How To Run A Mile Without Getting Tired

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hey I'm Holly from the run experience today I'm telling you how to run a mile without getting tired if you have yet to run your first mile no worries I have three tips for you today that are gonna make it nice and doable for you let's get started so first things first we've got to figure out how to breathe while you run I know this is one of the first things people struggle with when they start to run or jog or even walk briskly is how you can keep that heart rate under control the breath coming in nice and easy and to still be able to move without needing to take so many breaks so I'm gonna break breathing down for you guys into a more efficient way we oftentimes keep our breath up in our chest you know really shallow breaths that aren't really doing a lot for us when we can deepen that breathing with nice big inhales get the air all the way into our stomach and diaphragm were able to create a stable running position and then a lot more longevity through our running so in this next clip I am gonna show you guys how to breathe efficiently we're gonna go through a couple of drills let's get into it okay so we are going to break down this breathing we're gonna start on the ground and then I'll bring you up to standing and jogging in place after that you are gonna lay down across here you can keep the feet underneath your knees and you are just gonna have one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly to start I'm just gonna go ahead and lay down hopefully you guys can see me here I'm gonna have my right hand up here on the chest left hand on the belly and I'm gonna start by just breathing normally just inhaling and exhaling away you guys to just kind of take note of what's happening with the hands what I mean by that is watching what Rises what Falls so is the belly Han going up at all is it not is the chest just rising and falling and that's the whole thing just starting to take note of where that area is going in as you inhale so after a couple just test breaths they're now gonna have you guys close the mouth and just inhale through the nose you're gonna take a nice deep breath and you're gonna try to blow up the stomach so just get all of the air into the stomach first and then the chest will rise after so I'm gonna go big inhale with the mouth closed and exhale one more time big inhale and exhaling the idea here is you want the belly to fill up first then the chest and then reverse on the exhale so I fill up the belly I felt the chest and then the hand lowers on the chest handlers on the belly you can practice this on your own time but laying down is the best way to start here because we're not exerting energy at the same time so you can really understand how to deeply get that air into the diaphragm and not just be breathing up at the top of your chest now we're going to take this thing thing to standing and we're gonna practice it there so we practiced on the ground now we're up standing we're gonna do the same exact thing you're gonna have one hand on the chest one hand on the belly I'll just turn to the side so you can see and we're just going to do the same thing I'm gonna have you close your mouth and take a couple big breaths trying to get the air into the belly first then the chest and reverse on the exhale so big inhale one more like that you'll notice now that you're standing that the deeper you breathe the more engaged and stacked your upper body is going to be so if you spend most of your day hunched over you're on the computer you're on your phone you're driving whatever it is this kind of breathing automatically kind of inflates your upper body and just brings you to a more stable upright position which is going to improve your running make you a lot stronger and a lot better off at the end of the run versus at the beginning so that is all the benefits of the breathing from here I'm going to have you guys just try to try a little drill with this so all you're gonna do is three rounds of 30 seconds jogging in place practicing this nose breathing this is what we call it just the mouth closed just breathing through the nose thatting in gauges the diaphragm and gets that air nice and deep in there so I'll just show you one round of this and then I will leave you to do it on your own so I'm just gonna jog in place just nice and easy I'll just kind of use those arms hello we're not going to really worry about what the feet are doing but we're just gonna start to get that heart rate up a little bit so that we can practice this without being in the middle of a run kind of stressed out about our breathing so you're just gonna close that mouth and then just go for a little breathing for 30 seconds you'll go for 30 seconds if the exhale with the mouth closed is too hard at first go ahead and open that mouth for the exhale but try to keep the mouth closed for the inhale at least this does get easier you may feel a little panicky at the beginning that's totally normal this does get better so even just a little practice here and there we'll make this way better for you so we've got that breathing down or at least hopefully we have a strategy for it now now I just want to give you some of my best tips on how to break up your run or your jog or your walk around whatever it is the first thing is to slow down a lot of times we kind of come out the gate fast we think of running we think of this like all-out sprints which really it's not going to be especially if you're going to be going for a mile or longer so my first advice is just to slow down a little bit go a little slower than you think especially at the beginning next try breaking it up into chunks so thinking of this thing in three parts you have your warm-up which you know is going to be a little bit of a slower run but it's also just going to be the first part you're starting to get that heart rate up start getting your breathing and under control your feet under you then you can have what you consider your main set which is just going to be the focused portion of your run or jog whatever it is and then you're cool down at the end so that's a couple minutes of just slowing it down kind of reversing that warm-up in the main set and just bringing your heart rate down nice and slow so thinking of it in three parts makes that thing feel a little bit more manageable as well next think about finding conversation pace so this might not make sense to you yet but conversation pace is going to be a run speed that allows you to maybe chat with someone while you were doing it so this isn't always easy to find right away and especially in the beginning you know the first mile don't be so concerned with this but a nice way of knowing if you're going the right speed is if you could hold somewhat of a conversation with someone as you are running my last piece of advice is to walk when you need to there is great run walk strategy video all out there you know tons of ways to do this but my best suggestion would be to start with about every two minutes on your walk or run or whatever you're gonna do try speeding up for 30 seconds so if you can only handle a faster walk for 30 seconds that's fine if you want to take that up to a job for 30 seconds greet or even push it to a little bit more of a run then you'll bring it back down to a walk and then the next at the top of the next two minutes you'll do the same thing start with about ten minutes practice with that and then you can build week to week so if 30 seconds of a little speed-up feels good maybe try pushing for 45 seconds at a time on the next week maybe try extending the whole set to maybe being closer to 20 minutes anything like that you'll start to know you'll start to feel a little bit better especially if you're practicing your breathing and everything else along with it my last tip for you to get through your first mile is to actively work on building your stamina this is not going to happen overnight but if you can work on something extra outside of your running even just once a week you're gonna notice a big difference so what I'm gonna do is give you a small workout maybe not small for some of you but it's gonna be a workout with three movements involved it's gonna be descending reps you're gonna start with more reps and then by the last round you're doing less of them and you're gonna take as much rest as you need in between but the idea here is to get that heart rate up work on some nice strength movements that are going to improve your run form as well as just gave your resting heart rate just a little boost there and make you feel a little bit better when you're running so this is how this workout will go you were going to do 10 air squats which I'm going to show you everything right now ten air squats you're going to go into ten sit-ups and then ten burpees from there you're going to do eight of each six of each four of each and two of each you're going to rest as long as you need in between the rounds so you'll do the three movements rest etc all the way through and but the biggest thing here is just to try to keep moving and to move well for those air squats they're gonna look like this you guys are gonna stand with your toes straight ahead a little bit wider than hips width starting nice and tall but squeeze than just abs engaged a little bit here and you're just gonna scoot those hips back leaning forward a little with the chest and pressing those knees out keeping those feet where they are and you're gonna stand up tall I'm going to show you from the side toes straight ahead I'm gonna go hips back just like this I'm gonna keep my back nice and flat so I said chest forward a little bit but you're not rounding make sure to keep that up shoulders back and always squeezing the gluts right at the top that's gonna be your air squat you've got ten of those then you're going into ten sit-ups so I'm going to show you down here for this version we're just going to keep our feet flat on the ground we're going to try to keep those hip flexors turned off and use our arms for momentum to turn our ABS on you're gonna lay back arms go overhead and I'm gonna throw my arms forward till I tap the ground trying to keep my back flat at the top I go back just like this trying to put those hands just in front of the hips you've got ten setups there the last thing is our burpees if you've never done these before good luck they are not my favorite but they really get the job done they'll help you increase your hip stability get that power and drive through the hips as well and just really get that heart rate up in a nice safe way so for the burping you're gonna put those hands down on the ground you're either gonna walk one foot at a time or jump so I can jump them out or I can step out one two I'm just gonna simply keep my butt squeeze I'm gonna lay down all the way I'm gonna push up with my chest snap my hips in and jump in clap at the top that is the Burpee I'm gonna show you guys that again hands go down I jump her step out elbow stay into the sides just like this so I'm not gonna flare them out here I'm gonna keep them into the sides chest goes up snap the hips in jump at the top so ten air squats ten sit-ups ten burpees rest as long as you need somewhere maybe in that 90 second to two-minute range then you're going 8 6 is fours and twos and that is your workout try this at least once a week maybe twice and you will notice an improvement in your running I know I gave you a lot to think about today just know that implementing these things in some capacity week to week will make a big difference and will definitely get you through one mile if not more than that don't feel overwhelmed by this just try and make some improvements here notice what's getting better and notice what you're struggling with and consistency is key here you are gonna be through that first mile in no time all right I'm gonna try to not say hey guys at all today that's three gold never one if you guys are looking for more ways to start training with us or to kind of in you'll do this looks a little bit more how it is oh no there is a lot more that goes into your running training than just these simple tips we have an awesome training club available to you if you want to check it out you can click the link down in the description we have all the details there about our training programs and how you can get started from beginner all the way up through a marathon distance if you liked this video make sure you hit that like button down below if you have any comments or questions or something didn't make sense to you in this video go ahead and drop that in the comments and otherwise make sure you subscribe to our Channel we have brand new content coming out each and every week and we want you guys to see it thanks for watching and I'll catch you the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Run Experience
Views: 614,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the run experience, running training, distance running tips, how to run faster, beginner running, half marathon, distance running, trail running, 5k, running, mile, run, how to run a mile without stopping, how to run a faster mile, how to run a mile faster, track and field, how to run a mile without getting tired, marathon, marathon training, how to run a mile in 6 minutes, how to run a mile in 8 minutes, how to run a mile under 6 minutes, how to run fast, how to increase speed
Id: ILEqwlZqY6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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