How To Send Large Videos On Android

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i'm back everyone you may be in a position where you're trying to send out a very large video on your android device to somebody else and it's not sending and it's not working for some reason now the easiest way that i've seen time and time again to actually send out these videos is to actually go ahead and upload the video to a cloud storage and send somebody the link to that video on that cloud storage you can also upload that video to youtube and just you know copy that link and send somebody the link to on a private video but the easiest way is to upload it to google drive and send out that video so if you have the google drive app if you don't you want to make your way over to your play store you want to go ahead and type in drive just like this and you want to download the google drive app now i already have it installed so this is what the app looks like sometimes if you make a way over to your google folder you'll be able to see drive here now all you have to do at this point is to upload that video to google drive so you want to click that plus button down there you want to click upload and then you want to find that video that you have so i can go and click my video tab here find some video that i made here is this one whatever it's not even that big of a video we'll click here we're going to click select and this video will go ahead and upload to google drive so let's say your file whatever is uploaded whatever you just want to you know refresh this as often as possible and you pretty much just want to find the video that you just uploaded so here it is right here it's uploading as soon as it's uploaded we'll just take another video for example here's a video that i made right here all you have to do is copy the link to this video so click here you can either copy the link or you can share this video out right here in this case we'll just click copy the link and we can make our way over to our messages app whatever it was find that message that we want to find that to you know sent to that person click here click paste and that person will be able to access that video straight from here now you also want to go ahead and make sure that the video permissions people can view it so you can click you know manage people and links and i'll say who has access you can say only people added can open up the file whatever right and that's really pretty much how to do it there's really not much else you have to do at that point so that's pretty much it just send out that link and people can view it if you guys have any other questions or anything let me know in the comment section as well hit the like button know me so much but definitely hit that subscribe button more importantly everything else i love every single one of you guys hopefully i'll catch you guys in the next video peace out till then [Music] [Music]
Channel: LoFi Alpaca
Views: 201,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lofialpaca, lofi alpaca, simplealpaca, simple alpaca, android, samsung, samsung galaxy, samsung galaxy tricks, android tricks, android tips, send large videos android, how to send large videos, send videos on android
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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