Forminator - Create Conditional Calculated Logic Forms for Free

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hey welcome back have you ever wanted to add some calculated or conditional logic to your elemental form i'm going to show you how we can do that for free without using any premium or pro plug-ins like gravity forms dynamic ooh pr net and stuff like that this is totally free because we had a question from someone who said they wanted to add like a quote form within elemental forms where they're offering services but if you pick say two or three different services or quantity of items you have a discount applied you pick more than two items ten percent more than three items did i say ten percent if you pick more than two items you get ten percent if you pick more than three items you get twenty percent if you pick more than four or more than 3 you get 50 so different logic being applied it i'm going to show you how we can do that for free using a plug-in called forminator [Music] now what i'm going to show you with forminator is not going to completely satisfy the request i got in they can modify it to fit their exact values but it is the same structure okay and you can apply this for conditional logic where you might say you pick an item and then other items become visible for instance or you have calculated logic so you say if you have x number of items costing whatever and you apply a discount here is your final cost but that discount only applies if you hit certain prerequisite logic this will all make sense forminator is free okay go to your wordpress add plugins forminator there is a premium version if you want to have an online signature or if you want to do like recurring monthly subscriptions we're not doing that we're just using this to do a quote form but you can pay by paypal and stripe as well i'll show you that but that's not the focus of what we're doing here so once you've installed it it will become visible to you on your dashboard click onto your dashboard for forminator and it will then tell you how many forms you've created and it allows you to manage them in terms of submissions edit them modify them to styling the lot we're going to create a new one and i'm just going to go for a contactors form okay just because it's simple and click continue and i'm going to call this logic form okay and i'm going to click create give it a relevant decent to understand name we have first name email address phone number and message i'm going to click this field i'm just going to move myself a lit i'm just going to shrink myself actually like that oh i have a shrunken i'm going to click the message field here and i'm just going to delete that i'm going to go to the first name field okay and rather than it being a first name i'm going to change it to be a full name and i'm going to change this to be john doe like that i'm going to go to the settings it is a required field and that's it that's all i'm doing and when i click apply i'm going to pick up the email address and i'm actually going to drop it over here and i'm going to drop the phone number in over as well so i've just quickly shown you how you can go into the settings and decide is it optional required or you can change the label and how you can change the layout and have one two as many i mean i wouldn't have more than three to be honest depending on the width when you add this to elemental and that's the other key thing this is an elemental but you can add it to your elemental page okay because you don't have conditional logic in elemental yes you can get other plugins but you got to pay for that so i'm trying to show you a free easy to use way of doing it in the way that i like to do that right we're now going to add in some more fields now let me just tell you the logic you could be offering services where you might have one per service you know so you might say i want this service and this service but i don't want this one or you might be selling items so you might have item one two and three and then you might say that if you have more than one item in your basket you get a discount if you have more than two you get a bigger discount if you have more than three you get a bigger bigger discount but if you only have one item you won't get no discount okay because you just have one item so it's kind of like an incentive there let's insert some fields and we're gonna insert a number field and i'm going to insert that and i'm going to call this field a number of item one okay it could be a service name it could be a surveying land it could be building architecture it could be whatever service you're offering boiler central heating fitting okay whatever you want to have right number of item one there will be no placeholder and the default value will be zero the setting for this we are going to leave okay as it's optional um you may decide how many you know you may want to set a limit so you can't have more than 10 of that item okay i'll let you decide or you leave it open and say 150 you can have as many as you want we're not going to do anything with calculation styling or visibility okay all we've done is number of item one and the default value is zero because you've not picked anything yet and then we're going to apply that now here's the really easy key bit you go over to the cog and you duplicate i'm gonna duplicate that one as well so we've now got it in three times i'm only doing this for three items if you've got four or five you would repeat that so i'm gonna change this to be item two click apply i'm clicking on here i'm gonna change that to item three pretty simple so far right now what we're going to do is insert a calculated field like this insert calculated field this field is going to be called um total items like this total items again pretty simple the setting for this is going to be hidden okay you could show it i'm just trying to keep the form simple if you want to show it show it i'm just going to hide it from view the calculation vote for this you click the little um bunch of whatever it is little icon over there to get your items when you click that the calculated fields are now visible so number of item one plus number of item two plus number of item three pretty pretty simple okay so all i've done is total items is hidden and i've done a calculation if you had five items you do plus item four plus item five we then click apply on that great easy so far we're going to duplicate that field i'm going to go into it i'm now going to say a sub total cost so i'm going to say uh total we'll call it total cost not subtotal cost this will not be hidden i need you to know the total cost that you've now gone and done so if i go to my calculation okay in fact sorry can i just come back a step if i go to number of item one over here i want to put in brackets uh ten pounds because i'm gonna say that if you buy item one it's ten pounds so i'm kind of letting you know what the cost is okay and i'm gonna just do it i'm just gonna do ten pound for all of them you could put in you know different price ranges and whatever you want to do okay 10 pound per item back to the total cost this is not hidden we want to show it we go to calculation so number of item one multiplied by 10 multiplied by turn and multiplied by 10. okay so what have i gone for 10 10 10 10 10 well it's pretty simple really uh hold on i've got a bracket there why have i got a bracket there oh yeah sorry let me just put number of item one back in multiplied by 10 because i clipped it in the slightly wrong place so there you go the reason why we have 10 10 10 is because they're all ten pound if item one was a hundred pounds i would change this to be a hundred because the number of items times the value of it okay again pretty pretty simple we're going on there okay um we're not going to do anything with the styling of visibility so label not hidden and we've modified the calculation applied so we have total item total cost now we're going to start adding in the logic okay so we're going to insert a field and i'm going to add in a calculated field again and we're going to insert it this is where we add in the discount so i'm going to say discount applied for okay now pay attention to this this kind of applied for um more than one no no for two items this can apply for two items something like that okay you might have a a description somewhere on your page that says look you get different types of discounts so discount applied for two items so we go to the calculation okay um and we are going to say that the total um cost right um multiplied by 0.1 so we're gonna say that if you have two items right you have a 10 discount applied but we're taking the total cost so let me do that again right i went over here and i picked the total cost right not the individual item cost the total cost multiplied by 0.1 if you're doing a 20 discount you would do 0.2 so 0.1 is a 10 percent discount if you're gonna do say a five percent you do 0.05 okay basic mathematics there okay now here's the bit you got to watch out for you've got to go to visibility this rule will only come into view when the logic is met and this is the key bit for conditional or calculated logic i'm going to add a rule so my rule is and if i scroll down here so you add rule in the ads first name is null which is weird i'm going to scroll down and say if the total items right remember total items hidden field if total to items is two this field will now apply does this make sense okay so this rule will not apply you have to be two so if you are one there's no discount applied if you are two this is applied so we're now going to click up let's just double check calculation labels yeah we are going to apply that that will then apply and become visible let me now go in and duplicate this field and we are now going to say well what happens if you have three items so let's go in and we will say uh settings not settings sorry calculations if you have more than well if you have three items you will now get a 20 discount so just change it to 0.2 we go to visibility and i'm going to change this to say that if your total items is free you get a 20 discount this is a ridiculous discount we're offering here but i'm just showing you how it works okay i'm now gonna make a duplicate of that and i'm gonna go in and say discount applied for four plus items so if you have four or more you get a discount applied the calculation now will be a big massive 50 discount we go to visibility and we say if total items is greater than three so if you are higher than three you will now get a big discount so the logic is basically nothing happens if you have one you have two ten percent you have three twenty percent you have four or more so greater than three you have fifty percent applied let me say publish to make sure we don't lose anything there always good to hit publish every now and again okay now what we're going to do is add in the new cost so we're going to add in now a calculated field this might feel like there's loads loads of stuff we're doing here if you work it out your logic you can easily do this insert field this field we are going to call final cost okay so the final cost will be a calculation and we are going to say total cost minus and i'm now going to pick up all of these discount fields bear in mind okay they're not all of these discount fields will work because some of them will be zero because they would they did not activate remember this they only activate if you've met the condition so total cost is one one of the annoying things about forminator is that it's put calculation two so make sure you do this step by step calculation two was the total cost calculation five is this one here okay so calculation one calculation two calculation three calculation four calculation five work through it methodically or just delete it and just do it step by step we are now going to apply just make sure the visible yeah settings it's all that yeah we're not gonna apply that that is the final cost i'm now gonna add in another field i'm gonna you could even you know if you want you could add in a message field now because maybe they don't need to pay maybe they get their quote and then you might have like a request quote or a message box so you could have like a text area and rename it as message or request quote and then you get the email or you could go to paypal this is free just paypal and stripe now this won't work until i've gone through paypal i just want to show you though if i click here it will then say okay now connect to paypal and then this is where you go through the steps to get your paypal uh api keys or your clients and secret key and by the way it does tell you what to do so it will you know once you get through the paypal it'll tell you how what you need to do to go and get hold of that i'm not here to show you that all right that's not the basis of what we're doing oh no don't tell me i lost my phone there you go so i'm going to leave this as it is because i'm going to leave it in but i just wanted to show you that you could either have a quote form or they could actually buy right now and you'll get an email with the details telling you you might want to add an address field as well then because like if you're going to post something you need to know where it goes let's just hit update on that now let's preview this form right so can you see the form we have name email phone number item one item two item three you will have named them accordingly and we have the prices total cost final cost let me go in and put in one of item one the total cost is ten pounds the final cost is also ten pound let me now add in two total cost is twenty a ten percent discount has been applied final cost is now eighteen in fact let me just show you this let me make all of these be one so now the total cost is 30 pounds and we are going to apply a 20 discount which is equal to 6 pound final cost is now 24. this is brilliant right let me now make let me now change this one to be seven right so now we're gonna have nine items well the cost is 90 pounds but the 50 percent discount now kicks in 45 pounds final cut well that's the discount applied final cost is 45 pounds okay so this is pretty pretty easy and simple to do um you know um you know you can state your currency and things like that and then you got send message or you could have a text box message area for further details for your quote or even a pay now button once you've enabled it with paypal so this is dead dead cool and dead simple but i do just want to show you a few extra things if i go to the final cost field here um i could have added in a prefix to all the calculated fields i just want to make that clear to you and the format and apply i didn't do it but you can do that so if you wanted to apply um whatever prefix you want euros or however you want to do it the same with the paypal when you go here it says do you want them to pay a fixed amount well no i don't want that i want them to pay a variable amount and the variable amount is going to be the final cost field i can't hit apply because it's not integrated into a paypal at the moment but that is what you would do that's if you wanted them to pay as of now kind of thing right but that is how you create calculated discount whatever logic you want to do using forminator now when you do go sorry let me just update this when you go to appearance you can start to mess around with how it looks okay you can um you know let's just go for this let's just go for that format and i'm now going to do some custom colors and you can start to define how it looks okay when you do that always hit update and preview so you could so it opens the window so you can see how it looks you can do all of that um when you get to email notification you're going to put in the email address it could go to one p one person or multiple emails this is all free and you just go through the steps it is so simple and easy to use now here's the really cool thing about it when you go to forminator okay and you go to logic form and i click here i can copy the short code so i can copy the shortcode for that form so once you've picked up the short code you just go into your page you know where you drop in the shortcode widget and drop it in and you'll now have this form after you've stylized it visible within your elementor website so i love to keep everything working with el i like to do stuff with elementor this is not pure elementor but you can still add it to your page and it is free with your conditional logic okay look like i said look i got one of these you're paying full price i put 100 in you're now paying a thousand pounds because they're a 10 pound each but you get 50 discount applied okay and it's showing you the discount so it's only going to show you the relevant discount so it all makes sense and fits in and this is totally free look i hope you like subscribe share and follow and you know play around with it you know if you want to experiment with conditional calculated logic for free take care everyone i'll see you soon
Channel: Web Squadron
Views: 490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Imran, Siddiq, Imran Siddiq, WebSquadron, Website, Squadron, Elementor, Elementor Pro, Tips, Hints, Wordpress, Elementor 101, Elementor Course, Web, Web Design, How to build a website, Forminator - Create Conditional Calculated Logic Forms for Free, Forminator, Conditional Forms, Calculated Forms, Elementor Logic, Calculated Logic Form, Conditional Logic Form
Id: wi5wfG3f8T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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