How to serve food and interact with guests | Restaurant server training

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all right this is dropping place take [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is dropping plates i'mma quickly review just holding these plates and dealing with my ticket here all right so i'm coming by here i see all my plates are staged my ticket's sitting to the left of them that means they're good to go and i'm just going to double check this is in order as it should be so i'm going to check to see one this is two and this is three it all matches up and i'm gonna go ahead and cross these out now from here i'm grabbing my c3 into my left hand i'm grabbing my seat two now again look how i'm holding that all right my thumb and my pinky just gonna sit there just resting on that thumb and pinky and my forearm and then i'm grabbing my seat one all right and i'm out now from here when i'm approaching my table here hopefully they see me coming if i need to announce my presence i will i'm not really going to try and make a big thing out of it but i may say something along along the lines that oh guys i got your food here now what you notice back there is that i grab my third seat first and i put it in my my hand here followed by my second seat followed by my first seat the reason for this has to do with an open arm carry all right if i'm trying to serve my first seat first here all right i want to come in like that with it as if i'm hugging them all right let's say for example this is my seat three that i'm holding here so if i'd grab one two and three so my third c ended up in this hand i'm gonna have to carry the hand this over to him like that this is not a big deal all right like this is not it's not going to ruin anyone's evening but the risk i run with this is the fact that i kind of got my elbow up in this dude's face right here right same deal if this is four seat i don't really want to do this because i'm just kind of got my forearm in his face like that right so i'm always trying to hug him like that that's why i carried my three and then my two and then my one in my right hand here so i'm good to sell this one first boom that's my one two and three i'll set that now i'm missing this fourth guys plate here right now i'm really close to my expo line so i'm just gonna turn back and get it myself when we're selling food especially the big parties when i got like eight ten people here but even with the four top here ideally i got a follow coming that way we can get all our food out drop it all at the same time because what i don't really want happening especially if i'm kind of like a little bit of a distance away from the expo line here and i'm this fourth guy right these three plates get dropped and then i'm sitting here well they're having to wait on me all right and if this server doesn't have any help and he's gotta run back to the other side of the other corner of the restaurant to get it we're just kind of having to chill here with me looking at their food and then looking at their own plate not really feeling comfortable to go ahead and start because i don't have my food yet right so i do want to follow if i can if i don't it's really not that big of a deal so i'm gonna turn back i'm gonna get my fourth plate now at this point i've already marked off plates one two and three every restaurant is going to have a different system all right but it's going to generally follow the similar template here fourth plate is up this sells the ticket so i can go ahead and flip that we're done with it grab this fourth plate on my way back over i'm gonna go ahead and drop it for this guy here and this is key when i drop that last plate on my table this is what i'm doing i'm taking a step back and i'm just going to take a beat i'm chilling for a sec what this what's going to happen at this point in time about nine times out of ten your going to sit here and they're going to start scanning their plates and what they're doing is they're just looking for something that they may be missing i didn't get my ketchup is my does it look the way i want it does it cook the way i want it etc so all plates get dropped your guests usually going to have their head down and they're going to be start looking at their food scanning it once they see that they got everything they need they're going to look back up at me nine times out of ten exactly how it goes down so i'm just chilling i'm waiting for them to let them i'm gonna let them scan their food i'm gonna let them finish and i'm gonna wait for their head to come back up and look up at me at this point in time they're going to tell me if there's a problem they're going to tell me if they're missing something and if they need something this is called a guest request a guest request is anything they need to continue their meal or to continue enjoying their meal so if they look up at me at this point and say oh i need ketchup i'm on it that's the first thing i'm after they need a fork obviously i'm jumping on that immediately and getting that before i worry about anything else going on now let's assume they got everything they need everything looks good they scan their plates they see it they like it okay this looks cool they look up at me and what's usually going to happen is they're going to make some sort of gesture they're going to be like they're going to smile at me they're going to say okay looks good whatever all right i'm just waiting them to look up at me if i don't hear any issue i'ma say as simple as this enjoy and i'm out or i may add a little something like alright guys y'all enjoy and i'm out you
Channel: Real Server Training
Views: 250,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to serve entrees restaurant server training, How to serve food correctly and interact with guests, how to be a restaurant server, how to be a restaurant waiter, how to be a server, how to be a waiter, how to carry plates, how to serve food, how to work in a restaurant, resetaurant training, restaurant server, restaurant training videos, waiter training, waiter training steps of service, how to serve entrees resaurant server training, Restaurant, food, Service Training
Id: 5rY3AY0NBXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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