How to Send Large Video Files to Your Client?

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the more our social and work lives move to the online world the more we'll need the ability to send bigger and bigger files let me give you a few tips on doing so [Music] hi i'm dom from wondershare uniconverter and i'm a freelance video creator so sending files to clients is a daily task i need to complete i usually use one of the following methods google drive it's convenient because if you have a google account you have 15 gigabytes of free cloud storage where you can share files and they stay up until you deleted them i don't always like the fuss around uploading files and sharing them and then managing the files so i don't run out of storage space but it can be very useful especially if you purchase extra storage wii transfer wii transfer is a very popular way to send files you can transfer multiple files up to 2 gigabytes for free if you need to send a couple of files that are individually or smaller than 2 gigabytes it's awesome it might take a couple of transfers but you won't have to worry about deleting them because the transfers are only available for 10 days you can send them directly to email addresses as well as just creating links and sharing that to people now the 2 gigabyte limit is very often not really good and sometimes the 10 days availability is also downside but of course if you pay for the service you'll get to send enormous single files as well youtube if you only want to send videos to people youtube is also an option just upload the video and set it to unlisted then you can share its link with others the downside of it is that once you upload a video to youtube it will lose quality so that's not very good now in all cases if you don't want to wait hours for a video file to be uploaded or transferred a fast internet connection is a must but you can always also compress videos for example to smaller sites for easier distribution on the internet open up the wondershare unicomputer on the left side panel go to the video compressor import the file or files you want to compress what we're going to do is click settings here i'm going to leave the format in mov i'm gonna choose variable bitrate because it will result in a smaller file size but with better quality i'm gonna leave the resolution as it is but i'm gonna turn down the quality here within this green recommended range of course you can decide here whether you want a better quality or a smaller file size and you can move this toggle here depending on what you want and of course if you don't want the video to be in 4k you can also drop that to full hd for example once i have set up everything including the output folder i'm just gonna hit start all [Music] so there you go those are my tips on sending files online i hope you found this video helpful and if you did make sure to give a big thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions you can reach us in the comment section we're glad to help with that being said thank you for watching and i'm going to see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Wondershare UniConverter Video Toolbox
Views: 54,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to send clients videos, how to send large video files, how to send large videos, how to share large video files, how to share big video files online, best way to send large video files, how to send long video, how to send large video, how to send large files, how to share large files, how to send large files through email, how to send big video, where to send large video files, uniconverter, how to send big video files to someone, best way to share large video files
Id: T0vqNgxDMC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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