How To Separate Audio in OBS - Game, Music, Voice Chat (EASY)

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welcome back to the channel for another stream help setup tutorial today i'm gonna be showing you guys that are using obs studio how to separate your audio tracks so that means things like discord spotify google chrome your gameplay audio you can have that all separated out totally within obs studios without the need for extra applications such as voice meter you'll be able to decide for yourself what audio on your computer you want recorded and don't want recorded are you ready let's go [Music] to get this started the first thing you guys are going to want to do is go to the obs project website and download win capture audio i left the link in description below so you can follow along but once you get to this site you want to head over to the right hand side which will point you to github so you can download and install this plugin once you get to the website you'll see the latest release for the wind capture audio tool all you're going to need to do is just scroll down a little bit and under the assets drop down you're going to want to click the wind capture audio executable file so go ahead and select that to download it unfortunately the developers for this plugin don't have a mac os version so you're not going to see a dot dmg that you can download so sadly this will only work if you have a windows machine but hopefully in the future the developers will release a mac os version once the wind capture audio executable has finished downloading you can go ahead and launch it and then you may see a pop-up about windows trying to protect your pc just go ahead and select more info and then run anyways i can promise you without a doubt this is not a virus so this is completely safe to install next just go ahead and accept the agreement and then on this next page wherever your obs studio folder with your plugins are just verify that that is your folder for me i have it as default so it's in the obs studio folder within my program files so if that's the same for you then you don't need to change anything and then just go ahead and select next once you've done that you can feel free to have a start menu folder for the win capture audio and then just go ahead and select next you'll confirm the destination location in the start menu folder and then just go ahead and select install you'll see that it finishes pretty quickly and you can just select the finish button with that all now complete you can go ahead and launch obs studio and for the video example i'm just starting out with a completely blank canvas of scenes so what we're going to do first is add the gameplay scene which we can do right here rename this scene to gameplay and then for my sources i'm gonna go ahead and add a window capture i'm gonna call this ps5 gameplay and since i have my remote play up and running i'm just gonna select that option and then select okay and then i'm going to right click this source transform and make sure we fit it to screen and i just made some small tweaks to make it flush with the gameplay preview but it looks pretty good next we're going to add my face cam over my gameplay source here so all we need to do is select the plus button and then we're going to add a video capture device i'm going to name this face cam i'm going to select okay and then here we're going to select the drop down and then i'm going to select the elgato face cam that i have here select okay and i'm just gonna grab the corners and just bring this on down and put myself over to the side maybe bring in the edges a little bit by pressing the option key or the alt key so now with my gameplay and my face cam sources added we now need to add in that audio so what i'm going to do first is first off hide this face cam audio because my face camera doesn't have a microphone on it so we're just going to hide that and now what we're going to want to do is select the add button and then go up here to application audio output capture so you're going to want to add that as its own source and for this first one we're going to make it the gameplay audio so for this it would just be the ps5 remote play select okay and then for the window this is where we're going to want to select where the audio is coming from so if it's coming from the remote play application then we're going to go down here to the remoteplay.exe select that and then just select ok and then you can see that that audio from my gameplay source is coming through and now i can do the same thing for discord google chrome and spotify there's the spotify app and then how about chrome as well and now we have all the application audio inputs that we want now within obs let's give it a test just so i can show you guys that it works so i'm going to go to spotify go to my stream beats playlist here just press play and you can see that my spotify is coming through you can see that the remote play is still coming through if i had chrome going as well that would work too so here's one of my recent streams i have that going as well and you can see that that audio is coming through too if i did it for discord it would work as well and you don't need to worry about what your inputs or outputs are for discord it's still going to record whoever is speaking through that application without a problem so with these sources right now they're kind of just laying out within my scene and it's a little bit messy and maybe we want to copy the same sources over to another scene so that we make sure that that audio can transfer over from whichever scene that we're trying to show so to do that we want to select the audio inputs that we want to group together so i'm just going to select all of the ones that i have here then just right click and then just go up here to group selected items and now we can collapse that i can move it down to the bottom in case i kind of want it out the way now i can copy this group of sources into another scene so what i can do now is i'm just going to add another scene so the face cam okay and now you see my entire face and now i'm just going to go back to my other gameplay scene and then just copy the sources of the audio that i want to have in this mixer too paste it in and there you have it if i make any adjustments here to the audio levels and i go back over to the gameplay scene you can see that they're exactly the same so i can turn that down go back over here and you can say see that it's still the same besides all of the specified system application audio that you want it within obs you don't want to forget your microphone i feel like a lot of people just forget about that sometimes so in case you do all you need to do is just go into your settings go to audio and then just for your mic auxiliary audio devices just go ahead and select one of the microphones here that you have plugged into your computer now you'll have your commentary audio along with all of those audio sources that you just added within obs but i'm gonna leave it there guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure you hit the video with the big thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you're new around here if you have any questions whatsoever feel free to leave a comment down below and besides that i'll see you in my next video peace out
Channel: MidnightMan
Views: 65,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midnightman, midnightman55, ps5, playstation, easy, tutorials, How To Separate Audio in OBS - Game, Music, Voice Chat (EASY), how to seperate audio in obs, how to separate sound in obs, obs how to record screen, obs how to split audio tracks, obs how to separate audio tracks, Separate Game Audio, Discord, Music in OBS, beginners guide, best method, informative, gaming, how to, obs, ps5 games, xbox series x, no capture card, ps4, remote, discord
Id: 2BuvckBmmnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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