how to service ,repair a briggs and stratton carburetor

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is david from how to repair your normai as promised we're back to teach you how to service your carburetor and how to get rid of the stale fuel out of your lawnmower so stick around we're back with lila where we're off let's have some fun [Music] first thing we're going to do is going to drain out the old fuel if you're really lucky like me you've got something like this this is a Pella 600 pump okay basically goes into your fuel tank coming out there we go you can see the fuel and very yellow so not great anyway so we'll there will pump this out and then we'll come back again the greatest things about working on lawn mowers is you don't really need a lot of tools a decent socket set not even a decent stock is a cheap and screwdrivers first thing we're gonna do is remove this screw here now a word of advice is if you're really unsure take pictures before you do things and then you can see where bits and pieces go back because what a lot of people do with these filters is they take them off they forget where they go and they put them back on this way because they think artists aerodynamics get more speed but it's not so where a lot of time when you go on eBay and you're looking for lawn mowing someone says it doesn't start and you look at the lawn mower you could see that the air filters are wrong way around so you know that they've had a go anyway the air filter off now as you can see here this air fills are still free so we're gonna have to give it a good clean that's where the petrol comes in hand you can clean that out and petrol but in its I've seen worse it's not too bad well get all that gunk off and we'll get like a good clean-out and again you know if but wonder why the lawn mowers aren't starting but I mean that's not fantastic anyway okay so after this segment on it for a cup of tea and M lilo RAF did an inspection and realize that there was a spring missing which I missed so we'll move on to another lawn mower okay so prime example of buying a used lawn mower is that after draining the fuel we realized that there are quite a few parts missing in this Lamar so I rather than mess about I'll sort that out what we do is we'll start again okay this lawn mower doesn't have any petrol in it now this is another brittle Stratton engine now if you just have a look at this lawn mower it's seen better days air filter off and that is just a flat head screw and that will let us get to the springs and linkage look ok now this air filter actually looks really nice apart from when you look there but then we'll give that a good clean up again that's why we keep that old fuel because we're able to clean that up so we'll pop up there okay so here we go ok there is one thing I do forget to remove the spark plug so well I'm gonna be needed the blade it's always a good idea to remove the spark plug because there again we love our fingers okay so what we're gonna do is we're going to start to take the bolts off so that we can remove the carburetor the carburetor is attached to the tank okay so great thing about taking these offers was is that you can get to find and you can have a little bit of a cleanup as well make sure you put them somewhere safe because they do get lost not so many okay bolts are off and then we'll remove this little boot here we should come away okay so now you have a little linkage which goes to the governor and we'll just put that little monkey off okay there we go so where's your carburetor there's your tank and there's a very very dirty engine okay so we drain the fuel and now what we're gonna do is we're going to take the carburetor off and then we can have a little bit of a clean and then we can see what's going on okay so we have one two three four five screws and these are Phillips screws we need a Phillips screwdriver yeah and then you don't really have to but if you can take them off like you're doing up the we are not solid far we're doing out in diagonals and when you do it outright it's the best way to do it and let just make sure that it comes off evenly these things underneath are plastic so you do have to be careful and there we go it comes okay so make sure that you keep the screws somewhere nice and safe and next thing we'll do is we'll take off the intake will give everything a good clean and then we'll replace the diaphragm okay so a great thing to have it's car cleaning spray okay so what we're gonna do is they're going to pop this little filter off okay and we're just going to run a bit a carb spray in there give it a really good clean probably see you can see that a lot that's looking lovely and clean okay so we'll just pop that down there and then monk you here should pop off here we go then again just want a bit of carb spray down the middle and you go okay it's fantastic I'll pop back in there and then the rest have your carburetor while you've got it up we'll give it a good old clean top right right I mean I do use the old fuel as well and if you do have a paintbrush about you can just see there with a little bit of carbs free how nice and clean that is so we'll go on to the next step okay so we'll pop the diaphragm off so I know what you can see there but this diaphragm is a bit saggy now the last thing you need is a saggy diaphragm trust me okay sex you'll see well though it looks like one there's actually two parts you have a diaphragm and you have a gasket will show you how these go back on next thing we're gonna do is just keep this all a clean okay so now we can start to just put the bits back on we've taken off with these intakes you just need to push until you hear a click okay you couldn't hear the click that there was a click ok so that's that part of the car built up next thing we want to do is is we can see we're nice and clean here so the next thing we'll do is we'll put the diaphragm and the gasket on then the first thing I want to do is I want to show you the diaphragm which is gonna go into here have a look it's a diaphragm gasket if you want to pause on there you can get the part numbers Briggs and Stratton I always go for Briggs & Stratton I go for the originals because you can get cheap copies but it's always good there are things about two pound fifty three pound on eBay so order that these go on always first the diaphragm okay so what we do is we're line up the diaphragm now the diaphragm will go where this a-hole is so there we go the diaphragm with the holes and then gasket will go on top there's a bit fiddley I'm afraid but a great weight loss I either okay so now the great thing with these holes is they are guided to the screws to sit in okay so making sure that you've got your spring in the intake will go in there and then your diaphragm or your carburetor will sit there and then we can see here that we've got the holes and what I do now is always take my glove off because I want to make sure I don't tear the diaphragm or the gasket and again what we'll do is we'll just pop the screws in nice and gently again making sure that we're nowhere near the diaphragm because it's the last thing you want to do is damage it they're not expensive but as obtained having to wait for them to be delivered okay so they're in and then like I said earlier what we do is we do this like a car wheel going diagonals and all that happens there is that it just makes sure that we're going on evenly okay there's your diaphragm and you just get on and then you got this little gasket that goes on top the filter there we go now we can start to put things back on the motor okay so really is left to do before we start to put things back is to give the filter a bit of a clean now what I like to use is you can see here there's a bit of old-style fuel there I've taken out of one of the old lawnmowers and what we'll do is we'll just get up a bit of a clean in the stale fuel I'm gonna come up with and brand new and all you want to do really is just make sure that you get okay one of the reasons I work outside is because of the fumes of some of the stuff that you work with the carb spray cleaner and also working with fuel and sometimes I will rub down and respray a mower if it's worth it and so again it's good to do that tonight if you can okay so look at the inside a bit of a white pretty clean as you can see when I took the filter out it was quite clean so again this is a fellow a cleaning as well so again you can see how it's good to keep the old fuel because you're not wasting it so obviously the way that the filter would go in would match up to where there goes your filter and always remember are you putting the filter back on people think it should be like that it's aerodynamic but it's not you can see actually that it fits into the shape of the engine or the engine cover okay antastic right so first thing we're going to do then is we're going to the carburetor back on so we have here a little o-ring so make sure that fellows on and what would do is we'll hook the butterfly back up again like I said earlier I'm afraid in Britain we have an expression called cack-handed afraid that I have a tendency to be cack-handed okay so just making sure that I ring is all good there fantastic okay so the next thing to do is to line up your bolts the first one goes in there organized here we go okay the other bolt these really are fun to work on making sure that we've got that little gasket back on and I've just fell off okay thanks just a case now you guys my what's his video anywhere near my lawnmower and yeah you'd be right but I promise you I probably should have done that before but sometimes I do get ahead of myself and I do these things antastic okay so okay so the last bit to go on is your air filter I don't really cut and start again when I make mistakes simply because we all make mistakes and to be honest with you part of having okay so all that's left to do is pop your spark plug back on and there we have it that's how easy it is and how fun it is to replace the gasket in the diaphragm on this Briggs & Stratton have a go you have some fun have a laugh just enjoy yourself I mean if you get it wrong start again it's just a small lawnmower engine and I'm gonna put some fuel in this we're gonna give her a run to see how she gets from okay so we're going to try and put some petrol in the lawnmower Lido and Raph I've been gagging all day to try and help for them we'll get them inside because we don't want folks around when we're using petrol or any chemicals because obviously they're harmful so we will pop the dogs inside we'll put some petrol in this thing and we'll see if we get it started so we put fuel in next thing to do is just give a couple of pushes on the primer get a bit of petrol through the reason why you can see that the engine isn't actually attached to the bodywork again okay so again this is you to back up things out that's something we're gonna have to address that down tying it up but apart from that that's a good run in lawnmower so make sure you subscribe make sure you like we'll see you in the next [Music] but em [Music]
Channel: custom mowers How to repair a lawnmower
Views: 289,201
Rating: 4.7423444 out of 5
Keywords: briggs and stratton, briggs & stratton, briggs and stratton carburetor repair, briggs and stratton carburetor cleaning, briggs and stratton carburetor adjustment, gasket and diaphragm, briggs and stratton gasket, briggs and stratton diaphragm, how to fix, how to fix a briggs and stratton carburetor, lawnmower carburetoer, lawn mower carburetor cleaning, brocken lawnmower carburetor gasket, fixing a lawnmower carb, carb, mower, lawn mower, how to
Id: 1SucPZU0XUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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