Here are 5 Reasons I ❤️ Nextcloud | TLG

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hey everybody it's your friend and your guy and your favorite person in the community that windows guys just complain about gardener the Linux gamer oh I'm sick I'm sick I've got I don't know what it is I got a cold or or maybe the flu I have no idea but that's not gonna stop me from making an awesome video so today I wanted to talk about next cloud because in the world of computing and video games the world that I love that I exist in there are like 4 things that I geek out SuperDuper hard about and in chronological order it would be video games Star Trek Linux and next cloud those are the things that I have obsessed over since well since when ever I mean since I started obsessing over them next cloud has become a real obsession of mine and so I just wanted to talk about the 5 reasons that I love next cloud so let's just let's just tackle this list shall we number 5 it's open source if you're someone that watches this channel regularly then it might not it might seem like a moot point for me to mention but you know cuz of course I'm gonna use open source software that's like my bread and butter right but let's not forget that the majority of you watching right now are not watching on Linux you're watching on Windows you're watching on Mac you're watching on a Playstation or an Xbox or on your phone right and so I can't take it for granted that espousing the virtues of open source would be preaching to the choir so if you're watching the show you might not understand why I love open source software so much free and open source software preserves your rights and freedoms to use modify and redistribute the software that you love and rely on next cloud is primarily written in PHP and JavaScript and as a web developer as a as a JavaScript and PHP coder that freedom is invaluable to me right but even if you're not a coder there are so many other reasons for free software to use free software not the least of which is the secure it provides I believe that a well-maintained free and opensource project with a large development community is just inherently more secure than a proprietary alternative and I can't say that for all open-source projects you know if there's a small project that has one or two developers but with a large code base there's no guarantee that you know code audits happen and/or that you know new features aren't haven't been scrutinized by a lot of people but with all that being said I would trust free and open source software even ones that don't have a huge development community more than I would trust a closed source offering for me free and open source software is all about trust I trust that the developers are building something because they love it not because they want to collect my data and sell it to the lowest bidder or the highest bidder I guess or whatever but I also trust that security updates are deployed regularly and done in good faith I trust that new features are gonna have been audited had tens if not hundreds of eyeballs scouring the code to for issues before release and I trust that if I find an issue I can get a copy of the source code I can go in and try and fix it I can submit my fix back to the development team and usually if the development team is worth their salt they'll they'll accept it and that's really awesome number four the app ecosystem so the app ecosystem is robust it's powerful and it provides a ton of extra functionality and next cloud in fact the API is so powerful that it's used by next clouds developers to provide more to provide many of the features that next cloud includes out of the box for example things like two-factor authentication brute force protection file sharing and many other of the core features they come as apps it's really cool because that speaks to the power and the versatility of the app API but it also gives you more control over the type of next cloud instance you want to run do you want to disable file sharing completely just disable the app and then if not part of next cloud anymore same for federated cloud connections or theming or logs or accessibility features I think all the apps that come out of the box can be disabled and you can run your next cloud instance the way you want to run it but it also allows you to add more apps third-party apps apps from next cloud that don't come standard and you know I've added several really useful apps to my next cloud instance including a password manager so what the password manager does this is really cool it goes online and it checks to see if any of your passwords have been compromised and it notifies you it also will generate secure passwords for you you can customize how you want the password generating to to work it's really really cool and most of the time it works on just about every website some websites that log in over xhr might not work with the browser extension but most websites that use like standard post requests to log in it works great and it's it's fantastic I also have downloaded a calendar app that allows me to manage appointments and stuff it's basically a drop-in replacement for Google Calendar I have a contacts app that backs up my my phone's contacts on a daily basis I have next cloud talk which is a decentralized web RTC voice video and text chat application there's also a an app on the phone you can also get collaborative document editing software like only office or collabora and it works pretty much just like Google Drive or office 365 and that's really cool because next cloud allows you to cut out a lot of proprietary stuff right out of your life you don't need Google anymore if you have next cloud number three the support so much like the app ecosystem the community and support for next cloud is incredibly strong gun owned my preferred desktop environment has built-in support for next cloud integrating card dev CalDAV and web dev support right into the desktop environment that's super cool you add your you your next cloud login to your online accounts and in in genome and it well it'll set up the WebDAV share in Nautilus it'll integrate with the contacts app the calendar app and all that stuff it's so cool and so useful and and so easy it makes like it just makes everything in your life super super simple it also receives regular updates at least once a month and introduces new features security updates and a ton more so I got a knock on wood for this one but I haven't had a single issue upgrading to the latest version of next cloud since I started using it and I think that that's fantastic and it shows that the community really knows what they're doing and and they just kick ass number two next cloud works like the cloud you've come to rely on if you have an iPhone or Android phone you can download a litany of next-next cloud apps that allow you to interact with your personal cloud these apps work pretty much like iCloud or Google Drive you can set up the next cloud app to automatically backup your photos that you take on your phone which is super useful I use it all the time at work I have to take lots of photos at my day job do some photo shopping on them and then upload them to our website and you know next cloud just makes it super simple I take a photo with my phone I don't have to do anything else I just take the photo and then I go sit down at my desk go to the file go to the folder where it's set up to synchronize and just copy it over and it it's super easy you know I don't have to find a cable to plug my phone in or to sync the files it's just it's super simple I I love that you know you've you come to rely on these services I was before I had next cloud for my photos were being uploaded to Google photo and it's like I don't trust Google photo it's like oh I see that in this picture there there's a picture of your dog Larry and there's your your there's a sofa in this picture it's like Google stop doing that kind of stuff I don't want you to look at my photos and analyze them it is convenient when when Google will automatically like recognize cases but you can actually get a facial recognition app that runs on your server locally and it doesn't require you know the use of like a Google API or anything like that it's it's all done locally and so I've considered I've toyed around with that app a little bit it's pretty sweet and finally number one next cloud is self hosted and self empowering so as someone who does web development and server administration for my day job I found it incredibly simple to deploy next cloud on a spare PC that I just had laying around if you've ever had the opportunity to mess around with server configurations you'll know exactly what to do here it's pretty straightforward if you haven't though next cloud might be a relatively simple project to get your feet wet you don't even have to have like a server edition of Linux in order to to run next cloud the biggest difference between a server version of Ubuntu and the regular bun two is that the server version doesn't come with a graphical interface it's just command line so what's really cool is if I wanted to I could have installed a regular desktop edition of one to eighteen point ten on my server back here and I would have been able to download all the dependencies you need for next cloud just like you would through a regular package manager and then configure either nginx or Apache or you can run docker but that's a whole other can of worms right there so just configure nginx or Apache point the server configuration to the place where you have all the next cloud files and make sure that do you run the setup wizard in your browser after you got your webserver set up and you're good to go I mean it's that simple it's that straightforward you know if you want to get a little more complex you can add you know TLS encryption and stuff like that but but yeah I mean even even doing a TLS thanks to let's encrypt is so simple now it's so simple so easy so straightforward the fact is running a next cloud server means that I own my data it means that I'm controlling how and where it's being stored and it's such a rewarding and fulfilling experience I am my own data steward I'm responsible for its protection and for the security of my server and that's just a fantastic feeling I want to know what you think are you running a next cloud instance let me know in the comments down below I'd love to hear from you I'd love to hear what apps you have installed in your next cloud instance yeah are you running the the the federated social server that now integrates with mastodons and stuff let me know that's pretty sweet if you believe in the work that I do you can support the show with a monthly contribution over on patreon or you can pick up a t-shirt there's a link down below but no matter what you do whether you hit that like button or share this video with your friends don't forget to subscribe to see more from me the Linux gamer and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Gardiner Bryant
Views: 50,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, gaming, The Linux Gamer, steamos, gnu/linux, steam os, Gardiner Bryant, linux overview, satire, critique, commentary, criticism, Nextcloud, Nextcloud 15, Cloud Hosting Solutions, Self hosted software, SaaS, Open Source Cloud Hosting, FOSS Cloud Hosting, Self-hosted, Self-hosted Cloud Service
Id: FrTdBCOS_fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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