How to Scrape LinkedIn to Google Sheets (in 1 Click!) | Easy No Code Scraper

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what if I told you there was a way you can move information from LinkedIn to Google sheet without having to copy and paste in fact you can actually do it in just one click no code or automations required no Integrations or setup it's super simple and that's what we'll be covering in today's video if you're interested in web scraping other sites besides LinkedIn you guys can check out this playlist I'll link right up here that shows you our other videos on how to web scrape Facebook Twitter Tick Tock Instagram whatever you want and put it into a spreadsheet or a form and do whatever you want with it so for today's video since we'll be taking LinkedIn as an example maybe you work in sales and you're creating a prospecting Hit List maybe you're stalking people from your high school and seeing what they're up to after they've graduated whatever it is you'll be able to move data from LinkedIn to Google Sheets in a few seconds okay so let's get started the first thing you'll need to do is to download magical this is a free Google Chrome extension and it's what we'll be using today to move information around without any code or setup although the link in the description for you guys to check it out or you can go to get and just add it to your Chrome browser now after we've downloaded magical what we'll want to do is go to LinkedIn go to whatever site it is that you want to web scrape from now for example we're going to be using my good friend harpal's profile and what we're actually going to do is since I actually don't want to just web scrape one page because I could do that with copy and paste I'm actually trying to web scrape 10 pages at once so I'm going to open up all the profiles which I want to grab their information from let's open up Genies we'll just click right click and open this in a new tab cool now we have a ton of tabs open and let's go ahead and open the magical extension I have it pinned to my browser so it's easy for me to access all we do is click on it and in the transfers tab you can actually see magical's gone ahead and automatically labeled all the information on this sheet but for example if we want things Beyond his first name full name job title maybe we want his previous job or even the job before that or maybe you want to grab their bio or description for some reason all we do is Click add more and now we're in editing and labeling mode so essentially in this mode you can go and click on any piece of information on your screen and magical will label it as whatever title you give it for example we can take how many followers he has on LinkedIn I think that would be interesting to know so I'll just click on that and name this followers and now that we've done it once on harpal's profile the cool thing that magical will do for you is actually do the exact same thing on all the other LinkedIn profiles that you have open so now that I'm done labeling my information because I see magical's got most of it covered anyway I'm just gonna hit done and now looking at all these other tabs I have open there are just so many and it would take so long for me to copy and paste so what we're gonna do is go back to the first tab hit magical again and actually we're going to hit this big blue button at the bottom transfer to and in this case we'll just transfer it to a new spreadsheet because that's where I like to keep track of all of my friends so hitting new spreadsheet we do want to transfer all tabs and boom there you have it now that's magical so magical's gone ahead and pulled in all of this information for us we didn't have to do any work there was no code whatsoever and now we can just go ahead create a checklist if you want you can go ahead and email these people if you're doing Outreach or if you're stalking your classmates from school then you can go ahead and just have this you have their URL you have their bio you have the amount of LinkedIn followers they have because I custom label that information because I wanted to see it and now I can see who has the most followers oh her haul does and now you just have a perfectly formatted spreadsheet that's ready for you to manipulate and do whatever you want with it it's a great way to get started for your data entry needs we have their URL we have their location job title company bio what school they went to how many followers they have there's really so many use cases that you can use with magical which is what's so great about it this is a super lightweight and really really easy way for you to get started on web scraping without getting flagged by whatever website that you're on also just to really easily with one click grab so much information and put it into one place something that would have taken you hours to do with command C and command V switching tabs and getting distracted while doing all of that so the great thing about magical is that it is completely free and it's up in seconds all you guys have to do is go to the link in the description and check it out there be sure to let me know what other sites you guys want me to web scrape from or what other videos you guys want to see on this channel and if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like to let the algorithm know and subscribe so you guys can stay tuned for more productivity and ways to do your work better thanks so much for watching be sure to download magical and I'll see you guys in the next video bye foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Magical
Views: 31,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7ZTC6MahF6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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