How to send EMAIL CAMPAIGNS with ActiveCampaign

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by the end of this tutorial you will know exactly how to send email campaigns with active campaign i will explain how you can create an email campaign i will explain all these different types of email campaigns and i'll also show you how you can actually send out the campaign so let's just dive right in and i'll explain how it works so the first thing you need to do is you need to go over to campaigns campaigns and then we're going to create our first campaign now then over here is going to ask us for a campaign name so this is just for your own reference so give it something that is easy to remember right so i'm going to call this one example one and then if it would force them to be a newsletter you could maybe also include the date or something like that right just something for your own reference and then over here we have select campaign type so you have six different types of campaigns so i will just quickly go over all of these and i'm going to explain them all one by one so we have the standard campaign type this is basically the simplest one and it just allows you to send a one-time email campaign to your whole list or a part of your email list now we have split testing it's very similar also allows you to send out an email campaign and then you can a b test that email campaign by for example testing different subject lines really cool i'll explain that in a bit then we also have an rss campaign type and then with that you can for example every week check if there's any new articles on your website and then automatically send those out then we have autoresponder and this is basically an automated campaign that will send after someone is subscribing to one of your email lists then we have date based and then for example you can use that to send out a campaign whenever it's the context birthday whenever they have an appointment whenever they are on your email list for one year something like that and then we have automated i'm not going to explain this one in this tutorial because this is just basically an automation and i have separate tutorials about that one so check that one out if you want to learn more about that but over here standard let's start with this one and by the way you can also find all the timestamps and resources below this video right now then over here we go to next and then the first thing that we have to do is we have to select a list of who we want to send it to so over here what i could do is okay i want to send it to my main list so if i would now click next then the email will just be sent to everyone on the main list but what you can do is you can also segment the selected lists and i think that's pretty handy so what you can do is you can click this then you see this down here and then we can create a new segment for this email list so then what i for example want to do is i want to send out this email campaign but i do not want to send it out to people that are currently following my free email course so to do that i say here not currently following free email course then we have to add a condition for this and then the condition is not currently in automation free email course so then i click done and then right now this email campaign would be sent out to everyone on my main list but not people who are currently inside that free emo course automation pretty handy right now then we would click here next and then we have to create the email itself so over here you can select one of the standard templates you can also build one from scratch you can go over to your past campaigns and then modify one from there or in my case i have my own template over here so i click here use this template and then i would call this one i don't know interesting tips just an example right and then over here we click continue and then over here we have the email builder so i'm just going to write the whole email right now but obviously you would have to do that before you send it out right and then if you want you can also go to this gear icon and then you can also for example still change the subject line the preheader text the from information and the reply to email address then after the email is created you click here next and then we go to the summary tab and this is basically going to give you a summary of the campaign so here again will tell you the subject line the pre-header text the firm information who the email will be sent to and also it is pretty handy to how many people it will be sent so in this case it's 10 contacts then your address and then down here we have some options so personally i would always leave the open and retracting on so you can actually see how many people are opening the campaign right how effective it was and also link tracking i would also leave that on so you can see how many people are clicking links inside your campaigns and personally you do not have to do that but personally i do not like to use the reply tracking because then active campaign is going to change the reply to email address which could look a bit weird for some people so if i would toggle this to on then you would also get a warning here about that so that's why i leave this to off and i'm also not going to use google analytics if you would turn this to on then it will ask you for a campaign name and then it's going to add some parameters to links inside your emails so that in your google analytics reports you can see where those people came from so i'm not using that myself then we have the campaign archive so if you want to set it to public then leave it to public personally i like to make it private because i don't want to share it online i just want people to get the emails and that's it and then what you can do is you can either just click here send now and it will be sent out to everyone so in this case 10 people or you could schedule it so then over here you could say okay i wanna send it next week or i wanna send it on a specific date then i go over here let's say i wanna send it on the first of september and i wanna send it at 10 in the morning so then over here we do 10 in the morning then over here you have your own time zone and then you have to toggle this to on and then you also see that this button now changed to finish so now i click finish over here and then bada bing bada boom our campaign was scheduled so over here it says scheduled and over here under the column sent it will show you when it will be sent or when it was sent so there's also handy for past campaigns and also to how many people the campaign was sent so right now it still says none because it has not been sent out yet and then over here last modified and then the type of campaign so this is the basics this is the standard campaign type then right now i want to show you how you can also use the split testing campaign type because i think that's maybe my favorite so to do that we're going to create a campaign and then i'm going to call this one example two and over here we go to split testing we go here to next and then again we have to say okay who do we want to send this to so let's say main lists and i do not want to select this event i just want to send it to everyone on my email list and then over here we can also select a split test type so then we have two options down here so either you can basically split test the whole email so you can split test the email subject line the from information of the email and or the email contents of the email or you can just keep it simple and you can only test for example the email subject or the from information so that's what i'm going to do now i just have one email and i just want to test the subject line so to do that over here i'm going to click next then we have to create an email again so again i'll use my template over here and then i will say here awesome tips click here continue and then you see that the email was created so that you can just like write down your email right and then what is really cool is you can go over to this gear icon and then up here you see something to add a test so if i click this button now here then it's going to add test 2 and then i can for example give it a different subject line fantastic tips let's call this one marketing tips so then right now we have one email but then over here you can see that we have two different subject lines and if you want you can also change the from information in case you maybe want to test that over here but so then we have that over here the email is created we go to next so then we go to the summary of the campaign again and then this is all the same so here we always check like okay these two are two on they are are off okay and this one i'm going to make private then you would schedule it for when you want to send it out and then down here what i think is super interesting is that we have the split test options and then what you can do is you can here basically determine the winner so you can say here i do not want to determine the winner and then down here you can see that 50 will be sent the test one that we created and the other 50 it will be sent the test two that we created so half of the list will get one sepia client other half will get the other subject line so while i think that is pretty cool what i think is even cooler is if we do determine the winner because what we could do then is we could say okay i want to send out this campaign which are two different subject lines right and then we could determine the winner based on the open rate or the click rate so personally depends on what the goal of the email is but let's say we have a call to action inside this campaign is going to like a sales page or something i don't know and we want to check what the best click rate is so then i would say here click rate and then determine the winning message after two days so then what is this going to do and you can also see that down here it will send 10 off that email list shipping line number one ten percent subject line number two and then after those two days the winner will be determined and then eighty percent will be sent the winner of this split test super super cool right so personally whenever you send out like a one-time email campaign i would always use the split test campaign type versus the standard type because this way you can just really simply test subject lines or maybe if you want also the content of the email itself so now i'm going to schedule this i'm just going to click here on and then i will say okay i want to send this out tomorrow and then i click finish and that was that now then the next campaign type i want to show you is the rss one so then here we create a campaign and then over here we'll call this one example tree and then over here we select the errors as triggered so personally i have to say i'm not using this so much i've think maybe used it once in the last four or five years but it is there if you want to and i also want to explain how it works so that you can decide for yourself if you want to use this or not so we're going to select this one then we go to next and then we go over to lists then here i want to send this one to the main list and then if you want you can also select one of your previously created segment groups so then over here i would say again okay i want to send it to everyone on my main list but it should not be currently inside my free email course then i click here next then we go to design and then over here i go to my main template and i will call this one latest new articles new articles let's do that so then okay we click here continue and then this setup is going to be slightly different because we have to include the rss block inside our email so i have this email over here right so what i'm going to do real quick is i will duplicate this block and then i will remove this and i'm going to remove this over here and then we just include the rss feed block here and then you have to give it defeat url so you would have to look up defeat of whatever you want to share right so i just want to have my own feed for my website so in my case this is feed and over here you see the rss feed of all the articles on my website so then they'll just move this back then you will just put it in here and then you see you see over here that's going to give us a preview so this is my most recent article and then if you want you can also customize this because personally i didn't like it if it shows up like this i can also maybe show you here if you click now update then you see that we get a blog like this in our email and i don't think that's so nice right so what you can do is you can click here customize and then personally i like to remove the date and also the description and then items to show maybe let's set this to four and then you see that it already looks a little bit better right so then inside our email could you could for example say like check out the latest articles and then over here to get a list of those articles so like i said i'm personally not such a huge fan of this but it is quite cool that it is possible right but i personally don't think i would do it like this i think if i would send out campaigns with my new articles i would prefer to write them manually to make it more likely that people are actually going to be interested in this email and more likely going to be interested in those articles but hey the option is there right so then over here i click next so now we get all these options again and then this time we can for example say okay i want to schedule it so let's say i want to schedule it for now let's do here now a week later the 8th of september and i want to schedule it for 10 in the morning 10 in the morning click here on and then here what you can do is you can also set how frequent this same campaign will be sent again so you could for example say check every day and then if there is a new article then the campaign will be sent out so if there is nothing new then it will not be sent out this may be also handy to know but you can for example also set it to every week so then this is the first time the campaign will be sent out and then every week after it's going to send it out an email if there's any new articles inside the rss feed so yeah personally again i do not like this so much because then you're always sending out the same email but hey maybe it is cool for some use cases so then here we go finish and then i want to go over to the next campaign type and it is the autoresponder so i'm going to call this one example number i think this is already the number four then here autoresponder click here next then now you have to select the list you want to send it to so i do okay main list then we have the design of the email so then here i go for my standard thingy i'll call this one example click here continue and then we go to next and then now if we go down here is that you see here this autoresponder option and then over here you can say okay send to new contacts so then it will be sent to new contacts on the email list that you selected and then you can either say immediately so you could maybe create some kind of welcome email or you could say after a specific time frame so you could say okay i want to send an email seven days after someone is subscribed to an email list so i'm not so often using this option also because i much prefer to use automations for this so that you can have like a proper onboarding automation and then after seven days you maybe send something else after two days you send something else i think automations are a bit better for that but if you maybe have a specific use case for an autoresponder like this then this is also there if you would want to now then finish and then i want to show you the last campaign type and it is date based so that's one example five then here date based we click here next then we have to select the list we want to send it to i'm not going to segment the list i'll just click here next again then over here we have design i'm going to add the email and let's call this one happy birthday and then here first name title case and i'm going to change this to lower so this guy in this way it will say happy birthday and then the first name in lower case so i think maybe looks a bit more personal than just my own theory so then we click here continue then the email will be created and then over here you would write like a short message this is like hey uh john happy birthday make it an amazing day blah blah blah here's a little present for you maybe a little ebook or something right then here click next and then under summary we can also set who we want to send it to or based on which custom field which is pretty cool so then down here you could say delivery and then we can say here sends on and then if you want you can also change this to before or after and then standard here you have the subscription date so what you could do is for example you could say okay i'm going to send a contacts an email on the subscription date so maybe like some kind of like hey so cool you're already on the email list for a year blah blah blah something like that right but if you want you can also select here your global contact field so those are your custom fields and as you can see over here i have a custom field that has the birthday in it so then what it can do is i can say here sends on the context birthday and then the campaign will be sent so then here include now just click finish and then it will only be sent whenever it's the contact's birthday but obviously for that to work you need to do context birthday but what you could also do i for example also have a custom field called webinar date and then i can for example also say before and then here one day before webinar date and then you could maybe send a reminder email something like that right but let's stick to the birthday for now i will click here to on so then this email will be sent on the birthday and then over here i click finish and that is it so campaigns are super awesome but i think even more awesome are automations inside the active campaign that's where the real power is so check out this tutorial over here so you can learn everything about automations as well
Channel: Max van Collenburg
Views: 897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: activecampaign campaigns, activecampaign email campaign, activecampaign campaign vs automation, campaign in activecampaign, one-off campaign activecampaign, activecampaign campaign type, activecampaign split testing campaign, activecampaign rss campaign, activecampaign date based campaign
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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