How to Easily Collect & Save Garden Cucumber Seeds: The Rusted Garden 2013

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welcome to the rest of garden today I want to talk to you about saving cucumber seeds this is one of my cucumber plants it's beat up it's dying out I'm not taking care of it any longer I've got enough cucumbers out of the garden I'm gonna actually transition this whole area over to my fall garden I'm gonna put in a lot of the cool weather crops but more specifically probably a lot of peas let me show you how to save cucumber seeds if you come down here you can see in the back let's see a cucumber that's standard size these are 8 inch cucumbers what but this cucumber is dark green it's about the right size I'm going to take it inside I'll using a tomato and cucumber dish but right down here this is how you save cucumber seeds this is a cucumber that is much larger than the green one it's yellow and what's inside of this are mature cucumber seeds so the first thing you have to do is you have to leave a cucumber on the vine until it really almost doubles in picking size it'll turn yellow sometimes orangey but you want it to get to this size so that the seeds inside mature and can be harvested and I'm going to show you how to do that so we have 2 cucumbers from the same variety again this one is about picking size 8 to 10 inches and this one I've left on the vine for a long time to get least double if not triple the size yellow up and the reason you do that is because this cucumber is going to have the seeds that I want to collect and if you cut open the cucumber that's picking size and you look at the seeds you can see that they're smaller they're not really plump like a seed they're very very close but they're just not mature enough to use to grow cucumbers next year so you take the bigger cucumber you can already see the cucumber has the color of the CCG buying packets it looks plumper and that looks like a mature cucumber see the way that you collect them is just split it in half squeeze out the pulp and the seeds into a sieve you can't really save this the flesh at this point usually kind of get sour and tart and that's really because fermentation can actually carrots starting to rot and just taste bad this mini cucumber seeds from one cucumber and you can see this is more than enough cucumbers for your garden they will also last anywhere really from two to four years if you take care of your seeds you keep them in a ziplock bags keep them in a cool area your seeds will last one much longer than a single growing season and again you can get all these cucumber seeds from one cucumber cucumber seeds but you can see there's still a lot of flex with some of the seeds of comfrey and they're plump they're the right color and all you do is put them on to a coffee filter you'd rinse these out more before you took him up but once they're on the coffee filter no reason use of coffee filters because I found that paper towel and napkins tend to stick to the seeds the coffee filters don't but just spread the seeds out you can put a napkin underneath to absorb some of the water let these dry for about seven days and these cucumber seeds will be ready to play next year hope you enjoyed the video please check out my blog at
Channel: Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Garden)
Views: 93,253
Rating: 4.9482994 out of 5
Keywords: Tomato, garden, vegetable, collect, seeds, cucumber, collecting seeds, save
Id: opnfflEPVUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2013
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