How To Run Your Own Personal Cloud With Nextcloud!

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it just goes to show you that when you're on the internet you never know who you're going to hear from it's a somewhat high profile person who's asked us to maybe do some consulting involving storage and cloud services they want to set up their own now as we're not sure if it's actually going to happen or not so we don't want to announce anything about it yet but as part of it we wanted to very quickly give them a demo of what we had in mind for setting up their own personal cloud and that involves next cloud and if you want to set up a real quick demo of nexcloud where are you going to go well i think you know what i'm going to say if you've watched any of these before we're going to lenode because lenode has the one-click marketplace and nextcloud is one of their one-click items so let's run through it it is super easy it is amazingly easy you don't really need a demo for this but we're going to show you how to do it anyway because it is so easy to do this with lenode it's probably about 20 or 30 bucks a month if you want to host your uh your next cloud on lenode and i got to say after using nexcloud they have a beautiful interface everything works really well it's fast it's slick it's a little like too in line and sexy for my taste because i'm old and i'm not used to this newfangled stuff but it is it works great and it looks really good so let's take a look at it one quick thing about this video when you do when you hear the voiceover i mentioned only office a couple of times we intended to use only office with this and i did install it but calabra is the default that comes with uh next cloud and it works great and it did everything we wanted it to do so we didn't actually bother with only office so when i mentioned only office you're actually looking at collabora which is part of the suite of things that you can install with the checkbox as you're installing next cloud to set up next cloud on the node we're going to use their one click marketplace create a linode but instead of setting up a distribution like we normally would we're going to go over to the marketplace where we have all these install apps that are set up for us you can do it the other way but what this is gonna do it's going to uh ensure that you get an environment that is specific to this kind of thing and install it for you so next cloud we'll click on and we have a series of options here some are required some are not now for my passwords i've already prepped a text file so i can keep track of them easily mysql root password the mysql user password that we will need to set up and the root password for the server itself so those are basically the only things you need now you can set up a limited sudo user you can set up ssh keys all these various access level stuff also for the domain now if you're going to do a next cloud server with you know a domain access then one of your options instead of setting up your own records on your dns you can point your dns to lenode and set this up here and lenode will handle that for you i'm not going to bother with that because this is just a test they're just going to try this out so we'll access it via ip instead of worrying about uh setting up any sort of dns for it ssl we don't really care about either again this is just a a demo thing but you probably would want to do that if you're going to use this for real especially if you're going to have multiple people using it when it comes to the image there are no options they will only install under debian 10 that is for that's the best for next cloud at least in the opinion of lenode we can change our region we'll choose atlanta and we have to choose what kind of cpu we want to give it and i'm going to go for uh the 4 gigabyte because i want quite a bit of storage this is after all cloud storage i don't know how much testing will be done but maybe some large files will be thrown at this so we're going to make sure we have some room for it i'm going to keep all of the uh various labels and stuff not too worried about that and i'm not going to bother with an ssh key because again this is a demo but certainly something you could do backups private ip not worried about that and with all of that set we will click the create button you know wait for the boot cycle to finish this page will update automatically as that goes forward and when it is ready you can log in after you've waited long enough for your next cloud instance to boot up and actually start and uh you know even after it says it's booted if you try to access it you can't get to it give it a couple of minutes because it might need time to start some services or whatever we will have the ip address now if you went through the dns stuff you'll have a little bit more setup there but we're just going to use the ip address to access our next cloud because this is not a permanent thing and over we might be blurring this ip address out depending on whether we're done testing it before this video goes up as long as we delete this before the video goes up we'll show it to you but it's over here under the ip addresses or in the ip addresses box you get ipv4 and ipv6 we will access via ipv4 and it's just going to be that ip address or the domain you set up slash next cloud and here we go this is our uh setup page for freshly installed next cloud for the admin user just going to call that nc admin and i have my freshly prepared password database user database password database name now you might be thinking hey we didn't set those up yeah we didn't we used the default but the default if you'll go back and look at the the node creation for both the user and the database is just next cloud and the database password you did set and uh hopefully you recorded that value so that you can supply it here localhost is fine for where we'll connect to because this is already running on this server the recommended apps are optional but since we are just trying this out why not why not have those so now we will click finish that up and let it do its thing here we're going through the app installation i do appreciate when an installer walks me through what is it what's doing instead of just sitting there making me wait that's nice ui for an installer these are the additional things that we chose to install as a package for our next cloud instance you can skip this step if you don't want these things and here we are first time next cloud has started nice little splash screen that's not really necessary does it want me to interact with it oh slide show everybody loves a slide show host your data and files yes i would like to do that open standards ah that's great open source we love it 100 apps in the next cloud app store nice we will be installing one of those at least and uh yeah some mobile stuff desktop app so that you can connect to it we'll take a look at the desktop app next or at least later start contributing well i don't have time but maybe someday let's start using xcloud so for users and groups want to head over to uh our next cloud widget here the control widget and go down to users the only user we have right now is the nc admin we don't want to do things as the admin that's bad form so we need to set up users who will be doing the day-to-day things now this demo is actually for a super secret project which may actually never happen i'd say it's maybe a little worse than 50 50 at this point but music might be one kind of group that that project would involve and maybe video would be another kind of group that that project would be involved with and so let's create both those groups now and uh pop in some users so let's just say m user one for music user one that's fine for a display name i've realized that obs is not picking up these suggested passwords so i can use those let me just record them in my handy dandy text file here email uh with any luck it's going to let me leave that blank and we're gonna put this user in music uh music it's not video knotted man that's to mention weird ui like you click and the arrow stays there till you mouse away from it a little confusing i understand why they did it it's sexy but it's a little confusing we don't want them to be an administrator um let's not worry about quoting you know what we're demoing let's now let's not worry about quotas because they might actually need to use more than that all right that seems to be it will be can we get away with no email uh yes okay still shows a one there let's reload that page hey there's the two so now we have m user one and let's go ahead and we'll set up the user one as well and we'll get another suggested password here and we will put them in video and create and there they are the user one this tells us two reload the page now it says three so there we go we got groups and we got users so now let's uh maybe set up some storage for them squeegees so we have our users let's set up some folders for those users go here to the files page and from the files page click the plus we can add documents through the calabra app or we can add a folder or upload a file let's just add some folders now we got a music user and a video user we'll make a folder for each one of those and there we are no files in here now you could click and upload and uh you can't see the upload prompt that came up on windows but we're all familiar with that right everybody knows how to upload a file uh the other thing we can do here is to share now i immediately kind of had the idea it was like well i just created two groups can i share via group well that's one of those things that uh not by default it seems like an xcloud wants you to share either through links or through direct users now there is uh i did you know a little bit of searching there is an app called group folders and we could install that and this would give you the ability to control the permissions on folders via group but i don't actually know how the end user is going to use this i'm not the end user here so i'm not going to bother with that we'll just stick with the default and the way we do that is very simple so we go over to the music we click the share and we're going to start typing the username i want to share it with muser1 and once we've shared that with user1 they're there and they can access whatever's in this folder they can add stuff to this we can also go through the share link which can be controlled to be a different uh kind of share link drop only read only or you know full access whatever you want you can put a password on this so there's several ways you can control your shares now let's take a look at one of the ways that next cloud wants you to manage your documents and your files and that is through projects so projects like the the basic permission system are based on sharing and generating these sharing links but the project gives you the ability to tie it all together and view them as a one entity so if someone is involved in the project then they can see the project but they can't necessarily see everything in the project it's still based on those sharing permissions but anyway let's take a look at it so we'll go into video and we'll let's just create a text document and we'll call this uh video document here we go this is the basic text editor nothing too fancy you know you get your your basic formatting up here a little bit better than notepad but not by much and then as soon as you close it it's going to save automatically and you can get back to it now in terms of uh creating the project you know in my mind it's like oh there's got to be a project administration screen right and i can just create a new project but not really it's you create them on demand in line like everything else here so now let's go over to music and inside of music let's create we'll create a rich text document here let's call this uh music for the video because these two things are going to be a part of a project you got to give this a minute this is the rich text editor that is loading the office instance i feel like after experiencing this i may ought to have given this lenode more memory this is four gigabytes that is the minimum requirement for only office but uh it's sluggish oh here he goes here it goes there he goes we're in all right now as you can see you can hear my keyboard here sluggish sluggish so if you're gonna do only office i would recommend a little bit more powerful instance from the node not the four gigabyte it seems to want more horsepower to run all this stuff but it works much the same way i mean if you've used an office program you're familiar with this has all those tools and stuff like that so now that we're happy with it we'll close out that document and now we want to link them up so let's go to the details page and look at the sharing tab and down here we have the project management thing now right now we don't have so it says type to search for existing projects but we don't have a project what we want to do is we want to create a project by linking these two files so we'll head back over to our video folder and choose video document which we created and now this item is the project so you can see rename project and we will call this the music video project and if you click on that it will show you all the files that are involved in the music video project and as you go forward uploading things or creating things on next cloud you can now tag music video project because it exists now let's head back over to the uh let's the next cloud manual we want to put the next cloud manual in the music video project so we'll head over to the sharing tab there and if we just start typing here is the music video project there's actually one with an uppercase b and one with a lowercase p because i did this before i recorded it to make sure it worked i believe you have to unlink things manually to destroy a project see that's the thing about like i would like to have a project administration screen all this inline stuff it's sexy and it's cool but i want a project administration screen am i overlooking that my googling tells me no so those are the high points of nexcloud you know you really you're looking to use this as cloud storage probably the office is a nice thing it does have some other features we'll take a real quick look at we've seen the dashboard we've seen the files photos is just a roundup of all the photos that you've uploaded no matter where they are and videos are in here too this is the intro video the splash screen and uh activity obviously just shows you what activity's been going on in next cloud that's useful talk there's currently nobody else on this next cloud instance so i can't really talk to anybody but uh you know you create a new conversation and you can send links or you can add participants so we'll add music user one and there's our conversation unfortunately music user one is not with us because he doesn't exist he or she i should say we've also got this call feature so you know if you want to do instant messaging this is a great way to collaborate if you're into that kind of thing especially in these uncertain times am i right mail if you want to use mail within your next cloud you got your contact list of course oh i don't have any contacts but this works just like outlook basically right contacts and calendar we've all seen them we can add a calendar event multi-day events pretty basic but then these reminders repeat yeah we've all seen this before i'm sure it's fully functional i'm not going to sit and play with it though so that's pretty much the overview of nexcloud like i say we're going to demo this for a possible upcoming project for the channel as part of a storage solution but for now i think we want to take a look at the client because there is a desktop client that you can use with your next cloud instance you don't have to connect through it through a web browser if you head on over to clients you can get the mobile and desktop clients for your new next cloud and we will go to the download now button and i will check out windows 102 megabytes i'll get that installed and we'll look at it so here we are with the nexcloud windows app this is the startup screen now you can of course you know use an existing next cloud provider that's not what we're doing we're hosting our own host your own server that's actually just a link to tell you how to do it what you want to do is log in and we will point this toward our next cloud server now what this is done what you can't see is spawn a browser window where it is looking for an authentication through the browser in order to authorize my desktop app i'm already logged in as the administrator so it's going to let me grant access if you weren't already logged in then you would have to go through that and now coming back to our next cloud window we got some options here we got synchronization uh ask before syncing choose what to sync blah blah blah where to keep it all uh yeah i guess that's fine i'll just remove all that later and let's connect the next cloud windows client is mostly just an integration it doesn't the app itself doesn't really do a whole lot so it exists here in your system tray it shows you the the history of what's been going on on nexcloud and you can do some things like uh change your account uh change the synchronization settings it does have this uh settings screen here you can change your folder synchronization stuff like that it's got some network settings some general options about what the app does ignoring files blah blah blah do automatic updates that sort of thing but mostly you're not going to be using the app itself mostly it's the explorer integration because if you go into the app and you click this folder it's going to spawn your local folder so here it's in my user directory under next cloud and this is actually a synchronization of what's out there on next cloud and any changes i make here will be represented on next cloud so for example let's make a new text document and call this desktop client file and when we head over to the file section there's desktop client file so we're basically just synchronizing between the two things it's just a convenient way to work on your desktop not have to do everything through the web menu and uh everything else you click on pretty much here just spawns the website so if you have conversation i imagine you get alerts to your desktop when you get uh contacted on next cloud that's convenient because you don't always want to have next slide running in a browser necessarily and then if you click uh this one over here any of these also just spawn a web page to next cloud to show you your calendar for example so not a whole lot goes on in the app itself but the explorer integration is the big thing also uh don't give me any comments about activating windows you know oh it's only ten dollars blah blah blah i don't care i don't hear it so that was next cloud be sure and check out that affiliate link if you want to check this out on the node like i say uh the marketplace has a bunch of other stuff and if everything works as great within one click we've tried a couple of them if everything works as easily as next cloud there's a lot of stuff to explore on there and it's just it gets set up so quickly so good luck if you want to host your own cloud you
Channel: Level1Techs
Views: 58,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, hardware, software, programming, level1, l1, level one
Id: VXxXuaTUGpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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