How to S-Rank King Dice | Cuphead

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For an S-rank run you should be planning which minibosses you're going to do ahead of time, not just going randomly. I did Chips, Pip and Dots, and Mangosteen. With these there is no need to run smoke dash, so you can run Coffee instead for extra meter, which makes everything go much faster. Then i used charge shot and spread shot. Charge shot is very good against King Dice in particular because you can charge and shoot while bouncing on the cards, so you still get your damage in.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kered13 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
come on come on come on come on alright confession time I never did the King dice s-rank video because Pike was terrible King dice I really was not very good at King dies and I didn't want to do kind of a good guide for this boss if I was actually bad at him but after a lot of practice I think I've gotten to a point where I could often Italy tell you how to do it so King dice is one of the most intimidating bosses for new players because you have to learn like ten different boss phases there's so many mini bosses and it just takes so long to actually get a good understanding of how the boss works and different bosses are going to be very difficult for different people like we all have our weaknesses and what's hard for me is probably gonna be really easy for you and vice-versa so I'm just gonna cover every single mini boss you're gonna get probably the longest s-rank video I've ever done but that's okay cuz this is the longest boss of Cup it I always use roundabout and spread but that's true basically every video I do but any any weapon will work here except for chaser and l'ombre don't use chaser and Lauber take the smoke bomb you have to take the smoke bomb and you can use whatever super you want it doesn't really matter I like taking super one because I like doing the extra damage but super two can definitely help you out in the final King dice phase s ranking King dice worked a little bit differently from every other boss since you can get additional lives you have to beat King dice himself with at least three lives left and instead of requiring you to beat the level in under two minutes every mini boss you fight gives you an extra minute to work with so that means you could fight every single mini boss and still S rank this level all right so these goddamn drunk ass are in my opinion the hardest mini boss in the entire lot he has three parts he's got the martini glass he's got the whiskey bottle in the back and he's got the short rum glass in the front rum guy is the worst so he want to eliminate him immediately the thing about him that's really tricky is the timing of his attack the rum flies out of his body at like 40,000 miles and hours of the instant he looks like he's gonna tip over that's when you want to jump and dash over it martini lady isn't a problem just keep shooting into the air and make sure you keep running back and forth to dodge the waterfall of whiskey from the dude in the back number two is chips bet again he is the easiest boss in the first three one of the easiest in the entire level and I recommend going for him if you can since you took smoke bomb because you're not a fool you can basically dodge through all of his attacks so it really isn't much strategy here note that except for the bottom most chip you can duck under all of his attacks so just keep an eye on the bottom chip if all of you - through that one you could just duck you just hold down and the boss is a joke mr. wheezy isn't hard but he is a stupid amount of Health two things to note here his fireballs will move in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction per wave so it's really easy to dodge them as long as you kind of follow in their trajectory number two you'll definitely build up enough e^x meter to use your full super against him being able to beat bosses quickly is way more important than trying to horde or save your super for a later boss so if you get all 5 X bars waste him and save yourself some time pip and dog so for this married couple roundabout actually doesn't work here because your bullets will if you try to shoot it backwards they will hit the wall so you spread or or whatever your other weapon is they Telegraph their attacks pretty clearly so if you stay real close you can tell right away if they're going to spit a bird or shoot a d20 at you so you have enough fair warning to back it up one thing you want to be super careful about them that it's caused me to die like lots and lots and lots is if you're jumping and dashing over the spikes don't do it too close to the boss because you'll probably just end up smashing right into right into tip and oh this this if you don't have smoke bomb this magic jungus will obliterate your balls thankfully if you do have smoke bomb he's absolutely a piece of cake just look at the screen the biggest thing to worry about is when he makes that row of projectiles it goes a little bit faster than you'd expect at least for me so make sure you time your parry accordingly fear lap is my second-to-last favorite boss in this entire level because if you can hit with something you feel like a goddamn baby you feel like the most abuse AK of potatoes or of ever walked this earth this boss should be easy the bullets are very slow they're very choreographed the ghost horse is super obvious it's it's you can't miss the ghost horse and you can easily dodge it but when there's when there's so much happening at the same time it just combines to make this boss a major pain in the ass the ghost horse is the biggest problem I recommend staying at the top of the screen when possible and is quickly going small and moving left or right as that ghost is ascending just stay vigilant and don't be stupid like me and you'll get through this just one pure letter has I think cleverest name in the entire game but there's another one of those bosses that's just such a joke with smoke bomb you could literally beat the stage just by dashing left and right without actually moving if you wanted to without smoke bomb she's a lot harder but you got some lip balm so aim for this boss every time every time you fight King dice try to go for pyro let it go for number 7 speaking of easy ass bosses I don't really understand mangosteen like it's do you know how to hold a m-- up can you hold down at the attack are you capable of walking left or right slowly congratulations you've been mangosteen if for some reason you're having trouble I just want to point out that the little pool cue chalk boxes get faster and faster the longer the level lasts so just be a little careful oh my god mr. x seriously mr. x with a goddamn nail back can you believe they made a Funko pop out of this abomination if you land on mr. x your run is basically your entire you might as well just restart because he's not hard he just takes 25 years to beat it just takes forever if you land on this and you've had a really good run and you want to keep going I hope you have a good memory to remember where everything is I my memory a so it takes me a long time you can't the only way to kill them is to biz by doing all the magic so even if you do a ton of damage by bombing him during one of his phases that's not actually gonna make the boss any faster all you have to do is just hope you don't land on them and if you do hope you have a good memory finally King diced himself I actually find him really tough but I think a lot of it is because your nerves are probably shot at this point you're probably so stressed out you made it this far focus more on getting your parry timing don't worry about doing a ton of damage you'll you'll you will do your damage but make sure you survive don't be afraid to bounce up and down on the same card until you feel confident enough to jump to the next one one really important note that someone in chat told me once is to only - when there is a five card gap that is with the next pink card is five cards away then you can - otherwise you can end up overshooting your objective and getting fun remember if you get to kick dice and you don't have three lives you might as you have to reset you have to reset because you're not gonna get your restaurant just before you waste any more time just make sure you stay on top of your lives Christ this is probably the longest guide I've ever written but good luck the best way and probably the only way to get better is king dice is quite just running through it over over and over get lots of practice let me know in the comments which mini boss was the hardest for you which one was the easiest like for me obviously mr. chine the Tipsy true and fear lap were the three worst for me but I want to hear which ones gave you the most trouble alright thanks for watching
Channel: JustoAllDay
Views: 32,210
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: JustoAllDay, How to S Rank King Dice, How to Beat King Dice, How do I beat King Dice, How do I S Rank King Dice, Tipsy Troop Cuphead, Chips Bettigan Cuphead, Mr Wheezy Cuphead, Pip and Dot Cuphead, Hopus Pocus Cuphead, Phear Lap Cuphead, Pirouletta Cuphead, Mangosteen Cuphead, Mr Chimes Cuphead, King Dice Cuphead, Cuphead Gameplay, Cuphead 2019, Cuphead King Dice Expert, Cuphead King Dice No Damage, Cant beat king dice
Id: rK-hJ0gz_x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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