How To See What Someone Is Doing On Their Phone

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I'm so excited to show you how you could see  anybody's activities on your phone so whatever   the other person does you would be able to see  that on your phone whether they are on browser   whether they are on YouTube other than our  messenger what severe ever you will be able   to see their activities by this method they're  gonna show you guys soon let's get started this   screen is exactly what happening on this smaller  phone so if this person goes to here and tries to   watch a video on YouTube Scrolls down and you  will be able to see exactly the same thing on   the other phone whether it's a YouTube but there  is a messenger whether it's a Gmail of whatever   the other person does you will be able to see  it on the other phone let's say this guy is   now going to my channel and opens a video you can  see exactly the same video is played on both the   camera everything other person does you will be  able to see the weather whatever the other person   is touches you could see exactly the same thing  on your phone this is very useful especially if   you got a bigger phone so if the person goes to  Settings tries to change something here whatever   they do go to their Gmail go to their Facebook  WhatsApp messenger wherever they go you will   be able to see exactly whatever they do it's  just crazy imagine person goes and tries to do   some kind of calculations with your calculator  and you can see exactly the same thing and you   could say oh okay that's what I want so the first  thing we need to do is to go to the Play Store on   both the phones and then type in Inc wire then  you install on both the phones this app called   Inc wire then open the app on both the phones now  you can choose which phone you want to share the   screen with the other phone let's say we want to  share the smaller phone screen with the bigger   phone so we touch the share then you will get  a message saying this app needs permission to   draw over other application then you just say  ok and you can see the app here select it and   then touch to give permission then touch back to  go back to the app and then all you do is to say   start now and then it says your screaming shirt  also you asked you to enable microphone use and   no tanks and this is the code that the other phone  needs to use to access it so I need to do is stood   on the other phone touch access and enter this  code once you enter the code touch access then   you ask you to enable microphone you can say  no and now you can see one interesting thing is   that you can let the other person know that you're  watching the other person's screen is very simple   if I move my finger you can see it creates this  kind of interesting thing that moves around from   this phone to the other phone so in this way the  person would know whether you are watching so if   you touch your screen like that the phone that's  sharing the screen could see that something is   starting to move on their screen if this person  wants to stop sharing their screen they need to   bring this down and their can see an app running  on their phone call inquire if they touch stop   you will see on the other screen that you were  disconnected from the shared screen then touch   ok and now the other person doesn't have access  the to the smaller phone so when you get the code   access code you can copy share the two devices  don't need to be next to each other they can be   far apart this information is carried over through  the internet so it could be that one person is   living the United States and the other person is  living in the UK and they could still see each   other's shared form by both having installed  this app and obviously giving permission it is   a bit scary stuff I hope now you learn how to use  this method to see the screen of other phone users   but please use this method with integrity and  other people's permission this method is not for   you to spy on others one of the things that you  could use this is for, for example, if you both   want to watch a film together you could share your  screen this way and watch a film on two different   devices at the same time but from one person's  account well I hope this video was useful if it   was please don't Foley subscribe and I hope to see  you in my next video thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Bhupinder Tube
Views: 1,034,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pIG_A2Szszw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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