How To Sell Multiple Items Using Paypal On Forminator

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hi everybody this is Jenna Moorhead from foundation consultants and today you're looking at my wordpress dashboard and I'm in the forum inator for manator is used to I use for manator because I collect information for my clients and then give them an option to pay for services I send them out reminders and then there's about three things that they can't have options to pay for if they'd like to and then for Native calculates those and then they can hit a payment button and then pay for those and then I received that payment and I also receive the form and I've received the form and email so let's get started let's see here I'm going to create a form as you see I have three existing forms some just click information and like a my client questionnaire and then these are two forms that I file I mainly deal with businesses and nonprofits and so for the purpose of this tutorial I will be creating a new form okay and we'll choose a blank template and I'm going to call it services and let's hit create now we have a blank form this is where we edit our form and I'm going to insert some fields and we are in the draft form in the draft so here's the insert fields and there's a lot of choices here but for the brevity you know this tutorial I'm just going to get right to the point because I want to show you how to sell multiple items when you have to collect information from from your clients or your customers so right now I'm just gonna concentrate on four things name and then most importantly I want my client to select what they want and I want for manator to do the calculations and I want my client to pay through PayPal now notice there is stripe but I don't I don't you stripe I do have an account but I don't use it on this form and so the options that I'm choosing name and this is just to show you that there is a field what a field looks like select calculations and PayPal so let's make a form so I'm going to insert the fields in the form okay so now we have the form in front of us name select calculations and PayPal checkout if you don't use any method of payment then it will just be send email which the client would click send email it's just it's like a submit button and it would just send information to you so let's deal with name is self-explanatory so let's deal with select let's click Edit field in here it has single but I want to hit multiple and on the label so my clients can see it I just simply want to write services and then we have here option one option two and let's just add another option okay so option one I'll just make up some things business taxes okay and I'm gonna put a price in here it's not necessary but I would like my clients to see it up front let's do option two which would be personal taxes and I'm just gonna put for my clients sake 100 and then here I'm just gonna put reports and I'm gonna put $75 something like that okay all right and the value just is automatically generated here I'm gonna go to settings and I'm not gonna mess with any of the settings but the calculation part is really important because I want to enable the calculations now remember here my business taxes i wanna i want for nato to calculate calculate the value at 125 dollars no dollar signs are required here the personal tax 100 and these are all services and here $75 and apply ok so we've edited services and now we want to let me go back because sometimes that thing doesn't save wanna make sure yep great okay okay all right now we want to go to calculations and edit that field and I want the calculations I wanted to say a grand total or just total tota oh and we will go to settings two decimal places should be enough unless you sell a high high worth item I want to go to calculations and the calculation formula I just want to add a form feel here telling the calculations that this is what I want worked with so I want the services field calculated right here remember I named it services so you just click that and you can go into other calculations I just simply want it calculator to add it and then I don't mess with styling or visibility so let's apply okay and then down at my PayPal checkout I'm gonna edit that feel to now when you are working in PayPal you can do all of your testing in sandbox but to make it live you just click live okay so it's really really important to do that because if you run it if you you or your client runs a credit card through through sandbox the information will come through with the payment will not so you want to make it live and so I'm gonna make it live here okay and my payment amount is not fixed its variable because I have choices and the variable amount they want you formulators asking you to select the field and remember I made the field that I want calculated the total and let's see I don't mess with the advanced or customized visibility you guys who like all that stuff you can do that okay and then I am going to publish it it will give you a short code and then you can cut and paste this short code on your page and the form will come up but I'm not gonna do that part I just simply want to preview my form so here's the name field and then here's the services that I put down so let's just put the name field as somebody named Dan and then we will click and make sure our total field is coming through ok so there my customer chooses the business tax is 125 let's say he wants the personal taxes done - that's 225 hey and let's say he really wants to give me some money and go for all of the services then it's 300 oh let's take out the hundred make sure that all the fields are adding that's great love it ok so everything seems to be working now so let's see how it works with our PayPal at checkout so let's go with PayPal checkout or any one of those there ok if you if your client doesn't have one it will ask them to create a count or they can pay with a debit or credit let's see how this works though okay and so there is your PayPal pay with debit or credit and then here is your cart and there's the $300 that the client chose to pay because of the services so this could be services it could be anything that you sell and also you can do tax calculations inside of the calculations so I hope that I've helped you and this here this little error something went wrong with verifying the payment means that I just did not go through with the payment it's not an error on the form inator I hope I've helped you and so if you would subscribe and like my page and also share this video to help other people thank you very much you
Channel: Jenai Morehead
Views: 3,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forminator, paypal, payment gateway, Paypal, Stripe, multiple items to sell, website forms, forms on website
Id: y2B6jf5BZ5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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