How to Save Tomato Seeds

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hello everybody this is Danny from beach towel homestead I've had a lot of people on the comment section of the videos asking me about a video on how to save seeds one of the first ones I'm going to show you is how to save seeds in tomatoes now tomatoes cucumbers things like that eggplants it's all going to be done the same exact way because they're a seed that is encased inside a gel liquid inside of a fruit so remember that whatever I do here today just follow those instructions for cucumbers and as such and so on cantaloupe seeds anything like that this is enclosed in a gel membrane likes inside of tomato the first thing you want to do is label the container because I know here from the experience when you begin to start putting seeds in things you will forget those they get shifted around you won't remember what varieties was to label the container and just to plant a little cheap bowl from any convenience store and the next thing you want to do is make sure you get a good right tomato one that's got this good and red on the outside now this is an Amish paste and usually what I do is I hold it tomato over the container and I'll split it half into and peel it open you'll begin to see the veins inside it here I think I just simply take my finger and start raking out the seeds when you get those veins cleaned out split the tomato again and reach inside it don't worry about the pull just let it run out in there I cut them from top to bottom when I do this now there's Amish paste one of the things about Amish paste is a little bit different I know it's a little bit hard to see here but they have to hold the Amish paste is a little bit different than other Tomatoes it doesn't have a whole lot of seeds it's mostly neat that's one of the reasons we use them here at detail homestead we don't usually like a lot of juice we're into more meaty Tomatoes and the Amish paste is a real meaty one for us but it works for all Tomatoes the same process does just reach into jerk all that stuff Island clean it out and again top to bottom cut it break out any seeds you just have clean clean you meet there there's no seeds in it so take one more now we're going to cut this from top to bottom give you two halves you're going to start out rake your seeds out by hand just take your finger there'll be little veins in it that's what we like about the Amish paste you don't have a lot of seeds that's why we have to be really careful will endure a good meaty tomato just keep raking to the law fall well let the gel come out with them you're not going to get every little seed but you'll get most of them and you'll get the gist of it you won't cut them again lengthwise but all this fallout not going her thing next one many fingers on in there push them seeds out every tomato be a little bit different but you'll figure it out okay this is what it's going to look like when you get through you're gonna see the pulp and the seeds all mixed together don't let that bother you first thing we're going to do is come over under the water faucet you're going to run about to that one and probably an inch of water in it like you see it in the side the thing here you're going to run it and you just going to let it sit like this you're gonna put it over to the side and it's going to take anywhere between two and five days for this to actually ferment and I'm going to show you what it looks like once that's okay now this one right here we've brought in here this is a yellow pair too later that we save seeds from these yeah it's per minute all on the top here is molded over you're going to want to take the end of something like a fork or just a stick or anything you're going to want to stir that around and kind of break that mold up that kind of helps shrink to all the scum a loose in there now the reason we do this process is I know a lot of people's going to want to know what the reason is the reason is these seeds are inside a gel coat that gentle Cody's on those seeds to protect them for a solid year to keep them from coming up until it's a year old that's either not supposed to come up for another year by doing what we're doing we're taking that protective coat off of that seed and we're allowing it to be able to germinate at any given time you're ready to use it whether it's a two weeks from now or whether it's a year from now that seed is still viable now once we get it mixed up I'll run some extra water in it just to kind of help break it up a little more and I'll take a little strainer like this one here these are real cheap you get in an e dollar store and I start pouring this through this strainer and I'll use it for it for a little while so I start getting down to Rusty most and I see that like this here then I stop I'll fit them over to the side I take my finger and I start working this around like this kind of pushing them seeds down in there and mashing all that he'll do stuff down and I'll go back I'll turn the water off let it kind of just gradually trickle through it and I just keep watching some people put them inside a container and shake them and do all kinds of thing I prefer to take my fingers and actually scrub it all inside this here next thing I do is I take a paper towel and I mark the name of the tomato on top of them this happens to be a yellow pear tomato I'll take a look I take as much water off the seeds as I can I'll take them I just bump them over like that and I let them sit there for a minute I run some more water back into this this is just a process I just pour I just keep putting water slosh it around there a little bit I just keep pouring it in there then I go back I turn the water on do the same thing again I just take my fingers and I kind of rub these seeds around in here got to push this mud to that pool gumming stuff off of them as I can you'll be able to tell if he'll be able to feel it on your finger they start getting a dry feeling and he'll start wanting to stick to your finger once I get through that I kind of tap it just a little bit but though they still water in it we want to get as much of that water out of it as we can there's still lots of water coming out of the bottom of this oh I can see it hitting in the sink down here then we're bring it over back on that sand paper towel now turn it over you see this is clean now when I go back I'll take these seeds and take my fingers kind of start scattering them around because you want to scatter it out you don't want them to stay in too big of a pile more you scatter them out better off they'll be and the faster they'll dry and they go stick to you things are now so don't let that be a concern to you all right once I get to that point to be really careful okay we take them and I take a plea we got some plates on our table here and I kind of leave them in the middle of that pleat I'll even lay out to dry okay here I have two paper towels that I have yellow pair of tomato seed zones it's been drying for about a week and a half and you'll notice how they're like in little clumps what I do is I just take these clumps between my fingers now just start rolling them and when you roll them between your fingers the little seeds come apart it's not going to hurt them they just kind of break and fall out into individual little seeds I know this might be a kind of a slow process but it's the way that works really well just keep doing this until you get all of them on the papers separate it out like that because you want your seeds to be separated into individual seeds the next thing you're going to want to do is take your pack marker the type of tomato and the year on it so that you automatically know what year you want to take this and fold it in half like that's the way I usually do it and just take these tomato seeds dump them in here now you know not everyone's gonna come off the paper you'll have to go back you know you have to scrape the other few loose like that go back and dump them in there maybe to get that done you just make sure you get them good sealed on so we don't come a loose twitch all the air out seal them up and they should stay like this hi tomatoes I've used them up to three and four years without any problems so you know this is the way we say you see here is deep south homestead thank you from Deep South homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 266,574
Rating: 4.9207335 out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, Mississippi, debt free, self sufficient, retirement, freedom, frugal, southern accent, foraging, prepper, solar, non gmo, substainable food, edible landscape, american clipper, rv remodel, shtf, herbs, canning, natural health, gluten free, greenhouse, Hoss Tools, Tufftex panels, simple life, heirloom seeds, Amish Paste tomatoes, tomatoes, how to save tomato seeds, saving seeds, saving tomato seeds
Id: oIRp1wo0RNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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