sure i can tick that off and hold myself to account to do that now all of this stuff i am actioning through the system that supports me which is this notion system if you've not seen it you might find some of the other videos on my task and project management system will be a really great companion to this process to help you realize that schedule and that kind of making this stuff happen well if you found this video valuable hit the like button let me know in the comments below how it's gone if you do go away and do it and and how it went loads more coming up exciting things on the channel including for the notion heads recurring tasks to manage your life could be useful and relevant to this if you're not subscribed hit the subscribe button turn the bells notification on so you stay connected with the channel for more videos like this look at that around productivity simple living being creative in today's world get off the device it's time for you to get some fresh air it's important okay i don't know why i'm being so aggressive bye
Channel: Better Creating
Views: 3,857
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Keywords: step-by-step yearly review, bettercreating, better creating, plan your year, goals notion, how to set goals, Notion, how to set goals and achieve them, how to set goals for 2021, goal planning template, 2021 goal setting, how to set goals in life, plan the year, yearly review tips, annual review tips, yearly review process, plan your year in notion, design your life, getting things done, new years resolutions 2021, daily habits, goal setting, 2021 goals, personal growth, Gtd
Id: tLKU74p_s30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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