Poshmark Seller What NOT To Do Reselling Clothes Online + HAUL Beginner Mistakes Tips

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hello everybody and thanks for coming back to my channel today I'm going to be doing something new here I made a list of mistakes that I made when I was a beginner on Poshmark so if you are new to my channel I am a full time reseller on Poshmark ebay real of mayer khari and see all those platforms so this is just gonna be about Poshmark I've been a reseller on Poshmark for under a year but I have been reselling since 2016 so um when I first got my foot in the door with Poshmark I made I made a good amount of mistakes I don't want to say they were like um career-ending they were just things that if I could go back I would have liked giving myself a heads up like hey don't do this anymore my kids are in the background right now so if I have to like edit some weird part out I'm not hiding anything from you guys I just I can guarantee you one of my son's is gonna ask me for water one is gonna start crying and one of them is gonna tell me they're hurt or they need a band-aid because it seems like every single time I try to do a video I get interrupted like every few seconds oh so anyway I'll just start with the list at the end of the at the end of the list I have a haul video to show you guys that I actually pre-recorded it's just some items that I'm gonna be adding into my closet over the next week these are all items that I've found over the weekend so if you just want to see the hall and you don't really care about the mistakes or you've already learned your learned your lesson and you know this isn't gonna help you at all just fast forward the video a bit until you see me sifting through clothing and that is the hub so so I'm just gonna dive into it now these aren't in order of like which mistake I made first which one was the worst mistake I just kind of over the last couple of days I've been thinking about all the things I would have changed when I first started or what I would tell new postures that nobody really told me so one of the first things was I worried too much about the Ambassador Program so the Ambassador Program like you go on all these blogs and people are talking like a posh ambassador and you see um like who's following when you go to somebody's followers or who they are following you see like explanation points first right so special characters and all these people have like emojis and special characters and posh ambassador and people had like posh ambassador images like cover shots so I mean like they like it's really like blown up and I'm thinking you know I'm not gonna be able to even get my foot in the door with selling on this app until I am a posh ambassador I was like constantly waking up and I would share like 500 things to really get my status up I wanted to have 200 things listed so that I could qualify and then I got the status of posh ambassador and I instantly started getting following up with cables all the time and I'm like yes like here we go like I'm about to kick it off and nothing happened so the sales I mean I had more activity in general but I was shocked because I'm like waiting for the activity to pick up on its own without me having to actually put any work into it like sharing and it didn't I wasn't bummed out because I was still making sales but at this point I was only like selling one or two things a day and they were like twenty fifteen dollars in under so I'm like okay like am I not like do I have to wait on the posh ambassador list for a couple weeks you know um moral of the story being a posh ambassador is great some people swear by it it gives you more followers but a lot of those followers are new accounts who are people that actually don't come back necessarily or they don't know how to make offers they don't really understand how it works all the followers aren't coming from like people who are active on the platform so for some people they swear by the posh Ambassador status for me I think I spent too much time worrying about it I would have rather just focused on what I was doing which was building my inventory and getting my closet the way I wanted it to be so another mistake I had when I first started was sharing my closet like every hour and that is something if you do it is like really good I think Poshmark said something maybe on Instagram about people who share the closet like 10 times a day are this much more likely to make sales which obviously is true you're putting your items back at the top of the feed but the reason it was a mistake for me was because I was putting away too much time into sharing these items so like when I first started I had like you know maybe a little over 200 listings and I was just focusing like every hour I was sharing these listings and it was like a huge chore for me so I'm still like I don't love I don't wake up in the morning say I can't wait to share my closet but it was one of those things where it was becoming such a chore for me I started to hate selling on Poshmark because I'm like this is stupid like I can just go list these on eBay or Macari or if it's vintage I can put on Etsy and I can list it and I'm done with it I have to put no more work into it besides when it sells or if I have to adjust the price whatever so I think it just wore me out to share my closet so much I just felt like this responsibility like constantly and then my OCD started to kick in so when I wasn't sharing my closet like every hour I out 17 minutes past five I haven't shared my closet you know not my whole day's going so it's just I would go back and tell myself listen you can cool it down a bit keep sharing your closet daily multiple times a day but not to pressure myself to overdo it I just it wore me out too quickly another one um this is a really stupid mistake I don't know why I made it I'd been I have no excuse because I was reselling for quite a long time of her Poshmark but I would research some comps I would research comps at reasonable prices and if you know any reseller pumps are not resale are not retail prices comps are what things have sold for not even what they're listed for but literally like what they've sold for as well as if you look something up and you see that one has sold on eBay in the past three months but there's 20 listed you're probably not gonna sell it anywhere near the price of that one that was sold three months ago or whatever um so I don't know why I did that I think I was just it was like a cop-out for me because going through every single item of clothing that I didn't wasn't familiar with and having to look at the coms with you know my kids with me cuz I bring them drifting with me and having to turn on old filter sold filter sold it was too much so I would just look up a brand for a quick on google cuz it was quick and easy and I'd see wow this retails for a lot I'm gonna get it yeah that's just not not practical obviously if you know like Eileen Fisher she retails for a lot and her resale rate resellers have kind of like mutually came to the conclusion that Eileen Fisher it doesn't sell for as well as he would expect or whatever you people used to be able to sell it for so that was a mistake okay I'm back I told you guys I might have to interrupt the video but I got a long stretch there my son's over on his tablet right now so and I'm impressed I'm my other sons napping ones on his tablet ones at school I'm impressed I'm getting a good stretch here of information so another one that I made was comparing Poshmark to ebay and what I mean by that is pretty much um like the comps so I still look up you bake comps quite a bit when I'm sourcing for things that I'm pretty certain are gonna go on Poshmark but the Poshmark comes forces the ebay comps can be extremely um different so that was a big mistake I made I would look something up and see that on eBay you know it was ending on cheap auctions and it wasn't doing well and then I would get home and I'd see you know somebody else was picking up this item and I'd kind of look into it more and say well it does pretty good on Poshmark so another one that I made a lot was skipping past addresses and shirt sections and the reason and skirt sections and the reason I did this was because I didn't I don't like photographing dresses I don't like I don't like pushing a whole rack of dresses to the side it's just like you got to lift your arms up super high like your arms already tired because you've gone through all this stuff in the store um I would just a lot of times I would skip dresses cuz I I'd either be in a hurry or I just didn't have motivation skirts I personally don't wear skirts so I would skip past them um that was a mistake too because once I started sourcing for dresses I don't know like what changed in me I think I just thought alright you know what I'm not gonna there might be a hidden gem in here I'm gonna look through the dresses every time I come I'm already here so once I started looking through the dresses and selling them I realized that I made a huge mistake by passing up you know a couple months worth of sourcing dresses just because I didn't like taking pictures of them or like physically searching for them constantly price dropping so there's a lot of people who swear by price dropping and offering to likers obviously if something's been sitting for a while what else you gonna do with it besides own price drop or offer to Lakers but when I first started I was under the impression that clothing moved quickly I was under the impression that if your item gets stale and it hasn't sold within you know a couple weeks to a month it's probably not gonna sell because the fast fashion is so like in and out right now I was so worried that I would sit on something and it wouldn't be trendy anymore or the brand would lose its resale value so after something was listed for a couple weeks I would like price drop it and then I would price drop it again and then again and I got to the point where I was like price dropping things too you know like ten dollars and after what I paid for them in the Poshmark fee I would have made like four dollars on them and it was really I wanted to quit for like for a couple of weeks yeah when I first started um well like a month or so after I first started I was just like oh my god I can't keep price dropping things like I'm selling these things for $15 when originally I thought they were gonna sell for 40 so what I did was I went back through my closet and I actually took different pictures of all my items which I'm never doing again like that sucks going through the same items that you've already listed and taking pictures of them again and socks but I went through them all and I revamp them and I put the prices back up again and I just kind of waited on it and I started seeing activity on my items I think what happened was when I first heard Proxmire Poshmark I was just really impatient to get those sales rolling so I was I wanted to price drop everything just cuz I wanted to get sales I wanted my you know posh ambassador status you know we have to have sales I think you have to have like 50 sales or something like that to get there and I just wanted sales like quick sales I don't price drops that often anymore I don't offer to likers out often I honestly wait for them to come to me I expect to get offers on an item but I mean I do still price drop it's just not something that I'm doing like actively every day I I'm a firm believer and just waiting for the right buyer so if you have something sitting in your closet that you are just in your gut you feel like you can what you're asking for out of them don't feel pressured to price drop if you're okay was sitting on inventory I don't really see the need to price trap also another thing was I was when I first started selling it was just ending summertime so I want to get all my summer stuff out the door so I could switch to the fall and winter season but I sold summer stuff throughout the winter season so I don't I'm not a huge price trapper when I do drop the price i I I slashed the price right so I don't drop it by like one or two dollars like I'll I'll cut it down like 30 40 percent sometimes just cuz by time I usually do price trap it that's me like putting it on clearance are you okay this has been sitting for a couple of months it's not working out I've still offers um price trap so another one was was not taking a material tag picture of my items I just never really crossed my mind to take pictures of the material tag unless like I was like it was a specific style or like there was the extra button still attached I would take a picture of it to show like hey this hasn't you know it's still an extra button but I was so flooded with people asking me what's the material what's the from blend that it was just like overwhelming and I'm like why am I not taking pictures of the material tags and posting them so I don't have to UM like constantly run back downstairs to grab my inventory and answer questions um another mistake I made was when I would do Community Shares I would go to the newly listed in the woman's category I wouldn't I wouldn't do it for my feed and the reason I think that was a mistake was because I would go to the newest listed and I would see a bunch of things who are people just selling out of their personal closet and usually you can tell because you know the bull throw picture pair of pants on their bedspread and take a picture and they'll say you know worn twice didn't fit and what I would find myself sharing things like that um it wouldn't bring my that closet that user it wouldn't really bring them to my shop to share my items as well to my closet so I I probably I don't want to say wasted community shares cuz I'm a firm believer and you know spreading the love and doing community shares but a lot of my time I could have just been sharing like out of other sellers closets or people that I had followed at the time I could have just been sharing from my feed you know they might get 10 notifications that honey rags that shared this this this and this so they would be more likely to go back to my closet and either look at it or spread the love and share mine as well so that was another mistake um and the last one this one is probably like one of the most important to me now was just I would put in at the beginning of doing my parchment closet I would put in anything that I thought would sell anything that sells I was putting in like a lot of things that I personally thought were like not my style a lot of like kids stuff which I love that selling a vintage baby and toddler clothes on my up seat loved it but I was selling like just a bunch of kid stuff and like I would put like some men's stuff on there and even woman's like I'd put like woman's skirt that just weren't like my style at all and I kind of I didn't I don't want to say like I lost motivation but I would just I would go to my closet and I wasn't I wasn't so proud of everything I had to display like it was all good quality products obviously but I was reselling but it didn't looking at my closet it didn't feel like I like curated this so I a few months after I started selling on Poshmark I'm like you know what I mean my business cards and at the bottom it says curated by Riley or something like that and I just I'm like you know what I want to be motivated about every single piece so I had a huge death pile of things that I just honestly like at the time I'm like these are kind of ugly my style so my desk I would build up of a bunch of things that I just didn't want a list I knew that they would probably sell because they were good brands they were good quality they were good items but I personally I was just not interested in them so over the past couple of months I've only picked up things that I really like obviously there's an exception so if you find a Tory Burch dress that is like really hideous right or like a Kate Spade purse that is obviously authentic that's just not your style you probably pick it up I mean it's not gonna hurt to have a couple things in your closet that you're not completely motivated by but um like for the most part now everything in my closet I feel like is a reflection of like me and my business and my brand so I really feel like I have like my own brand that I'm building that I'm really proud of I love everything my closet I'm excited about everything when I wrap it up to send to somebody I'm just under the buyer I'm proud to put my business card on it and send it so that was another mistake yeah was just picking up anything and everything as long as I had a good idea that it would sell now I don't do that now there's a lot of good things that I've left behind purely because I probably wouldn't have much interest in them and they'd end up at the bottom of my closet you know 500 items down just sitting there like I'm like try to quick share them get them out of the way so I could share my good stuff like that was a big mistake too because even when I go through my inventory I'd like pull something out when I was looking for something gonna be like can't wait to get rid of that you know so now I'm like I only pick up things really that I'm really motivated by that I really like not necessarily even my style but you said I'm proud to display basically so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video um up next I'm just gonna show you guys my home I've had a long day oh I've probably told you in the video but the hall is really like bread and butter brands I didn't find anything stunning actually I take that back there's one thing I'm really excited to show you guys so if you want to see that keep watching the hall if you guys like do some of these things that I just said were mistakes for me please don't take it personally I definitely want to put that out there I wasn't these were just mistakes that I made purely because it didn't fit my business model or didn't fit my like personality or my lifestyle whatever don't take it personally if you guys still do some of these things and if it's working for you just keep it up this these are just things that I would have told myself I wish other people would have told me before I started selling on Poshmark or in the beginning so as always thank you so much for watching um I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'm just gonna cut out to the hall and then hasta LaVista so my Instagram name is honey dot rags and if you don't follow me on Instagram and you haven't Instagram you totally should because I post there either daily or multiple times a day so there's a lot of content on there as well so thank you so much first few pieces that I'm gonna show you guys I didn't pick up due to the brand but I picked up due to the style so the styles are what I think are pretty special pretty cute and exceptional I picked up this violet and clear top this just has a really cute like abstract print it just mine's much like an ink spill I think I will list this one around $15 with tank tops um I usually my price points are usually lower it's less fabric they cost less for me to buy so I mean even a retailer usually tank tops price point is you know lower than what a sweater would be obviously so I have to list these accordingly which is why most these won't go over 20 so this is a kinnor I'm not sure if this is a boutique brand it's not anything super special but I know it's a decent brand this just has this really nice metallic bib I might end up keeping this for my self if I don't decide to get for myself I will start it at $20 and see how it does it also has this like asymmetrical bottom I found this Calvin Klein really interesting like abstract illusion geometric print top and it has these like neon pastel colors I really like this one I think I will start this one around $25 which does seem a little bit high for a tank top but if this is one of those styles that you can't really find anymore I think it will do well it's a petite medium so some people tell me that they have issues selling petite that it moves slower for them I personally haven't had issues selling petite or tall sizes up here I found this table it's top again not anything super special with the table it's brand it's like a mob ran um but this I had to pick up it just has these multicolored bowls that are just sewn on this is really cute really special I think I'm gonna start this one around $25 as well um Cynthia Rowley so this one I picked up because of the style it reminds me of like a referee I don't know if these are cherries but I think I've seen this exact print before I'm not sure if I saw someone else selling them or I actually saw it in store but I think I will start this one around 15 to 20 dollars I'm gonna try to look up this print and see how well it does this one I picked up because it's new with tags and because of the really cute contrast pattern it's just a loft outlet um because it's new with tags I'll probably start it off around $20 even though um like loft outlet doesn't do well as loft as far as the price point I found a milly for design nation I actually sold this exact same shirt for $15 I believe 15 dollars but this one the one that I sold was blue so I will probably list the pink one at about 16:17 dollars maybe and see how it does I found this prana top I've been trying to stay away from basic colors just because they're not as captivating for you know people that are going through my closet if you just see a bunch of minimal even though minimal is like really in right now I just want more eye-catching things but this feels brand new it has this raw hem at the bottom like this cut off I shouldn't say brought him it just has this cut off fabric at the bottom it just feels new there's no discoloration at all I'll probably list it for $20 if I can capture a good photograph of it but if not this is something that I'm just going to keep for myself I found this Beatles top um like I told you guys before I like I like listing graphic tops I've been trying to get my foot in the door with graphic tops I've sold a handful of band t-shirts so this one I'll probably list for about $15 again it has you know the cut off fabric at all of the edges which I I think is really in right now I found this Harry Potter top so I don't I found quite a bit of Harry Potter obviously it's pretty popular and I usually leave it behind but this one when I was looking at the tag I realized it this one came from the Orlando studios so this would have been something that you have to buy at the studios I believe so it was probably a pretty petty new I will list it for about $20 this is my first time at finding this brand tomboy ex which I thought was like an underwear um sports bra brand but they actually do swimwear as well their price points are kind of all over the place but I'll probably list this for about $25 I found in I don't know how to say this I ran crafts its Ireland the comps on these pieces were pretty good actually I bought this without checking the comps because I just trusted my gut because the style on this piece is really unique it's like the thrown over poncho zip up style I can't even explain it the only flaw there's just a little bit of discoloration which looks like maybe it was a lipstick I tried to get out um I couldn't wash it out so I'm probably going to adjust the price but I still think the comps on this are pretty good I'm gonna list it at 40 and see how it does at that price um this is just a Patagonia top that I'm probably going to keep for myself because it did have a little flaw I found these adriano gold Sheen I don't know how to say it I've sold his pants before they flipped pretty quickly I think for about 25 to 30 dollars these are like this they feel like plastic I don't know how to explain them or rubber latex or something but I haven't looked up the comps on this but because it's like an olive green and that's pretty trendy right now I'm probably gonna start these around $35 I also found these seven for all mankind skinny bottom pants I really like the button up front soil probably lyses around 25 to 30 dollars I found these miss mieze I don't always pick up miss me jeans but these ones are they feel like brand-new honestly they're more of a trendy style they have the really extremely detailed back um like it looks like it was destroyed and there was like um it was made to look like it was destroyed and there's detail like embellishments underneath so these ones I will probably start around 40 to 50 dollars and I know that it seems high for Miss Me jeans so I really have to see if I can find this style online while other people are selling this style for if I can't find the exact style yeah forty to fifty dollars I also found these North Face pants so more faces I hit or miss for me but athletic like hiking pants do pretty well for me so I'll probably start these around $20 um this is a Pendleton trenchcoat I am really really really hoping that this is a woman's I picked up without looking through anything really I just saw that it was a Pendleton I mean this feels like it's 30 pounds I'm probably gonna have to either list out on eBay or do some special shipping adjustments on Poshmark however that works I haven't ever had to do a shipping adjustment yet because this is really heavy but the comes on this look kind of all over the place but really good so I will probably start this one around $75 if it is a woman's and see how it does at that price I found this Red Hot Chili Peppers beyond t-shirt which this is my first time seeing their like this type of style band shirt for them so I have to look up the comps on this I'm not sure what I'm gonna list this at yet so yeah now we're moving on to the men's clothing I found this Robert Graham polo which I wasn't going to pick up because it is just it's pretty plain Robert Graham is a good brand to pick up for men's but I really liked this bright vibrant detail inside of the collar and underneath the collar I think if I can like showcase that in the listing it will do well I'm not sure what I'm gonna list this for though I found this Burberry's of London so as I've told you guys in a previous video before Burberry was Burberry they were Burberry's they ended up dropping the s but just because it has yes a lot of people think that it's not authentic um it is authentic they just it's just an older style because eventually they they dropped the s I'm not sure what I'm gonna list this for either probably not much because the style isn't anything special and it is older but it's really hard for me to leave behind Burberry anything onto the accessories I usually don't have many accessories or shoes to you guys but I am so happy with the fine so let's just do the best first I guess um as soon as I saw this purse I actually couldn't reach it but it looked familiar and I could just pretty much feel the bottom of it cuz it was so high I couldn't reach it and I knew right away that it was special just I guess you can just tell like when you touch something when you've been doing it for a while or if you're just somebody who's really into like luxury designer you'll know the difference when you feel something but I had my fiance get it down for me and as soon as I opened it my heart was beating so quickly because Roberto Di Camerino so she is I believe an Italian designer her handbags they retail for a lot in the console they're all over the place um some comps were like in the 300s some were more like 70 a hundred but this is I think a newer style I'm not totally sure I don't wait guys to completely trust my word I'm definitely not an expert when it comes to this designer obviously it's not gonna bring me like hundreds of dollars but I don't know I have to look at the comps it's really hard for me not to keep this for myself but I'm using um it's like this accordion style which I really love I'm using diaper bags right now because I have young children so it doesn't make sense for me to keep a small purse like this that I won't be able to use but this is definitely my best find of 2019 so far honestly so moving on I found this this hat it says in pizza we trust with this like baby doll pink the comps on Jack for neck I don't even know if I'm saying right I mean they're not anything great but that's pretty it's a pretty trendy style hat I'll probably list it for like $10 nothing nothing major maybe it can be like an accessory add-on so these I could not resist you guys these are the smaller Crocs I've seen in my life they're like infant Crocs and I don't even think I'm gonna make my money back on these but I've never seen something so cute I'm like I have to have those because one of my friends it has a baby girl these are gonna steal the show those are so cute I found these vsp guys which this was my first time finding BS bigas but I looked up the comps on these and won a pair of red ones that were the exact same style sold for $35 a few days ago so I'm probably gonna list it I have $40 which is you know a hopeful price but on Poshmark you will always expect to get offers and whatnot I just want these Morell loafers for myself and then I also found these Bowden shoes there's some wear to the bottom but I only paid $4 for them and the tops look Ryan I don't know why the bottom looks so worn out because they look pretty good um from the top so yeah it just has like this animal print with this fuzzy exterior I don't know what I'm gonna let see that I'll probably start them around 30 dollars just because animal print is trending right now so those are my accessories that I found
Channel: Honey Rags
Views: 209,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brands, That, Sell, Clothing, Haul, Thrift, Store, Goodwill, Finds
Id: 8Ge2PmpsIng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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