How To Season A Swag - ( No Hose Required )

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G'day guys how are we going well you've just bought yourself your first swag and now you want to get it seasoned so it's going to be waterproof for its first camp trip how you going to go about doing that well stick around because i'll show you how i've seasoned these three swags here and it's worked an absolute treat let's get into it all right so the methods that i'm going to show you how to season a brand new swag now these aren't brand new but the method i'm going to show you is exactly the same and that's how i have seasoned these three swags here and it works an absolute treat now where this method comes from it's over 45 plus years ago when i went through the scouting movement and it's how we used to season our big canvas tents our 12 or 12 so in the old school 12 foot by 12 foot and that's how we used to season those canvas tents so i'm going to do exactly the same way as i've done with these and these have never let me down now this one here that my big one there's got to be bedding everything rolled up in it that one there has been used more times that i've nearly slept in my own bed and it's got all my bedding rolled up in it so and it's been absolutely fantastic but before we get into the seasoning side of how we go about it there's a couple things we're going to do first we'll do a semi sort of quick setup and pull some of the bits and pieces out inside it and then we'll go on the next stage so we'll get that bit out first and then we'll roll in the next stage all right so for this stage we just got to take all the insides out there's not much in these ones just got to get the mattress out of the inside of it so let's unroll in there take everything out we don't need so we don't need poles they can all come out ropes can all stay on they're all good pull those out now we'll get the mattress out of the inside you don't we need to waterproof your mattress so you've got to make sure you take that out throw that back there mattress out of it don't be in that can stay there peg bag and that's it and that's all we're going to take out and from here we're going to go inside and you're probably thinking what are we going to do inside well we'll take this inside and i'll show you what we're going to do with it in the bathroom let's go okay so this is where the waterproofing takes place i've already got the bath bit under half full uh ready to put the swag inside the water here and he probably thinking well yeah not gonna be waterproof sit in a tub of water but this is exactly how the waterproofing stage takes place so this is how i've done my three swags and they've been absolutely fantastic so we're just gonna pick this swag up the whole thing and we're going to soak it in the bathtub open up like so and just push him down inside the water there get as much water okay that's going to be absolutely enough that's nicely sitting in there starting to sink down into the water now get the rope in there there we go now that is going to sit in the bath overnight i'm going to soak it overnight and then we'll go through the next stage from there um so we'll see you guys tomorrow when we finally get this out and then we'll go through the next stage and show you explain why i'm soaking in the bath overnight um so we'll see you guys in the morning and we'll go from there g'day guys how are we going well welcome back to the next day uh swag's been sitting in the bath here all over night last night well and truly very well soaked with the canvas which is ideal what you want but look you know i use the bath but yeah you guys might have this option one you might not have a bath at all or you you might be able to give your bath up for the night because you've got family and kids and stuff but um look you another way of doing this too if you if you can't use a bath as an option just grab yourself a big tub or a big drum just anything that you can you know put your whole swag into and fill it with some water and just soak the whole thing overnight it's certainly ideal but i've just always used the bath so that's why i'm showing you with this option here but now we've got to get it out of here and then out in the backyard and set it up in the sunshine so let's go through that stage firstly get this plug out and get rid of as much water as we can put that up there now i've just got a um because this is where it can make a bit of a mess getting this and dripping water all over the floor so i've just bought an old drop sheet one of the old drop sheets that i do a bit of painting with so i'm going to wrap the swag up inside that just so i can get it outside and uh we'll go and set him up all right let's drain as much of the water out of it as we can just roll him over oh that's very well soaked up which is absolutely perfect for what you want to do with these either no worries at all right drain as much water out of it now i know into the drop sheet now we'll wrap him up now it's not to drip over the floor we can get from here and the backyard so we'll go out there we'll get into the next stage all right now it's time we've got the swag out of the bath now it's time to get it out here beautiful sunshine great day for it let's get it unwrapped and get this swag nicely dried out ready to go for its next camp trip we don't need the old tarp anymore that we go reason why i like to do it this way where i like to you know soak it in a drum of water and then bring it out here in the sunshine dry it out on these nice warm sunny days is because with a swag nine times out of ten the reason why they leak it's not so much the canvas where they leak it's generally through the stitching where the needle holes have all gone through there while it's stitching the swag together that is generally where they leak through there so the idea of this this is get that canvas nice and well and truly soaked up as i've had in the bath there set up in the sunshine and then the canvas is going to shrink and then what happens there all these needle holes where the stitching's been the canvas shrinks nice and tightly around all those needle holes and that's generally what seals up your swag and makes him nice and waterproof so i'll get him set up now before you go putting any poles and all that sort of stuff on just make sure you do your zips up inside before you set it up like that and we'll come back over here we'll get some poles going on it get it set up yeah as i say you know this is how we use to season our you know big scout tents you know 40 odd years ago and i don't know i just like some of the old old-school ways away i was sort of taught back in those days and yeah and i still don't adopt those same methods you know today more because they just work they're simple easy and it just works we'll put these clips on here like that then we'll get the one up around the head put that one in there that one on that one so we'll come out here grab a couple of pegs now when you peg it out don't go pegging it out too tightly right you just want to peg it out enough just so it's going to um get allowed to expose the swag to the sunshine so just want a bit of a loose setup is all we want so let's set up here that one in there i wish all the ground was always this soft when you go out in the bush but that's not so yes i just just want to loosely stand him up there like so and that is all it needs and now it's just a waiting game now just sit out here in the sunshine and just another another little tip when you do set him up in your backyard here have a little bit of think about you know where where the sun comes up in the east every morning and yeah it sits in the west so have a little thing about the direction where your your swag's facing when you suit him up so i've pretty much got this one north south facing which is the ideal way how you want to set him up so when the sun comes up you know both sides are going to get a fairly good coverage whereas if you've got your swag facing east-west in the direction of the sun well pretty much only one side is is going to crop most of the sun so there you go guys so it's all this little stitch in here that's going to canvas going to shrink around that um you know ideal times to be doing this is certainly during summer time you know when you get those nice warm 30 plus degree days your swag is going to dry a lot quicker and then you can go and use it but here we are sort of a mid-late august um still getting dry and these nice days like this but it just might take you know just a little bit longer before you can go and use it so just keep that in mind as well because canvas you know it does take a while to dry so there you go guys that's why i season my swags like this um done all three exactly the same way and that one of mine fair dinkum i've never had any issues with water getting inside that only ever done it once and season it this exact way so there you go how do you guys go about seasoning your brand new swags do it this way get the garden nose out how do you do it how do you find it um if you adapt this to our same this uh same way of doing it i'll be pretty keen to uh hear from you and see if it works for you so there you go guys that's how i've seasoned my brand new swags that same way i'll be pretty keen to hear how you guys go about doing yours so until then my fair chance i'll see you out in the bush some day you
Channel: Tim Bates 4wd Adventures
Views: 17,555
Rating: 4.9854279 out of 5
Keywords: how to season a swag, how to season a new swag, season a swag, season a canvas swag, season swag, swag, waterproof swag, tips to season a swag, season a new canvas swag, season a new swag, How a canvas swag is season, how to season a new swag in the bath, how to waterproof a new swag, waterproof a new swag, new swag, methods to season a new swag, tips how to season a swag
Id: th7uNXTwbdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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