How to See God's Love Accurately | Apostle Kathryn Krick

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welcome welcome how are you all great to see you i'm so blessed to be here with you all to see all your faces i'm apostle catherine i'm the lead pastor of fivefold church and today is going to be a powerful day in the presence of god amen i'm expectant i'm expectant for god to move and touch you powerfully revival is now god has spoken that the time for praying for revival has passed and revival is now for america it's beginning in los angeles and it's going to spread across this nation and across this world hallelujah god has amazed us with how he has proven his word this is a prophetic word that was spoken that we've been believing in that revival is now and we have be we have begun this year already in 2021 we have begun to see the fruits the harvest the evidence of his word his promises are yes and amen i had shared a one minute tick tock video on new year's eve of this past year and this video showed people encountering the power of god miracles happening testifying that they were healed and this video reached 1 million people in just one day yes hallelujah and what's even more incredible is that thousands upon thousands encountered the power of god as they watched thousands upon thousands testified of miracles that they received as they watched the video as they watched the video god himself touched people in power healed people who had sickness immediately healed people who had pain in their bodies immediately delivered people from depression immediately this is what these are the testimonies that we found in the comments depression just lifted off as i watched this i had pain in my body and it left immediately i felt chills all over my body and i couldn't stop crying i felt the power of god even atheists testified i'm an atheist but i felt the power of god hallelujah there's there were testimonies of people giving their lives to jesus just upon watching that video hallelujah glory to god revival is now and he is a miracle worker he is doing miracles today ever since then i've been going live throughout the week on facebook on instagram tick tock and god has blown us away with the miracles that he does for people as they watch the lives every single time there are several testimonies of people who were healed of people who were delivered feeling the power of god and i want to read some of these testimonies to you today just from this past week's lives i cried so much with happiness god spoke to me through you i felt deliverance during the prayer during your prayer i feel goosebumps all over my body thank you lord my pain is gone praise jesus i felt god touching my hands i can't stop crying i felt something happening to me during that prayer my family and i are all covered free after your prayer i feel him already i felt the lord's presence chills ran all down my body god healed me from anxiety i have been set free tens of exclamation marks all glory to god thank you jesus my mind feels clear my body is filled with goosebumps in my eyes with tears i'm in tears my body was in pain now i feel all better i'm feeling emotional watching i feel free thank you jesus i'm shaking i feel free of anxiety my stress is gone i'm not worried anymore all of that was spoken to me i'm overwhelmed by his presence right now one person i'm booking a flight from oklahoma to los angeles asap as soon as possible to be here where you all are right now hallelujah glory to god praise him for these miracles that he has done there was someone who wrote they're coming to they're flying to l.a to be a revival in the park there was someone who wrote this this same week i'm flying from tennessee asap because there's nothing like being in the the physical presence of god in the atmosphere where believers gather together hallelujah so i hope you are expectant to receive a miracle today i know some of you have come here with that expectancy and that expectancy is why you will receive a miracle because god wants to bring you the miracle that you need the healing and the deliverance the breakthrough the provision but he just needs you to believe he just needs you to position yourself to receive and coming here with expectancy is that action right there of positioning yourself to receive hallelujah hallelujah we praise you jesus for all the miracles that you are doing and we thank you jesus for the miracles that you will do today for all of the people here thank you jesus hallelujah so i want to share with you today about god's amazing love for you today's valentine's day a day of love a day that's centered on love but i'm glad you're here and god is glad you're here because the definition of love is god the bible says god is love love only exists because of god you can only love and experience love because you are made in the image of your creator who is love god loves you so much his love is infinite never ending incomprehensible for you not just his people in general but specifically you he loves you intimately as if you were the only person on this universe this is the truth this is the word of god god sent me today to to reveal to you his love for you he says my people do not know how much i love them i need you to tell them to reveal to them my love for them hallelujah say god loves me god loves me so much no matter what no matter what i've done god loves me for me and he always will to comprehend god's love is impossible but to start with so you can kind of try to imagine his love for you i know you all love people in your lives the greatest love that you've felt for someone in your life whether it's your child your spouse a friend a son a daughter a sister or brother that love that you have felt that you've experienced for that person it's like a grain of sand compared to the ocean of god's love for just you for just you that's his love you can't do anything to change his love you can't do anything to mess it up you can't do anything to make him turn away and change his mind he loves you as you are he sees you as his beautiful creation he looks at you every single second with adoration with devotion with awe and wonder like you've looked at your children if you've had children before and you look at them with awe and wonder that's how he looks at you now right now in this moment that's how he's looking upon you he looks at you and he says this there is only one in the world like this i've made my son my daughter perfectly and n nothing compares to him or her they are irreplaceable and only him or her can accomplish what i've set them out to do to change the world and to bring my kingdom to this earth this person right here you you hold a special place in god's heart where where only you can bring him a certain kind of joy there's a space reserved in his heart where only you can fulfill it just by being you and just by you knowing his love and walking in relationship with him this is the powerful love of god hallelujah god today wants you to be confident in his love for you this love that i explain to you right now this is truth this is the word of god this is truth not the thoughts you have had in your mind that are conflicting no what i have spoken right now is the truth and god today wants you to be confident of this he wants nothing to shake this truth nothing to shake how you see him how you see his love for you god's love is so incredible is so big and amazing and supernatural that he when you when you have revelation of his love and allow his love to fill you and be in relationship with him you don't need anything else you will feel complete contentment you will never feel lonely even if you live by yourself are a single person when you can have this revelation of god's love and it can stay in you this contentment that never changes is possible and it's what god wants for you more than anything you were created with this hole this vacuum inside where your soul you long for it to be filled you long for contentment for peace for joy for love for acceptance for purpose every single person here feels that every single person here was born with that there's only one thing that can fill that and that's the love of god nothing else can fill it you can try things of the world you can try other things you can try even people people to fill it it will never be filled you will always feel lacking only the love of god seeing how god loves you believing it knowing it and having relationship with him that is the only thing that will fill you and it will fill you with such amazing peace and joy that you stand out in this world it fills you with such peace and joy and love that your love his love is so poor so big in you that it overflows to everyone it cannot not over overwhelm and overflow to everyone this is what happens this is what happens this is how amazing and powerful and massive his love is this is what separates you this is how people can see jesus is real by his love fully in you fully known by you and overflowing to others god wants more than anything in this world for you to know his love for you specifically you not his children in general specifically for you this is what god wants more than anything this is how you will fulfill your purpose this is how you will find peace and joy in this world hallelujah so god sent me today to co-labor with him to fight for your love god today is fighting for your love fighting for you to see his love fighting for you to know his love he's fighting for you he's fighting for this i say the word fighting because it is a fight it is a struggle i know many of you sitting here have heard tons of thoughts in their mind that are speaking the opposite of what i've just said today many of you dealing with thoughts in your head i'm not good enough i'm not worthy god is far from me i think how can he be close how can he love me many of you are think have been thinking these thoughts right here shows that it is a fight it's a battle to receive god's love to live in his love to keep on seeing his love the way he sees you accurately this is a battle and god is fighting for you today i am fighting for you for jesus today hallelujah by you positioning yourself here today you are fighting to receive this love and you will have victory today amen genesis 3 verse 1 it says now the serpent was more crafty subtle skilled and deceit than any living creature of the field which the lord god had made this is in genesis when god had just created the universe adam and eve it says the serpent was more crafty subtle skilled and deceit than any living creature in the field which the lord had made and the serpent satan said to the woman can it really be that god has said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat fruit from the trees of the garden except the fruit from which the tree is in the middle of the garden god said you shall not eat from it nor touch it otherwise you will die but the serpent said to the woman you certainly will not die for god knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened that is you will have greater awareness and you will be like god knowing the difference between good and evil so this here what i just read to you shows us the beginning of the battle to know god's love the beginning of the battle adam and eve knew god's love they saw god accurately god loves me god loves me no matter what but one day the devil who was full of deceit he came lying to them lying aggressively not only did he come lying but he made up lies about god's character he tried to say the opposite of what was true about how god was he says you certainly will not die when god said you will die so number one he says that's absolutely false what god said that's what the devil said and secondly he says you know what god's just trying to trick you because god doesn't want you to be powerful god's got ulterior motives you can't really trust him that's what the devil was saying when he said that here comes the battle to hang on to the truth of this incomparable and incomprehensible love that god has for you now adam and eve believed the devil they were deceived they went with the lie but today we have this word of god that we can learn from that we can be equipped so that we don't make the same mistakes this word of god is powerful because it shows us clearly exactly how the devil works the way that that the devil worked in an adam and eve's mind planting lies and deceit in their minds about the character of god about how god saw them that's the same exact way he works today and he's been doing this for many years it says he was he was crafty subtle skilled and deceit that's what it says more than any living creature that was back in the beginning of time so he's improved by now the point is this shows us this shows us what's going on what's going on right now it's like if you're watching a movie you know a movie or a tv show maybe a reality uh dating show or something and there's this drama where somebody plants this lie oh this guy that you love he's actually doing this he's actually not who you think he is and you're watching the show and you're like no don't fall for that lie it's just someone making up a lie no like there's this this man really does love you this is the truth i hope you can see it and you get all nervous watching the show in the movie you know what i'm talking about we've been there or maybe in your own life this is exactly what's going on in the spiritual realm the enemy is constantly trying to lie to you about how god thinks about you about how he sees you and about who you are as a child of god so when when we are equipped with this knowledge it changes the game it changes the game without the word of god without the bible we're helpless we're hopeless we don't know we even have an enemy and we don't know the strategy of the enemy even it's like if you are playing a soccer game and you don't know that you have any opponent so you're just dribbling down the field unaware that there's somebody who's super skilled at soccer who's trying with all their might to take away the ball from you you don't stand a chance if you aren't prepared for your opponent if you aren't prepared of the opponent's strategy that's why soccer players they know okay they're gonna come this way i'm gonna do a trick i'm gonna do a fake or basketball a pump a pump fake right you know the strategy you know how they're thinking i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna out with them i'm not gonna let them trick me i'm gonna have victory amen so as a child of god you have to know what's going on in the spiritual realm you have to know that there is a battle constantly but that you will always have victory as long as you do what god says as you go to his word as you remind yourself of this truth as you choose to resist the enemy when he tries to come and accuse amen first peter 5 8 it says be well balanced and always alert because your enemy the devil roams around incessantly like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour take a decisive stand against him and resist his every attack with strong vigorous faith for you know that your believing brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing the same kinds of troubles you endure so here it gives us direction this is like the game plan okay you want to have victory this is how you have victory be well balanced and always alert this is an assignment that god's given us he wants you to live in his love always but you have to fight for it it it doesn't always become this like hard fight jesus makes your yoke light your burden light amen the bible says when you resist the devil he will flee from you so when you start doing this when you start putting this into action i'm alert i'm alert to the mind the thoughts that are coming to my mind i'm alert and i'm gonna resist everyone over time the enemy realizes i can't get him or her i've lost and he leaves you can't be tricked in your mind anymore the devil doesn't even try anymore hallelujah also this is powerful it says you know that you're believing brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing the same kinds of troubles you endure be encouraged that you're not the only one that has thoughts in your mind that are unwanted and conflicting from what the truth is the enemy tries with everybody there's nothing more that the devil hates than you knowing god's love this is what he tries upon every single person to try to deceive them to try to keep them blinded from the truth second corinthians 10 5. it says we can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes god and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of god we capture like prisoners of war every thought and insists that it bow in obedience to the anointed one so this passage reveals that the way that the enemy comes is in your mind is in your thoughts this passage makes it very clear the enemy will try to come speaking lies to you in your mind the enemy will try to come speaking through other people lies and then will cause that to stay in your mind and bring it up again remind you again and again and again but you have power you have power over your mind you have power over these lies you do god has given you the strength when you make this intention of being alert and of taking prisoner of war every thought it says every thought captive taking it seriously i will not let that thought linger oh that thought in my mind wait that does not align with the word of god that does not align with god's truth oh i know what's going on here i know the enemy is lying to me right now i will not believe it i will not let this be my truth i will not cause it to make me cry and linger in that nope i'm being stubborn it says it says be be vigilant hallelujah it says resist every attack with strong vigorous faith you have the power to do it be serious and vigilant no this thought is not truth speak it out loud so the enemy hears you i don't agree with that thought that went in my mind god loves me god is close to me i'm more than enough i am worthy i have a bright future god has amazing plans for me god is with me god is protecting me i am lovable i can do all things through christ i am beautiful i am fearfully and wonderfully made this is the word of god i'm speaking this is the truth of what god says about you and how he sees you so this is how you have victory when those thoughts come you don't let them stay you don't let them be truth you don't voice them you speak the word of god you say this is my truth this is my truth this is my truth and the enemy has no choice but to leave it's a spiritual principle resist the devil and he will flee from you so when you take intention in this when you do what the word of god says what i just read to you the enemy has no choice but to leave hallelujah the power is in faith so when you believe what i'm telling you right now and you put it into action you will see the results you will see the enemy fleeing you hallelujah so hallelujah thank you jesus okay so so there's one thing i want to share with you that's really important to know important to know so you have you know the enemy strategy you you you're able to discern the truth and that's this that when when we see the devil how he spoke to adam and eve he was aggressive he said that's not truth you most certainly will not die he was so he was a good actor right he was confident he was aggressive when he spoke right right but when we when we when we read the word of god we see how the bible says that with elijah he wasn't in the earthquake he wasn't in the wind but he was in he wasn't in the fire but he was in the still small voice he was found in a still quiet voice is where god's voice was found the bible also says you will seek me and you will find me when you seek me go out to seek me with all of your heart that is when you'll find me the bible says seek and you will find knock and the door will be open unto you so how god works is he wants you to come to him he does not force himself on you he's here with arms wide open but the principle in the spiritual realm of how it works how you hear his voice how you find his presence is you seek him you knock like you coming here today this is you seeking this is you positioning yourself to hear from him to receive from him this is how god works whereas the devil is the opposite he barges in your thoughts he barged into adam and eve and says hey no i'm gonna tell you some lies right now boom that's how the enemy was so i share this with you because many of you do not know the spiritual principle that thoughts in your mind many times are coming from the enemy are planted from the enemy whatever does not align with god's word that comes in your mind comes from the devil specifically it did not even come from you it came from the enemy to try to deceive you into thinking it's truth those lies that come i don't know if i'll make it i don't know if i'm good enough i don't know if i'm worthy maybe i should just end it i don't know if anyone loves me i don't even know if even anyone sees me i don't feel god i don't hear god i think he's far those are all from the devil and i expose them now in jesus name so the spiritual reality the spiritual truth is that feelings are not the truth most of the time but the word of god is what's truth you can feel a certain way but it doesn't doesn't mean that that's your truth you can feel you can feel all sorts of fear hopeless about the future but the truth is that god knows the plans he has for you plans to prosper you have to harm you to give you hope and a future the truth is is god is protecting you you are his child and part of your inheritance is his protection the truth is the bible says no weapon formed against you shall prosper so all of those truths are opposite from what you're feeling inside but when you do not know the spiritual reality of things and you're living in the world just going with your feelings going with your thoughts the worldly way is the feelings are the truth you give power to your feelings that's just the worldly normal way it feels right to like like your feelings or your truth but that's not how it is in the spiritual realm that's not the truth that's not god's truth and god's truth is the truth is your truth amen so this is powerful what i'm sharing with you right now this is going to free many of you because many of you have been bombarded with these negative thoughts and because they are so much more aggressive than the voice of god than your experience your perception of the voice of god of the presence of god you've thought that these emotions and thoughts from the devil are truth because they seem to you more powerful see so the word of god is powerful because it reveals to us how how it works how you find god's voice how you find his presence and how the devil finds you the devil is aggressive and loud god comes in a still small voice and you have to seek so this is powerful because when those thoughts come you can remember this word okay just because these thoughts are overwhelming me so much and i feel like i don't hear god at all that doesn't mean that they're true the enemy is the accuser the aggressive accuser but god comes in a still small voice he's with me all the time he's not in the feelings he's a spirit he's not in the feelings he's a spirit he is with me this is my truth the word of god i'm going to the word of god i'm going to the spiritual truth this is what's truth not my feelings no matter how big they feel hallelujah amen i want to share with you i want to expose one lie of the enemy that many of you have been believing i'm gonna expose it as a lie right now and that is that you should feel shame when you've messed up done something wrong and you should feel shame about your past and that god is disappointed with you i expose that lie right now that is never ever truth the bible says that there is no condemnation in christ jesus meaning jesus never condemns jesus has compassion and understanding for you i mean look how you think about a child a two-year-old child makes a huge mess everywhere costs you a bunch of money because of the big mess but do you make the child feel shame no you love them you hug them and you say it's okay let me show you a new a new way to go next time i'm gonna show you a way that this won't happen again and it will be better for you amen right so when you look at god and you look at yourself that's a much bigger leap than a toddler an adult amen in terms of the mind my point is is that if you can have compassion and understanding and grace and no shame no shame but only love for the two-year-old how about god for you i don't care even if you've done it tons of times over messed up the same thing god's grace and compassion and understanding and forgiveness and love remains the same for you hallelujah genesis 2 25 it says that adam and eve were both naked and they were not ashamed or embarrassed when they were first in the garden before the devil came it says they were naked and unashamed and not embarrassed so they were like they had no idea like god you can see everything that's how god wants us to be now in our lives like we're not perfect we're humans we're not perfect but god doesn't he wants us to be open i know you're not perfect and it's okay let me just see you all i love all of you the mistakes i love you all i love you the same i love you the same i just want to see all of you because when you're this way it makes you come to jesus it makes you want to come to him it makes you want to follow him it makes you want to obey him when you can rightly see his love for you and your imperfections it makes you fall even more in love with him and it's the love of jesus that gives you the power to obey him that's the only that's the only thing that gives you the ability to not sin and to obey him the only thing is seeing his love for you is having revelation of his love for you hallelujah so but it says that when the the devil deceived adam and eve then adam and eve then after they ate the apple they hid and they said they they were embarrassed that they were they saw that they were naked and they say to god i heard you in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked so i head and he said who told you that you were naked so they accepted shame for the first time which was a lie and then they hid from god so this is the opposite of being able to see god's love for you when you do this you are saying yes to the enemy and allowing him to speak more and more and closing your eyes more and more from god's amazing love for you that's what happens that's what the enemy wants the god says who told you that you were naked in other words who told you that you should ever feel shame that's what he's saying to you today that's what he meant when he said that to them who told you whoever told you that was a liar i am never ashamed of you when you make mistakes i love you just the same i never want you to feel shame never this is the truth of how god is hallelujah it's any time you feel shame any time you feel oh go oh man i'm god must be disappointed i can't believe i did this stop yourself stop yourself right there and do what i just explained about taking the thoughts captive that thought of oh i can't believe i did that oh no oh oh my gosh i can't believe i did that ugh god must be disappointed that is all lies that you're believing and you need to stop you need to stop right there you need to say wait wait i'm different now i'm different now i'm a warrior of god and i'm fighting this battle i'm fighting to stay in god's love i'm fighting to keep my eyes open and not have the blinders of the devil on i'm fighting for this so jesus i'm sorry but oh i thank you for your forgiveness i thank you for your forgiveness thank you lord for loving me as i am thank you jesus for giving me the power to change thank you jesus for never condemning me just go to jesus like that go to him like that that's you being naked and that's when you can see his love for you and receive it that's when you are in the truth today you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free thank you father the word of god is powerful i'm giving you powerful truths for you to know today do you know that love keeps no record of wrongs the bible says first corinthians 13 5 it keeps no record of wrongs hebrews 8 12 god says i will forgive their wickedness and it will remember their sins no more god has chosen to completely forget your sins the one you did today he's chosen to forget he has supernatural powers i know we don't really have that power but god can do it god's chosen to do this amazing act this is his love for you you mess up and he's already erased it away from his memory he can't see it and so you have been holding this thing this bad thing that you did carrying it around feeling awful about it feeling regret feeling shame feeling like god sees it all the time and that you can never be anything good in this world and the whole time god's like what are you talking about i don't see anything i don't see anything in your life i say nothing i see nothing but pure blameless spotless that's all i see this is the truth this is the truth hallelujah thank you lord lastly i'm going to share with you as we close one last lie one last lie that the enemy strategically speaks to all of god's people i'm exposing this today and that is because you don't feel god or hear him that he's not close to you or that he doesn't love you as much as other people that is a lie your relationship with god is based on faith faith your relationship with god is based on faith your relationship with god is not based on feelings your relationship with god is not based on how you physically hear him physically see him physically touch him no it is not that is how your earthly relationships are but that is not how your relationship with god is it is based on faith in john 20 jesus appeared to the disciples to 11 of them he appeared after he resurrected wow jesus you've risen from the dead we see you but there was one disciple who wasn't there when jesus showed up and then the eleven told him it was thomas we have seen the lord with our own eyes but it says still unconvinced thomas replied there's no way i'm going to believe this unless i personally see the wounds of the nails in his hands touch them with my finger and put my hand into the wound of his side where he was pierced in other words i won't believe it's not real until i physically feel physically see then eight days later thomas and all the others were in the house together and even though all the doors were locked jesus suddenly stood before them peace to you he said then looking into thomas's eyes he said put your finger here in the wounds of my hands here put your hand into my wounded side and see for yourself thomas don't give in to your doubts any longer just believe then the word spilled out of his heart you are my lord you are my god jesus responded thomas now that you've seen me you believe but there are those who have never seen me with their eyes but have believed in me with their hearts and they will be blessed even more did you catch that there are those who have not seen me with their own eyes who have not heard my audible voice who have only found me in this still small voice many times they weren't sure if they were really hearing me or not but they are more blessed than you thomas they are more blessed i used to be insecure about my relationship with god i used to be insecure i felt like i didn't really hear him i didn't know how to hear him and it's unnatural when you're you know you're used to hearing audibly people and how do you hear god's voice you know when you're becoming a believer it's natural to take a journey and learn and it not be immediate and it not be certain okay but there were also people in my life who would say like i heard god god told me this god told me this some i even heard they say god appeared to me i heard god audibly you know there were people in my life that would speak these things and that would make me feel insecure and it would make me i would i would hear the lie of the devil that says maybe they maybe god loves them more than you or maybe you're not being spiritual enough maybe you're not being quiet enough and listening maybe you're not praying enough maybe you're not doing this enough because how come you're not having the experiences that they seem to be having i was actually called to be an apostle i was it was a prophecy and i was shocked because at that point i was still insecure super insecure about my relationship with god and how to hear god and it made me bel i would believe the lie that's like you won't be called to do something big for god because you don't hear him that well but those were all lies of the devil those were all lies of the devil those were all lies of the devil and even some people maybe even out of insecurities the same insecurities that i had sometimes may even make up that they are hearing god a certain way or had this big encounter the saw him visibly some people do but in my experience i've seen that even some sometimes people will make that up and the enemy will use that to make you feel insecure but i'm here to say that your relationship with god is based on faith not feelings faith not feelings god is not closer to people whom he's talked audibly to before amen you don't always have to feel something the bible says you cannot please god without faith so it touches him so much when you are just taking the intention to remind yourself of the word of god of the truth that as you're walking to the grocery store god is with me i don't really feel much i don't really like you know hear tons of things or anything but god is with me hi god i love you thanks for being with me god that was an amazing day thank you father for helping me through today thank you for being with me jesus i love you simply throughout your day just reminding yourself he's here he doesn't get any closer than that he doesn't get any closer than that i used to be so insecure about my relationship with god but i have grown now to be confident in my relationship with god i've grown to be confident that i hear god's voice but i have never audibly heard the voice of god i have never seen jesus appear this confidence has come only through faith from encountering the power of god like many of you are about to encounter right now i had encounters of my own through a prophetic word through the baptism of the holy spirit one encounter that increased my faith so much that after that encounter i was different forever i was no longer insecure i knew god's with me god's with me he's with me hallelujah thank you jesus i even even long long into being an apostle i went through a long a long time of desert wilderness time and i was working hard for god doing what he was calling me to do and then there came a time when i was really in the peak of my wilderness season where i wasn't working as much i was still working a lot but i just was like a little bit less and do you know that even though i had had this breakthrough i've i've really put into practice what i taught you today there was a lie that came in my head and i sort of believed it for a bit and that lie was you're not seeing the breakthrough you're not seeing the harvest yet after all these years because you're not working hard enough because you're not doing enough you know that it was just a couple weeks later that the biggest harvest breakthrough promises fulfilled happened in my life i share that to say that the devil's tricky and you you have to be on guard anytime you hear something like that like now i've learned from that i've learned to know god never condemns if he wants you to work harder he convicts with love what does that look like like you positioning yourself to come here and i happen to share a word one day about how god blesses the work of your hands how when you work god then blesses your hands the work of your hand so you have to go to work and then the next day you happen to open up your bible and you read the verse that says whatever you sow you will reap so all of a sudden you're you're having this revelation from god oh wow god blesses the work of my hands what i so i will reap only what i sow so if i don't sow anything if i don't so much i won't reap much oh i think that i should work more i think that i should do more i think god wants me to do more do you see that conviction with love do you see how there was no condemnation shame hallelujah so above all above all above all you need to know that this love that god has for you is as good as it sounds it is amazing it is amazing it's not too good to be true this is really his love for you from today don't let the enemy fool you another time in your life be aggressive with those wrong thoughts jesus loves you so much just as you are and nothing can change that hallelujah hallelujah oh god we thank you jesus for revealing your love today to your people lord we thank you for your amazing amazing amazing love jesus thank you father for your perfect love thank you that your love never changes and then it goes on and on forever thank you that nothing we can do can stop this love thank you that you don't see our wrongs you've chosen to forget our sins thank you jesus thank you for your amazing love father we love you we love you hallelujah thank you jesus if you could just lift your hands to god right now the holy spirit is going to come now and he is going to reveal his love to you in power he is here and he wants to demonstrate his love to you in power thank you father hallelujah hallelujah i declare every lie of the devil that's been hanging out in your mind to go now in jesus name i declare every suicidal thought suicidal lie to go out now in jesus name i declare every demonic stronghold where in your mind you think the same thing again and again and again anxiety stronghold i declare it to be broken now in jesus name depression stronghold of the enemy in your mind i declare that to be broken now in jesus name get out now in the mighty name of jesus be free now thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hopelessness thoughts i declare them to go now in jesus name thank you father thank you jesus hallelujah i declare this anointing to touch every single person here right now in jesus name may his love touch you now thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus thank you father to everybody who is sick i declare healing now in jesus name every pain in every body be healed pain leave now in jesus name thank you father hallelujah thank you father thank you jesus thank you lord shikiya anamanasikiyaku god is freeing people here and people watching and people who will watch the replay i see right now of suicidal thoughts he is freeing you now in jesus name be free thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah give god a praise for what he has done today we thank you jesus for revealing your love we thank you father for coming in power we thank you jesus for doing miracles we thank you god for speaking to your people how we love you jesus thank you for being our love the greatest love hallelujah may you all increase in this revelation of god's love for you may you all increase now may you reach this contentment place where god fills every hole and overflows overflows in your life i declare this anointing to increase in you in jesus name
Channel: Five-Fold Church [5F Church]
Views: 358
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: god, Jesus, christian, prophetic, apostle, anointing, miracles
Id: 8R71M3jT9SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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