How to Save Time and Money on AI Workloads

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do you want to save money save time and deploy your AI workloads faster than ever before of course you do and you're in the right place because that is exactly what this video is about I'm Daya nerd Josh and I'm so excited to collaborate with my colleague day Dean here at IBM for this video I'm going to step back for this one and let my man day tell you all about this exciting collaboration with IBM's Waton X platform and storage Fusion an outof the-box solution to accelerate the impact of AI across your [Music] business welcome everyone today I'm excited to talk to you about Ai and what's going on at IBM right now at the current moment and how we're revolutionizing the AI landscape and how your organization can take advantage of this right now my name is day Dean and I work on the data innovator team here based out of Nashville Tennessee with IBM and I'm super excited to talk to you about how the IBM infrastructure team as well as the IB and Watson team has co- collaborated on this solution to help your organization save money save time get a quicker deployment of AI workload the biggest challenge that we're seeing across many Industries is the goto Market AI initiative with organizations right they have all these great Concepts they just can't put it out and get it in a turnkey type of solution right but here at IBM we have integrated engineered solution that can help with that from day one you're probably wondering da what solution are you talking about the solution I'm talking about is IBM wats and XA combined with IBM storage Fusion on ACI right what this solution is going to allow you to do it's going to allow you to save time deboule all the complexities that come with doing AI workloads from that perspective save time and money right to get you ready know that you can go in and save money around your data lake houses your dated warehouses and Etc this is going to allow your team to really focus on the AI workloads themselves and allow you to get these ideas and Concepts into your correct industry so you can be competitive right at the end of the day we love technology but we have to ensure that your organization is making money saving money and protecting assets right with the storage Fusion Solution on ACI you're able to have a out the box type of platform where allows your administrators to manage your infrastructure needs like storage right so as your AI workloads scale up and down you're able to pull from Storage in a in userfriendly type environment gooey interface that allows you to be proactive in these AI deployments one of the biggest things that this solution does for you it gives you the analytics around your storage infrastructure in minutes right not days but in minutes it allows you to actually see what's going on in real time around those AI workloads whether you need to scale or SC scale down from that perspective as well as give you the power to be in a hyper Cloud type environment whether you have resources running your on PR data center or a third party vendor right it gives your team your organization the power and control at the drop of a and again you might be saying day how is this going to save you money right this solution is going to save you money because now you're in a capex type of mindset where you have service side resources at your fingertips at scale as well as having a rolling type environment where you can plug and go without having to wait wait months for gpus ETC and also be a situation where you have your infrastructure needs from IBM perspective deployed with your AI workloads on top of head open shift and Etc so you're not wasting time waiting for backlogs you're not also you're in a position where you're having a bundle package at a cost saving type of model where you're able to snap your fingers and get to going one of the main blockers for a lot of people in the AI space and trying to get these different workloads deployed stored and protected is the technology Gap in itself with IBM Watson x. daa and IBM storage fion ACI you're in a situation where now you're plugging in going and it's simple right we have a team that can come in and help your organization of deploy it but it's simply plug and go you have all your Hardware needs and your software needs at your fingertips everything set up already configured you just have to start using creativity from a AI perspective as well as understanding where you're pulling your data from right we really took a lot of time to figure out how can we make this a Rollin process and very simple for our customers across different Industries to take advantage of from day one the man the myth the legend thank you so much today for taking the time to talk about this exciting new solution that is going to save organizations time and money just imagine being able to easily plug and go and have your different AI workloads deployed stored and protected all while being able to scale up and down as needed thank you so much for watching this video and thanks again for the collaboration with day who honestly did most of the work for this one this is a pretty small channel so whenever you like comment and subscribe it really helps help me out a ton and it's always greatly appreciated if you enjoyed this video let us both know in the comments below and if you have any feedback for what we could do better next time please leave that too thanks again for watching and I hope you have a fantastic day
Channel: DataNerdJosh
Views: 40
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dA2wpo8PAw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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