How to rigg a 2D character in blender

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welcome back to the second part of this 2D character tutorial in the last video we made a 2d character with inscape and today we rig our character in blender and then you are ready to make amazing and very cool animations for video games so explainer videos or whatever you want welcome back guys in my last video we created this guy here with inkscape if you didn't saw this video yet I recommend to watch it before we start to rig this character at first we export the full character as a PNG file so that maybe we can use it as a blueprint then later okay and then we clean it up a little bit and we separate all the paths from the character so that we can export each part as PNG because later then in blender we need every part as a separated object and then when we exported every part with open blender and we are looking for import now we activate this import export images as planes and now we can import every part from our character as a plane and then here we choose shadeless and Dot bu now we import all images and I can see here we got all the images that are playing here and then we delete the cube now we can see every objects here and you can see here there are some parts here because they are overlapping but this is not a problem we can resolve this problem okay and then we select everything and bring them into the right position rotate along the z-axis okay and then we go to color management and change filmic into standard and then let's move every part there where it must be and yes of course you can animate this character this way but there is a way better because we want to do this with bones that looks too mechanical okay then we select everything here in edit mode with Ctrl R we select the knife tool and then hit um enter two finish the cut then select it again Ctrl r now we have cutted these parts and now then we go to the face select mode and then we select all the cutted faces here now you can see we have resolved this problem with this overlapping parts when we export this character from inkscape then when everything is selected we hit Ctrl and T that every vertex is connected in the middle of the plane and then right click subdivide and then we click here choose 10 and now this is enough and then we do the same thing with every other part from our 2D character [Music] and after that we place the 3D cursor in the middle from the body with shift a we're adding a bone then we go to the skeleton options here viewport display in front so that the bone is always in the front then go to edit mode and scale it down here we place the bone here and select the top with e we extrude this is for the neck it's not so important the neck for this character but we make one another one is for the head then here you can see when you go to pose mode we can move the Armature and we place the 3D cursor here and adding a new bone structure for the arm on the right side you can see this is connected then we go to edit multi then we can edit each bone the upper arm then the lower arm and another one Ctrl e for the hand same thing we do here with the left arm and the legs and then we select the main bone from each bone chain and the bone in the middle Ctrl p and keep offset then when we go to pose mode you can make a try see when it's like the bone here in the middle we can move them around and you can see all the bone chains are connected with them then we select all the objects from the character and then the amateur control p with automatic weights now the character is connected with the IDI amateur but we have to edit something here with the waiting but at first we give each bone a name for example here for the upper arm dot R and upper arm dot L for the left and the right side now you can see here it is not perfect yet okay because we have to edit this waiting from manual now and then we select an object like the jacket here from our character and go to Weight paint mode and then here to the material settings we change to Alpha clip and or Park here okay so that we can see the details in the weight pane mode and because of the waiting every bone has a Vortex group okay and then we click on this vertex groups here you see all the bones when you select the bone you can see where is the weighting okay where's the color and here this part we can delete we conduct it and now we don't have any influence so you can see we select the bone here from the arm it is moving you can see uh the jacket is still moving with the arm bone okay with the upper and Bone then we select again and here we dock this part now let's select again the upper arm bone now you can see when we rotate that looks really good okay same thing we do here with the bone from the other arm the upper arm bone you can see here just delete all these parts here from the body [Music] and then back in object mode we select the hat and now we have to change this part in the material settings from alpha clip and of Park and this we have to do with all the objects from this character [Music] when we select the left upper arm bone you can see here that we have to edit something from the head and then go back to the upper arm left and you can see that you have to change something here and see the upper body bone looks great on here this part let's go back to the upper and Bone select you can deselect the hide the head here have a look at first on the weight paint mode and let's do the neck here we do make we change this and hide the head and up with the neck here I think it is jumped behind let's have a look okay good now let's go back to object mode and you can see here that I don't know where is the neck let's have a look from the side view I think that looks strange okay it's on the back side from the upper body layer smooth in front now you can see here it looks great let's go to the leg to the upper leg and here you can see that the upper body is moving and here is only moving the jacket when we move the left the shoes okay we have to do something here that isn't perfect yet and also the headphone you can see okay let's change this here at First Alpha clip in the park now here all this okay guys still moving the upper body let's select phone and let's start this part let's talk all the body okay you can see the neck is moving with the character but that's what I need because we don't need any neck for this type of character okay now we go to the right leg foreign but the hips this part here we have to edit now where the right upper leg is here see we can dark this part maybe like this let's give it a try looks much better but the upper body I don't want to move it with this bone okay but like r and duck all of this part here okay it doesn't look so bad now we select again the hips part here then here we can add something of color foreign [Music] foot is moving with the bone with the upper leg right bone we have to make a few changes now we select the right foot and vertex and then we go to the upper leg right to this bone and here is only a little bit you can see that you can't see it I mean then we select this bone here you can see that it is still moving then it is another bone let's go to the lower leg from the right side I'll just give it a try with the foot here now you can see now that looks great only we have to edit now here from the upper leg left side the jacket because we don't want to move this part here you see here is the color and just dark it and then the upper leg on the left side we have to change something here okay that doesn't looks good we can we have to edit something here okay subtract now is much better okay here we have to do make some changes foot I don't want to move it like that that looks very mechanical and we select the foot elbow and go to the this part here and here we dock this part let's give it a try much better you can't move a foot like that it's you can't move it like crazy in the real life okay so it looks good and here we have to make do the same thing thank you [Music] select the Foot Right bone and turn here we dark this part much better all right now you're prepared to rig a 2d character in blender okay if you found this tutorials helpful then just give it a like subscribe to my channel and then see you soon bye it's it's [Music]
Channel: Sebas Kampfmann
Views: 1,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, 3D Artist, 3D Design, 3D Designer, 3D Animation, Blender, Blender 3D, Logo Design, 3D Logo Design, 3D Logo Animation, 3D Character, 3D Character Design, 3D Character Animation, tutorials, expert, 2d, 2d character, rigging, png images
Id: Ou76HhDqQqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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