EASY FIX Briggs and Stratton has a spring problem lets fix it.

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hello everybody I want some episode of mixed Moe's and today's episode we're gonna take a little look a little quote cast Briggs & Stratton llama but I picked up as part of his job lot the sovereign I've already done and there's nothing wrong with apartment service which is cool wouldn't be great if this is a second assignment this is a little crow cast push mower it's in good condition - it's clean Nick so that's cool we'll take it outside look you can't go too far up see what we can't do of it and then if it doesn't start what I bet it's got come back in for some remedial repairs anyway so I'll show you and then whatever look from there it's deadly this is the first time I'm watching mixed mouth go subscribe button or wacky old bill sitting applications to all and matter to I release another video or in fact I'm on more weekly Saturday Night Live string we can come and join us so I'm about further dude let's get down and dirty and let's check out this little Briggs & Stratton crow cast at Loma right it is little Briggs and strap 451 104 coatsy seeding lawnmower no fuel we get some petrol predominately these have no fuel in because they've been to a recycling center so we empty all the fuel out so there's no way of meat or even trying to start and when I pick them up let's give out the prime primer bulb is very slow to react which tells me it could be a carburetor issue but it's priming to a degree very slow no stop let's get it in all right postman pastors turned up mix motors a little letter e oh cool so yeah it's a sticker from a JP garden machines go check him out he's cool channel his name is ash does the same as meaning in his own his old garage so I'll put up a little border minute ash very much my buddy yours have been posted maybe you should get yours and momentarily in fact you probably get this before you see this video so this little machine is an on start the hand of their own way as well that's the first thing I'll sort out because I mustered bit OCD this bugging me so just want to sort of handing out first no biggie let's just gotta undo it spin around someone's put it together wrong it wants another handle handle holder and I think it wants a new cable too but I may end up making a cable for it rather than borrowing a new cable cheap let's do better all right now I'm happy I'll probably let this take all of that off it's all split and no good so that can all come off I mean I might end up spraying these handles anyway it's nobody on earth it's full of mold and what-have-you the cable looks like it's about to snap at any minute possibly we should see I toss them all down and get milk my cable all are out and touch them all down first see if that helps it out all right so yeah no no start no spark or whatever it's not doing anything so first I want to do before we invest in this engine anymore is take those pot carp spray on somewhat similar champion and let's be original come with the engine it was painted black and year in 2012 it's been tipped up or running extremely rich or so been tipped up because it's because it's got so much oil on it happy birthday as it is not the bubble cleaning it there's no point in investing machines and plug in a TV dumb let's bring you guys around here and go for a little fire up see what happens so I'm gonna put a new plug in to do that you fire that old plug is probably past its best just getting I map it to La mean go get the probe in like any one business at the moment let's go I'm a newbie - mmm if it runs and has a service anywho I'm not gonna cap it just yet I'll gap it later there's part of the service bit more banging there's a bit of a race against time we get over the other side of machine to get inside before that of apples evaporates off special noise which tells me we have compression we have spark we have all the stuff we need it to first engine to fire and to run which is cool let me get set up and I'll come back right we're back in the room that's never I just have your air filter off I'm suspecting that to be black because my suspicion is bit it's been tipped up just get a magnet drain also just start to collect the bits yeah black is your app proper Briggs & Stratton filter in there bin I have got here brand new Briggs & Stratton filters Al's bit of a clean flop of that in there Votto a bit later on and look lookie lookie lookie lookie lookie we've got a homemade repair let me get you in nice and close lookie lookie what we have here we got duct tape which is cool and I'm assuming that's something else on there as well but a duct tape because the engines not been running right they've decided to try never have a goal it whereas in fact everything is actually in place that spring once moving over slightly that's not doing the right job a little tiny go at this one who ever had it before but a DES or reason is is that that carburetor is not actually priming art is now not probably very well though very slow to prime but it is priming now it wasn't probably beforehand lots of leaf litter so I'm gonna take this card better off we'd do a gasket diaphragm on a shall we I'll try and get back that little tiny spring just to do a bit bit of a better job and what it's doing now cuz it's hooked over that way like that I don't think that's gonna be sufficient this seems to be under a bit of a bit of strain here doesn't seem as for you as as loose as I would like so let me back you off a touch aside and get in we've added little sneaky peek I wanna grab a 3/8 or 10 mil whichever one it is one 3x and already I'm just gonna start to remove the carburetor initially and the pull cord assembly at the same because that gardener arm is not moving as freely as I would like I'm suspicious duct tape on the springs and what other treasures do we have inside bird's nest going on or spiders nest inside yeah that feels really stiff it's doing its job but just was really really stiff so this is gonna have to have an air compressor all over it because what cobwebs which will make a difference you know if as hard has been up in here it will make a difference off inch on the D walk to remove the carburetor that comes off and then we can slowly retract this off of the engine lift up the linkage typic arbor a back slowly is he dying he's actually got okay that's why that's why that is under stress so the spring he's got on he's actually actually put it on to the carburetor arm not the FRA tool itself that little spring needs to go onto that arm just say like so that's why that's under a lot of stress it's not too bad now right um let's do a carburetor first that's my main concern then we come back I can spray this engine W foot we kill it all have a good let it eat it all up I've got to do also the it should be a quarter-inch to remove that which it is so out the back here just removing the cover off on a dead man's handle that will comes off that's got us absolutely filthy let me just show you very quickly well looks like there's a dead man's handle cable absolutely smuggling stuff columns see it so all in all it's not looking too bad but the engine wants a little bit love a little bit of attention on and do this carburetor first it's not prime as well as it should do spray the rest and w-4 we won't have a compressor fired up blast it all off clean it all up so it looks lovely and then we come back so Cobra is next all right here's a carburetor now I'm not gonna ask you video and talk you through how to clean one of these because there is millions of them out there absolutely millions on so what does I'll put you on time-lapse and we go through it in during music and are catching a bit [Music] right all about together let's don't give it a bit of a startup so it happens Sivir doesn't fire and if it does firing around what it runs like I suspected running way too fast two ticks right at this site to faster nine it's two because it's just tough that spring was not right way too much tension on it and that's why I want to give it a little bit of a stretch originally for that spring that spring down baloney wrong spring you can also tell because the angle is wrong so that's now just remove that spring off of there because she don't blow in there you can come off I've got a secondhand one here this is a reason why I didn't think it's right because this spring should bypass this tag so all we do literally just run it through the hole put it back on itself and then exactly the same just got a caller up I wish have made the same on these Springs when they devise these it's gonna put it through the hole on the front of this governor get a bit of a twist up so you can't see much I need to get my hands in here to my ego fish up fro and now so much less resistance on that spring so back outside and I'm going for another firearm I'm now convinced gasps cos I'm now convinced that that the engine will now run of more satisfactory spirit I might to pull the tab for because I'm as they had duct tape on there so there's no good feeling with stuff like this you just get just put the right stuff on it that's why cost money to run a mower repair shop or something but you got to call me you know cost money it brings in they're not cheap that's why a lot to break mows down pick up miles for nothing and just break them into parts because I I've got a little trial to settle Oh secondhand parts I use it into an inventory of what I've got but uh that now stands a better chance of running a bit faster or a bit slow as it should do so well back outside take two right now see how this one goes now cool happy of that let's take it back in the old shop it's running a little bit quick no lot I can hear it know about you guys just running a little bit quicker then what I would like I might just better put a bit of a stretch on that spring just to relieve some of that tension out Eva wait it's running better let's put it back on the bench and continue okay little little bit too quick for my liking I don't think it's going detrimental to the engine see it to coping rival well it could be low on oil as well which wouldn't help matters so I checked you all next what we need to do is balance it and check your oil I'm young investigation into that there I might even move that spring a bit further this way just to try and ease that frog down touch but we should seek I'm not overly concerned it runs quite sweet forward of this we get a slightly bigger screwdriver to check me old oil nap and run for two or three minutes I just want to see what we old oil is doing probably none 10 to I don't like about your boots my lid yellow dipstick in so you can tell how much all we thought unlike what some of the Honda's got a clear work like a transparent egde style one which you can't see nothing it's saying slightly overfilled is what it's saying but we all is looking very watery they're not very happy about the oil that won't either all change anyway won't go one more time or that's very watery to me yeah overfilled there is there on both sides so too much all in it that doesn't help and then we take you all out of it all we all come out and do an oil change so let me extract it I'll come back and put some new in okay what about all this been draining I look at the other spring and the other spring looks like it had been cut off so we've got another brick spring here so let me now just try the fish this all round together I'll try and put right spring on and I would like it to go that way it'd be good pretty there back on itself and feels better yeah that's the job II I should run a bit slower now I'm hoping so that's good gas get on there first what is broken so I'm gonna do its job so order some more of em up we get a bit low on those there's something find some old ones to break so I'm hoping that will now through the job with that so just what top you all up now for we always know out the machinery to empty my all extractor - that's getting full which is a good sign means I'm not doing the work so that's good so now we'll top of all go back outside and run it again and see what happens the chances on now I may have to adjust it back because it'd be running too slow that's my suspicion but puts more all in and I'll come back to you right I found done the blade as well and any doing particularly bad so I've we ground it all the way down through both sides I took quite a bit off to be fair more normally would just about I mean I'll blade do that and they go exactly balance exact as it should be so I got seen on yeah hell yeah they go just say so that's when I've done that bolt took me an absolute age to get off and I'm not sure whether or not that you're gonna see me do that because it says my sim card had an error not quite sure what that means some part of the battery had an error but all I'm saying is is that bulb did not want to come out of that blade boss I am shocked it was massively in there and that even might be my a compressor struggled to get that out got it right you know God didn't let me down ain't got it and now we're gonna see hand goes back in I'm hoping to zu go straight in now how to out once we shall see in there I want to start off by hand initially just hurt bites but there's something it don't like I'll give us a phrase a bit of a cleanup and actually just zip straightest ain't good enough I'll come back well you know Fred's a bit of a claim there I'm hoping that's gonna do it I'm gonna start off by hand his eyesight it took me a little while getting that bowl down and I thought it was gonna cheer off in some sort of shaft so that's now started running better now doing them Fred a bit of a cleaner no gun I saw some forwards come on baby work with me spot mistake on inclusion with a first responder so cleaning on Fred's on there makes a difference not to time don't have to be on there like he-man put it on right um all done place done spark plugs done airfields done Paul calls fine needs something else outside fire up Sarah goes okay let's see how it goes I'm Martha just it as we go we should see cool super happy okay so there you go mascot lawnmower all now back up and running full service including new governess Springs that's what we really needed something oil donuts or good stuff is fantastic I'll do it sup a little video I think on the cable it does it start to fray a little tiny bit I started to fail after two weeks on buying it so I'll do a separate video on how to fix the cable on that how I do it anyway so thank you very much for watching this episode of mixed Mars hope you enjoyed it hope fan informative if you did well you know I don't do the thumbs up any comment down below you know it's dickham my Amazon wishlist is also down below in the pin section or in the About section feel free to buy me any spare parts bits and pieces that you may wish to do so that's cool I hope you enjoyed it hope that informative I'll still next episode of mixed Mars but when people don't forget you [Music]
Channel: Micks Mowers The Mower Man
Views: 109,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how-to, auto, tools, case, sockets, pliers, ratchet, wrenches, tool box, always, do this, honda, hero, craftsman, chain, chainsaw, lawnmower, snowblower, permatex, anti-seize, repair shop, mechanical, gas, gaz, essence, petrol, kawasaki, briggs and stratton, parts, seized, weed wacker, tgif, google, youtube, donyboy73, don the small engine doctor, small engine saloon, taryl fixes all, friday, stihl, husqvarna, mechanic, snap-on tools, v-twin, blow, torch, ultrasoniccleaner, tool, review, threads, primer line, Seafoam
Id: o-gZVqvS15Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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