How to Run Long (with less fatigue!)

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[Music] hey what's up guys it's Jason with strength running and I'm here in the Rocky Mountains I just got finished with a beautiful trail run as you can see the Aspen's are starting to come out it's just a really stunning time of year to be out here but what I want to talk about in this video right now is how you can run longer without getting so tired how to reduce your fatigue levels at the end stages of a long run so that you can keep running and keep running strong now look long runs are really hard they test your aerobic endurance they test your muscular endurance they also test your fueling they test your mental stamina there's a lot of things that make long runs difficult but there are some strategies for you to make them less fatiguing over time now before we go on I should say there is no secret formula here there's no hack or magic workout that's going to all of a sudden make your long runs easy running is a cumulative long term sport the more you do it the better you're going to become at it and there are no shortcuts the real question is can you push past that fatigue can you keep running strong when you're tired can you endure now I think there are three really great ways to make sure that your long runs are not as fatiguing as they possibly can be so number one let's do long runs more frequently one of the things that really irks me about a lot of the marathon training plans that you can download online these days is that there seems to be a cutback long run week every other week if you're a marathon or that's the most important workout that you're doing all week long why would we sacrifice that not to mention you're not going to get proficient at the long run distance if you don't do it frequently we have to do it regularly every week it's not they don't call the long run you know the Church of the Sunday long run for nothing it's not the Church of the every other Sunday long run it's every week now I'm a big believer in runners doing a long run every single week it is one of the best workouts for gaining endurance for teaching your body strength for building mental toughness it is such a valuable workout and I think runners are doing themselves a disservice if they skip that valuable long run every single week now of course one of the ways that you make that long run easier is by doing it more frequently just like when you first started running that three-mile run might have been really challenging but now it's quite easy the same thing can be true with the long run if you do it regularly now the other way that you can make long runs feel a lot more easy is that when you're out there and you're running and you're feeling fatigued and tired and your legs are getting tight why don't you stop for 30 seconds and do some leg swings do front leg swings do back leg swings and that's gonna really open up your hips improve your mobility and you're gonna feel a lot better after taking that really short break and working on some hip and leg mobility another thing that you can do in a later miles of your long run to kind of wake yourself up to wake your legs up is to do a couple short strides these don't have to be as fast as a normal stride which is about 95 percent of your maximum speed but instead you can just simply speed up to about maybe tempo pace or about 5k pace it's not really as important as just running a little bit faster than your normal running pace and if you can get up to that pace for maybe 10 seconds that's all it has to be you're doing a very similar thing as those like swings you're increasing your range of motion and you're really kind of waking your legs up they're going to be more responsive after this you're gonna feel a little bit better and you're gonna get a little bit of a better training stimulus from it now of course if you're only doing long runs then that long run is probably always going to feel really difficult those long runs have to be supported earlier in the week with medium length runs so if you're getting ready for a marathon and you're running 17 to 20 miles is a long run it works in your favor do the week to run nine miles 10 miles even up to 11 or 12 miles as a medium long run this is gonna make those long runs feel a little bit easier it's gonna boost your general endurance and your fitness level so that when it does come time to bang out that 20 mile er you're gonna have more tools at your disposal to run it well no look like I said at the beginning there's no secret workout or magic formula or some training strategy that only a select few know about that's going to make your long runs a lot easier it's simply a matter of doing them regularly doing them consistently stopping to do some leg swings or maybe even some pickups or strides in later miles of that long run if you are feeling very fatigued or sore and the other thing that you can do is support that run with shorter medium length long runs during the week so that when you do go out there for your long run you're not asking so much of your body you're only asking for a little bit more and these strategies when applied regularly and consistently over time are gonna make that long run a lot more accessible and a lot more productive for you so I hope this video is helpful for you don't forget to hit that subscribe button I don't want you to miss any because we are publishing more videos than usual recently and if you want to learn more about how to run longer with less fatigue train for that 1/2 or marathon you have coming up head on over to strength running calm we have tons of useful stuff for you thanks so much for watching guys [Music]
Channel: StrengthRunning
Views: 273,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: running, marathon, cross country running, track & field, 10k, 5k, half marathon, injury prevention, strength exercises, strength training for runners, barefoot running, long runs, running long, how to run long, long run fueling, marathon long run, how to run longer, long run, long run tips, long run training, long run fatigue, run long, run longer
Id: tdS-Zj9MfWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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