How to make SAND FLAT FOR PAVERS. The Perfect Patio! Part 3: Screeding Sand. #DIY #landscaping.

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hey welcome back in this section we're going to look at screeding getting ready to start to lay some papers this is one of the most satisfying parts when you actually have moved all the like main bulk of gravel the site's starting to get closer to that finished product and we can start to actually get some sand on the ground and get ready to lay some details you might have to take care of so irrigation [Music] this lime was kind of hiding in that spot so i flashed up the valve and figured out that i needed to cap that off right away so making sure that's done so nothing's going to mess up our final patio doesn't hurt to double check that if you have to call an irrigation tech then so be it but hopefully you can do that yourself as well and we're going to rough in some river rock for the detail around the gravel patio there and the beds on the side i wanted to make sure that everything was sort of free draining to the perimeter drain as much as possible i have a sleeve there with some irrigation running through and then to finish that first day off i actually just started piling up some sand and re-sprayed out some layout quickly as well getting ready for the next day it actually screwed some sand in the morning and then late pavers in the afternoon so i left kind of channels in my piles of sand so that i could lay my bars down these are one inch square tubing i find the square ones really nice they don't really move around at all just a little bit more solid and i'm just going to double check quickly if there's any minor discrepancies in the heights with my level just to make sure that it's all where it needs to be as far as my finished heights and slopes go and just like we did with the road base layer we're going to start from the far end away from our material pile and we're just going to spread out sand across the hole with the patio and start to pull it back with the same screed board really nice flat board really nice and solid down onto the bars so i always like to keep pressure down on my hands as close to the bars as possible even if i'm screwing off to the side like that i'm trying to keep pressure down in the middle more than on the edges because as soon as i start to push down on the farther edge it's going to dig in a little bit so you might have to double back and sort of go over your screed a couple times as you go but always double check that you're not digging in on one side marks and divots in spots if that's the case so really taking your time doubling back over yourself making sure that you fall up right to the edges and i'm actually going to fill in some of the troughs where i'm pulling the bars back as i go as well you can do that after too but sometimes it's nice just to get it done right away i'm just using a flat trowel to smooth the sand like a mini screed in those bars or sorry the channels where the bars were after i dragged them back a bit and just work our way across the patio this way you don't want to have to pull too much material with the screed board so it's nice to have someone to work with you to actually pull some sand back once it starts to pile up if you have a little bit too much definitely want to move it back before you start to pull again otherwise you're going to be really working too hard with the screed board trying to pull a lot of material so be careful the width of how you set your bars as well so ideally you can reach both edges of the patio without the problem that i'm having here is the one then end of the board is actually just getting past the bar and digging in if i go to the far end so it's just about four or five inches off there so important to note to set up your bars the exact width that you need so you can reach both sides without coming off of the bar to do it so you can see just a really nice flat surface there that we're creating so anytime you slide the bars back double check your levels so it's going to be level parallel to the house right so that makes it easy it doesn't hurt to just give it a quick check and you can even revert back to the string line height or the step there as well just to really confirm but anytime we move our bars we want to double check that it's not just sitting up or down into the road base layer too much so working up to anything existing so this stuff that we had already built we have to be really careful with our finished height to make sure that it's going to match up perfectly sometimes i end up actually just tweaking it a bit by hand and we want to get that paper to sit about just under a quarter inch above that existing surface then we're going to compact it really well and it's going to line up pretty nice and flush if anything we want it sitting just a hair taller so that if it does settle over a long period of time it's going to settle down to level and then in this little hard to reach area i'm actually just going to use my level to just finish off some screening here you might have to do this more so it's a little bit trickier but you might have to do it more so for some walkways and sort of awkward transition areas so just be aware of that you might want to get used to using your level for that we're going to fill in those trenches where the bars were just get it all super flat and tweaked ready to go to lacing papers down so that we can just focus on laying the papers not having to adjust our screed layer actually looks pretty cool with the road base showing there [Music] and so once again the idea is that we're getting exactly an inch thickness of sand so any saddling is going to be even and it's going to create a super flat nice surface for our pavers so here's a closer look at sort of touching up any edges to get that final height to match up perfectly so i'm just gonna use a trowel just basically just skimming the tiniest part off of that sand to get it to sit right about there so that it's gonna compact perfectly down to that height all right on to part four in the next video let's check out some patio laying
Channel: Construction Kev!
Views: 70,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W14ppX8hWxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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