How this Online Course Curriculum Strategy generated $500k in 11 months

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how would it feel if you went to go sell your  course and you heard the words this program is   a 10 out of 10 for me and then the next thing  you know they're making a payment and this just   continues to happen on repeat selling becomes  easy when your program your online course is   exactly what your ideal client needs and wants  by the end of this video you'll know my Approach   and our strategy to create a course curriculum  that truly sells scales and also creates the   most incredible results for your clients and it's  the same strategy that we' taught to over 3,000   of our clients in 47 different countries and  over 600 different niches to create a highly   scalable online course business just like arifa  who recently shared it feels so great when someone   says this program is 10 out of 10 in terms of  what they need thank you for teaching us how to   create the best program that our ideal clients  want so let me tell you a little bit more about   arifa arifa teaches classroom teachers how to  transition their teaching skills into a corporate   Learning and Development Career her course  clients have landed jobs at places like Google   and Salesforce amongst others and ARA generated  $500,000 in online course sales in just 11 months   by implementing this strategy if you're really  serious with creating a highly scalable online   course business it's what we do so I've created  a free master class for you if you comment below   right now with Master Class we'll send you the  direct link to view it on demand all right let's   get into the video so how do you create a course  curriculum that people actually want to buy and   more importantly that actually works to get them  the result that they've invested into first of   all the ability to sell your program consistently  depends on two key factors the specificity and the   outcome of your program and the efficiency of  the curriculum to get them to the outcome they   want and me because what is the best sales and  marketing strategy of all time results and this   is why I always bring her back to our flywheel  or engine that runs an online course business   that looks like this so you have your course at  the very top of it your transformational course   which you then need to get people enrolled into  which then creates Transformations once they're   in the program and using the curriculum and once  they have those Transformations they are so happy   to tell other people that you were the best of  the best when it comes to this topic and that   drives more and more people into your program and  with time it starts to build momentum on its own   to create this flywheel that really does run and  fuel your business growth so first and foremost   a curriculum that sells can deliver results  without you so there are a couple of red flags   when you create a course curriculum if you find  yourself answering the same questions for people   over and over again and needing to customize  your response to each person who comes in   or customize the path to get them to the outcome  that they're looking for for each person coming in   ultimately you've created a program and a course  that can't really sell or scale so there are a   couple of keys to creating a curriculum that  actually can scale it takes your clients on the   path from Zero to Hero as efficiently as possible  it doesn't require you to constantly customize to   each new client who enrolls and every client that  enrolls should be able to get the end result of   the program without ever needing to speak to you  and most importantly a curriculum that truly works   and can sell and scale for the rest of time needs  to be able to deliver the outcome to your client   without them relying on you because ultimately if  you create a curriculum in the most effective way   possible you have given them the blueprint the  path the journey that they need to go on from   their zero state to their hero State and they can  study it and implement it in their own time and   their own way because you've taken that expertise  that you have and laid it out in a very easy to   follow step-by-step curriculum for them and this  is what we refer to as a legacy business which is   what our clients are creating by leveraging our  strategy and what a legacy business is is it's a   business that allows you to create an income and  an impact without your constant time attention   involvement or presence so I'm going to get you  to ask a question that is pretty morbid right now   but it is probably the biggest factor to creating  a really effective curriculum if you were to Die   Tomorrow how would your clients get results  from your program without you that is how you   want to build a curriculum you want to build it  in a way that you know that if you didn't exist   people could still get the outcome that they want  from your Curriculum by packaging your expertise   in curriculum into an online course you're able to  impact more than one person at a time which is why   this is such a scalable business model so before  we start building the curriculum you need to   identify which of these you ultimately align with  most or if you align with all of them that's great   too you are building your curriculum based on your  own expertise experience or skill set you have   career expertise or experience in this area you've  created a transformation for yourself or others   in this specific area you are using a skill  set that you have mastered to create your   course or you're focusing on one of your favorite  client transformations of all time if you've had   clients and their specific results and the common  denominators between them to build your curriculum   so let's go ahead and start constructing the  curriculum first and foremost with the end in   mind that is absolutely crucial in order to build  an effective curriculum we have to know what is   the end goal and work backwards from there because  ultimately your client is going on that Zero to   Hero Journey through your curriculum so we have  to identify the hero State first and foremost so   that we can work backwards from there to create  the curriculum that's going to get them to that   end result so who do they want to be what do  they want to do and ultimately what do they   want to achieve from there we have to identify  the starting point so the starting point is what   we called the zero State and the zero state  is where your client is at when they are in   the most pain have the most urgency feeling the  most challenged or frustrated or stuck and they   absolutely are ready to take action do the work  and Achieve that hero outcome if if you pick the   wrong starting point what you're going to do is  you're going to create a curriculum that is way   way way way way too long or you're going to create  a curriculum that has way too many options and   paths for your client to go on in order to get  to that hero outcome and ultimately the path to   creating a curriculum that sells and scales has  to come down to like I said earlier efficiency   so we want to ensure that we're choosing an ideal  client and a starting point for that ideal client   which is that zero state where they are the most  ready to get started hit the ground running and   actually take action towards achieving that  end result so to picture this and visualize   this I want you to understand that there's a big  difference between a client who comes in does the   work gets great results and a client who comes in  and kind of Dilly does doesn't really do the work   isn't really motivated complains a lot gets lost  in the curriculum and all of those not so great   things and the difference really comes down to is  it a prescription or a vitamin A vitamin is a nice   to have you can think of it also as kind of like  a hobby or a skill that they're kind of interested   in learning but there is no real urgency for  them to actually do it or learn it whereas a   prescription is if they don't take this they're  going to get more ill they're going to get more   sick they're going to potentially have some really  bad consequences from it so you need to identify   is that zero state for your client a vitamin state  or is it a prescription state are they in a place   where they need to go to the doctor and they need  a prescription so they can start feeling better   that is what your curriculum needs to be it has  to be a prescription for whatever it is that is   causing them pain challenge frustration or feeling  stuck so the very first step in identifying what   could potentially be inside of your curriculum  is to audit and look back at what was required   for either you or somebody that you worked with  to go from Zero to Hero so you want to basically   brain dump all of the things the skills the  tactics the strategies the methods that you   used or you implemented for somebody that you  worked with to achieve that hero outcome that   is the starting point point for building out  your curriculum don't worry about what order it   goes in right now just start thinking about what  needed to be included after you look at your own   experience then you want to look externally so  a really great thing that you can do is go on   to Amazon and seek out books on the topic that  you're creating your program around and what you   want to do is you want to go through and see what  are all the chapters in those books and also what   are the reviews saying about those books what are  the best reviews and what are the worst reviews on   those books there is abs absolute gold for how you  can build out a really effective curriculum in the   reviews section on Amazon in your particular area  and Niche people will literally say this book was   okay but it didn't include x y and z and that's  really what I'm looking for so you will be hand   delivered curriculum ideas so you start with  your own experience and brain dumping all of   the strategies techniques and tactics that it  takes to go from zero to zero then you do some   external research to see what other people are  saying out in the world about how they want to   get to that hero outcome and Achieve that hero  outcome and what's working and what's not and   then it comes down to actually speaking to real  human beings to really start to formulate the   curriculum and the order that your curriculum  needs to go in to create the most effective   path for your ideal client so we talked about this  in- depth in last week's video on my prototype to   profit plan so I do recommend checking out that  video next and I know the thought of speaking   to people can actually be a little scary but you  want to think about it as research because that's   truly what it is you are not doing this to sell  anything to anyone because you don't have anything   to sell right now what you're doing is you're  getting into the brain of your ideal clients to   understand what is it that they actually need  so you are essentially creating the curriculum   without having to think too hard about it because  you're getting validation from these people to say   this is exactly what I want and need which will  make your program a 10 out of 10 so you want to   start with the lowest hanging fruit and what  I mean by that is the warm audience you have   around you start by dipping your toe in the water  you don't need to go in the deep end and speak to   people that you don't know quite yet but you can  start speaking to people that are your friends   your family co-workers peers in your industry  and if you do have a social audience you can   absolutely ask the people that follow you as well  and it really is as simple as just saying hey you   happen to know anyone who's trying to achieve X  outcome and that opens the doors for people to   say yeah actually that's something I'm struggling  with I'd love to help you with this I'd love to   talk to you about this and from there as you start  talking to these people you then ask them do you   know anybody else who would need help with this  and you start to get referrals to people who are   outside of your network and that's how you start  to build this base of human beings that could be   potential clients for your program once you're  ready to actually sell but most importantly what   you're doing is you're speaking to these people  who have the pain point that you are addressing   and are seeking the outcome that you are trying to  help them achieve and they are literally telling   you verbatim exactly what they would want inside  of a program so now let's dig into the formula   for creating your curriculum outline and like I  said earlier if you're very serious about this   I've created an entire free master class that you  can get on demand just comment below with the word   masterclass and we'll send you the direct link so  ultimately your curriculum formula needs to start   with the research that we've already done so it  comes from your own experience it comes from the   research that you've done on sites like Amazon  or other platforms and then it also comes from   those human conversations that you've had and you  want to basically put all of that information into   the potential formula bucket and from there we  want to always go back to the outcome so we plug   in okay this is the outcome that I'm helping  my client achieve and then we cross reference   what's in that formula bucket and this is the  most important step you are going to subtract   ract anything that is not 1,00% necessary to get  your client from Zero to Hero this is your hardest   job as a course creator because it requires you to  delete and subtract when your innate reaction and   your natural reaction is the more information you  put in a course the better when that is absolutely   opposite of the truth so you want to make it  as lean and effective as possible to get your   client results because why results are the best  marketing plan and sales plan you could ever have   when people know your program works they want  it period end of story and from there you have   this very paired down version of your curriculum  and you're going to then lay it out in the order   that makes the most sense to get your client from  Zero to Hero and the way that you build out the   curriculum is organized into categories so you  have modules lessons subl lessons action steps   outcomes and wins so what I mean by that is the  module is a phase so you're going to have phases   throughout your program and in order for people to  get to the end goal and the outcome they have to   complete each phase in order within those phases  and those modules you're going to have lessons   and those lessons are chunked down versions of  What the person needs to know and understand   in order to achieve the end goal and outcome of  that phase which will ultimately lead them to the   end goal of the curriculum and from there inside  of those lessons sometimes there's micr lessons   that you need to create an additional training  on so you just include that as a subl lesson   underneath that specific lesson in the module  and the most important thing to understand is   with each lesson there needs to be a very clear  action step for the ideal client to take so that   they are gaining momentum as they go through your  curriculum to achieve the hero outcome and what   you want to be sure of is as they finish each  lesson there is some kind of win that they are   achieving for themselves it could be Tiny But  there has to be some sort of reward or positive   return for doing the work and implementing what  is inside of that lesson why is that so important   because that builds momentum and momentum is  what ultimately leads people to getting to the   end result you can't just jump forward and get to  the end outcome overnight we ultimately have to   give people micro winds along the way so that they  feel like they're accomplishing something so that   they stay the course and stay committed to the  curriculum to achieve the hero outcome and when   it comes to actually creating your curriculum the  reality is you're not going to create it at first   and I mentioned this again in last week's video  you start with the Prototype version of your   curriculum because the best way to understand how  to lay out the curriculum to make it the best of   the best of the best is that you need to deliver  it in a live setting because there is no better   feedback and there's no better way to identify  your blind spots as an expert than to get the   real people that you're serving to tell you this  was in the wrong spot I didn't really understand   that lesson I think you're missing a step here I  got really confused or stuck in this part and that   makes your curriculum even more thorough because  you can go in and make adjustments and tweaks as   you deliver a live so we ultimately call this  a pop a profitable offer prototype and what it   means is that you're creating a barebones version  of your online course you do live delivery to   your clients you get real world feedback which  optimizes your teaching process and then you   have your packaged online course you can sell on  autopilot what the live delivery time does for   you is it allows you teaching and creation time  and that is so important because that allows you   like I said to create the curriculum that's  actually going to work so you're essentially   getting paying clients in the door in this  process to test your curriculum make it the   best that it can be so that once you do package  it it is the most optimized version which is going   to get your clients the best results in the most  efficient way which will lead to amazing results   in testimonials and social proof which leads to  getting more and more clients in the door and I   want to show you the power of this right now  so arifa shared that one of her students went   from making 58k to 135,000 in her new job which I  helped with within 90 days so proud and listen is   every single client going to be able to go through  your curriculum without any help or guidance from   you and get to the end result that's the goal but  it is still very important to offer some level of   support so you have your curriculum which takes  your client from A to Z Zero to Hero but then you   also have built-in support so we do this through a  private Community for our clients where everyone's   able to support each other and help each other  through hurdles and we're in there every single   day answering questions and providing guidance  and then we have two weekly business clinics   where we actually get to speak to our clients in  a live setting and help them through any hurdles   that they're facing and what that does is it  creates a really foolproof way for your client   to achieve the hero outcome if they put in the  work and they leverage what's available to them   so when you build out a curriculum you really  do want to think about it as a journey you're   taking your ideal client on a journey to get from  where they are right now to where they ultimately   want to be and when we do this the right way  you've set yourself up for long-term success   so I want to always bring it back to the road map  to creating a scalable online course business so   you have the offer which is your transformational  online program you know very clearly who you're   serving and ultimately where they're at when they  need the most help and they're actually ready to   do the work which leads to creating messaging that  really lands and marketing that really lands with   the right people and the hottest and warmest leads  for your program which then leads into generating   leads for your business which ultimately leads to  generating sales in the long run and consistently   for your business and it's really important  to understand that once you've tested your   curriculum you're then going to package it into  an ond demand course which people can study on   their own time and you can Market your course in  whichever way you desire but we always enforce and   tell people that you want to test your marketing  and messaging first on other platforms before   you bring it to a platform like YouTube because  YouTube is really the essential tool to be able   to scale the course and attract leads on autopilot  every single day so in arifa's case she actually   got started with other platforms by testing her  messaging and making sure that it really worked to   attract the right people before she even touched  YouTube so we always like to say you want to date   other platforms you want to marry YouTube and  by doing this when rifa finally started to use   YouTube for her business because she knew which  messaging had already converted on other platforms   and now she was making this Evergreen video that  could live on YouTube and attract clients for the   rest of time and it was working and it was working  so well that she didn't need a big subscriber base   in order to generate Revenue she said she got  her first sale from YouTube and I don't even   have a th subscribers yet thank you for everything  also Life Update bought a new house and finished   moving in none of this would have been possible  without team Sunny because ultimately our goal   is yes to help you build a highly scalable online  education business but more than that we want to   help you build a legacy business which allows  you to have this massive impact and generate   the income that you want while also creating  the life that you want so one final update I   did want to share with you as I mentioned earlier  the results that arifa was able to get and I just   want to share this with you she said I took an  8-day vacation went on a cruise to Jamaica came   in island and Mexico where I had no internet and  absolutely zero access to my laptop I did no work   at all on my vacation yet this month was by far  my biggest month I had in sales today I've reached   $500,000 in sales total revenue generated in 11  months of starting this business celebrate with   me and bria's business has continued to grow since  then and we have so many examples just like this   inside of our program and like I said if you are  really serious about creating an online education   business creating your online course business we  take this very seriously so I highly encourage you   to check out my free Master Class I've created the  four steps to creating a scalable online education   business at the link in the description below  or comment below with master class and we will   send you the direct link I highly encourage you  to watch my prototype to profit video next you   can check that out here and I will see you in  the next one thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Sunny Lenarduzzi
Views: 4,077
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Keywords: sunny lenarduzzi, how to monetize your skills, how to create an online course, how to build an online business from scratch, how to build an online business, how to make money online, how to create an online course that sells, how to create a successful online business, monetize youtube channel, monetization on youtube, social media engagement, Will my course sell?, start a business 2024, The best online course
Id: 4zlfD6ahlx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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