How To Run Longer Without Getting Tired

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how do you run for longer without getting tired well loads of you have asked us that question so we're going to run through what you can do before during and after your runs so that you can run further without feeling fatigued let's dive in first off it's worth saying that it's completely normal to find your runs hard you might get out of breath get tired or get heavy legs but don't worry because we've got lots of ideas to help so let's start off by what you can do on the run yeah start off slow lots of runners have a tendency to run their long runs at too fast of a pace you need to treat them differently to your regular runs and run them at a much slower pace you can also use your heart rate to gauge effort and make sure you don't head off too hard too soon although remember it will take a little while for your heart rate to come up so don't push too hard at the start of the run as you might overshoot you can use your average heart rate from your normal runs to gauge where you should be at although leave a little bit of headroom below this in the first few miles yeah and if you don't have a heart rate monitor to look at then you should be able to hold a conversation if you can't you're going too fast don't neglect the warm-up start off by doing some light drills and then some dynamic stretches once you're warmed up you might even want to start off by doing a brisk walk or a gentle jog for a few minutes then stop do this and then begin your run it can be so tempting to skip the warm-up especially if you're short on time but warming up can be so beneficial to your running and can even help you run for longer when you're feeling tired form check think about your running form try to stay nice and tall a good way to think tall is to imagine there's a piece of string coming out the top of your head pulling you up don't over stride either so don't try and reach out in front of you to take longer strides in fact try to slightly increase your cadence so taking more steps per minute which will be easier with shorter strides yeah and a slight increase in cadence will also help you to try to make contact under your body rather than out in front don't let your hips sink your knees roll in or your shoulders hunch forward let your feet come underneath your hips as you strike the ground also think about your arms when your legs get heavy and tired so drive your arms to power your legs yeah and you can use a running form check as a way of being present in the run rather than constantly thinking i want this to be over or i'm so tired when will this end mindful running is a really good way of thinking positively about the run being present with what's happening and thinking about things that will help you go further and boost morale rather than making you feel rubbish don't forget to breathe try to run your long easy runs at a conversational pace where you can still talk and also try not to restrict your breathing to only through your nose as you won't be able to get enough air in you want to avoid fast shallow breathing high up in your chest so try and relax your arms and shoulders to stop this we've also got a video about some breathing exercises you can do to practice breathing lower down using your diaphragm so go check it out you could try running with someone else not only will this keep your runs conversational but it'll also take your mind off it and you'll probably end up running further before you even know it now onto what you can do before and after your runs to help you go for longer starting off with nutrition make sure you're well hydrated so drink little and often during the day if you're not sure then do the p test you need to be checking your p to get a pale straw color also think about fuelling so if you're doing longer runs for maybe marathon training or half marathon training then you need to think about fueling to help beat fatigue if you're running in the evening make sure you've been eating enough during the day or if you're running in the morning then give yourself plenty of time to eat something before you head out the door do you have a healthy overall diet are you eating healthy foods that have a slow release of energy in combination with protein and healthy fats or are you eating processed foods which can lead to a big crash like sweets and chocolate depending on how long your run is you may need to refuel or rehydrate on the run itself if you need some tips about this then please check out our videos all about it we've got loads of tips for you variety is the key to helping with endurance yeah don't just focus on running long build variety into your week such as intervals tempo or threshold runs hills and short recovery runs all of these shorter runs will help with your endurance and make those longer runs feel a bit easier also think about your overall volume in terms of total mileage as well as your individual long run mileage too if you're able to gradually increase how far you run in a week and do it in a varied way you will see a positive impact as a general rule you should only be increasing your overall mileage by a maximum of 10 per week yeah and then turn your attention to the non-running activities which can help you strengthen conditioning or hit workouts can keep you strong and support your on-run posture as well as regularly practicing drills to hammer home the muscle memory of the way you'd like to move when you're feeling fatigued there are lots of running specific movements to help strengthen specific areas and we have got lots of workout sessions to try so go and check them out if you haven't already yeah in fact we've got videos that go into loads more detail about every topic we've covered in this video so go dive into the archive to find out more and if you found this video useful please do subscribe to the running channel so you don't miss any of our videos in the future
Channel: The Running Channel
Views: 1,006,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to run, running, running tips, how to start running, running training, training advice, 10k run, half marathon, marathon, fitness, running challenge, parkrun, how to run faster, the run experience, proper running form, nate helming, distance running, distance running tips, endurance for runners, training for endurance, long running, how to run longer, improving long distance running, runners, distance runners, tips for running, how to run longer without getting tired
Id: zX_TbrKjESU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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