How to Sell Online Courses Without A Following!

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one of the best ways to earn money from home and build a life in a business on your own terms is creating an online course you know the opportunity is massive right now and in this deep dive training i'm going to be breaking down the best way to market and sell your course this year but i'm not sure if you've seen this article yet about the e-learning market that's going to reach a trillion dollars within six years so when we talk about the opportunity this isn't hype this is a very real industry that is exploding and i'm sure that's why you're watching this video because you want to tap into this but maybe you're frustrated because you're not getting online course sales right now maybe you're frustrated because you know social media organic reach is down you've been trying to promote or build a following get noticed and competition continues to rise or maybe you're frustrated because paid ads are expensive and with the ios 14 update that disrupted everybody ad accounts are getting shut down and of course paid ads are awesome for promoting your course but they can be frustrating and even risky if you lose a bunch of money maybe you've thought about working with a marketing agency but who can you trust who can you hire and is it going to be a waste of money paying somebody who won't even generate sales for your online course well there's a better way and it's free and we're going to be talking about it in this video we're going to be talking about the three-step process for selling your online course even if you don't have a following yet and how to get the perfect customer for your course coming to you and also how to generate sales for your course 24 7 even when you're not working so if you're fired up smash the like button this is the coffee with kennel show my name is sean cannell and for your convenience time codes and chapters have been added to this video you can also check out show notes and resources to help you get better results on youtube and generate more core sales if we're just meeting i've grown a couple youtube channels to over a hundred thousand subscribers uh one to almost two million now i'm most proud of though um our students um many who have started from zero and it's really not too late to start youtube in fact one of our students just started in the last six months already has 53 000 subscribers and has only posted 23 videos so far so if you want to actually learn how to grow your youtube channel as well as generate sales for your online course definitely hit the subscribe button and sean why would you have the authority to talk about generating sales for your online course you know you need to be careful who you follow and we are approaching right now at think media my company almost 10 million dollars in online course sales we're about 9.3 or 9.6 right now and so pretty soon we'll be crossing eight figures in online course sales so this is a proven system that's really going to work for you so i encourage you buckle your seat belt so here's the strategy um we're gonna use youtube to attract our ideal customers on autopilot and exponentially multiply our online course sales i've got three tips for you but this is the system we're going to be using youtube and in a particular way so that you're attracting the ideal customers the people who'd be interested in your online course on autopilot and i'll show you that that's a real thing and we'll create exponential online course sales doing it here's an example this is simply soccer youtube channel they're actually a part of our program called video ranking academy and um they teach obviously soccer tips right so how to follow your instincts in soccer the five mistakes average players make in matches so they're creating youtube videos and getting nearly 460 000 views a month but you might be saying well that's great for them they already have an established youtube channel i'm going to be showing you even if you haven't posted a video yet how you can tap into growing your youtube channel especially if you're making the right videos right so they're putting out these videos and then as you get to know them as you get to build trust with simply soccer they have the simply soccer academy which is actually a monthly membership online course it's 15 a month so you get mentored with dave you get exclusive content you get access to the course so you can see they're using youtube in a particular way and then they're putting out free valuable content that's leading to their online course but why youtube itself and why is it perfect for online course creators well i don't know if you've seen but 2.3 billion users are on youtube now that's monthly active users so you shouldn't be worried even though it feels competitive out there and maybe you're frustrated with sales you shouldn't be worried if you're saying is there just anybody you know is there enough people for me to reach is there any potential customers is there anybody that is that would be interested in buying my online course the key is you just got to get in front of them you got to get discovered 2.3 billion people is a massive amount of people right and here's the cool thing youtube is a discovery machine and what i mean by that is when you think about instagram snapchat linkedin twitter facebook these are cool if you get lucky and go viral organic reach on these platforms is definitely going down i'm all for social media but also you have to think about the user's behavior and intent when they're on social media so i'm on instagram i'm not necessarily in a learning education mindset i'm just scrolling randomly looking for like a funny reel looking for you know some uh snowshoe snowshoes you know looking for uh you know the accounts i follow for hobbies or clothing or snowboarding or whatever what's the intent of being on some of these social media platforms did you know that the intent of 70 of people on youtube is to solve a problem so if they're already looking for education then they're the perfect person for your online course versus if they're on social on facebook just to argue with their friends and family about politics come on right you know and so what's the intent of these different platforms furthermore these are content feeds instagram has a feed the facebook feed the twitter feed the linkedin feed see these are all content feeds where youtube is a content library that's why you can make a video today and people will still watch it tomorrow and they can discover you and your online course and so the truth is youtube is the second largest search engine in the world so you have to ask yourself what problem does your course solve what does your course teach and people are searching for that well then you need to be putting your content on youtube so they can discover you how you help people how your course serves people because youtube's the second search second largest search engine in the world google's number one and a lot of times your youtube videos can get discovered on google because of their synergy and their family and so youtube is a massive opportunity for course creators in fact today's sponsor of coffee with kannel is thinkific and uh you can go to to do a free trial whether you have a channel about cooking guitar teaching business coaching or fitness youtube creators all share something in common a desire to reach more viewers and make a bigger impact without trading their time for money so how do you do that by creating an online course with thinkific more than 50 000 course creators have already used thinkific to build revenue and educate students worldwide so you can try thinkific free today at but here's what's crazy when i think about thinkific as a course creation platform you know i've talked to team members there and they say that youtube creators are their most successful users why because of the psychology of the platform if people are already coming to youtube to learn and be educated and they can build that trust with you here on youtube then when you say hey if you want to go deeper if you want all of my content in one place or you just want my step-by-step course check it out and so there's a massive synergy so i encourage you check out thinkific big thanks to them for sponsoring today's deep dive class but here's the three steps here's step number one you're going to want to create intent based youtube videos that attract your ideal customer this is huge intent based youtube videos so what is the intent of the person coming to youtube here's here's the truth right if your online course teaches somebody to play violin and someone's just randomly on youtube watching small cats chase around squirrels and get in fights in the haystack like that individual is probably not gonna go from watching the kittens fight the squirrels in the haystack to purchasing your violin course this is not gonna happen but if they're already thinking how does a beginner get started with violin they discover your video well then they're much more aligned with potentially being a customer of your online course that is your violin master class so you want to create intent based videos that are reverse engineered to actually attract the ideal customers for your course so who's the ideal customer for your course seventy percent of viewers use youtube to help solve a problem so you wanna start making videos that solve problems so people can discover you here's an example ketocam this is my friend ben he's actually one of our students as well and um he's made a couple videos and i want you to see these he's got 133 000 subscribers now but these were his first videos three years ago and they've certainly got more views because over time video youtube is the only platform where your content lives forever it's like a fine wine your videos get better with age like you put them out and they just keep getting viewed now he put out some videos three reasons why people fail on the keto diet is the ketogenic diet the best for weight loss how to do the ketogenic without a ketogenic diet without a gallbladder that's pretty cool that's a very specific question he's answering so you don't have a gallbladder you're trying to figure out how to do the keto diet you meet ben on youtube intent based videos well if you hang out with ben and you start to discover he's a super cool guy desperately wants you to you know experience your best energy your best fitness your best health and created an academy ketocamp academy that people could be a part of so he's creating free youtube content and then he educates people and we'll talk about exactly how to do that so definitely stick until the end of the video um he creates these free youtube videos and then lets people know about his deeper dive academy and can sell his online course see how powerful this is and so youtube is amazing and here's what i want you to see sometimes things will start out a little slow on youtube but this is a screenshot of think media and how many views we get every 60 minutes right now we're getting over 7 000 views every hour on my main channel think media i don't know if you can drop a bomb explode head explode emoji in the comments but that's crazy 7 000 people are viewing my videos and now our team's video is every single hour this is why youtube is the best because if they're the right videos and the right people are watching them well then they might be interested in going to another level with you in your online course seven thousand views every hour and you go well sean easy for you to say well not easy for me to say you know i created my first video 10 years ago on my main channel like i don't know if you've ever uh been around but have you seen this thing all right so uh this is i guess the first sean thanks vlog and i'm gonna try to vlog every single day so i mean 10 years ago i upload that thing that video did not do very good but i stuck with it and now every two days we get almost 500 000 views on the channel imagine just getting 10 of those results 50 000 views every two days imagine it's getting 10 of those results 5 000 views every two days uh 10 of that imagine just 50 people discovering your content every two days videos that you created yesterday that they're still watching just like ben from keto camp where he's answering specific questions and then people can go deeper with him and again i'll show you how so here's why youtube is the best it's really the ideal platform for course creators it's also strong because the way that business works is we do business with people we know that we like and that we trust your question is i don't have a following yet or my following is not very big well that's the power of youtube it's a discovery machine so people actually have to know you before they can flow you like i heard someone say that once you know like they have to know you first you actually have to get discovered to even have a chance and not everyone's going to be your customer not everyone's going to connect with you your vibe's going to attract your tribe you're not for everyone don't worry about not everybody wanting to subscribe or fall it's not a big deal like just the power of having a chance to serve someone add value make a connection they got to know you because then they can determine if they like you and chances are they're not gonna buy your online course if they don't like you but that's the power of youtube it's like a chance to like go on a date before you get married like you know i mean i i actually live in las vegas and so sometimes people are like hey nice to meet you let's have elvis marius that's a little rare typically you date first maybe for a little while so youtube is this chance to get people to know you start building a connection with you start to like you and then start to trust you because the cool thing is when you hang out with someone on youtube and you go shoot this person like really knows what they're talking about wow i kind of see this person's values well i kind of see this person that uh they know what they're talking about and and they really care about my success and they've also helped me get some results in advance and they've also helped me you know bring some clarity to some things oh they've got a way where i could get everything they have all in one place in their online course and it's like an accelerator i'm in that's how powerful youtube is right and then once you're getting views 24 7 your course can ultimately be getting discovered as you're getting discovered 24 7 whether you're working or not and to top it all off youtube is free i mean for real like you know youtube is free so like what are you doing you got to just punch fear in the face punch perfectionism in the face and press record start making videos because really it's on the other side of your hustle and the right strategies that you can start getting results for awareness and selling your online course and so the power question is what is one youtube video idea that would attract your ideal customer what is one just one youtube video idea and um i actually have a class that is available on demand that will help you with youtube ideas there's a link to that in the description but let's think about a couple ideas here if it was computer and technology it could be like how to build a website how to repair computers and networks and this could actually be like your course idea but also you could have a video that maybe helps you with a piece of how to build a website and then your course explains all the steps um how to 10x your drop shipping business how how to get etsy to work for your handmade goods these are maybe niches that would be great for creating an online course so then what are our video ideas you start how etsy works how to set up your etsy shop and maybe your whole course is get etsy to work for you for homemade goods arts and crafts knitting your way to an income right uh digital art and photography and and so you start maybe just teaching about one piece of digital art or how to create an nft or how to set up your meta mask or your wallet writing and content creation so secrets to publishing a book or secrets to self-publishing a book maybe that's your course and so what are some pieces maybe a video is self-publishing versus traditional publishing these are ways that again people can discover you on youtube you're helping in advance 10 steps to start blogging now maybe you just talk about blogging trends this year and then your course goes deep in vlogging maybe you have a course on home exercise for freelancers or oils and aromatherapy children psychology for online teachers learning investments and trading cryptocurrency being better with time management and so it's a new year you start helping people figure out you know just a couple practical tips with time management and then you have a whole system a whole course to help them how to study the bible how to be a good leader all these different things so what is an idea and drop it in the comments that would lead to your online course let me know um just one video idea that would attract your ideal customer that may eventually want to go deeper with you right and be a part of your course so the question you may have though is okay well sean should i actually sell on youtube though like should i sell my course on youtube are you saying make a youtube video and sell my course on youtube in most cases i would actually suggest no maybe if your course is what you'd call a low-cost course which is going to probably be typically under 47 maybe it's 27 or it's like 7 bucks it's just something like a quick mini course but typically um you actually want to take the sales conversation off of youtube it's kind of like the idea too of like should you sell your course on youtube and it's also like should you you know proposition a woman on the first date like probably not i mean it depends on your culture but you know what i mean it's like it's like maybe slow down tiger you know it's like should you should you just roll up like to to some lady you know at a restaurant be like yo you you want to you know get married and do the the bing bong that's not it's a little aggressive sir you know uh you probably want to slow down and so that's kind of what some people do i think it's the mistake they make with their online course you gotta you gotta get to know people just add value build relationships so how do you do that if you're not gonna sell your course on youtube then um where are you ultimately gonna sell it well step two you're gonna invite viewers into a value-driven sales process to your irresistible offer right so what is a value-driven sales process well first you're creating intent-based youtube content and you may have heard the concept of a funnel that's kind of what you see here so you're creating intent-based youtube content and then you invite people into a value-driven sales process that could look like and then eventually you make an offer for your online course and hopefully that's an irresistible offer which is a topic for another day so a lot of times this looks like free premium content maybe it's like a white paper and that could be something maybe you do some research some industry research maybe you survey some people in the industry you consolidate case studies or information and put it into a downloadable pdf maybe you have an ebook that you give away from free maybe it's uh for free maybe it's a free checklist something that just helps people get quick results in terms of playing guitar in terms of health in terms of whatever your course is about maybe you do a challenge one of the things that ben azadi from keto camp's doing is he's doing a challenge you know to help people get in shape get some momentum and then if they love being a part of that they could go deeper with them maybe you do a webinar or a web class maybe an email sequence maybe there's a five day or a seven day or a 31 day email sequence that you set up on an autoresponder that that adds value and then you let people know that you have a course you're adding value it's a value driven sales process people are still getting value it's not they get value on youtube and then you're like hey here's my course it's they get value at every step of the way with you you're constantly adding real value that really helps people that really serves people on youtube and they're like hey if you want to go deeper and i think the key here is free premium content it's just another level right online notice it could be an online course maybe you give away a free online course or what's really cool is you know with thinkific you can upload your course and just give away a piece for free let people do a trial let people just you know so it's kind of like try before you buy you're allowed to test drive the car right like you're allowed to sample the cinnabon at the mall which we don't go to anymore in the pandemic era i don't know about you but i would walk by with the person with the cinnabon or the sample at the pretzel place and i'd grab one and then i would try to like take my jacket off and go for a second swoop you know what i'm saying i'd be like try to be a different person or say um my wife and my son would like one is that cool can i get three and she's like sure you may have three and then i'm like i just eat them all myself like my wife's like why is there like cinnabon cinnamon on your lips i don't know honey i don't know how that happened i'm obviously kind of kidding mini course it could be a mini course right so maybe maybe you have something that's more robust uh your full academy but there's something that's like a jump start a couple of videos or a couple of articles or however you want to structure it it could be a digital download of some kind that is a software plug-in you know one of our students has a course on mpc the mixer that you make beats on and so he has like a a digital download of samples sound effects and things you can use for that as he then gets someone's contact information typically it's like an email address and what you're on youtube you're like hey here's free content i hope you're enjoying this he's teaching things on mtc do you want my sound effects pack and my plugins for the mpc my free pack you can download that there's a link in the youtube description and then people can download that and he has a chance to take the conversation deeper in a value driven sales process and eventually say hey would you like to jump join my online course and therefore generate sales if you're getting value so far hit the like button we have step number three and i got a couple case studies for you um but that is here's an example from jen devore all right so jen devore she helps people with attraction marketing she helps people publish their own magazine helps kind of position them get branded and so she's making youtube videos here's a kind of cool thing notice that she has 806 subscribers she hasn't been on youtube very long like about a year and her channel hasn't gotten huge but check it out she's doing like 10k plus a month maybe even more than that now in her business how because she's attracting the right people you know the mistake a lot of people make on youtube is they get too into the numbers oh i just want to go viral like mr beast well that's cool if you're business models like mr beast that is the point is going as viral as possible but if you're in entrepreneurship or business or you're also just looking for a sustainable online business based off of a thousand true fans then really creating niche videos that serve a specific person that then lead and here's how she does it here's the intent based youtube videos that then lead to a download with a 20-page magazine funnel guide and case studies so it's a very specific thing that she helps people with right but she's crushing it because her videos are attracting the right viewers people are learning from her getting to know her know like and trust and then she's like hey i got this really valuable thing and that and during this whole process you're learning about her business and you go you know what i want jen to help me make my own magazine and really level up my authority and my positioning see how powerful this is and so she's inviting people into a value-driven sales process and there's so many different ways to set this up we can't go into that all here but um this is again just one example so you still might be thinking okay but i've tried some of these things and why am i still not getting sales which kind of teased us up for step number three and the reason is there's still probably a missing piece or a broken piece in your business and this like don't be frustrated by this i mean i know it's frustrating this is how every business is like if you have posted a video and it didn't work out for you don't call yourself a failure everybody has posted a bad video and probably a hundred or hundreds in my case right if you have created an online course and just heard crickets and got no sales you're not a failure you're in the company of everyone who is succeeding with online courses their first version did not go good their first try did not go great if you tried to set up an email list and create a lead magnet or freemium which is kind of the beginning of your value-driven sales process and it like and nobody wanted to download it don't give up the key is small tweaks lead to giant peaks once you build this stuff you got to go back and just start tweaking it there might be a broken piece or a missing piece in your business maybe you're making the wrong youtube videos the cool thing is you started making youtube videos but you gotta tweak and level them up or change your positioning your approach or your methods you know maybe the messaging and the call to action in your videos is not working you're like why is this video get so many views but like no one's actually going to the place i invited them next well your messaging could probably be it's probably broken or it's you got some missing pieces right maybe your sales process is weak or broken this is super common it's challenging to set up the pages that's what's cool about stuff like thinkific because you want it to be as easy as possible to set up like a landing page and a place to deliver the free thing you want to give away and then how do you host your course and then like how do you collect people's payment and how do you do all these steps well it's all there and then once you've even set them up on a basic level you want to go back and do they need to be tweaked do they need to be improved your course positioning is maybe weak how do you name your course how do you make an irresistible offer this might sound overwhelming but let's take a deep breath i encourage you the power of all this stuff is to commit to essentially our third tip which is go back and fix the broken pieces small tweaks lead to giant peaks go work on one piece at a time continuously improving the whole process so comment below what has been one of your aha moments from this training so far and let's get into oh yeah and tip number three in just a second but i want you to know about this i do have a free class at it's on demand and it's three surefire video ideas for standing out in a crowded niche earning passive income and growing from zero to a hundred thousand subscribers quick in this class specifically this is going to help you with this first step how do i make the best intent based videos and what have been the three most effective video ideas that we've seen work on think media over the last couple years again if we're just meeting i'm your guy for youtube right like i'll help you grow your youtube channel get more views on youtube um as far as you know building out your online course we help a little bit with that but that's our thing is youtube you know myself and our team so if you really want to start and grow a youtube channel is the place uh to check out this free class it's an hour long you're gonna get a ton of value and you're gonna love it so here's step number three exponentially increase sales by improving your youtube videos and your sales process what's the missing piece what's the broken piece and again no like weird i'm a failure guilt shane like dude every business has cracks everywhere your constant job as an online business owner is to just constantly be addressing issues putting out fires fixing things because it's just the kind of nature of things step number one get the thing out as soon as possible start messy press record right get a couple videos out my videos aren't that good yet it's okay get your online course good enough of course you want to add value and be able to be you know truly serving people but the 1.0 version is not going to be like the 4.0 version get your product to market get your videos to market get your content to market but then step three exponentially increase your sales by improving your youtube videos and your sales process so this is carrie aguilar and he does print on demand so he's really succeeded with in the past he's on today he's done things where he's done paid ads for people who for niche t-shirts um if you've heard about this industry there's different things you could do where if you're especially good at ads like facebook ads and you could target somebody that like actually lives in michigan with the t-shirt print on demand that says like michigan people are awesome and people are like that's the perfect shirt for me and people can you know scale different businesses like that of course a lot of youtube creators will create merch and all that kind of stuff so he's become this is just his his jam right so it's strategy secrets and hacks to grow your online t-shirt apparel and print-on-demand business so really cool channel and so he's putting out all this valuable free content on youtube and then he can send people to uh invite people through a value driven sales process to his different he has multiple online courses now this is just one of them which is uh his i forget what it's called i just took like a screenshot here but you can see this is a 37 thing i think he has academy has got some different things going on i think here's the key carrie continues to tip number three his first youtube videos weren't the best but he just keeps making the youtube videos a little bit better his online course has continued to get better pages have continued to get better the marketing has continued to get better he's continuing to do you can add on multiple other ways to market as time goes on because you're really applying step number three your sales pages can get better your offers can get better and that's really the key right small tweaks lead to giant peaks but here's what i want you to see that's so powerful about this number three you want to exponentially increase course sales and that's going to happen not just because you keep making new videos it's going to happen because of something that really only youtube offers you and that is the power of evergreen content because youtube is truly a search engine and in a place that people go to solve problems and they will watch videos from weeks months and years ago and let me show you how powerful this is so kerry made this video a year ago but using a little plug-in i can see that it gets one vph that stands for view per hour okay he made this video six months ago it gets three v 3.3 v ph that's three views per hour so let's do the math that this video here on should you use gelato print on demand is getting 80 views a day that's 28 908 views a year so i think you probably are starting to see what is the best way to market and sell your online course this year youtube and if you do youtube right a video you made six months ago is meeting people right you're adding value you're connecting with people but then that video is still getting 30 000 views a year and listen carrie is about a year into his journey so it's not too late to start youtube larry in our community just started in the last six months he has 53 000 subscribers people are starting today and getting results in fact youtube is still this is not just my opinion data from youtube employees the perception of some of the most influential youtube influencers understand that youtube is a fair platform it is not against small channels and it is still possible to grow from scratch when you're making the right videos and you understand how to structure good content that keeps you know good title good thumbnail click through rate all these different things and that's not the point of this video but this is why you will exponentially grow your course sales because today you get everything built 1.0 version as good as possible tomorrow you you add more videos to your library make your sales process a little better you sell power and you just keep tweaking it and as you refine things in now you've got 10 videos getting views for you every day now you got 100 videos getting views for every day i showed you think media's numbers have 7 000 views every 60 minutes it's because we saw the power of the matrix nobody can be told what the matrix is you have to see it for yourself so my question for you is are you going to take the red pill or the blue pill i hope you take the red pill the youtube pill because it's time to actually join to go into the matrix and experience freedom for your online course sales so listen here's how it goes people discover you on youtube ideal customers watch your videos 24 7 and then you invite people into your value driven sales process and then youtube sells your course for you when you're not working because once these pieces are built right then like kerry's video is still getting watched from six months ago he's hanging with his family over the holidays but youtube is still helping him meet people and people are going into his value driven sales process and sales are happening when he's not working question for you is your course already for sale let me know and how are you marketing your course um what are some ways you're promoting or marketing your course what's been your experience so far if you find content like this valuable hit the like button and actually i want to invite you check out because if your next question is like okay well teach me more about youtube i want to learn more about youtube then you're absolutely going to love this class it's free of course at the end of it i'll let you know about our main online course which is all about youtube like if you want to master youtube get results on youtube scale youtube i think it's one of the smartest things to do because one of the cool things that we didn't get to touch on is a lot of course creators are dependent just on their online course sales at think media between personal and investment streams and business streams of income we have 21 different streams of income that's a little much if you're just starting but that's the power and scalability of youtube ad revenue and affiliate marketing and brand deals and sponsorships that can all come as a result of you also taking action on youtube and so again if you want to go a little bit deeper check that out in the uh the link in the description down below and i think you will absolutely love that i also really appreciate you and here's a big challenge though that it will actually help you right now how do you name your course how do you actually name your course position your course and come up with the name because that could be one of the main reasons the huge mistake people make is they position their content their course their book wrong and i learned something from my friend rory vaden we have a video here on think media click or tap the screen to watch it it's on five title tips this is one of the most probably the most life-changing videos interviews i've been a part of this year so click or tap the screen to watch that and i can't wait to see you in a future episode of coffee with kannel
Channel: Think Media Podcast
Views: 57,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sell an online course, how to sell online courses, sell online courses, selling online courses, how to create an online course, online courses, selling an online course, how to make money selling courses, how to make money selling courses online, how to create online courses, online course creation, how to create an online course step by step, coffee with cannell, sean cannell
Id: ybw9n7N-Jzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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