How to replace your coolant | Nissan Patrol

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g'day today we're going to show you how to change the coolant in your four-wheel drive we're going to start right now by removing that radiator cap [Music] my name's alex by the way and you're watching intense and today we have rihanna with us who is an actual qualified mechanic she's going to tell us first of all why we should never remove a radiator cap while the engine is hot ever seen a blowholes the coolant inside is actually at boiling temperature or higher and by exposing it to the atmospheric pressure it will boil as as you take the cap off and explode out burning hot geyser of death cap is off now what should we do next step number two we're going to turn the heater on in the dash this is going to open up the heater tap because you've got a heater core in the dash and that runs off coolant so if you want to get all that coolant out we open up the heater and it's all going to drain and now we're going under all right so under here we are looking for a drain plug hopefully or access to the bottom hose um you may need to remove any bash pans that are in your way today luckily we don't and i found the drone plug nice and easy oh tight i would say don't do this on dad's pristine garage floor but i'm going to because i'm reckless i'm actually only doing it because this drain plug is so low on the radiator and i think it's all going to just fall out nice and clean like i'm going to have a catastrophe on our hands but if you've got one of those radiators where you have to remove the bottom hose it's going to go everywhere no matter how hard you try and catch it it's going to go down your wrists it's going to go on your screwdriver it's a boy i say make sure you have a wee before you do this job because fourth had a couple of beers and that that water sound is triggering me something we did do to stop it all gushing out so fast uh rhiannon went and popped the radiator caps back on just because that kind of vapor locks the system so if you can't all come rushing out in one hit just gives you a bit more control so we've got about seven liters out of there and there's nearly 12 liters in that car so there's five liters missing somewhere turns out you have to drain the coolant out of the block and at what point you do that depends on whether you're doing coolant flush or not if you're not doing coolant flush now would be the time to drain the block we are going to do a coolant flush just for your informational purposes so let's have a chat and decide why you may or may not want to do a coolant flush and then you can decide whether you watch the coolant flush bit or you skip across to draining everything out of the block why do i need a radiator flush um chances are you might not but if you're draining your coolant and it's looking really dirty or rusty or maybe you've had a bigger problem where you've had oil go through your radiator you're definitely going to want to put one in there if you feel like your car is running hotter than normal you could have build up of scale or mineral deposits in the block or you might even be able to see it when you look inside your radiator so one of the ways i would determine whether a radiator needs a flush or not is by looking inside the core through the radiator cap and seeing if there's any scale deposits there that are visible with this stuff we're just going to dump it in the radiator all of it this bottle treats up to a 15 liter cooling system ooh i can hear it gurgling and now we're going to top it up with water so fill the system right up with just tap water that's fine for a cooling system flush so check the back of your bottle to find out how long you're supposed to run the car for in this case run engine for 10 to 15 minutes this includes the seven minutes cleaning time so the rest of that time is for it all to heat up and start doing his job i suppose rhiannon manning the camera currently reckons uh run it with the caps off what was the reason for that rhiannon um to prevent air locks so because we've drained the coolant we essentially are going to have to bleed the system the same way as if we were just chopping it up smart okay let's fire it up quick tips some cars have a idle up feature on the dash if you flick that it'll bring the engine idle up and it'll help it warm up a little bit quicker so that's what i'm gonna do quick tip number two um leave the pressure cap off over there but put the radiator cap back on on the patrol because like 20 seconds after i started it all the water started pouring out don't know why so we've run the patrol for the specified amount of time and uh now we've gotta wait for it to all cool down because boiling hot coolant you drain that you're gonna scold yourself let's go and have ourselves a nice cup of tea so we let that cool for about half an hour that'll do the job so it's still a little bit warm we'll drain it just the same as before uh but this time i've actually got the car a little bit out of the garage because we've got to remove that block drain and when we do that it's going to get messy it's going to go everywhere okay it's time to get the coolant out of the block if you didn't do the radiator flush and you're just dropping the coolant this is where you've skipped ahead to this little thing you can't see it from the top here you can barely see it from the bottom is right underneath the turbo kind of next to the oil filter and i'll put up a little diagram from my workshop manual to show you it is a 12 mil head bung and there's a few things in life that you like to be buttery soft right like your butter your drone footage baby's bums in a not sort of weird way you know this bolt head is also buttery soft not cool here's how we get to the bung passenger slide we crash down next to the wheel and we go in the wheel arch there's this little rubber cover we pop the clips and we take that off and you can see it right in the middle of the frame there how i've had the socket on it a little bit oil filter up there just under the exhaust okay full disclosure here guys uh because i don't want you thinking this job's too easy a little bung that thing is insane uh we ended up rounding the head off it even using the six point socket i could get it out because i have some bolt extractors but using them will destroy it even further and i'll need a new plug and i don't have one so we're trying to do this at cheatsway so just in here we have heater hoses you can see we've disconnected this one that's where it used to go so we got the garden hose took it down and whacked it into there and just ran fresh tap water through and then we did the same stuck the garden hose down there and ran fresh tap water through there we watched all the old coolant coming out through the radiator and just kept doing that until it came clear instead of green but the problem is now there's tap water stuck in the block it's not the end of the world we'll talk a little bit about tap water versus coolant in a moment um but look that's that's what i've done that's a few things for you to consider at the moment i actually feel like this worked really well i cut 12 inches off the garden hose and i stuck it into that inlet which i showed you where i pulled the hose off before got my funnel there and that's how much i've put in it's a six liter bottle so i've probably put maybe just under five liters um straight into the block using that heater outlet um as i poured it in clear was being pushed out the bottom of the radiator and then as soon as it started running fluoro green i got rihanna to slap the bung in so at the moment i actually feel like i might have pushed most of the tap water out of the block and replaced it with fresh coolant it's time to talk coolant what sort of coolant should you put in there's a few considerations so let's rapid fire have a look at what they are so why not just use water coolant is not only there to lower the boiling point of your water or in europe raised the freezing point it also has rust preventative chemicals in it to stop rusting and mineral deposits and blockages so lesser chance of overheating mixing coolant colours terrible idea the problem with doing that is they're different chemistries and sometimes they can react i've seen pictures of mixing like red and green and it just makes this sludge uh can also become quite corrosive and ruin your whole motor so don't mix colors also on that note there are still on the shelves in auto parts stores some green coolants that are only suitable for cast iron head vehicles like pre-1984 it's really cheap stuff so it can be tempting to buy but don't get caught out because i only put it in like really small fine print i have no idea why they still sell it because not much really has a cast head these days pre-mix first concentrate the good thing about the pre-mix is that it's all done for you and all you have to do is pour it in and you don't have to worry about what water to mix it with or how diluted to make it if you get concentrate the bottles will generally have instructions with how much water to coolant ratio you want and generally you want to use distilled water to minimize any sort of mineral deposits and lower the chance of scale building up in your radiator so i've chosen to use green coolant that's what nissan used from the factory that's what i'm going to stick with because i'd recommend not changing coolant colors it's just a lot of hassle just keep it as it is of course now what we got to do is uh put the new coolant in look how vibrant that is it uh it might fill up and then settle down as air pockets start releasing from the system and we'll talk more about air pockets in a moment because we will have to bleed it so once you've got this engine running the first thing you're going to notice is that coolant level will probably drop a bit you're going to have to keep topping it up as it moves through the system air bubbles go away thermostat opens and everything fills up you can't really leave it alone so while you're here watching that level have a good think about whether you'd like to support intents on patreon we've got a great community over there we've got a facebook group where we all have a chat we get to see videos early and we've got some merch deals and that sort of thing going on so consider joining up become part of the crew and keep topping up that cooling one of the easiest ways to check whether your thermostat is open or not is that both your top and bottom hoses will be hot the top hose usually heats up first usually also very easy to access the bottom hose sometimes you you can risk getting caught in moving components such as your drive belts or your fan so just be mindful if you're going to go in and reach for that hose of moving components luckily on the gu you can get to the bottom hose quite easily without getting close to moving parts all right once you've got your car up to temperature and you're fairly certain that the thermostat is open i always take them for a drive just double double ensures that you've opened up that thermostat and you've got all the water flowing through and pushes all of that air out to the top one of the important things about bleeding the system which we did earlier and again making sure all the air is out of the system which is part of why we're driving it is to make sure that you don't have any air left in the system because it can cause things like cavitation of the water pump uh hot spots where there's been all air sitting in the system which can cause problems with your head you might get an air lock around your thermostat and that will cause your car to overheat once i've taken it for a drive i park it up and let it cool down and once it's cooled down i recheck the coolant level because sometimes the coolant has expanded due to the heat or some walk some more air has just popped out the top and it just settles so it might need chopping up okay took it for that drive i've let the system cool for 15 minutes but if you're in doubt at all you just use a cloth like this to grab it and always do it really slowly and just listen for hissing if it sounds like it's going to explode or you feel pressure just clamp it back on but that's safe and it does need to top up so let's just move some more air out of the system quite a bit went in there actually there you go you've changed the coolant in your patrol or other vehicle it's all the same sort of deal um that's it nobody ever sticks around to watch outros on videos so see ya
Channel: Intents
Views: 11,960
Rating: 4.9292932 out of 5
Keywords: mechanic, tools, workshop tools, diy service, diy car repair, how to, gu patrol, nissan patrol (automobile model), 4x4 service, nissan patrol service, how to change coolant, backyard mechanic, intents offroad, nissan patrol y61, intents offroad youtube, workshop tools and equipment, workshop tools diy
Id: beTDoRVtmTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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