How to Send MIDI Back to my Synth? | Club Cubase with Greg Ondo

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all right we'll get started here in just a couple of minutes get some people logged in my name is Greg Ando I work with Yamaha Corporation of America and I work as a Steinberg specialist in the u.s. we'll get started here in just a couple minutes I'm gonna make sure audio is working on my end here just check the feed alright okay so for those people that are watching live if you want to introduce yourself if you're not watching it live if you're watching kind of the broadcast of it afterwards you don't have to introduce yourself we you can if you want to and for those people that are watching live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from and if you have questions and topics that you want covered today just feel free to enter them in the comments field we will try to get to as many as possible I was going back through some of the questions that are asked in the last hangout that we didn't have a chance to get to so we'll try to incorporate some of those and people could also submit questions in advance too by sending an email to club cubase at Steinberg de Sao and probably like many of you I have my son at home so he may interrupt in the middle of the Hangout and I may have to put a new movie on for him so I appreciate your patience with that as it will happen inevitably so I'm just kind of the product of our stay at home time all right so we'll go ahead and see who's getting logged in and we'll get started in just a couple of minutes so if you're watching this in a rebroadcast please you may want to skip ahead usually takes maybe eight to ten minutes to get people logged in and questions going but we'll try to if you wanted to skip ahead we'll do that and we'll try to have an index done in just a minute okay so go ahead and seeing people get logged in seeing some familiar faces good to have sir Robert from Atlanta a long time Cubase fan hey so maybe before my my son's already knocking let me see what I get them started for the Hangout gets going all right my son apparently wanted a second lunch all right so I think he's squared away we have a movie going okay so see who agreed so we have dave from southern UK he's been over the Hangout to a low good to see you on as well okay so we have Bulgaria Taylor from Pine Grove good to see you are you say we have Barcelona Switzerland Miami Italy okay so just said just seeing a couple questions my family is all doing great thanks for asking okay so we'll just go ahead in are you at Brazil Wisconsin Sweden Quebec Stockholm Athens okay so it's reading through different questions are you coming in so thanks for all that so we have Denmark California Montreal beautiful city Vesuvio Birmingham so C question any news on window VST connect video be ready so it is there is one now is posted yesterday Anna Steinberg channel you can check that out and also for people that were interested in VST connectors I think starting today there is a promotion going on on the VST Connect Pro so you could check out the Steinberg YouTube channel alright so a way of Switzerland Texas okay we have Copenhagen there Copenhagen right pronounced that incorrectly Belgium okay just going through and once again if you want to send questions in advance you can send it to club cubase at Steinberg de right so we have some more people logging in we'll wait just couple more minutes and get started thanks for your patience okay so more people getting logged in actually a France all right so we Robbie from Dallas Galicia Spain you okay says more people logging in we'll get started here maybe in just a minute we have India Nashville sorry we have Dave and Kay from Nashville good to see you online okay so let's have some more people getting logged in we'll get started here in just a minute okay someone pointed out that mr. Ireland so yes I did so great to have you on from Ireland I've always wanted to go there alright so we have Beverly Hills all right so my biggest man in Serbia is checking and that's good to know all right Saudi Arabia all right so Norway Bristol all right some more people getting logged in we have Hanover you know I've been there before maybe about 25 years ago all right Tampa Williamsburg Virginia not too far from where I am okay so we have Moscow this question on reversing all right it's a Cincinnati Brooklyn India again I know it's more people logging in will get people will get people just about 30 more seconds and get started okay Rhode Island Quebec City okay so let's go ahead and get started thanks for everyone for joining a hangout again my name is Greg undoh I'm presenting from Alexandria Virginia just outside Washington DC so let's go ahead in take a look at some of the questions okay so it says hello my question is with core tracks winning core tracks how do you set up harmony parts for vocals and is it possible to do the same for guitar and keyboard tracks thank you so if you want to experiment with doing different vocal harmonies that are that makes sense musically what we could do is I'll just go ahead and open up project here which has this kind of setup okay so what I'm gonna do in this example is there's a piano part that's in MIDI and a vocal part here and I wanted to maybe generate some harmony part so I'll double click and let's just look at my score in the bottom editor here and at this point I could see that I'm gonna have different piano chords and that's fine but what I want to do is from my project menu we could go to chord track and what I want to do is just select this MIDI part and I will say let's create chord symbols so as soon as I come over here I generally find it good to include kind of the top two checked by default and you could experiment but what that's done now is automatically given me a chord track so when we look at our chord track I'll make this a little larger so that we could see exactly what chords [Music] so when I want to actually do like my very audio editing you know one of the things that's really handy is the fact that we could go to your very audio and we could actually colorize based upon the core track so when I go to the color icon here we could look at notes based on there and the colors will indicate they're kind of harmonic relation with the chords so we can see a note that as red is out of key and out of scale a green note is within the chord a blue note is within the scale so it's within key and we could do this in the MIDI editors as well so if you wanted to do like just really super fast pitch correction you know from this window you could select all and if you go to the bottom Center you can just simply you know knock things in tune [Music] so if I want to take that phrase tell me why starting right here I will now jump out into my main project window and I'm going to use my range selection tool and I could do this just and let me just take my snap off and we could do that by clicking here or hitting the letter J so I could select that particular range and what I want to do is now since we know that this is a c9 chord going to a G chord I could go to my project or my audio menu rather and we could choose to go into generate harmony voices and at this point I will have it automatically give me for harmony parts so we look at this I will just kind of drop some of the volumes down slightly on this and now as we listen to our harmonies [Music] and if I wanted to you know edit all those parts together we could select them all and go into our editor and once we you know I could see the active part defined for me right here so you could just say okay I want to colorize these all again by the core tract so if I wanted to change the harmonies I could select a different you know multiple parts here [Music] so let's say if I didn't want that to resolve I could just kind of [Music] and changed our harmonies if I selected different voice I'm able to adjust those kind of just as easily so if you wanted to just modify the harmonies but again once you have the chord tracks defined and it's if you have like a MIDI part at that point we could go and have the chords automatically generated from that and then go to your audio menu to generate a harmony voices and then once you have that done you know it will just generate the vocal harmonies for you so you could do it for like a monophonic guitar part or if you wanted to work with if you have a keyboard part you could obviously do it for MIDI stuff quite easily but it's not really designed to treat polyphonic materials we had a question that was sent in earlier can we you know do chord extraction directly from an audio event it's currently limited to MIDI but I think some of the technologies are getting a little stronger where it'll be pretty viable soon so so we could do this for MIDI but we can't necessarily do it for audio at this point okay so moving on okay so it's a question what is the best way to mix a track to get the maximum loudness without getting distortion when mixing down so you know gain structure you know can make a big difference overall you know so you know sometimes you know why certain tracks will sound louder even if they you look at them and it's like you know why is it not you know that the amplitude of the wave form isn't a strong but it sounds louder it seems counterintuitive you know like arrangements can make a big deal but you know once you come over here and a lot of people you know will add processing like a multiband compressor or limiter on the master buss so you know this is pretty typical too you know have a limiter and you know you could put this into your master bus to get that and some people kind of a there's a lot of people that kind of cheat by working constantly with the limiter on and I've heard some people say that you're just kind of lying to yourself and to make them mix by itself without that sound is full and rich as possible once you do an audio export you can come over here and do the export audio mix down and as you do this if you want it to I think it just had the wrong selection so if you do an export audio mix down you could choose to import directly into the track so you say import and create audio track and what a lot of people do and we kind of talked about this and the last hangout is once we have that done is you could go directly to your audio to processes and then there's a normalized function so I'll just go ahead and do this and now with ten point five you have the options of normalizing to a specific DB value or you could use loudness units for example a lot of broadcast facilities want a file that's around twenty three minus twenty three loudness units some other companies will want do like you know a lot of streaming services maybe at minus fourteen loudness units so you could actually just kind of set your loudness units level there if you want it to so that's some ways that you could do it but you know try to make the mix itself you know with the arrangement as full and rich as possible without necessarily having to resort to you know always having a master effects chain going in so a lot of people are mixing kind of to their master effects chain and it kind of bites them in the end so there's are a couple quick tips alright so we'll move on thanks for great questions okay okay we have a question from Millard why do recorded parts sometimes have a slightly different tempo from the project tempo this misalliance two part if I put it into musical mode you know I've seen that on one or two files and I've seen it sometimes with files maybe that were recorded at different sample rates when that happens and that could give you an indication if you see different you know if you know that you've recorded at a specific tempo you know you could go to the pool window and we could see the tempo information here so I may have some loops but you could just double click and I think if even if you select a number of files here you could double click and let's see if I just want to put in so if you just you know have all of them selected you could change all of them to the same value if you wanted to so if you wanted to kind of overwrite that you could do that as well one other question I think the milord had asked in a previous hangout was that he had purchased some of the loop libraries and not all of the you know icons were showing up like for the VST sound loops collection so if he do this if they don't show up they should show up by default so I did it on my PC and they showed up and when I did it on my Mac they didn't so I can't you know we're trying to figure this out and then in the Preferences of Cubase and if you're on PC you could you know go to your Cubase data folder so if you click on your Start menu go to all programs we see Cubase click on the Cubase folder you'll see this you know all programs if on Mac he would go to go and then hold down the alt or option key and go to why Larry and then to preferences and go to Cubase but what we what they had me do after kind of working with the you know with the developers a little bit was to delete I think there's the media defaults XML and immediate 3 DB files and that that went and then restarting it did the trick and then all the different icons would show up so if you want give that a try milord okay so it's a question from Taylor when using reverb on multiple tracks with ascend I solo one of those tracks and I hear reverb from all of the tracks how could I solo one track with reverb and not hear the others sent to that reverb ok so let's take a let's say if I have I'll just revert this file before we destroy it with wrong tempo stamps okay so let's say if I have my reverb here and it will just make sure okay so on my voice and let's say my piano has the same reverb so I'll just add way too much reverb in the piano [Music] okay so we have both of these tracks going to the reverb and I says how could I sell one track with the reverb and not hear the others other tracks being sent to that reverb [Music] and let me just check see if there's a preference that doesn't sound like it's [Music] sending that but let me see there may be a preference that could do this let me just take a look so it sounds and let me just see if switching it to see if I switch it to pre-fader if that makes a difference [Music] so when you hear if I solo the so it seems like it's not routing so and I just have this but if I soloed the reverb return chain also say if I sneak down here to where my reverence is [Music] all right and let's say if I just have these two [Music] so you know it seems like that's working but I know what some people do to only hear the reverb going on so it doesn't seem like the reverb is bleeding to me but if you also just hit the on the reverb return channel here so it's come here and the here's our reverence [Music] [Music] so you know you could also hit the listen mode and this would allow you to isolate just a reverb without the original sources but it seems like when I'm soloing the track that you know I'm not hearing the reverb bleed from other tracks and a lot of tracks have reverb on there I'm just hearing that so but if I'm doing something different Taylor just let me know and make sure I'm understanding your question okay so in our question when I'm exporting audio mix down post-process allows upload to SoundCloud but I don't see an option to go to wave lab7 is there a way to configure it to show Wavelab i think this started in Wavelab it was kind of a two-way communication between Wavelab and Cubase so I don't think it did it in version 7 it wasn't an option I think it's when it starters maybe 8.5 or Wavelab 9 if you're not familiar with this process you could just say I want to do export audio mix down and you could say after export there's a post process and here you could choose to just have that file automatically go to Wavelab and i think it's maybe eight point five or nine that had that capability in WAV lab so you may not I don't think you'll see it for version seven okay okay I see question why is musical mode in the sampler track sometimes not available so let me just drag quick loop into my sampler control okay so sometimes you want to make sure you know there's the audio warping and so if we come here we could just say I'll just choose my start position a little earlier here so say if I just and I don't have it so load sorry and as I do this generally you know it slows down just like a traditional sampler if I play a higher pitch the sample plays back depending upon the pitch but if I click on the audio warp you know and sometimes it's a subtle thing you know you could click here and now when we do this we could say we want it to be in music mode I wanted to sync to the tempo and now when I play it'll play back the same tempo there so but make sure that you just have the audio warp enabled so sometimes it's some people don't find it because it's kind of you know it's a bit grayed out hang on one second my son is knocking on door all right sorry about that all right so so sometimes you know it's not as obvious here so just make sure that the audio warp is turned on so if you work with a preset it may have the audio warp enabled by default so but I think that may do it but if not let me know okay is there a way to import AV rack the e Pro used from another project file I don't think so I think it's going to be to separate and that I don't use ve Pro so I'm not sure if the if the V rack is part of the e Pro or if it's what you use to access within Cubase if it's something that's being used to access from Cubase you might be able to right-click if it's a particular track and do a save track preset but if it's like a rack within the ve Pro software it's going to not be able to be imported directly into Cubase okay so question is there a way to import a pattern from groove agent or MIDI in to beat designer let's give it a try thanks for your patience okay so let's get you [Music] just find some beats very quickly okay now just drag okay miss pouring beat of all-time but let me just come over here as a MIDI insert I know you could drag out of beat designer and I think there's some trick to be able to maybe do it but I'll give it a shot here so I think you can drag out but I'm not sure if you could drag in but there may be some way of doing it but I don't know off the top of my head but I could do some more research on that okay a question is there a way to have tempo definition inserted upon exports from Cubase 9.5 or do I need to upgrade to be able to export audio files that will follow the tempo in other da WS so if you come directly to the you know generally like the tempo stamp information will be carried over but if you e you know once we go to the audio menu and if you go to advanced there's D if and I was good and just kind of select the audio event here and at this point you could say set definition from tempo and this will write that data into the file and that file metadata will be preserved when exporting to other da WS so that will be preserved so once you just simply do that to try to go into your audio and I'm pretty I'm about 99% sure that if you just choose and you could select multiple files at once to set definition from tempo that even if it had tempo changes that information will be embedded in the audio file itself as part of the metadata okay so I see a question will Wavelab be a ra to compatible in the future I think it has some semblance of it I know that you know it kind of allows you to do it may not be exactly a ra - but I know if you're doing spectral layers that you could define an external editor and have that work so but I don't I'm not positive if it is a re - or if there's kind of a link between that and spectral layers okay question is there a way to restore a deleted template if you have a so if you deleted the file it won't be available as a template but what you could do if you run into a situation if you have a project that was created with a template you could choose to come over here and just say we want to import tracks from project so I'll just get in we'll select this and I could choose to and this is not in 9.5 so this kind of came in 10 but in ten point ten and ten point five you could just say I want to select all I could just select all the tracks and choose not to have my events and parts and that could import everything if you have a project that was done and I think you're in Cubase 9.5 if you load up a project delete all you know select all of the files hit delete and go into your pull window under media at this point you could right click and say removed unused media and that'll kind of get you to the same spot that you were so that way you can now save that as a template and that should kind of get you to the same spot is where you were with your template but it's always a good idea to kind of backup templates to multiple locations or at least another location if possible okay gun through some more questions okay so I see another question in any news and a PST connect video be ready so my colleague Dom sigalas did one I think is released yesterday so you go to the Steinberg channel to check that out he always does a great job at these videos okay okay so it says uh from Quebec Canada I have this problem with my Cubase each time I turn on I have to reboot all my MIDI devices so I can use them so you know it may be Samuel if you could tell us say for you're running Cubase which version EQ Basin which platform I know I think it was eight point five that actually had the ability to you know on a Windows platform for a long time if you didn't have your controller enabled before Cubase started up you'd have to and let's say you connect your controller after Cubase launched that you would have to restart Cubase for it to see it but since eight point five I believe once you had that automatically config once you connected a MIDI device into your PC or Mac it would automatically be recognized and be available so if you're running prior to eight point five you know that was a feature that was added but you know if it's after eight point five it could be a driver issue maybe with your MIDI interfaces but I don't think it's necessarily a Cubase thing so it it shouldn't do that but if you it maybe in a comment if you could specify whether it's Mac or PC in which version of Cubase that would be helpful okay would love to know about sending MIDI back to my synth do you have info on that so you know if you have a synthesizer hooked up you know in its just say I have some MIDI data here just load up quick project here I'll just revert this one you know sending MIDI data out to synthesis you know other devices is really you know very similar so you know you're gonna start with a MIDI track as opposed to an instrument track by default so if you do that you say I want to add a MIDI track and give it a name hit enter and the key thing that you want to do is to make sure that you have this particular output destination going to the hardware MIDI interface that you have so like my you are 24c interface i'm using here has a MIDI port and if I had my synthesizer hooked up to it at that point that would automatically send the MIDI data from this track out of that MIDI port into the synthesizer so you could do that and a lot of the synthesizers made in the last 15-20 years didn't come with USB so you'd see the USB MIDI driver if that's the case maybe some vintage sense you know and like pre 2002 ish you know may not have USB but you know you could see the USB driver if that's connected and send it data out that way or out to any through your standard MIDI interface as well okay says hi Greg when MIDI track contents are changed as a result of following a core track is there way to get back to the MIDI data created prior to having followed the Korg track alright so let me go ahead and I'll just do this quickly here we'll give it a test so I'll just go didn't generate my chord track from my piano part again so I'll just come here then I'll change some of the chord symbols okay so I'll move my piano part up here and let's say in this G sus4 I want to change that to a D so I could just come there alright so I will so once I have this track set to follow the chord track you could just say let's get two chords and now we'll just say follow two scale and now we should see this chord these MIDI notes here change accordingly okay so let's see if I so it will just show up as an undo you know update voicings and let me just see if there's maybe a key command for that you so you know it will show up let's say if I did some other edits you know it will show up in your edit history to undo and let me just see if I've done those and so if let me just go back to that stage and if I just choose for let's say not to follow the chord track yes I think you're gonna just have to undo that and kind of be aware of it maybe when you do it but I don't know way to selectively go back to where you were I know what I've heard some people do is just kind of make a track version of this so where you could say you know I wanted to do this and let's duplicate the version so say we have the original and then come back that may not looks like that's doing it from the track level so I think it might just be an undo but I could see if there's a kind of restore original function somewhere I don't know of one but that's it's a great question okay so we have question in the old days when recorded to magnetic tape we kept the levels hot in the red to minimize noise floors at the best way to treat tape saturation plugins yeah you know it's you know the you're not adding you know recording at kind of low signal didn't you know let's say if you have a like a low level amplitude like a softer passage people would generally kind of slam the tape just to make sure that you know you weren't you know you didn't have a huge noise for the issue so you know you could kind of follow the same paradigm you know when tracking you know it's not as critical and digital because if it's recorded quieter you know it doesn't necessarily have the noise horror you know it could have some from the mic Brina analog chain but you know the recording medium itself isn't adding any noise to it so so you could you know when using plugins such as like the magneto plug-in and you could do this directly from like the channel strip as well so you know and generally these plugins will be set up just as you know not necessarily most people won't track through it but we'll have it on mixing bus and then you know you're not really it's taking a different approach then trying to overcome limitations of recording medium so you can kind of you know use it to taste as opposed to using as a crutch to fix kind of a deeper problem with recording to magnetic tape all right so good see be bowling from Dallas and I think he's a loyal hangout follower here it's great to see him on I seem that clinic said audio dog it's spunky's place in Dallas ok ok so going through comments hello hello I often use random values for a velocity inserted with logical editors especially for drums is there way any way to program logical editor to set random velocity values for more than one note so let's go ahead and take a look at think you could do that quite easily so I will just go ahead and let's say for doing you need you mentioned especially for drums so let's say if I just wanted to create a quick fake drum part here [Music] imagine this is beautiful drums sorry now I have all these basically the same velocity level and let's pull up our logical editor so I think the logical editor you know can do can kind of function on what is selected so we'll go to the logical editor and we want to say our type is equal to notes but I just say value two we want it to be okay so let me just start over again where I have a brain cramp sorry okay so we'll say notes and then what we want to do is to take our value two and we'll say set the random values between let's say 40 and 80 okay so and then on the function I choose transform so now I have that part selected as opposed to individual parts here so now I hit apply and we could see that that has now done it - it's randomized all of the different velocity so it's not just so if you have like in a drum editor for instance you know all of one like you know what people just shift double click to select all the kicks or all the high hats but if you just you know have a different event selected here I could just see that this will just change all of the parameters that are selected with the logical editor so make sure that you have like a part selected as opposed to an individual note for instance so I see question Greg what's the best way to do a feature request is it the form you know I still it's you know you could always pass it on in the Hangout you could pass on into a form you know I have regular communication to kind of send feedback with the product planning and development and we always have ongoing discussion so you know you could email me a club cubase at Steinberg de you know sometimes you know feature requests you know someone you know one of the things that happens a lot is you know it could be like a small part of a really big project and people want that very small part and then the big project comes out and it takes a while to deliver that you know the huge new feature of which you know may have you know thirty-two other sub features and sometimes they'll wait to have kind of the big picture thing but you know please feel free to email me at club cubase at Steinberg de ok question why you cannot use two external audio interfaces in a Windows 10 computer to use to see all I owe in Cubase 10 and Mac it's possible update I hope so so generally you know what you have with in the Mac side is you deal with core audio and aggregate devices there's a couple of drawbacks one is it's not really seem to function well for clocking between multiple devices and when we're dealing with digital audio you know if you're two different devices are set to different clocks and they're kind of freewheeling that's not necessarily such a good thing so we could do that and also when on the Mac side when you have multiple audio interfaces the latency gets to be compounded and it causes a lot of the issues so that's why you know we choose to have kind of play back that's you know a known entity and and that we know that the clock source will be consistent through playback so that's why we don't necessarily see it on the window side so it's not a conspiracy or anything like that it's just kind of practice you know practicality of it and you know you may you know think of investing in interfaces that have expansion options such as like an a dot in so people get in our eight channels in and out of your system as well so but that's the reason why okay so question how do I get sound for my media samples on right screen to monitor the samples show but I have no sound for them what's going on with when going through them so if you want to audition your different samples on the right-hand zone here you could just go directly to so say if I go to my loops and browsers and I wanted to just audition so the one thing you want to do is you know if you're in Cubase Pro is good to your audio connections and generally this gets routed to it's called the listen bus it's kind of this you know obscurely documented aspect but make sure that you have the control room activated so if I have just my outputs here and let's say on my stereo bus I may not as I do this I don't hear the outputs because the preview goes through the control room so as soon as I go into my audio connections and go to control room and activate it there and if we have that output defined that monitoring path defined in the control room we want to have our bus set to not connect it why's this sound could get sent out twice and as soon as we do that you can audition your different loop files here make sure I did it right and pretty messed up my connections so now once I have that defined in a control room you can audition all your samples and hear it okay let's go through more questions thanks for all the wonderful questions again if you've learned a tip or trick please feel free to subscribe to the channel and make sure you give it a thumbs up all right okay so hey Greg hello from the US could you cover ways to do reverb automation and some use cases for this you know a lot of times you know people may open up reverbs depending you know reverbs or reverb times depending on the actual project you know you may want to have more reverb going into a bridge or something you know so those are some typical parameters that you could do so let's say if I wanted to look at my reverb send here you know and [Music] so click onto my wnr [Music] so that may want to open it up for that passage [Music] say I wanted to be a little more intimate so now we could just listen to that again [Music] and you could do all sorts of you know automating a parameters within the reverb but you know that's a typical use for you know doing you know reverb automation and you know there's plenty of other uses depending how twiki you want to get but you know something simple like that is a you know I see a lot of people do a kind of effective uses of automating their wee verbs okay okay so I see a question what is the mixer summing option specifically for so I think this might be for our let me just set it up with an our project you so there is a option called direct summing and what that's going to allow you to do is let's say if I have like all of my drums going to two different groups I could pause doing parallel processing so I'm just gonna add to group channels here and we'll make them stereo groups okay so I have Group one and two and I'm gonna go into my fullscreen mixer and we have this little option in the upper right hand corner so drop-down menu I'll go to my racks and if once you click on your racks you'll see an option for direct routing so if I want it to at this point take all of my drums in this project and send it to multiple destination so right now all of my drums are going to my stereo output in selecting all of my drums here if I wanted them all to go to a group I could use a send and hold down alt shift or an able quick link here so I'll turn on quick link and now all the selected channels I could send directly to group one and I could also send them to group two so when I do this you could notice that as soon as I click on group to group one kind of gets a a bit diminished in color so now as I do this all my drums we'll go through this one bus so if I drop that bus volume I could control all of my drums and if I click here while quicklink is still on there now all going to the second bus but if I wanted them to go to to the buses simultaneously I could go to this drop-down mode and we see direct routing summing mode on so now I could send to multiple destinations so we'll just turn these on [Music] [Music] and this would allow me to do like parallel processing so if I come here I could take one of them and like really squash it compression wise so I could have kind of the squashed bus and then unscratched bus where this one has more dynamics and this one could add more punch in overall whereas if direct routing summing mode was off and unchecked it wouldn't sum there's two so that's what that mode is for so but if I misunderstood your question just let me know okay okay so we have a question from Saudi Arabia when I use groove agent to slice a loop to change its tempo what happens that the tempo decreases when I raise it up how can I fix it all right so if we have a situation like that and we just open up in our project see if it's the right project okay so let's say if I have a drum loop going on here and show that and turn down the kill okay so now I would say and I wanted to just go directly to a I'll add a VST instrument of groove agent okay and now what I could do is just drag this particular loop onto one of the instrument pad so as soon as I do that I could trigger the entire sample but what a very clever thing to do is just to go over here to the slice parameter and then click on create slices in the bottom corner and now each different slice has been mapped to each of the pads and at the same time you have an groove agent performance or instrument pads and pattern pads it's created its own pattern here so but once you've created the slices and groove agent so if you want it to incorporate that directly onto your project page you could just drag and place that and this will kind of be almost like you know tempo parasite so because what it's doing when I play this it's just triggering the actual MIDI notes here so just look at how this samples done so as we play this just take my loop off sorry about that and if I slow down my tempo and the project it'll just kind of there's MIDI notes well automatically be slower cuz it's just triggering there's MIDI events if I wanted to duplicate that a couple times like command D I could also you know just have the flexibility to take like maybe something that was a little more obvious of a loop and be able to kind of deconstruct it so I could have a variation of that but I don't see any changes that the tempo decreases when you raise it up so try to go to raise the tempo up here and we'll see if the tempo decreases so I and let's say if I create my slices here in the pattern you know so I don't see the tempo decreasing when the tempo the playback speed decrease as it's playing up but if I miss understanding your question just you know make leave a comment hang on one second my son is knocking again all right sorry about that all right so we'll move on to your next question okay so sorry my feet just jumped way ahead sorry about that let me just navigate back okay question I'm experimenting with custom colors but cannot make my mind up do you prefer the dark theme or light theme naturally it's a personal choice any thoughts so it is entirely personal as some people love kind of dark mode you know and sometimes I've seen people switch if you know working during the day versus at night you know like on the Steinberg You Tube channel there's an artist spotlight with Amon Tobin this is a really fascinating musician producer composer and you know he spent a lot of money in his studio to make it look like it was night all the time because he felt more creative at night I've seen some people a lot of composers will take different aspects of the program like if they don't like the key editor being so dark to go into preferences and when you go into preferences here and go to user interface and in the editor area background kind of just raised that up you know so that when they're doing editing sorry I did the wrong one alright so if you come here your editor area background because you know this is how their Cubase look from a zillion years ago and they're just very used to it so you know it really it's it's a totally personal thing you know I bow sometimes just kind of change mine up you know probably more out of boredom than anything else but if I let's just jump back to like I'll just choose my editor area background and then here I'll just choose defaults but you know I find sometimes when I go back to early or earlier versions of Cubase you know that I want to turn the lights off a little bit at times so I guess the kind of darker modes have kind of grown on me but it's totally a personal preference you can make a decision either way and be completely right okay so seeing question Steve McCray from Atlanta get see Steve I think you still work at Rhythm City I miss Rhythm City hi Greg enjoying using Cubase again it's everything else looking for that's great to hear Steve's a wonderful musicians but are many great records are ate and toured with many great people okay so says hi Greg can you explain the reverse process of audio and something associated with it to make it blend with the song can you also spend a couple minutes on offline processing so this guy didn't take a look at a couple things so let's say I'll just take a look I'm ever working with only guys from maroon 5 gonna had a similar question he asked me once I'll just do a new project and let's say I just want to find like a symbol sound save just like need a symbol cry alright so let's say I wanted to do something like this I'll drag that file in and let's just find a loop yeah and this is a common little technique for making something maybe a little more interesting okay so say I wanted that loop and like as a transition I will just have let's say we have this sound going and I'll choose not to mute everything alright so you know what a lot of people want to do is you know very common to do like just processing so you could do a lot of offline processing and you could access this by hitting f7 all right so it's come over here and the offline processing is in you know incredibly powerful so you know if you find yourself running out of CPU or you want to do different processes we could come here and just do this and you could access a lot of the functions by going to your audio menu and then you know you could see plugins and processes so if I wanted to you know just reverse this particular sample you know to have just kind of a [Music] you know in that that's a pretty common little transition trick you know just kind of you know maybe just take two different sounds that we're fading out and just you know and and one of the things you could do is sometimes you may notice that you know if you wanted that to have a little more impact on you know let's say if I had these moved over measure like in the middle of a song and I will just go ahead and group these two together here I'll just hit command or control Giggy and now as I move one element they'll all move so let's say I wanted the very tip of you know this event and we go into some of the sample editing functions so let's say if I just go to my definition you could have what's called a sync point so you could say like I want the very apex of that that crescendo there just to be the sync point so I will unlink these but hitting ctrl or command you and now if I choose to move this now if when I have my snap turned on and I could do that by hitting the letter J it's not gonna actually snap based on the beginning but on the end of the event so this way when I go to snap it's going to be based on this sync point or snap point and that's what is kind of using it as the basis for the foundation so you just do a [Music] so that's a pretty common trick for using reversing in put in a lot of contemporary productions so okay so since I have projects that often not always crash upon opening very careful and contain some not so efficient plugins anyway to open up the project without loading and or initializing all the plugins just from Millard Brown once you start Cubase if you hold down alt ctrl shift or command option shift you could actually start the program in what's almost like a diagnostic mode you could choose to temporarily disable the Preferences or temporarily disabled you could choose to delete the preferences but there's also a third mode that came in ten point five which would allow you to disable all third-party plugins so if you're running into situations where it's like you know you're pretty sure that it's like maybe an old 32-bit plug-in that for some reason you're still bridging after all these years and it's wreaking it's causing issues in your project try to start with you know in the diagnostic mode again command option shift or alt control shift and then try saving the project again under a different name and at that point you know you could see what it's like you know you could probably isolate it to a plug-in but that would allow you to kind of start Cubase and be able to open projects without it accessing any third-party plugins okay okay so let's see can we change track colors by using the logical editor script yeah so let's say if I come here [Music] okay so we have drums in August so let's say you know I have multiple parts here and I'll just add another track for guitar okay so let's say these are okay so I could go into my if I want to colorize based on names and we go into your project logical editor and what we want to do is we want to transform and we're gonna say name contain something like drum okay and for our action target what we want to do is we'll go to set color and we'll set it to fixed value and so now I could say every name track that has a name drum colorize to color for and that way you could just say all vocals all tracks that have GUI for guitar or BA for bass or bas for bass whatever so once again to do this in a project logical editor choose a function to transform name contains and you could have multiple conditions for these and you could fire off these presets from different keyboard shortcuts as well set color so and then set to a fixed value and you could colorize just like that okay question I wanted to know if there is a function or macro to make my MIDI data strum up or down in the editor so there's not necessarily like a perfect strumming type of thing but one thing that a lot of people don't know is let's say if I have a MIDI track here they have my beautiful composition all right but there's a line tool if you use this so you could you know within the key editor so if you say okay I just wanted to split so if you want to do something like that or if you hold down the alt you could choose to just have that kind of you know stagger the notes accordingly so you could say okay now I just want to stagger those and you know you could do it to the ends or beginning said play around with you know if you have kind of block chords to you know some other techniques that people do is on the chord pads is you could drag you know different player playing options so if you wanted to do that and you could trigger chords some people also use you know some of the MIDI inserts like the are pachi SX and with our patch ESX so you could drag if you once you click on the sequencer you could drag like an arpeggiated pattern into that and just have that automatically do kind of strumming patterns for you okay okay so it says hi Greg thank you for all these very helpful videos you're welcome I hope everyone's learning couple tips and tricks I have the X touch 1 controller it seems like it doesn't automatically switch banks only 8 when I click on the track outside of the bank I heard a lot of controllers can be you know part of the Mackie control specification I think only allows you to kind of go up and down in banks of 8 so some of the controllers you know one thing that makes you know like Steinberg has one it's manufactured by Yamaha called the CC 121 and that's a single fader unit and it does a really great job of I select this and that's you know and that's the active control for that particular track without you know having to configure everything but I think if it's only working kind of switch banks and only eight that that's kind of a limitation of the control paradigm the Mackie control paradigm that they're using so for that architecture so okay so as it works fine with other day double use is there any Mackie control to fix the issue I'm not aware of you know you might be able to come over here and if you go to your studio set up and we go to and we click on the plus to add a Mackie control you know you have these different user buttons and what you could do is probably choose to just you know navigate set these up to navigate you know up-down left-right so you know that may help with that but you know it's really kind of I think a limitation of the Mackie control implementation okay so c-chord pads how do I disable the notes being played on an external device that are that are the same as the chord pad trigger notes okay so let me just take a look at that just open up a new project so it like here I have some of the cord pads just triggering and let me just [Music] just see if my MIDI controller is kind of hooked up in this particular octave I'll get down an octave here so now I could have like different guitar patterns that are being triggered by the chord [Music] okay so I'm just gonna read this again quickly it seems like it doesn't automatically okay how do I disable the notes from being played on an external device there same so if you're triggering it to an external device make sure that you don't you know if this is set to all MIDI inputs make sure that you know it could be that these others are kind of being triggered so say so let's say if this is recording abled [Music] so you know just make sure that the other tracks aren't record enabled then Cubase is not sending it out to you know the out into any our devices only devices that the chord track is being sent to it's gonna be the track that's record enabled but if I'm misunderstanding let me know okay so it's a question VST connect is it's okay now yeah so there's a new version released last week and that seems to be working great for people that were having issues with it before so yeah definitely give it a try and again as I mentioned at the top of the Hangout there's a promotion going on currently so I think it's 50% off which is a great deal for so many people are stuck at home okay question is there anything I can do about tech scaling issues in Cubase 10.5 the text doesn't adjust properly when zooming mainly in the mixer window some of this could be you know and you don't say if it's a Mac or PC so sometimes when you run into text scaling stuff it could be maybe a high DPI setting on Windows so I think if you go to like your studio setup I think I don't have it the setting isn't on Mac but you know trying to see if you disable the high DPI mode if that makes a difference and you may want to try within Windows to set different scaling resolutions and but I think that will take care of it for you okay so question does vary audio 3 have a global tune I'm not sure what you mean by global tune I know sometimes people want it too you know if it's maybe the question is dealing with if you're working with a is 440 or a is 442 one of those scenarios and so I get this question periodically and I could be mistaken on this question again where as people are doing tuning let me just set up and I'll just bounce this very quickly so periodically I get a question of like you know the people want to do very audio but when they snap let's say we do the analysis of our parts that it is snapping to where a tuning scale of a is 440 to like 440 and some people are you know getting into like you know a is 432 and feel that that's better for them or a like I know Stevie Wonder for instance like a very you know very specifically to him is 440 to you know 483 or whatever that particular pitch it's you know not 440 so he has everything tuned to a is 440 - that's what sounds bright to his perfect pitch ears so if you run into that you know and you wanted to transpose you know what you could do is just simply go to the fine tuning parameters here and then you could have this go up or down different cent values to match so now if you're an a is 440 - when you adjust you know on playback as this is played and you're doing your very audio editing you could at that point have it snap and it will you know deal with the it will add the extra two cents or take away eight cents depending on your tuning scale so you don't necessarily set it within very audio but you could have Cubase play back and do different tuning scales if needed but if I miss understanding just let me know for older hangouts I'm looking at the one Quadra fuzz from a year ago is there any way to display the comments from the Hangout I can see the usual YouTube comments but not for the running stream at some point that the YouTube live started capturing and and you know and documenting all the comments during this dream it was a couple years ago but the earlier hangouts the YouTube live where the Google hangout didn't capture that so it's kind of lost during you know as soon as the Hangout happened and you know we stopped the Hangout the live portion of the Hangout those were all kind of loss I'm glad to see that the comments are now kind of carried over so but I you know there was a definite change in to live streams from Google that changed how that worked so you may not be able to see but if you have a question on Quadra fuzz let me know and you know or if you send me the Hangout I could probably tell you I probably maybe figure out what the question was and could help you with that okay so I see Cubase 11 when so you know probably when it's ready is always a great question you know I think Steinberg has been you know very German in their release schedules so you know if you look back over the precedents of the last you know you know ten years or so you might get an idea the time frame you know Cubase ten point five just came out in you know November ish October late October early November something like that so so you could probably figure it out okay okay so someone is speculating December 2020 you know I I could speculate I can only speculate as well okay okay says I have a session but the MIDI drums don't line up to the even though I set the BPM correctly you know even if you know it's it's hard to know from the question if it's if it seems like the MIDI drums are not playing you know correctly with it or you know one thing to be aware of like it for the MIDI part itself you know there's two different time base modes one is gonna be for you know musical mode and one is linear mode and these can be changed on audio or MIDI tracks just by and you can do this for audio track so you could do it on the event itself and MIDI tracks you could do it just on the track but audio tracks can do it on a track or event so what you want to do is make sure that your MIDI track is in musical mode and once it's set to musical mode then the MIDI will automatically follow the tempo of the tempo track but if you have everything set up and it's in linear mode and then if the tempos change there's a good chance that that once it's in linear mode the playback position is actually deals more with the where it is in time versus where it is on the bar and beat so if you change the tempo it's gonna play back at the same time if you do the bar and beat and if it's in musical mode that will change depending on the tempo so it could be just that you may have to take one one of the tracks you know to musical mode or not okay okay so we have question hi Greg can you reorder the processes in offline processing so it's go ahead take a look let's say I have my vocal going on here [Music] and I will just go ahead and just do some offline processing of this I always switch between two keyboards and the function keys are slightly different orientation so I hit I'm always like one function key off between my two keyboards frustrates me all right so let's say if I've done some processing and I'll just do a small section here so it's just okay so I wanted to you know fade in and you may get this message but you could just say proceed and keep okay and then let's say I wanted to reverse so my fade in turned into a fade out I wanted to add more gains let's say or take gain away so I'll say - 10 dB it's just maybe - 3 dB I will just do an envelope change here and let's go ahead and run it through a plugin say a chopper plug-in so now when I play this back [Music] so now we'll see my totally destroyed so if I wanted to change the order of the processes let's say if I wanted to chop her first I could just select it and drag it between the fade in and the reverse so if you want to change the order just drag and drop and if you wanted to delete one process and that's even ten years later no problem or you could choose to delete all and you're right back to where you were so just simply select it and drag it up and down you can change the order in the direct offline processing okay okay so we have a question how do you change the tempo in the middle of a song when do you change where do you change that so you can hear increase or decrease in tempos for your song can you also change time signatures in parts of a song so yeah you could definitely do that so you know if you come here just revert this quickly I think we have this in okay so if I'm here I think we have this in musical mode so what you do is just right-click and let's add a tempo track okay so we want to make sure the first that we have the tempo activate it so we can activate the tempo so we're gonna see our tempo set to 91 beats a minute [Music] so if I wanted to have a tempo change let's say here I don't have this all in musical mode let me I think I let's open up a another example I think so if all the tracks are set to musical mode you could do this quite easily so just try like a pretty large project here okay so let's see if I have a tempo track here [Music] [Music] and it just dropped the tempo change in I don't have everything in that project and WCA see if I have this one and my so if you have all the files set to musical mode we could do this quite easily so let me I'll just revert this one and so we go I'll show you how to do musical mode and all of them there's well so let's say you know we have let me go to our pool window you can see that this is all around 100 beats a minute and all these you can see musical mode and we could check select all the files in check musical mode so go to my tempo track now activate it and hear the bass isn't in musical notes I'll just switch that do we get also but tracks in musical mode by clicking and now Cubase can automatically so we get to hear it's gonna slow down yes you never really slowed down here so you could just kind of write your different tempo changes in and you know if all the tracks are in musical mode you could select all of your tracks here so let's just select all and you know then place those into musical mode then they'll automatically follow and if you wanted to you know have different types of you know and will you come over here let's say to your tempo track and just select only the tempo track you know so you could have you know different colors for your tempo track if you wanted to but and you could do kind of the same thing for adding a signature track so you know if at this point in the song grab your pencil tool this was going to be in three four this was going to be in you know six eight you could just enter in different time signatures and tempo changes wherever you want okay so we have a question I just bought the pro upgrade pro update and that's another thing that's going on there's a current promotion if you have like you know Cubase artist or Cubase elements I think it's a forty percent off jumping up to Cubase Pro which is great deal but the question is I just bought the pro update do I need the elements installed before because the update is only about four hundred megabytes no all you have to do is you know you could you know just when you go to the Steinberg download manager just to install the full program and it will install the components that it needs to to get you either full feature set so there's obviously some shared components of content and you know some of the groove agent sounds and synthesizers that won't need to be reinstalled again so but get to Pho one and then you know you may download more than you need but you know it's better to do that than to not have everything installed but you don't have to keep the original elements installed okay okay so question I just purchased groove agent five can I use groove agent 5 standalone for my bass and drum backing tracks for live performance how do I make bass backing track thanks Greg you could definitely run you know you could definitely run Cubase you know groove agent in standalone mode you could do that but if you wanted to you know have other tracks like bass you know to play with it it would probably make more sense to have you know have ad aw you know if you're doing a live thing you know a lot of people will get Cubase elements and do the project in Cubase and take it out on a laptop or even cubasis just so that you know or you know key basses won't really allow you to run groove age of five so it's probably not a great choice but you know you could run it standalone but it probably makes more sense to do it within the da W because you have a lot more control and you can just kind of hit play and you have you know how everything is gonna work so so if you wanted to have like you know bass tracking you know like if your guitar player singer-songwriter guitar player and you want a bass and drums you know it's probably the easiest ways to still go out with like a cue bass elements or you know if you get an audio interface like a Cubase AI or le version you know that would probably be the best way to go okay so so Steinberg working on session type editing similar to Ableton I'm not that familiar with Ableton but is that like the clip launching I haven't heard of plans for that but you know you know because we kind of most of our users tend to you know like the linear aspect of it but I'm not that familiar with what this session type editing is in Ableton okay what's the best way to insert bars or just a couple beats in the middle of a song without having to cut and drag everything to the right okay so if we have you want to you know add a measure or a couple beats in a particular project we could do that quite easily using the range tool so let's say I have this particular project I'm just gonna hold down ctrl shift and let's say okay I needed to insert that amount of time so I'm going to select the range of time that I need to add go to the Edit menu to range and we'll just say insert silence and that will just knock everything over to the right that was in that selected range so if I do a smaller range you know again you could if you want to do it just on a couple of tracks I could use my range selection tool and I just needed to add space there and again just get a range insert silence so I only do it on those selected tracks or ctrl shift which will do globally or command shift on Mac and edit to range insert silence so that's an easy way where you don't have to cut and move all the parts and hope you didn't accidentally miss one or screw up so okay let's go on okay so it says hi I'm Tom from Slovenia get too heavy on hangout I have a question if I have a a multicenter BST open like Halion sonic or so then I open up another channel on another instrument but different MIDI out but I struggle with volume okay so what you want to you know if you're running like a multi instrument I think I understand what's what you mean but if I am totally wrong alright so when you come here you could say you know I have this instrument and it's running you know I and I'm running multiple sounds here alright so what a lot of people run into is now they have one output they have multiple actual you know there are multiple parts here but they have one output into the audio engine so this is kind of controlling everything now if you have the MIDI tracks you could do MIDI volume for that but that may not be good if you wanted to do different effects so probably what you want to do is to go over here to the mix and if you click on the mix column just come over here and activate different outputs for the different instruments then each of these will have their own volume control that you create it so that way you know you could you know have your volume control here and then when you want to you know do different aspects you know you have all of your different channels that could be accessed directly there so I would give that a shot and I think that will probably solve the the issue that you're running into for managing the volumes okay so question why does the chord pad in the lower zone kind of glitch the pads always switch randomly when I hover my mouse over a pad it was selected and move the pad around crazy so let's take a look so I'll activate the project here so it seems to be pretty you know doesn't seem to be doing that on mine you know one thing you could try you know is as we talked about before to see if maybe it's a corrupt preference but try to boot up with alt control shift or command option shift and try to temporarily disable the preferences and see if that behaves a little differently okay a question when you open them the media bay using f5 is there any way to make bigger at the left side where you see folders and files I would like to make it bigger [Music] for a better view when previewing I think that that is gonna be a fixed size you know it could be depending on your monitor resolution if you adjust at your monitor resolution that could be bigger but it's I don't know of a way to reconfigure the sizing of the folder structure here and I think it's kind of optimized to make sure that you could see lots of different folders at once but if you have like horrible vision like myself you know I often describe my vision it's mr. Magoo vision that yeah once you have that done that you know it maybe you see we're having that a little larger could be beneficial okay so you know I'm seeing just a lot of the same question repeated like you know seven or eight times so I'll get to the question like you know when I can and sometimes you know if we keep asking over and over again it just kind of makes everything a little longer and a hangout so asking a question you know ten times in and you know isn't the same question you know if we could just kind of you know try not to do that that would be helpful just makes it easier to navigate the hangout okay okay question is it possible to select notes that don't start from the beginning of the bar and duplicate them to someplace okay so is it possible to select notes that don't start from the beginning of the bar and duplicate them [Music] no no same please next bar with control D okay so so let's say I have something like this and we wanted to be able to and it says we have a note that's maybe starting before the bar line like these two notes there could be a couple of different ways of doing this one is if you go to the Edit in-place menu you could use the range selection tool so I could just select a range and duplicate the range of events sometimes you know let me just see if I did that right so if I wanted to duplicate a particular range you could do that kind of within the in-place editor you could also kind of do its and we don't have a range tool in the you know within the main editor I've been lobbying for it for a while but if you do with it you know if you don't see the in-place editor I think it's control shift I something yeah so hit ctrl or command shift I if you need to do kind of range editing like that you know just grab your range selection tool and I guess I just wanted to duplicate that and you could just duplicate a particular range so that's one of the times where the Edit in-place and getting its control shift I or command shift I where you could do that okay so just seeing comment does he not read the text YouTube comments yeah you know I'm going through the comments and reading them so but we have a lot of comments that come in before we could get to them okay question is impossible okay so moving on okay so it's just see a comment sustain pedal help please so if you you know I'm not sure what you need help with this sustain pedal if you could specify that'd be great okay another way of doing something like with the duplication that we did before another method that you could do and there's a preference to be aware of when we do this so if you go to your preferences we could choose under editing MIDI to split MIDI events so right now if I split this particular MIDI event here and let's say I have that so as soon as I split the MIDI event wherever I cut it would cut the note so that the notes that come beforehand will automatically be kind of in you know split wherever I split the note so those notes that were attached you could do that and then duplicate the event and that would also kind of exclude the notes that started before okay how to undo redo only in particular parts without affecting the changes in a project so the Edit history is going to be global and that will be a linear undo history so if I wanted to look at my history we can't necessarily just say I only wanted to do undo changes in one particular aspect we could do that within the direct offline processing allows you to do a nonlinear undo history but within the main project window for most edits so we could you know we could just simply go through and you know and have your undo history okay okay so it says is there any other way to separate MIDI track besides dissolve part I want to send from my ezdrummer instrument track to a different track as aux bus just like Pro Tools [Music] so if you could if you could tell me what you want to do I'm not familiar with Pro Tools and if you wanted to send if you wanted to send the audio out or if you want it to or if you wanted to send the MIDI out so if you could specify Tam that'd be great okay okay so I'm just seeing a question sustained pedal mutes instead of sustaining oh my god please help one of the things you could check is depending up on your controller that you know there's two different types of polarity for the sustain pedal so make sure that you know and there's kind of a Yamaha polarity and a Roland I think Roland and cord used one polarity Yamaha and Kauai use another so it could be just that your your sustain pedal if many of them will have just a polarity switch on it make sure that the polarity switch is set correctly to it you know cue basis is capturing everything that's being sent from the controller so it could be the wrong polarity for your MIDI controller you may have to just switch that okay okay just reading question when making a core track with X further than the screen width and returning to input the chord in X then pressing right arrow to next x oo at screen and there's no scrolling stare preference to fix all right so let me recreate this okay okay so see if I could recreate this it says we're making a core track with X further than screen width and returning to input to chord in X then pressing right arrow to next X okay so let me just if I hit the arrow to navigate between the two okay so I'm hitting the left and right arrow ok so interesting that there's no scrolling but if I have this here let's say this is my X and then when I go to the next X is measure 5 and I go to measure 2 it allows me to navigate there and then it shows it as being visible let me move it farther out and see what the behavior is I move this out a couple measures so I now I have this one selected then I hit to the right that goes to measure 7 then go back to 1 so it's navigating correctly by pressing the right so it's not scrolling but I'm not sure what a preference would allow you to do because it's actually selecting the right one so if i duplicated this and i want to navigate and we'll just zoom out again so hitting my left arrow that jumps to measure 7 to measure 13 to measure 18 and that becomes the active one so I'm not sure what scrolling would allow you to accomplish that it's because it's navigating directly to the events but make sure that you just have the event selected as opposed to any other events that there's something else selected that might throw off the left and right arrow behavior okay so we have question how to stick two audio files together okay so just couple so sometimes people will want to do grouping of two audio files so say I have this where we could group these and these will stick together if you wanted to bounce the selection of these two audio files you could just go to render in place and go to your render settings and it you could also just I think if I just have these two selected here you just select this and I think there's just an option I was looking for here so where you could mix down to one audio file so if you just wanted to render those then this is and that could automatically mute those and this would automatically just allow you to have both those files kind of merged together so if we wanted to play that we could just have these two files merged okay so I see a question will cubasis ever be sinkable with Cubase I haven't tried you know a lot of you know we can take the projects back and forth but I don't I haven't tried doing like a MIDI clock synchronization and it could be you know so but you know I I'm not sure if cubasis can sync but you know you can obviously take your projects back and forth and migrated from cubasis to Cubase so okay so AC in the project Preferences window what are the differences between EcoPower and other options it's probably dealing with in the project setup for the panning law so when we go to the stereo pan law you could have you know different options you know so that as you pan a source so I'll just undo this and let's just solo one of these so as we kind of play like this particular file I'll just select and play this alright so if I have equal panning power law when I go into my mixer and pan there's not going to be any change in volume as we pan but we know that if we add two different devices that and we if we double the volume like two speakers that we could have the panning law be you know theoretically should be set to you know minus 3db so if we combine the left and right speakers together we could do this so let's say if I set this to minus 3db and hit okay so now as I pan you'll hear the volume drop from the center so that's kind of what the panning law allows you to set how that's gonna be controlled so a lot of people will do you know adjust the panning laws to get wider sounding mixes as you actually go through the different mixing so it's a kind of a mixed trick that a lot of people do okay okay question if I have a VST to plug in and one is a VST 3 version should I always use the VST 3 yes say we had the same plug-in just always go over to VST 3 1 it's probably gonna have you know more capabilities such as side chaining but it could also by default not take CPU power when it's not processing audio so generally the VST three's a lot more robust and a lot more efficient and better stability so always up for the VST 3 plugin ok ok hi great question about track colors right click on channels used to show an option to color selected tracks in that color I can't seen this option anymore so I think you know if you wanted to color the tracks you know there's a number of different ways and it's changed a bit so if I have these tracks selected you know we could go to our color tool and let's say if I have you know this color selected I could now you know just come over here with the color tool and let's say if I you know had the events just grabbed the so if I wanted to take you know the color tool here and say I want these two tracks to be green yellow you know blue whatever colors that I selects I could do that and we could also have colors that are going to be set on different tracks so if I wanted to let me unmute these if I wanted these events even though this color is kind of magenta I'm horrible colors and I wanted these particular events to be a different color we could do that so kind of you know when you go to the color tool you can now select your different color options here so you could colorize the tracks and you could do this you know on the track level for individual tracks so if you want to do that or if you go to the mixer you can change the track colors there as well by clicking in the lower corner of the mixer okay is there a way I can use 32-bit plugins in Cubase 10.5 Pro there are some bridging solutions check out J bridge and that will allow you to run 32-bit plugins also some people will host VST 32-bit plugins in ve pro but you know be aware that as we do different bridging options that that could lead to system instability hang on second my son is knockin alright thanks for your patience movie 2 is cued up for my son so we should have another hour and a half or so so it's move on so I think that makes sense with kind of the coloring okay so just reading through different comments here thanks for all the great questions okay so in this maybe getting back to the ezdrummer and sending it to aux track so you get tweaked just like you can on a MIDI track so you know if you have multiple outputs in the instrument so probably what you want to do if you have in let's say if I go to like my instrument track and I have you know groove agent it's kind of getting back to creating auxes so you know if I go to my groove agent here and I have let's say just uh I'll just load up a kid here and you know this could work differently within ezdrummer I haven't worked with it and forever but once you go to the mixer let's say if I'm playing back a pattern you know I could come here and right now everything's going out one stereo out but I could say I want the kick to go out of output to the snare out of output three output for for the hi-hats room out of output five and overhead out of output six and now these are all being kind of sent to different destinations so it really depends I think probably just within ezdrummer you price set the outputs all right so go ahead and stop that let's move on to some more questions thanks for all the great questions from everyone okay question is to mid x8 still useful interface for Cubase 10 I think it works up and I'm running it on my Windows 10 on Cubase 10.5 you know I've had it almost 20 years I think it goes up to ten point eight or ten point nine maybe on the Mac so you know for a while it wasn't compatible with Windows 7 and later Mac operating systems but there is a driver that was kind of redone by one of the developers in their free time so I'm still using two mid X eights for my large MIDI rig and they work flawlessly for me so but it may be limited on Mac OS I'm not sure if it Catalina would work but maybe previous versions it might okay okay so question from Scott can I add icons two loops and sounds in the side panel in the track page these are kind of done by the factory so if you come over here and you wanted to see kind of your own loops these are kind of commercially done so there isn't a way to assign a preset I think that maybe you had emailed for the last hangout and we talked earlier about kind of deleting like two two files in the media Bay if your loops weren't the icons weren't showing up correctly so if we go back through the index hopefully I'll have that later tonight or early tomorrow you could find in particular files okay okay so he said there's a comment I still use five medics eight interfaces without any issue cubase 10.5 amazing piece of hardware all right so someone else is running it too okay so you see just repeated questions about your sustain pedal so you know and as people have mentioned you know we commented here but just you know it's probably the wrong polarity for your controller okay okay it's a question hi Greg is it possible to audio work two tracks simultaneously in a group edit mode I have a stereo track a process guitar and a DI the same both in sample editor but only one edited at a time currently we can't really do two tracks at the same time but what a lot of people end up doing is doing the edits on one and choosing to do just an audio alignment on the other so you can set the one track that's been edited as your reference and then your target and just do an aligned audio and most people find that that works very well for two different guitar parts okay okay just going through comments and we'll go ahead I know we had people that had sent questions in so let's go through some of those I think and when people have sent questions and I had some time to prepare for project so I don't have to try to recreate them so thank you and again if you want to send questions in advance you could just send them to club cubase at Steinberg de so let's go ahead and open up quick project here so we got a question for Rick Valentine says it's been perplexing me for a while and it be sure to speed up my production time and he does a lot of great composition work say I'm doing a score that I want to pull up a combination of strings I made an attract preset and I what I would love to happen is that the instruments I need are all in contact and signed outs to the mixer into mixer settings outputs effects buses etc or how I want them is there a way to save the whole enchilada instrument assignments bus as a fact sends in a way that they are modular pieces does that make sense I don't have to recall the track preset then go through all this and set up with my mix parameters again so let's say I have some like just a horrible composition here and I have a couple of string parts and these are all being routed to reverb [Music] and all into let's say a group here so [Music] and I wanted to be able to so have these imported directly into another project kind of with all of my settings so if I come here and I have EQ so say if I just select different channels and different volume levels and effects and routing so now what I want to do if I wanted to have these go back I'll select all six channels go to the file menu and then we could go to export selected tracks and we could copy the media files or have the reference files so I'll go ahead choose to copy the media files I'll say okay and I'll just call this Rick and we'll save it to my desktop I'll save that okay I'll just go to a new project and as we kind of come directly over here I'll just do an empty project and at this point I will so we imported we exported track selected tracks and the import it's a little goofy it's called track archive and I'll come over here I say import the XML I will choose to select all the files if I don't want to import the media or automation I could choose 2x to exclude those on the import I'll hit OK and now all those different settings will automatically be carried over so just get the so our different routing and instruments and our eq's I made so everything could be just import it that way so once again select the tracks go to your export to selected tracks and import to track archive okay let's jump back okay so we had a question that was kind of clarified later in the comments of the last hangout and the question was if we had quantize presets on another computer so if we come over here and let's say I had a quantize preset that I made how to transfer that over to another computer and this is gonna be stored into preferences so if we wanted to go to your preference files and we could now just kind of come directly over here say we'll go back to my finder [Music] and this will be stored in your RAM presets so I will come over here and on the Mac I'm just gonna go hit the Alt key and this will take us into our library and at this point under the Preferences so we see our Cubase 10.5 we'll scroll down and you'll see presets and there's this file here called RAM presets mmm XML and that is where the your quantize presets are stored in the RAM presets okay so come back we had a question on how to merge multiple MIDI parts into one single part so let's say if I look at these three MIDI parts here in the editor so I select all three parts in each part will have one note so these will be our three separate parts and I wanted to merge these all into one particular part so I'm just gonna drag it over top of each other so now we have these three parts but if I double click you often just get the top layer so if you grab the glue tool and at this point hold down the alt or option key you could now join all three parts that are copied on top of each other onto one actual part so when you go to look at it we can see all three notes within the one part so to merge events you could copy the parts on top of each other select the glue tool and hold down the alt or option key and click and then that will merge all the parts that are stacked on top of each other directly into one part we also had a question about live transform so so in this example here and this is kind of a cool function of the horde pads of the court track so let me revert this quickly so let's say if your primary instrument isn't keyboards and you had a lot of you know and you wanted to work kind of intelligently and come up with different parts I'm going to again go to my project and say let's go to create chords from my piano part here and I'm going to just find a quick string part so let's say if I come here and I'm just gonna play different notes so I will double click here and as we do this I will kind of zoom in and I will just kind of play different I'm gonna play the same chords over and over again but I'm gonna go to the chord pads here on the particular track and I'm gonna put this into live transform mode two chords so I'm gonna hit the same three notes but it's going to look at the chord track itself here and it's gonna remap all of my chords to the chord track so as I just kind of hit record I'll just hit any three notes it could be from a drum controller drum pads whatever and it's transforming it [Music] and now as soon as I've actually recorded the part you could just come in here and see that it is taken you know what basic I played the same three notes over and over again but it has now automatically mapped it to the chords based upon the chord track here so it'll you take any three notes and have it play and have it kind of automatically be the right chords for you so that's of what the live transform function does okay we had a question regarding working with lute mash and with lute mash people wanted to take kind of the actual output of lute mash and have that in a particular file so let's come over here so I have just and lute mash if you haven't kind of played around it's kind of a very hip way of you know coming up with beats that are very creative so let's say I just have one part here and within this part I just have one note that's triggering this different pattern of loops and I could have different MIDI notes that would play you know different loop so if I come here so if I wanted to take the output of what loot mash is generating and have that be kind of spit out as an audio loop all I would have to do is select my one note here that is triggering all those events going on in loot mash and I'll just go to my render in place so just say okay let's go to my let's just render it in place and that will now automatically take that and it's generated my audio file directly underneath so if we wanted to just listen to that so that one MIDI note which is now muted it was triggering all those different audio so that when MIDI note just rendered it and then we have our loop directly in the project so we had another question that was sent out about doing different panning on individual MIDI notes so like if we had notes here and we want it like this note to be panned like hard left but this note hard right this one hard left hard right and within the MIDI specification until just recently this year from 1982 to 2020 you know when we dealt with MIDI controllers the MIDI controllers were gonna be based on the channel only and not the individual notes now Steinberg with version 6 came out with the VST 3.5 extension so Hallion howling and sonic howling and Sonic se retrologue pad shop can all take advantage of this where we could do what we call node expression so if I wanted to just double click I could select a note and we could choose whether we wanted volume or panning but on a note by note basis so this way like if I had two different MIDI notes that were occurring at the same time so where this note is held out and then we have this note come in if I wanted to pan this note would pan automatically to the current value so you'd have one one controller in from one controller Lane of information for everything but now I could just double click and draw in different panning options so it's good and take a quick listen to that so you can do some very creative things where like the lower note will be just held but in one channel in the upper note will be will start and beep and in the opposite channel so that kind of give you an idea of how you can do that and we'll see some of the specifications change for MIDI 2.0 to accommodate this but as really Steinberg that's been doing this for 10 years that really push the envelope so that's how you could have individual panning within a single part on the same MIDI channel but the instruments gonna have to support it so MIDI 2.0 instruments as they come out in the future will be able to do that but the st 3.5 insurance is really kind of already set the standard again so another question is when will we have instruments that support and work with the Roley and you know and just like we've done this note expression individual expression on different controllers you know there wasn't a real controller that was very good very suited for that so you know within when came out Cubase 10 we supported you know what I call MP e so when we have an MP II device you could just kind of come over here so you and we would say it's a node expression input device and here we could map different parameters so we could say you know you're gonna have the horizontal the vertical and pressure so when you have a rolly controller it's a bit different than traditional you know MIDI controllers because you could play the note and move your finger up and down vertically or apply more pressure or move it left to right and you could change the sound so we could already have support for this or you know year-and-a-half already and you'll see that when you and you know this is often called MIDI polyphonic expression but when you go to different instruments so once I go to an instrument here you know such as pad shop or when we go into retrologue and we add an instrument track that we will already have a whole Bank of different cent sounds to to take advantage of the MIDI polyphonic expression so as soon as I come here we just go into our MPE presets and then those are all set up to work with the Roley controller so if you have one of those you know we've we're kind of supporting this standard you know and I think it was probably you know inspiration for people to come up with alternate you know more expressive MIDI controllers okay as I saw a question that was sent in as says please fix complete control integration in Cubase we don't do the integration for the complete controllers that's done by Native Instruments so you know so you're probably best to contact them but you know we we haven't done the integration that's a feature that was brought to the market by Native Instruments ok people had asked about a way a question was emailed in about how to kind of just drag to make a copy of a part easily there's a couple of different ways one is if you hold down the Alt key and go to the bottom we we could just drag across and make a copy like that a lot of people miss that so we also added it in the right-hand center you'll see this little handle here so if you grab that you could just drag that out and make copies now if we wanted to make a ghost copy so let's say if I have these events set up here I'll just move this back so let's say if I hold down the shift key and copy we see this little icon in the upper right hand corner of the parts and that indicates that it's a shared copy so if so just by holding down the shift key and doing either the you know drag from the lower left-hand corner while holding down the Alt key or shift and dragging from the center now if I just take these particular notes and adjust them down using the arrow keys you'll see that all the parts that are shared will just reflect those changes as well so any any change I make in the master part will get reflected and if you just come over here and edit the part you know you could you know turn that into a non shared event as well but those are two easy ways to kind of drag in duplicate parts we had a question on one of my projects I had kind of like the Strawberry Fields kind of organ sound and a track called Beatles or stones written by Vince melamed and someone was asking what preset that was and that was just one of the Hylian presets so within Hallion i think this comes in howling and sonic se is an instrument called Holly oh Tron which is gives you you know all the classic Mellotron samples [Music] so if you're not familiar with what a Mellotron was it was actually kind of an early sampler that played back the tones you know when you played the keyboard it would play back the recordings from tape so it is used obviously in a lot of Beatles records Moody Blues Led Zeppelin you know a lot of you know for a lot of people is the cheap way of having strings on your patch on your track in the 70s without hiring an orchestra so but that's where that sound came from there's a number of discussion it was you know different instruments and stuff like that okay let's see going through some other questions that were sent in ok says I've started producing or for now messing around music and cubics 10 however I also like to stream or record my work so the chat can give me like maybe the client can give me options or help me if I need it however when I load up Cubase 10 the audio and the rest of my open software or program stops working is there a way I can hear the sounds in Cubase 10 while also hearing everything else on my computer so you know depending on how you have things routed for the monitoring you know if you have different speakers or if it's going into a mixer both sources but if we go to the studio set up and at this point we could choose to when you get to the VST audio system there's an option here for release driver when application is in background and that way you could use you could generally use your audio interface at the same time as you know and jump over and listen to it on a YouTube channel and jump back and hear it in Cubase now there's probably a similar setting if you're on Windows where within you may have to dig down deep where you know you can have a release driver to other applications so in every different built-in audio interface has a different file structure where that's found so you could do it in Cubase or you could do it directly but make sure also that you hear it in that you look for the settings in the windows control panel driver okay so it question hi greg can you explain in details when we need to use to record shift function in the studio setup so in the studio setup we see this little option for record shift at times you may run into different scenarios where if you're trying to record let's say for a live concert but you're getting a delay from the front-of-house console so let's say you know there's still a number of front-of-house consoles and you start using groups and stuff like that that things could be out of time so you may have a scenario where the signal being sent to you is has latency that needs to be compensated for it's pretty rare but that's what this option is here the record shifts so you could actually you know pre-roll the sample so as you record the time stamps can be you know set to the right area so it's a way of compensating for latency that's outside of the of your Cubase or no endo recording environment that Cubase or Nuendo can't control so that's what the record shift is designed to accommodate okay so we have a question is there okay just reading through more of the questions that were sent in can you save a MIDI clip separately as a MIDI file say you made a four-bar MIDI loop and you want to save it for future use so if we have our favorite MIDI loop of all times let's say it is that we love this particular MIDI loop here and we wanted this if it's being routed to a VST instrument which is in most cases gonna be how it is you could choose to export as a MIDI loop so and then once you export it as a MIDI loop you could give it a new name you can give it a folder and then I'll just call this April 17th and now when you go to import MIDI loops this would automatically carry over the sound and you'd see in your MIDI loops area over here on the project just blanking OSI or it's maybe in user presets it's one of these but you'd be able to actually see the different MIDI loops you could access directly from your media Bay as well okay says hi Greg for i/o work I need pre-roll only when record record on same track voice talent here's five seconds new overdub record starts after pressing stop pre-roll should go off without switching key commands okay so how to accomplish this okay so let's come over here and we'll go to our pre record so what pre-roll is gonna allow you to do is and you could activate this from the transport if you don't see it just make sure that you have pre-roll and post roll enabled and this is the pre-roll here and this will be kind of based on your actual you know if we have our master time set to seconds you could see the values here represented in seconds etc so what pre-roll is gonna allow you to do is as I wanted to hit record here so let's say if I come over here and I'll activate the pre-roll so it will now when I go to hit record you see that it'll jump back in time now what the question was they wanted to have that turned off as soon as they hit record so to do that you could create a macro so if we come over here and go to your key commands I made a macro earlier for pree recall pre-roll in record so and this is assuming that we start with pre-roll disabled and what I did is I made just a macro and it's these three steps and you could make it quite easily so I went I just clicked on a new macro I called a pre-roll in record you could name it whatever you want and under transport I found use pre-roll I added that I hit record added that and then turned on pre-roll again so that activates pre-roll hits record and deactivates pre-roll so now if I wanted to do the pre-roll record I could just trigger it from a macro and you could assign a keyboard shortcut for the macro and I'll just say pre-roll and record and let me just disable it first I made a horrible mistake I said I shouldn't do so I'm gonna disable it here and trigger the macro so now the record will automatically kick in so it's a pre-roll in record jumps back and then when your pre-roll is done now punches in and now when I stop we could just go directly back to where we started that recording so once again just make a macro and come right over here and the settings that you want for that particular macro sorry my mouse is not cooperating today are going to be enable the pre record to start recording and then to disable the pre record but make sure that when you start that the pre-roll is disabled okay we had a question sent in about how to set up a dual mono bus when working with drums so let's say if I had a drum group and I wanted to have a dual mono bus so I have my drums said excuse me I said to set this up let's say I send this particular track to a group and this is kind of a common question that we're getting now about sending this up for dual mono buses so oh the good just stop this and what I did is I sent it to a group the outputs of groove agent and I sent two different compressors and if you go into the channel editing at this point we could just click on and try changing my mouse surface so on the insert so you could get to routing and now when you double click you could pick exactly which channel is being processed in the routing area so I have one compressor that's routing my left channel and a different compressor that's that's processing the right channel so that way as we adjust the compression I could just get to my inserts here so we could look at one insert and look at the other insert with different levels of compression on the left and right channels so if you need a process in dual mono that's kind of an easy way of allowing you to do that so again just send it to two different inserts and at that point do the routing on the inserts page okay we had a question is there a way to see the timeline in a minimalist size when in the window so if you mean kind of like the overview window like we see here so in Cubase we could have the overview which is like really helpful for being able to navigate we can't really see that in the full-screen mix of you so let's come here and let's say if I have this but one thing that a lot of people miss is if you wanted to see where the time is and I'm not sure what you mean by timeline but you could also have time display so if you go to the settings cog wheel you could have your time display set here so as we would hit play in the project you could see the time advanced here so if you if that's the time that you wanted to see you could do that just by going to the settings cog wheel or if you don't want to see it you can hide the time display from there but it's not necessarily like a project overview okay this question is there a way to view an audio MIDI event together and edit one and edit one of it concurrently is available to MIDI events to edit simultaneously all right so let's take a look so if I have a couple of different events let's say I have an audio and a MIDI event here and I will just go ahead and duplicate this track and I'll just kind of knock it up an octave here okay so if I wanted to see multiple events I could select my events here and just launch my MIDI editor and then I could see both events and you could just simply click on one of them and that would kind of pick which part is active so you could do that quite easily if you wanted to group these together which a lot of people ask me about so I wanted to take all these and just hit ctrl or command G and you could group the events like so so that they always will stick together some people also you know want to see like the audio part you know directly above here and see the MIDI part so if you zoom in if you click on this icon in a lower zone editor you could zoom in and see both of them simultaneously kind of together so you could do that quite easily that way so those are some ways to do you know and once they're grouped together you know you could cut you know on the main project window erase different components if you wanted to so if you come here and while they're grouped let's just cut you know all these events and you know now erase different components so so there's some different ways of editing things together okay so we had a question how to search for time signatures or loops in media Bay okay so if we have our media Bay over to the right hand side I can say let's look at for all of my different drum loops at the top we see different attributes so you have like category subcategory style etc so one of the categories here if we click we go to musical and then let's take a look under signature so at this point I could say show me every loop that is in 6/8 or show me every loop that's in 3/4 so at that point you could navigate and find different time signature loops so again kind of just once you go to the attributes inspector here just make sure that we have this and look under musical and you have all these different search parameters but you could say I want get a musical and choose time signature okay says I'm new to Cubase is there a way to audio mix down until the effect tail end for example if my if I have a delay do I need to put the markers very long enough or is it anyway for Cubase finds the effects tail end so when you do the export audio mix down it's gonna be based upon the left and right locators so I know some people that will take this and you say okay I want you know if I had a reverb if this is the length of my song and all the parts in my project but I had a reverb that was extending over you know you would just need to listen to where the reverb or delay was extending and say okay there it ends right here and now you could just move your you know we'll take snap off and you could just move your left and right locator you know based on the cursor so just listen to it and manually adjust the right locator but Cubase uses the left and right look [Music] so to determine the length of the export okay he says hi Greg to review my question this is a question from last hangout that I didn't understand so it says can aftertouch be used to automate EQ plugins for audio so if we go and my controller that I have doesn't transmit aftertouch but I think if we go to your studio menu to Studio setup that we could now come over here this add a generic remote so we say we want fader 1 so basically we accept what type of MIDI message we want and what we want it to control and so we could say fader 1 I want it set to aftertouch we can set the midi channel make sure you have the correct midi input and output ports and at this point I could say let's go to fader 1 we want this aftertouch message to go to your VST mixer and we could select a channel and we could say like EQ 3 frequency and now when you hit after touch that could adjust the EQ 3 frequency on that particular channel so give that a try and again I don't have a controller currently hooked up that will actually allow me to spit out after touch to try but I think you could do it through that or any other MIDI controller as well so if you wanted to have a knob on your controller you know be able to adjust the cue or you know different functions you could do that as well so we had a question do you have in development in 3d audio plugins Sony 3d audio release you know one of the things that we do Rd feature in Cubase is am bosonic plugin so if you're doing more three-dimensional and spherical based processing we could add audio tracks and as you add an audio track you could choose your audio you could say your configuration so you have mono/stereo up to five one but you could also have set first second and third-order ambisonics so once we have that set up and if you wanted to do and if you have an you know audio that's recorded in ambisonics we could now kind of come over here and you know if you have we could open up like a VST multi panner and at this point you could choose to look at it from the top view or if you wanted the sound to kind of spin around your head you could do that so you could do kind of spherical three-dimensional audio using ambisonics for that so so you could play around with that and that's what most people are using kind of for 3d audio stuff okay so let's go on to some more questions thanks everyone for the wonderful questions okay so go back to some more questions that were sent in okay what is the official way to change tempo of a song that doesn't affect audio such as a vocal tract I'm using Cubase 10 and when I change tempo the vocals sound off so when you're doing that just make sure that you know the vote the audio tracks won't change with tempo if they're not set to musical mode so if I take these tracks and I if I have them in musical mode and I slow down and speed up those tracks are gonna kind of match but if I take them out of musical mode and adjust the tempo we can see that those won't be affected so just select the tracks here and just make sure you know if you don't want it to change with timing just make sure that the selected tracks from the info line are set to music you know or not set to musical mode if you wanted to automatically change with the tempo put it into musical mode okay going on to some more questions okay okay just reading through comments thanks again for all the wonderful questions I hope everyone's learning at a tip or trick okay okay it's just reading through different comments there's always these great discussions I don't get to participate in in the comments because I'm always busy answering your questions okay okay so I'm just seeing a comment hey I just upgraded to probe ten ten point five and it's crashing on updating just make sure that it's actually you know it's probably a third-party plug-in so try to start in the mode without having to third party plugins enabled so try that alright my timeline got way ahead of me let me just jump back okay so just going through your different comments here give me a second okay I'm just reading through okay so it says Greg can use groove agent se e5 with third-party libraries to create beats and grooves there are a number of different libraries you know once you have you know groove agent can one of the interesting things a groove agent is that you could try so you know you could actually groove agent as it plays you know you can have a MIDI track so if you want to use it with third-party libraries if the notes are kind of matching up you could have a MIDI track here and have groove agent as its input so once you do that so if you wanted to record directly in or have the input of groove agent to patterns being sent to another device you could just load up a different device and have groove agent automatically spit the MIDI data out as if you played it and it could be redirected to any other drums library as well so if you want to use groove agent patterns with third-party libraries you could do that well okay so question how to add auto-tune program to Cubase le ai Elements 10 can you explain a simple idea about adding to the course to a song or maybe a course so you know if you have the plug-in installed you know you could just run it as an insert so any of the audio tracks you can just come and run auto-tune as directly as an insert you know you know it'll just show up there one other plug-in I'm not sure if this comes with ai le but it might come with elements is to pitch correct plug-in so and here you could just kind of set a particular scale so you could say okay I just want to have it you know by the chord track or I want an external MIDI scale and you know so you could actually you know just choose particular scales I want to be you know seem you know or emajor and you could have the pitch automatically kind of comply so check to see if you have the pitch correct plug-in and you know you may not have to use any third-party solutions okay so just seeing a comment hello great people from Steinberg awesome products thanks for this kind of upgrading to probe your awesome I will finally jump from elements to pro yeah thanks guys but great yeah take advantage of you know the ability of some of the discounts are going on because you will make sure people are getting kind of this the same you know getting some great functionality okay okay so it's just seeing I am please show how to make orchestral template design with Vienna sample pro I don't have Vienna so I'm probably not really I don't really have the ability to show that okay okay we have a question is it possible to select notes that don't okay so we answered that one okay okay reading through comments okay so how to use old version of processing audio like stretch and undo redo fast you know so if you wanted to you know I know that some of the processing has changed a little bit in newer versions but the functionality is the same so if you want to go to your audio to processes you know here you could just say oh and do time stretching you know and then you know you could just simply you know take any of the different processes that you'd want to you know hear and be able to you know to do different processes okay okay just reading through okay just lots of our people helping out our people and sometimes people just asking same questions again and again okay just going through okay going through comments and we'll be wrapping up soon okay says thank you for the hang out when I play the chord pad to trigger chords on the chord track I also get groove agent se5 patch trigger what am I doing wrong you probably just have you know the you know the chord pads think of it as like a software MIDI controller and you probably just have you know not just the chord pad so and so let's say if I have these two sounds record enabled and I go to my chord pads so you know if you have you know you probably just have this actually record enabled so it's probably just sending it to to you know both devices so track just to make sure okay can I import my own arpeggiated chord MIDI into court pads when in pattern player mode there's an import MIDI so yeah you can kind of take any pattern that you have and let's see if I could find this I know it's moved recently but let's say let's say that's my lovely arpeggio and so once we go over here but you do have the ability of just dragging and dropping a chord pad as the player and just forgetting where it was moved to okay so maybe we go to our pad layout but you there are there is a way to just drag and drop your own patterns into there so but I'll see if I can find the answer and have it for the next hangout okay question what's the difference between very audio two and three very audio three came out with version 10 so it added formant control it added kind of a much more kind of like smart tools you didn't have to constantly toggle between like the edit mode and segment mode in previous versions you could also adjust volume and you have a lot more smart control so it's been much easier to kind of navigate okay yeah sorry my voice is getting a little rough after talking for three hours straight okay okay just saying uh thanks for all the hangouts glad we hope that people are learning stuff okay okay there's an interesting question what's my request for the next release of Cubase I've been trying to kind of get a lyric track in for a while so I think that would be really useful but you know I still have to do more lobbying for it I think okay so it says can you copy signal chain in offline processing to another event or track okay so if you find yourself kind of always using similar things you know like let's say okay I wanted this to go through the magneto with these settings you know and I think that you could just there's a way to so if once you have that kind of set up you could just drag in different plugins so if you say okay I do lots of dialogue editing and I need to have a de-esser for you know female art it for a female voiceover I could just take these and drag them in here so this way you could have kind of like your go-to and you could have different banks you could also import effects chain presets and if you have like different inserts so say if I have like an insert like a chain of different plugins and I use this all the time for drums or piano or something consistently you could go to the inserts on the mix console here and let me just find my channel where I had all the so if I wanted to just drag these particular inserts over I could just add like a whole chain of inserts and then at that point just bypass the inserts so those are some easy ways to kind of have you know cut signal chains copied okay okay we'll see if there's one more question and then we'll go ahead and wrap up I hope everyone's learned a couple things we'll try to have the index done next day or so okay okay so I see a question I have Cubase AI want to make upgrade to Cubase 10.5 Pro how much should be paying for this it varies you know there's a current promotion going on and I'm not sure what country you live in so if you just go to the Steinberg web page go to Steinberg that net you'll see a 40% discount I think and you could take advantage of that but I'm not sure what country you're in and but you could see based on your country what the pricing is but there's currently a promotion going on that's a great deal okay like and I have their contact keyboard a Yamaha fully weighted keyboard controller integrates into Steinberg recording programming software possible anywhere in the future Yamaha Steinberg we've been trying to get a controller for a long time so will we keep trying okay okay okay we'll try one more question we'll see if this is a good one re can you remind me about the MIDI setting to add notes to an existing MIDI part is now adding a new part every punch and I have to glue them set to merge now in MIDI menus from Dave Glick good to see you Dave misses seeing you at the club cubics DC meetings so if you want to see this you'll see in the bottom here the MIDI record modes so you could just say if you're in linear and cycle to record mode just click on merge and then that way won't create new parts so just go to the bottom left-hand corner you can see MIDI record modes and choose merge and you could also see it from your transport MIDI record modes I think it defaults to new parts and it keeps stacking so probably the default behavior should be set to merge but do that and hope you and your family are doing well Dave all right okay okay so it says do you know anyway when you drop in a MIDI track in replace overwrite mode that earlier MIDI then when he dropped in and doesn't get deleted been bugging me for years you know you may want to try you know try these modes as well so let me just see if I could recreate that okay so let me just so we drop a MIDI part in replace overwrite mode to earlier MIDI then gets dropped in doesn't get deleted so you could try try under edit just out of curiosity I want to say it might be under preferences let's see editing delete overlaps maybe you see if this does it so yeah so just come over to your preferences see if this does it for you under editing make sure delete overlaps is checked and now as soon as I drag this on top it doesn't merge but it just deletes what's underneath so try setting that as a preference okay okay with that we've gone about three hours and 20 minutes I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up I'll try to catch some of the questions that we didn't get to I'm sorry that we couldn't get to every single question so you know but we try to get through all the questions as extinct as succinctly and as complete as possible if you've liked the Hangout and we learned a tip or trick please feel free to subscribe to the channel and give it a thumbs up while we are kind of in this stay home era we're trying to do these hangouts like twice a week so we'll probably do we're trying to do them on Tuesday and Thursday and Tuesday and Friday starting at 1:00 p.m. u.s. Eastern if you subscribe to the channel you could get notified of them if you have questions that you want to submit in advance please feel free to send them to club cubase at Steinberg de so you know it could be helpful for me if it had to create kind of a file to demonstrate to expediate the time to make it a little easier so I'm not just kind of creating stuff on the fly that that's always helpful and you know take advantage some of the different promotions are going on there's to stay home elements collection so for 60 days you could try out Cubase elements Dorko elements for notation Wavelab elements for mastering and the absolute collection which is a wonderful suite of virtual instruments with like Halion symphonic orchestra also getting into you know groove agent five and Hallion and retrologue and pad shop too so you know a wonderful suite of instruments there's also the VST Connect Pro is 50% off I think that promotion just started today and look for upgrading from you know Cubase elements or AI le I think and Cubase artist to the pro version I think that's 40% off so take advantage of some of those great discounts we hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy and is able to come up with some great music while there may be staying home and we'll try to make sure that you're getting the most out of your software thank you so much for doing for participating in a hangout it's a thrill to see people from all over the world and you know please let us know if there's any questions that you have and we'll see you next time we hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and thanks for attending to hang out
Channel: Cubase
Views: 8,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: WtwDwOvgkQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 56sec (12176 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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