How to Animate a 2d Illustration Part 02 Rigging in Grease Pencil in Blender 3.4 Beginner Course

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foreign [Music] hey guys in the last video we prepped the file in Adobe Illustrator and we separated all the parts and imported them into blender and then we arranged them the way it was in the reference image so here we are this is the file that as we left it we imported all the different body parts and they're all separate so that we can animate them here we got the the helmet the legs and then the other leg and even the shadow separate uh the background and then this cloud back here all right cool so we did that in the last video um go ahead and check that video out in this video we are going to create the Armature and so let's go ahead and get started guys the first thing I'd like to do is go ahead and start creating an Armature and so I'm going to hit shift a um to add an Armature and there it is I am going to place this Armature right around the hip area and then go to edit mode grab this one and hit G to move and I'm going to place it right around the center of the body since we really don't have a body this is the head is the body but it's just a cartoony character and so that's what you can expect with cartoon characters they don't have a body the head is the body and so this will control the body I'm going to select the top little joint here e to extrude and extrude out to the top of the head and then hit e again to the top of the helmet that's our main chain this is the body The Head and the hat although the body is the head so this is the main joint and then this is the Hat the joint for the hat or the bone for the Hat one thing I like to point out is that we need to stay very organized so I'm gonna hit this bone go to the bones and then name it Main [Music] this one we can name something like head we're not going to use it and then this one we're going to name hat we just need to stay organized because when we start doing the parenting and all that stuff we're gonna need to have these names so let's continue remember that we are still in edit mode shift a to add another bone I'm going to select this and I am going to hit G put it right there at the base of the nose select that one g let's put it over here let's move this one g right to about there it's going to rotate from about right there and I wanted to um control the entire note so that's the nose it's called his nose shift a let's grab this one and then grab this one g and that's the R so G let's put this right at the center right there this goes where the elbow should go and I'm guessing it's about right there he doesn't have a defined elbow so we're just going to say about right there hit e to extrude to the wrist hit e to extrude to the tip of the hand and that's our arm so let's go ahead and name these this one is shoulder right just put an r at the end of the name this one is elbow right this one is hand [Music] let's continue shift a to add another Armature we're going to grab this and put it right where the shoulder is grab this put it right where the elbow goes if you can't see where that shoulder is we might have to turn on wireframe and turn on x-ray so grab the end put it where it needs to go grab this one put it where the elbow should go hit e and extrude it to the wrist it e again and extrude it to the tip of the hand so let's name them now this is shoulder left this is elbow left and this is hand left [Music] okay let's do that again for the legs shift a grab this move it grab this and then move it we're going to move this right to where it's going to rotate from we're going to move this right to where the knee is and then we're going to hit extrude e right to where the ankle is right to where the foot rotates hit e again to the tip of the foot let's do that again shift a grab this one grab this one let's put this where it rotates from the hip let's put this one where it rotates from the knee and hit e to extrude to where it rotates from the ankle e to the tip of the foot this is the whole skeleton we just need to do some parenting and then create the eye case so let's go ahead and do the parenting guys we are going to go to this one the nose and then select the main one and hit command P to parent keep offset and then select the arm and then the main hit command P keep offset select the arm and then the main command P keep offset so this main bone will control everything the legs everything so right now we have the upper body parented uh we need to go to pose mode so that I can demonstrate if if I select it hit G the whole upper part the arms and the nose goes with it so likewise if I need to rotate the whole upper body but this one can rotate on its own and this one can rotate on its own everything's working fine the arm can rotate on its own cool everything's working well we've got to do the leg and so now let's go ahead and do the legs but I noticed that we forgot to name the the bones in the legs so this is hip right R this will be knee [Music] right and this will be foot right this will be hip left this is the knee left and this is the foot left okay so let's go ahead and select the hip and then the main command P keep offset the hip and then the main command p keep offs everything is parented let's check in pose mode grab it g-move it everything goes with it good now rotate it and everything rotates with it good everything is working great and so we have our skeleton our Armature built not a problem we can actually do this right here without ik but let's go ahead and do the ik guys so the very first step we need to do is create some ik helpers we're going to create an ik controller right here and so from this joint I'm going to hit e to extrude a helper joint this is the ik controller and also one here for the left leg so hit e to extrude and this is the ik controller I'm going to select the entire joint and call it i k heal right and then select this one we'll call this ik heel left all right cool so now we are ready to get the ik going okay guys now that we have our ik controller bones what we need to do is separate them and so right now they're parented if I grab one you can see that it's parented to the chain which is cool that's why we intended it but now we have to separate so option p to disconnect the bone and then option P again to clear the parent again option P to disconnect and then option P again to clear parent and so now when you select it and you move it it's disconnected and not parented and so now let's go ahead and get the ik done but to get the ik done we are going to have to go to pose mode I'm going to select the knee bone and here in the bone constraint properties I am going to add a constraint inverse kinematics you see how it turned brown that means the ik is working and so we just need to select a Target what are we targeting and this will be our helper the heel ik heal bone so I just got the Armature and then we just need to go all the way to the bottom and the ik heel right see how it turned yellow that means everything's working and the only thing we don't have a pull Target uh bone so we're going to leave that but the chain this one is connected all the way to the main and we just need to connect it to the hip so we're just going to do two one two and you can see now it's connected to the hip and it should work now I'm going to select this I'm going to hit G and now our ik is working here you have the the leg we just have to um be careful that we don't flip that leg and break his leg so that's working let's do that over here also it's disconnected so we're going to select this Bond constraints add an inverse kinematics we're going to select a Target which is this heel this and we're going to select that bone which is the left boom and then chain links two right there now if I select this hit G and our ik is working and now that our ik is working one last little thing that we need to do is whenever you move this or when even whenever you move the main joint you see those feet um rotate down through the ground and we don't want that we want those feet to stay level at 90 degrees so I'm going to undo that and so what I need to do is go to edit mode select this bone and then option p disconnect option P clear parent and then you can see that that's off and then select shift select this heel and then go command p Eep offset in other words we are going to unparent it from the leg and then parent it to the heel instead that way when we go to pose mode and we grab the heel and we move it you see that foot stays at a nice 90 degree and when we move this G you see that that foot stays put as opposed to this one where it's rotating in right into the ground and so let's get that done to this one go to edit mode select it option p disconnect option p clear parent and then shift select the heel command P to parent and keep offset now when we select this now when we select it in pose mode hit G and those feet stay right where they need to stay and then when we move them when we grab this and G look and don't worry we're going to be able to rotate this we're going to be able to rotate this foot like that hey guys and now we're done we're completely everything is uh parented the ik is working everything in the Armature is good we're done with the Armature the very last thing that I'd like to do in this video is parent the geometry to the Armature okay so why don't we go ahead and get that done so this has to be done in object mode I'm going to deselect and I'm going to start selecting all the geometry which is the arms not the Armature yet not the background not the cloud the Hat the head the two legs the nose and not the shadow so everything in the character and then lastly the last thing I want to select is the Armature and now we get to parent hit command p and we're going to parent with automatic weights boom and so if we move the character let's go to pose mode and we start moving the character everything is bad but don't worry about this guys don't panic everything is bad but we know how to fix it in the next video we are going to paint the weight maps and so I like to leave it off right here everything is working well in the next video we'll correct all of the deformations like this we'll correct all of this stuff painting the weight Maps so hey guys if you like the video go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe and I will see you on the next one thank you guys
Channel: Learn 2 Animate
Views: 4,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Tutorial, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, 3D Rendering, Blender 3D, Blender Basics, Blender Tutorial for 3D Modeling, Blender Tutorial for 3D Animation, Character design tutorial, rigging using bones, rigging using parenting, 2D Animation, Tutorial, How to, How to animation, rigging in blender 2.9, Rigging using bones, Rigging using Parenting, Camera Rig
Id: upHsgAxy2TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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