How to service a TD42 NISSAN PATROL GQ

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so this arvo was servicing Liam's diffs and his engine on his TV 42 Anderson Patrol [Music] all right so to help us service the Patrol we've got oil pan and funnel we've got filter wrenches standard socket set and spanner set so let's get straight into it all right so first up I'm just going to drop the oil in the diff so I can start draining so hopefully this one won't be too tight I'm still going to use mechanic Dan's tip and as we're undoing the drain plug we're just going to push it in words as to hold it up so that we don't spill all over ourselves and then when it's loose drop it in like that so yeah just inspecting the drain plug as you can see I've got a few sort of bigger size chunks of swarf like I suppose that's just what happens when you have a car that's 500,000 kaizo and I don't know when the last owner service these dips or anything like that so all I can do is just service it and give us a clean up and hopefully still a lot all right so we're just gonna undo the filler plug as well to help the diff drain so that there's not an airlock on my car I've still got this front sway bars on so it's actually made it a little bit difficult to get a socket in there so I've just had to use the smaller drive to get in there I like it to dry completely dry so that's so I think my car didn't have enough oil in the front diff then the looks of it the end of this is completely dry so it's never had oil touch it really and as you can tell if you can see inside the oil pan there there is next to no oil for what should be in there alright so just having a look at the drain plug as you can see there is quite a lot of swarf buildup on the end there from what I know there might be couple of reasons for this but looks of it this all hasn't been changed in a long time when I bought the car I serviced all the fluids other than the diffs because I didn't have the product at the time so who knows how long since the last owner serviced it sorry this is either where from recently or the oils just been in there for a long long time and so this is a long long build-up of swarf yeah so I suppose this is a good arm reminding us why I have to service your car all parts about the sniffs yeah you don't want a little bit possibly fighting around your diffs and getting jammed up and things and causing things to bind so yeah always service always maintain your car when you're supposed to so as you can see this is not in the greatest of states and there is not a lot of it either I think the front dips meant to take three to four liters of oil to me that looks like about one and a half if we're lucky I do have a leaking swivel hub at the moment so whether that's contributed to how much oil is in there but yeah this isn't a lot of oil at all so that could definitely play a contribution into the build-up of swarf on the drain plug I suggest to the rear diff now before I do it I've noticed that the drain plug the hole to put the half hitch driving is just caked with mud so I'm currently cleaning that out with screwed over so you can actually get the piece in there just having a look at it though it does look like at some point this rear plug has bottomed out on something and caused the metal on the nut to sort of mold over the half inch drive hole so I don't actually know if we're going to be able to get our socket into this but as you can see because we've hit something we've also hit the drain plug at some stage and so the half inch drives not fit in there so instead I'm using the next size down to try and open it and if not if not unscrew it this should like sort of strip it out back to the size that it should be because it's just overhanging metal chunks [Music] oh it's better just square and reduce sort of thing as I'm coming around you're pulling back now the legs not moving no all right so while a knee we're trying to get that drain plug out I head down a patrol plot picked up a new drain plug so hopefully by the time I get back that drain plugs out good to go there's your drain plug thank you very much that is much needed yeah all right so we managed to get it loose and so now I'm just going to drain the oil finally it's absolutely routed this you know so we finally got the diff plug out originally as you can see we're having the problem that it was too small the hole it wasn't a half inch drive size like it's meant to be because obviously at some stage the plug has taken a big hit on a rock or probably something harder than a rock I'd say and it bent it to make the hole smaller essentially so using the dremel we were able to slowly work the sides of it we used a little bit like this which is like an aggressive filing type bit and just routing the insides over and over until it was big enough to accept the half-inch drive now the issue was having as you can see there's next to no wall on the edge there so every time we would go to turn the half-inch driver it would just want to pop out because there's nothing for it to grip onto so we had to in the end use the half-inch drive as well as a set of vise grips on the tiny bit of the thread hanging out and turn them together and we managed to get it free but looking at the plug on this one it's actually not a lot better than the front there's not really any chunks or anything on there it's pretty good so yeah success ident the phone booth now just gonna quickly check drain plug back in and then we'll start filling her up now hunt if all right so ready to fill up front if we're gonna use the newer line AZ squeeze 75 90 so yeah let's get to it pull this off take our hose and under this one and then screw it out eating on time to fill it up all right slow that took about four point seven liters outside cut about a third of a bag left or thereabout so so we'll just Chuck the fill plug back in and then we'll move on to the roof so we're here at the rear diff we've let it drain for a while so now we're just going to chuck in the drain plug the new drain plug you'll notice you know no I'm not I'm just making just gonna fall we're all right so ready to top out the rear diff we're using New Orleans edgy squeeze 85 140 limited slip diff oil the important the years a limited slip diff or when you've got a limited slip diff so make sure you use appropriate oil for your car say in the end the rear diff took about four point seven liters as well same as the front does more than I expected so we'll check the fuel cap back in and then we'll move on to the engine well so that rear diff took a 4.7 liter which is quite a bit more and I thought I would say obviously there's different types of diffs between different of different GT models so if you know anything about them definitely let us know in the comments it's got some funny colors to it too I suppose no didn't look as bad as all right so let's get onto the engine it's time to make the big today now we're gonna drain the oil from the South that was a one snap crack all right yeah yes girl no I just think you got to get up last time oh I should have taken up the Rockefeller Plaza that lovely black diesel oil and that's gonna want to drain for a while so let's go up top it's a gonna undo the oil filler to maintain fast these can sometimes be really really tight like really tight so where's a rag yeah so when you open up the oil filler cap air doesn't have to try to get in through the oil sump you can feed him for the tops that the oil can drain out lastly it's gonna undo the oil filters yeah these were last changed 5,000 Kay's ago as they should be yeah I've tight oh Jesus all right see if we can try do it that's spilling oil everywhere which I think will go over there but lovely black oil filters all right got it Donnelly it's a bit overkill that a today has a two filters I think it's been two I read somewhere that it's meant to make you doubt two oil changes often but everyone still doesn't 5,000 anyway it's better for the - outside that's a point in having to like wondering why no dad's in that only have one so I don't know why these have to sort of overkill but that's all right things we do for our cars even will - using dirty oil - I don't care what sort of oily oil is oil like it's probably and this looks black because a ghost it's because it's a diesel like I reckon if we interesting today I can you could drop fresh oil into into a car and then dry and insulate and I could everyone to come out black like it's that's what they like they feel like they're pre-lubricated anyway this hand tight pretty swell for those ups cuz they'll tighten them up themselves when this year's expand yeah and number two they should be good to go so we'll put some plug back in and we can get on to topping her up another quick thing is pretty common but I always like to write their date and their kilometers on my own photos just so I know if whatever reason I forget then or Wi-Fi whatever reason someone will know when the car was last I've changed hey you go this one looks like five-year-olds riding but okay I'll know what I'm talking about all right so some spend raining for a while now still a few trickles obviously but I'm tied that one up uh-huh oh good all right so you trying to fill out the old girl New Orleans semi-synthetic 1544 diesel specifically just good I think they're meant to take around 11 liters so we should get through at least two alright so we put roughly 11 liters in there about so ball start up dip stick them in see how we go from there [Music] you just ride the car for a couple minutes so just going to clean off the dipstick and then we'll check her back in and see where we are all right so got the oil level to where we want it just to have a halfway sort of thing up there the top and in case it a little bit goes gets burnt into the atmosphere just to finish off we're gonna add some of this diesel fuel system extreme cleaner into the fuel tank yeah so this is just a fuel additive to clean your injectors preventing corrosion clean the fuel system you know that sort of thing so I've only got about half a tank in here just rates up to 100 liters so we're just going to add hockey yep guys like that half so all right so that's our service complete I'm the TA 42 Patrol make sure you like this video if you enjoyed it leave a comment if you have anything to say about it make sure you get subscribed and we'll see you in the next star vote [Music]
Channel: Aussie Arvos
Views: 25,109
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Keywords: Nissan Patrol, Nissan TD42, TD42, GQ, NISSAN PATROL TD42, nissan patrol td42 gq, servicing nissan patrol td42 gq, Nissan, Patrol, gu, NISSAN PATROL, 1998 nissan patrol, gearbox nissan patrol, nulon, mechanic dan, 4x4 service, nissan patrol service, change oil, how to change oil in patrol, engine service, how to change oil in nissan patrol, how to change coolant, how to drain oil, how to change air filter, leaf spring gq, aussie arvos, isolation, what to do during isolation
Id: mRRW8juv4Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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