How to Select Book Categories for Amazon KDP

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all right everybody so miss power author mr power author we are now going to talk about setting up your book for best seller uh status in amazon and specifically right now we're going to go over some things about categories all right so inside here i am now inside of um kdp let me just save that i am now inside of kdp so i'm in the back end of where you'll set up your book for um for distribution right so you'll go to you're going to sign in like you normally sign in with your um you know with your information and then it'll bring you to your books if you're not on this page you'll go back to bookshelf bookshelf is where you'll see all of your books that you have listed so right now i'm going to go in here and i'm going to go to the spiritual atom so the book is already set up but we're going to show you about categories in particular so i'm going to go to i think it's details or it might be content we'll see so i click on those three dots over there and it brings me up here details this is all of the information inside of details book title series edition number author contributors description keywords and now here categories all right so right now this book is placed in one category which is non-fiction religion paper prayer books and then islamic let me make this a little bit bigger so you can see so inside of kdp you're able to choose up to two categories here right and again categories are where books are placed on amazon so let's jump on over to amazon real quick so i'm going to go to now i'm here now i'm going to click on books up here click on books now inside of books and shop by category right so they have arts and photography biographies and memoirs business and investing children's books cookbooks finding blah blah blah right so these are the different categories they have right here over on the left hand side you also will see um you know popular in books award winners bargain books best books of the month best books of 2020 right so these are all of the ways that they black lives matter books to read right now these are all of the categories that they've placed here and then you also have other categories more in books amazon books on facebook so all of these different categories are ways that they have organized the books okay now if we scroll down here into department right just the way a department store or the library or any place has to have things organized by what they are the same thing they do on amazon so inside of these book categories you have all of these categories that they have here so right now i'm just going to pick um let's go into religion and spirituality all right because dad's book is is a book on um muslim reflections if you will so i'm clicking on did i click it already yeah so religion and spirituality there we go so now i clicked it so now i'm inside the category religion and spirituality and these are the best-selling books in this category religion and spirituality i don't know why this one is there the little blue truck springtime but you know whatever all right um but i'm gonna go into islam and see what comes up in there so religion and spirituality islam now look i'm continuing to drill down into smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller categories right so i was in books now i'm in religion and spirituality islam and then i could also pick a different category here um related to my book topic right theology you know all of these things okay so you're the best sellers in um in this area now okay so these are the ways that you can kind of see what other books are in your category okay you can see what other books are in your category so i'm going to say rituals and practice because i know that category is a category we've had success in before ooh secrets of divine love is a popular book now that's really got a lot of momentum 2399 um reviews that's going to be kind of hard at the top you know but i can look in here and see what's going on in this um category right all right so let me go back to kdp so now i'm in the religion prayer books islamic but now i'm going to also pick um another category which is going to be non-fiction i'm going to find the one that i just found religion okay and then i have to scroll down i was in islam so let me find islam islam and then i was in the rituals in practice there we go all right so i press save and now my book is in these two categories so that means when i'm going for bestseller or when someone is looking those are two categories in which my book is placed okay now after i select that i need to press save and continue and those two categories are going to be categories that are attached to my book as of right now however you can have your book in up to 10 different categories on amazon they only show you the option of two here now how do you get to be in the other eight what you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of kdp way down here you see this let me scroll in way down at the very bottom way down here you see contact us you click on contact us when you click on contact us it gives you a ways to uh to work with them to to talk to somebody right so what you're going to do is you're going to go into one of these options on the side says how can we help and right now i want them to fix my categories i want them to fix my categories so it might be in the amazon product page is it yes okay update amazon categories that's what i want now let me tell you a secret even though they have all of these different options over here on the side if you can't find exactly what you want just pick something and then put email and then you can type in the email what you want and they will still handle whatever it is that you're looking for so don't get psyched out or overwhelmed trying to figure out exactly where it is on this side just pick something so um i see category so i'm going to pick that and now what i do in here is i will assign i will give them all the categories that i want my book to fall in okay i will tell them this is where i want my book so i'm going to put the isb in here is this is important especially if you have multiple books they need to know you know where which book you're talking about so i put the isbn here um they're going to ask is it kindle or is it paperback why are they asking that why are they asking that it's because kindle books are have their own categories related to kindle and paperback books have their own categories related to paperback so your book is actually going to be in 20 categories 10 for kindle and 10 for paperback and some of them are exactly the same but sometimes there are some nuances in the way that the um the uh categories are organized alright so right now i'm going to put kindle um ebook and then i'm going to list it says requested marketplaces let's make this bigger so i'm going to say all and see what they do and then categories to add so now you know i told you you can have up to 10. so what would i do i would go in here and i would see where else could i place my book hmm so i'll put religion and spirituality again let's see agnosticism no atheist atheism no buddhist christian books no no no maybe i don't want to do islam right now maybe i'll put new age and spirituality let's see what's in there uh new age and spirituality and i may want to pick a couple of these different categories right so i may say new um i mean self-help let's just pick that for right now self-help all right it says new age religion but i can put it in self-help um in here right so now i know what category i'm in i'm in books i'm in religion and then i'm in self-help in new age religion right so what i'm going to do is go back over to here i'm going to put books so actually i'm not doing the kindle right now i'm actually doing books so what i do is i put books here and then i put kendo here and then i put all of the uh categories now this is the way that i've done it i say books and then i say religion then i say i basically tell them how excuse me guys i basically tell them how i got their new age and then i say self help right so i give them the drill down i tell them how i found it so let's find another one so i'm going to say i'm in new a i'm going to go back to self-help was that right did i put that right yeah okay new age self-help and then i'm going to go down into oh let's see how did i get there so i'm going to go back to books then i'm going to go to religion again religion and spirituality click okay so now i'm going to go to um let's see other religions practices and sacred texts nah nah i just try religious studies let's just see right so i'm in religious studies now and i see i can break this down a lot right so maybe i'll say comparative religion not quite ethics i would think of what are some things that may be you know related to what i'm doing and maybe i'll try sociology just see what comes up um so you see how you can place your book in the categories that you want it to be placed in you want to try to get them into categories that make sense you know for your book but you also have to understand that um you know like there is a little bit of art to finding your categories this one seems fine so i will do this for now right now i'm just showing you how to get into the categories in another video we'll dive deep deeper into um the strengths and comparing contrasting different categories but right now i just want you to see how we add categories to amazon so again i'm in books religion and spirituality what was i in religious studies religious studies oops so i'm gonna go books religion and spiritual spirit your spirituality spell it correctly though i said it wrong all right religious studies and what was that sociology uh books religion spirituality religious studies yeah sociology does sociology have a breakdown too no yeah so that's that right and i also saw that i could put religious studies i could put um wait no not religious studies i could also put uh worship and devotion so books religion and spirituality worship and devotion that's where i had the prayer books right i had the prayer books earlier um this is like a different category than the one i had before but yeah so there we go so i could also try this i could put prayer books or i could also try uh ritual and see what comes up too so sometimes you'll find oh hold on guys sometimes you'll find that it's a little bit different in here than what you may find so try to get it as close as possible books religion and spirituality what was it religion and spirituality worship and devotion worship and devotion i think that was it right oh ritual worship and devotion ritual and then i also had i'll copy this then i also have four um prayer books okay so you continue this process until you get eight more right because you're adding eight more categories to your list and then you're gonna do the same thing in kindle so now we were in books let's go back to amazon and then we're going to also do it in kindle so let's say i'm going to go to kindle right where is kindle here we go kindle store right see that there go to kindle store am i in kindle okay yeah so now i'm in kindle um and um i want to click this on this side though because i want the categories on the left i don't want it just up here i want to have i want to get in the kindle over here on the left so let's see i don't want books um oh here we go sorry see up here kindle books so click that now this should give me um yes thank you that's what i want so now i'm in the kindle books area and kindle books categories are a little bit different so now i need to find again where i want to place it do the same thing we did before spirituality and religion i can find the ones that i had before see if those work for me you know spirituality and religion um what was i in before i can this a little bit different right so i could try spirituality here spirituality and religion then spirituality and then prayer books for this one um so that's that's one you know that i could find i also see here go back to spirituality i also see spiritual warfare which um could be good too so that's how you find your categories now when i find all of them that i want oh my phone is blowing up remind me put it on mute next time so when i find all the categories that i want i will add everything here right for both the book category and the kindle and then i'll click send message so i'm not going to do it right now because i'm going to add more to his um list um but when you press send message give them about 48 hours and then your book will be placed in all of those different categories so you want to do this before your book is open to the public so that you when you're doing your bestseller campaign you will be um eligible to reach bestseller in those categories all right all right you also pick some good categories and in the next uh one of the next videos i'll also go over one of the tools we use to compare and contrast categories and try to estimate how many we may need to sell in order to beat out number one in that category alright power authors talk soon bye
Channel: BookPower Publishing
Views: 1,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qxmWbeI_U3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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