How to Save an Image from Google

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okay what we're going to learn today is how to save a high-quality image from Google so first of all you need to go to the google search engine and type in an image that you're looking for I'm going to write cotton field because I'm going to show you how to also merge two images together with the landscape so this is obviously not what I want to be looking for because this is in also I need to go to images cotton fields awesome next thing I want you to do is go over to tools and then all these different types of tools will come up here please choose size and go to large so that means now all the images that come up here should be larger sometimes you have products coming up just ignore that what we're going to do is choose an image that you particularly like or you think will work so I'm going to choose which one I might choose this one first of all I'm going to check if when I hover over it in the corner whether it's large enough and because it's over 800 and it's 1,700 over here that means the pixels that means it's large enough so it needs to be definitely over 800 price to then save it so what I'm going to do is instead of saving it here I'm going to right-click it and I'm going to open image in a new tab it's very important that you're doing that step you think only go up to your tab and here it is it should be opened up now you can see you can either zoom in on it more so I'm going to actually zoom in on it that makes the image even bigger because we want to be working with big images so I'm going to right click it and now I'm going to save image as and I'm going to save it onto just my desktop but I might rename it to photography assessment cotton field so it's really important that we're renaming our images that we're saving so we can find it again please make sure that the format is a JPEG file or something like a PNG if it says anything like if it says a webpage do not you've set you've saved it wrong so make sure it's a jpg and press save and that is how we save an image so now when we go into my desktop it will be called photography assessment and when I open it up boom there it is nice and good good image there okay that's how we do it
Channel: Nikki Bagust
Views: 320,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jPN_T7D5WV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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