How to S Rank Cagney Carnation | Cuphead

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flowey i mean cagney is normally one of the easiest bosses in aisle one i put him as easier than ribby and croaks for sure but he's pretty annoying in expert mode way more annoying than he is in normal mode why this stupid goddamn first phase so for literally the first half of the fight he will do nothing but shoot seeds at you that will transform when they hit the ground blue seeds will spawn seed pods that chase after you where pink seeds will spawn this stupid i hate it in normal mode he does this once or twice and mixes it up with his other attacks in expert mode he will literally not stop shooting seeds until you make him suffer let's back up a bit for those of you who don't remember in order to estrank a boss you need the following to need to beat it in less than two minutes you need to parry it three times you need to finish the boss with three health you need to use six bars of super and you need to play on expert bow for weapons any long range weapon will work because you're often too far away from the boss to use spread properly still i always like to think spreadshot as my secondary weapon just in case in order to parry the pink seats effectively i also suggest auto parry so let's talk phase one first i like trying to stay in the middle platform whenever possible this allows me to be able to react to pink seeds wherever they might drop it isn't always possible to get back to the middle platform but i always try to reset whenever possible next the pink seeds are usually the third or fourth one every wave make sure you try your best to parry the flying flower can't be heard unless its mouth is open so don't bother shooting at it until it starts to attack if you have the big super ready which is five bars wait until it opens up his mouth and then do a jumping super to get both the flying flower and the boss together to save some time if you find that the green homing seeds are overwhelming switch to spreadshot to clear them out before going back to the boss you should still be able to beat this boss in well under 2 minutes if you're really having trouble with this first phase and i can't believe i'm saying this you can s-rank this boss using chaser this allows you to only focus on parrying the pink seeds and not dealing with trying to maximize your damage i managed to s-rank using only chaser and i still got a time of about 1 minute 43 seconds so it's definitely possible one way or another once you beat the first phase the hardest part is over phase two has three main attacks number one the stretchy neck when you see him charging this up just jump over it or duck underneath if he's doing it hide switch to spreadshot because you'll be guaranteed to hit all of your bullets and let him have it if you're above him use weapon lock to shoot down number two boomerang scenes this is the easiest attack out of the three literally all you need to do is stand on a platform and duck under it it'll go left above the platforms then come back right on the bottom so make sure not to let it catch you unaware number three are the homing seeds this one is the trickiest one but still really easy these seeds will fire one by one each one homing in on your position right before it starts moving what i do is just stand on the furthest platform and wait for the first seat to get close to me when it does i just jump and dash as far as i can to the right that usually means i can just dodge the entire thing the final phase is when he gets a little bit angry a little butthurt he'll cover the ground with vines and you'll have to stay on top of the platforms every now and then he'll shoot up vines that will hit two out of three of the platforms you have ample time to jump to the right platform just keep changing platforms every now and then he'll also be shooting special seeds at you that'll make you a little woozy so be careful not to get hit my only advice here for this phase besides you know paying attention is try not to stay on the rightmost platform for too long because he shoots those seeds out fairly quickly and you might not have enough time to react especially if there's active volume on the center most platform boom done once you get past this first phase this boss is a joke have any questions ask me in the comments below [Music]
Channel: JustoAllDay
Views: 37,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JustoAllDay, How to S Rank Cagney Carnation, S Rank Guide, S Rank Cagney, S Rank Flower, How to beat Flower cuphead, How to beat Cuphead bosses, How to beat Floral Fury, Floral Fury S Rank Guide, Cagney Carnation S Rank Guide
Id: mpEF0mycaWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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