Build This Daily Habit Tracker With Me | Step by Step Notion Tutorial

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[Music] getting off of that sofa right there has been a massive challenge for me recently but i managed to do it again today [Music] yes and one of the reasons that that worked was the habit tracker in this video i'm going to show you how to build a daily habit tracker in notion that tracks your progress and is beautiful to use both on your mobile and on your computer this is my daily habit tracker notion tutorial [Music] hi everyone welcome to better creating my name's simon if you've not been to the channel before it's all about simplifying creative life i make videos about simple living productivity and creating better content we are creating content today we're creating our own daily habit tracker in notion now if you didn't see my previous video on building routines and habit trackers you might want to check that out i give a tour of a couple of systems that i've been playing with in notion and the kind of thinking behind how they work come straight back here if you want to now build it so this is a step-by-step tutorial to build this perhaps the most satisfying and simple version of a habit tracker that i've come up with to put into a notion system today i'm going to show you how to build the basic system how we program the habit tracker secondly i want to show you how to build the dashboard view and that includes a template button where we place the habit tracker so that it's a one-click generation for each week you want to track and finally we'll make a simple habit tracking archive where we can put all of the history of our habits and you've got a means to look back over the year and see how you did simple now there's two habit trackers that i shared in that previous video and today we're going to build the second the first is super complex the actual programming it would take a long time to talk you through step by step how to build that lots of the ideas overlap and that more complex habit tracker i'm intending to share as a kind of goals and practices template once i've really honed it keep an eye out and you can check those out so let me show you what we're going to build this sits within this the kind of personal home page this is a kind of copy of my personal personal homepage that we've been building in this video series on building this system in notion we've done the task management stuff here the um recurring tasks that we did the inbox notebooks and the bibliography so it all kind of sits there look at the habit tracker it's going to sit here in practices i call them practices because habits are the things that practices become once they're inherently part of who you are this is what we're going to do we have uh the week the weeks that looks like this it sits within a toggle you click wednesday if you've done it and you click skip wednesday if you didn't manage to do it because none of us are perfect see as i do that if i skip a few and click a few they disappear if i then go down to the next day we build all these views so we've got a report board and we have a system board this is what we're going to build and this is the kind of more involved programming at the end um for percentages this has a little button of new week above it so we're going to build this template finally we have this habit tracker archive where you can drop each week and see it as one full image let's go back and we're going to start building it first i'm going to do is put a heading in yeah because it's an easy thing to do forward slash h3 i like to use it's not too big and we're going to call it daily habit tracker or practices whatever you want to call it go to color and we'll give it a yellow it's positive isn't it so we're going to build a table so we're going to do forward slash table table in line you'll see under database practices let's just have a little look at what it looks now i've put time of day in here let's put time of day this is just whether you're doing it in the morning or the afternoon and it allows you to sort them in the right order i think we make that a select and then you can just type them in i just call them morning there you go and you can change the colors by clicking on the dots the next one we're going to add is status it's going to be a formula later on but we need to build the rest first then we're going to add skipped days putting in the elements first um score put that in because we would like to know how many out of the days we have achieved that particular habit so we're going to call that practice we need to build this section which is all of the days of the week but also we then build another set which are all of the days of the week but with skipped in front of them so it gives us the two options to present in the final board let's see how quickly i can do this i get an advantage because i get to fast forward and put these days in and you're going to do them as check boxes simple as that a good little trick is click on it and duplicate and then just go in and change the name great so you've got all of the days of the weekend then you need to do them again and you need to add in the skipped days so i think just go through duplicate every single one and then change copy of to skip and then you just move all of these to the end so that they are lined up um together a skipped now need to add in a progress so if we just click on this to show you what it is this is the percentage of boxes from monday to sunday that have been ticks so this is how we do it we're going to add a column we're going to turn it into a formula and we're going to call this formula percentage progress so we want to replace if this is true if it's ticked uh we want to add the number one say yes one has been checked okay and then we're gonna add a percentage formula around that i'm gonna do two number we're gonna put replace and then another brackets prop monday comma and we're gonna say if true comma put the number one and then you're going to close the brackets and close them again because there are two brackets that start that off so that is the essential uh formula we now need to repeat so we're going to put a space and we're going to go a plus so it also now i think the easiest way to do this then is take all of this copy it and paste it in again and then change monday to the next day and in fact you can copy all of that and work your way down make sure you're spelling uh this uh element the same as it's written within related column so you've got all of that that's just gonna say zero at the moment so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna round this so you're gonna put round brackets times 100 and then another brackets so you have that and then you're going to close the brackets on all of that again divide it by the number of days which is seven so that's a slash 7 and then divided by 100 need to have closed off all of these brackets so you need to round this up to 100 then we're going to be divided by 7 and close all of that off and then divide that by no brackets on the end as we click into this you'll see that this turns up as a percentage as i work through friday saturday sunday it's currently a decimal so our one two three number here we click on that and turn it into a percent then you will see it as a percent now the next thing we want to add in is exactly the same formula but for the skipped tick boxes so we have a percentage of what is ticked so let's do that the easiest way to do this is to take this entire formula copy it this is why you've done the work add a new column called turn that into a formula paste the formula next to it in and then replace where it says monday tuesday with skip so you're just replacing the name of the tick box that is how to create a percentage formula in notion now let's look at other ways to report okay so now we're going to put in the status and the skipped days now these are if formulas i've written down the percentage numbers for each day to have them ready when i'm typing in the formula this is my status formula up here so we're going to build this formula from this percentage skipped amounts now if you look at this formula it's a series of if statements that link together quite simple once you understand it so the way this is going to work is i'm going to go in to status turn it into a formula and we want to start with if if we want the proposition to be percentage skipped and if percentage script is equal to you just put a double equals sign space 0.14 is my first number comma then you say what you want it to say if i've only skipped one that's good if you want to add emojis do it once you've completed the formula and drop them in because you can copy and paste them in then we're gonna put a comma okay so that is the first section now again what you could do is copy this and paste it in and then you're gonna change the number to the next number so you can write what you like the next one if percentage skipped is 0.43 you just work your way down i'm gonna call that one okay and so on let's just work through that so i'm making um point seven one point eight six poor if one is skipped so if a hundred percent is skipped not done so i'm gonna put that in if it's none of those what will it be because an if statement works on if it's this do this otherwise this otherwise and i would say that is probably perfect and then we just close brackets until we see the done button light up click done and we should then if we check here if we skip one good fine okay poor poor poor not done depending on how you want it to look in order to put in these emojis what i would do is just down on the page here is put emoji and find my emoji forward slash emoji what i can then do is just copy this copy the tick button go into my status a space drop it in good and then it turns up with that so on and so forth so for skipped days so i can show how many days have been skipped and it's exactly the same formula but instead of writing we write the numbers so we go if it's 0.14 you're gonna put one is skipped if it's not point two nine you're gonna put two is skipped and then at the end if it's none of them you're gonna put zero but it should work just by replacing the words that used in the other one so copy that one across paste it in and edit it so we turn that into a formula we want to be able to give ourselves a score score move it down um it's exactly the same but it's on progress we're going to put percentage progress rather than percentage skipped and we're going to put in one out of seven if the percentage progress is 0.14 so you're taking this reading from the boxes ticked for ones you actually have done so all of these are just ways of showing you how to calculate progress calculate views let's do that one so an example of that would be to go in here copy this turn score into a formula paste it in then change percentage skips to progress and then we're going to change this to one out of seven and work your way through that is working beautifully that is the programming [Music] um we need to add a template for each of these practices so what we're going to do is we're going to go into new click here add a new template we've got quite a messy view now right so we want to kind of clean this up so click on each of these and we're going to do heart always hide to all of the check boxes and then if you want to organize these within this view you can do that simply by clicking up here and go customize page to move things around so for example status i might want the status right up the top just ways of showing you how to measure this stuff you can have the view you want i'm going to add an icon to it that's a template done so delete all of these i'm going to add a new let's say journal click into it click new practice and then you can edit from here and you have that system set up now the cover is the thing that will turn up on your board view and then of course set your time of day so simply going in here i want to journal in the morning great so now you need to add in all of the daily practices that you want to be doing because we're going to then use this as the basis to create the template so that is our main kind of system view and we're going to call it that but we're going to add some other views as well now i want to first of all create a reporting view so we're going to call that a table create that view now we'll go back in and the default view is going to rename to system and then table view we want to call progress report now this obviously has too many views in it so we're going to click on these little dots up on the right and then we're going to click on properties and we're just going to hide all of the skips i don't want to see percentage skipped actually i don't really need time of day either so that is a report then we want to add in the daily views so these are the views that we're going to use in order to make the habit tracker work this is all going within the same system so you're going to add another view and you're going to click on gallery view i can now delete all of this so there they are as as simple kind of pages now we want to adjust these so we're going to go to properties and up here where it says card page card preview click on page cover and then you'll get the images card size you can pick them i like them being small takes up less space which is quite nice and then you want the information within them so i want to see the status and then i want to see the tick boxes for the specific day this board is going to be for so we're going to start on a monday so i want to show monday and i want to show skip monday and it gives me the option then on those boards to click them yeah and i'm going to show my score and you can see that you need to move these around so that they're all lined up then i simply rename this gallery view put system at the bottom of that list with progress report above it and then all the days of the week so they start on a monday so that when we load this up out of the template you'll always start on the right day now the other thing you're going to want to put in here is a sort adding a sort in where time of day is ascending so that you're going to work from morning to afternoon you could of course as well in properties put in the time of day if you wanted to see that uh like this and move that up that's another option to have that there now before we duplicate this we're actually going to need to do one more thing so we've got all of those views we're also going to need to add a filter because at the moment if i tick this nothing happens i want it to clear this view so that as i work through them i'm ticking them off they're disappearing to do that i need to add a filter i'm going to go into the menu over here click filter we want to add a filter and i want when monday is not checked okay and then you can add another filter to the group and when where skip monday is not checked but that should mean that if i click either of those they disappear so of course you're going to have to change that within each view as you make it but now all you've got to do is click on monday duplicate it change it into tuesday and so we're gonna have to adjust the days being there and adjust the filter to match it and then you're good turn off monday turn on tuesday rearranging so they look the same and we're gonna work all the way down so we've got monday to sunday let's do it okay so we now have our views we've got monday to sunday so now all we need to do is uh build the template because the template button is going to allow us to just regurgitate this same template every time and be able to use it each week the best way to do this is to put the whole thing within a little toggle so what we're actually going to do is we're going to come down here and we're going to do forward slash tog and put in a toggle list and you're going to call this week take the practices system i'm gonna make sure they're all it's on monday and i'm gonna drop it into the week the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna do forward slash template template button we're gonna click that we're gonna configure this template button so that it is new week delete this and we're going to drop it into there close that now this is the joy of it so we have our original now within the template button it's really nice and clean if i click new week it'll drop me a week in which is good i'm going to put that above that now um i can just type in whatever you want to call it just drop that into the habit tracker archive to archive it so we're going to need to now make that we're gonna do forward slash page uh we're gonna make it full width go up to the dots up here you can call it what you like daily practices archive make it empty with an icon i'm gonna change the icon i'm just going to put a little divider because i think it looks clean anything you drop in here will drop underneath that so we now have that set up just like the one above look it's looking the same so if i take so once wednesdays once the weekday is complete i've worked my way through it i can then just click on progress report close it up or leave it open even better and drop it into the practices archive and you'll see your report as it was and they will just drop down below beneath it if you want to add new practices to this system uh daily practices you're obviously going to want to do that within the template so that they're generated each week if you want to move this to like your home screen it's good to build it in a clean page you can just click on here click move to and then just drop it into your personal home if you do in an order they'll all turn up um in that same order at the bottom of that page i've made some space up here in action just now i'm gonna take all of that i'm gonna move it up and there it is simple as that if you saw my previous video on recurring tasks obviously i've got daily tasks within that and that essentially is a glorified habit tracker now my intention with this is actually to change the way i'm doing recurring tasks so that they are populating the calendar so the calendar view um contained them under um next seven days i have a calendar view where i have generate new weekly tasks that i can then populate this calendar with more on that coming soon in my wider notion tour do you know what the best thing you could do right now is if you enjoyed this video if you found it valuable is hit that like button it goes a huge way to help me grow the channel and reach more people with this content subscribe if you're not subscribed already hit that bell notification so you see when more of my videos pop up and let me know in the comments below how this goes for you and what else you'd like to see built within the system yeah whatever happens get off your computer get outside enjoy the fresh air and i'll see you in the next video see ya
Channel: Better Creating
Views: 13,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: build this daily habit tracker, daily habit tracker, notion, habit tracking, notion tutorial, step by step notion tutorial, notion habit tracker 2021, habit tracker bullet journal, notion habit tracker template, notion tutorial for beginners, notion setup 2021, gtd notion, routines and practices, goals and practices, second brain notion, habit tracking app, better creating, bettercreating, notion productivity, daily productivity planner, daily habits, productivity system, Gtd
Id: HYCnYTlDoo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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