How to rig a character from Blender to UE4 with Uefy Script v1.3

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hello everyone today we're going to rake a static mesh and take it to Unreal Engine now I get asked this a lot how how we can get this done in all of our previous videos the characters that we rigged already had skeletons they already had weight painting and we use ue5 script to get them into the engine but today we're going to start with a character that has that that has just the mesh there is no armature no weight painting it's even in the wrong pose this is a tee pose when we need this to be in the epic a pose so today we're going to see how we can get this character rigged properly for the epic skeleton and then how to take it to a real engine for we begin as always by clearing the scenes and then I will set the unit scale to 0.01 so Unreal Engine doesn't have problems importing this thing and then I will also set the clipping distance to 50 meters so we can you have the full range of view in our in our viewport now I'm going to import the character that we're going to rig in my case I'm going to use a pre-built character but you can sculpt something on your own and then we to pologize it for you spinning game engine or you can get a character from any number of marketplaces that have I'm also going to import the Unreal Engine 4 manikin so just go file import FBX select the mannequin make sure import animation is off and in armatures we want automatic bone orientation when importing mannequins so import this and then I will select this bone here do gy1 to move it back by one grid line so we have a better view of the character now I'm going to hide the mannequin because we're not using it right now the first thing we do here is add a basic skeleton to this character so we can hose it with UEFI script if you have a more complicated character with a backpack or shoulder pads or other accessories that'll come in later right now we're just adding a basic skeleton to let us post this thing so I'm going to select the collection with the the bit dimension it and then I will do shift a in object mode armature and add a single bone because of the unit scale this new bone is going to be rather small so I'm we're going to go into edit mode go to the front view and then I'm just going to select this top bit here then do G a lock on the z-axis and then pull this up so it's a little easier to work with then we can select this whole bow and go to the side view and then I'm going to use this drop-down to turn on wireframe and in the armature section I will go to viewport display take this to the top and turn on in front so we can see what's going on and I will just grab this phone while still in edit mode and place it a bit more accurately to where it needs to be for the pelvis bone and then I'll grab this bottom bit and then place it like so now you'll need to experiment with what works best here for this character or pelvis like this should be okay and then for with this top bit selected I will do e to extrude and then pull up a bone like that then you need to extrude again like so and then again to about over there and then we'll extrude the neck bone like that and then extrude again lock on the z-axis and take it straight up or for the head now this is a six bone spine which you'll need to work with you if I script and then we can go to the front view and I'm going to select the pelvis bone here and then I will do eetu extrude and I will extrude a temporary bone to about over here and we'll see why in a minute and then from this temporary bone I'll just extrude the leg to about over there and then the lower leg to about over there and then go to the side view and I'm just going to grab this and put this place it more accurately and then take this bit and put it over there and then exclude from this with iki bring out the foot like so and then bring out the toes like that then back in the front view I can select this temporary bone and do X and then it's just delete it so how this allows me to have a parent relationship between these two bones without messing about over here and the data properties then we can improve the positioning of these bones a bit more for example I can go into object modes like the mesh go to edit mode on the mesh and then alt a to deselect everything now I'm looking for this bent in the in the leg for for where the knee will be and then I will do alt click to select this loop and then I will do shift as cursor to selected then go back to object mode select the armature go back to edit mode on the armature this time select this way it do shift s and selection to cursor now this is going to place this joint exactly where the knee needs to be so you can use this method to make a lot of adjustments to these bones and then the rest of this seems like it'll be okay but you cannot obviously adjust these phones to what what works best for your character and Albergo and we paint this thing too and there'll be plenty of opportunity to make updates later down the line we're just making we're just going to add the left side or on this thing okay this is not centered exactly so let me just G lock on the x-axis and then just put this like so and that looks a little bit better and then it can't be bent over here so you know you'll have to make a lot of these adjustments to get this thing just right and obviously we can update this later as well so let's add the the arm now so I'm going to select this bone e to extrude I'll just undo that e to extrude this is a temporary bone from here I will bring out the shoulder and then another temporary bone and then the arm and then the lower arm and then the hand and I'll leave it leave it at that for a minute so I'm going to delete this bone that'll cause a parent a relationship between these two and then I'll delete this bone which causes in relationship between these two now you can see these dotted lines so that means that this is a child of this bone all right we added four bones for the arm starting from the shoulder and now we need to improve the positioning of these things so I'm just going to grab this and put this about over there you really want to look at how the shoulder bone is placed in the Unreal Engine 4 mannequin and try to match it as much as possible to get the best results for retargeting so I'm just gonna bring this forward forward a little like that to about over there and then like though like so and then just grab this and put it around over there so like I said you don't need to experiment quite a bit to understand what works best here and now we really need to improve this arm is completely in the wrong place so what we can do is let's go into object mode it's like the mesh and then we can go into edit mode with tab and then I can select one of these loops here like so well maybe not that one this one no you can wireframe this one will do kind of no there we go this is the loop that we're looking for gives the best positioning for where the arm joint should be so we do shift s cursor to selected back into solid mode back into object mode select the armature then edit mode on the armature and then we can select the this joint here use shift s selection to cursor and that's some good positioning for for the arm so similarly you just repeat the same process over and over again to get the best results possible so I'm going to select alt a to deselect everything then then select this loop shift s cursor to selected tab out back into object mode select the armature tab go to edit mode shift s selection to cursor for the hand same thing again select this loop shift as shifter okay we have to do alt a select this slew shift s cursor to selected tab out edit this selection to cursor for this I'll just placed manually now you have to place the hand bone again like it is in the mannequin in pneumatic and it's not going straight out to the center of the hand it's kind of towards the index finger a little and then from the front view it's also a little a little lower like so so to get the best retarget on various animations you want to make it as close as it is to the Unreal Engine mannequin so this kind of works okay for this thing and also again you can improve the positioning of the shoulders you may have to experiment with these two okay so this is looking okay and now we can add our fingers so same as before I'm going to select this bone over here and then extrude a temporary bone out of this just going to select this bit here e to extrude put a temporary bone over there and then e to extrude and put a bone across the entire finger and then I can just delete this weight and that pyramid sit this bone to to the hand and then I can just select this bit shift D and that will duplicate this and then I can place this over there shift D duplicate this place this over there shift D duplicate this place this about there and then shift D duplicate this and put this about over there and then the side I can dis over there and then position the come a bit more where it should be okay so now I'm going to work on the fingers one at a time so I'm just going to select all of these and use just hide them alright so like that and again it's just the same thing tab I'll select the mesh tab in Altai did you select everything I'm going to select this loop shift s cursor to selected tab begin shift s selection to cursor and then from here for this bit I will just select this one vertex and then do shift s cursor to selected tab out and then move this thing over there right so it's just the same thing over and over again for all of the fingers now I can go into object mode select the mesh go back into edit mode and now I'm looking for the loop for the metal joint so I believe it's this one we can also turn on materials to have a better view and then I can just do shift s cursor to select it and then tab out click on this tab select the finger bone right click and do subdivide and then I can select this page shift as selection to cursor and repeat the same process again select this loop shift as cursor to selected and then select this pad subdivide again shift s lecture the cursor so you just have to repeat this thing or D or all the fingers now the roles on these on these fingers may be all messed up don't worry about that we'll fix that later down the line [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the fingers in place we can then go to the front view and I'm going to enable beams and axes on this armature now for for us to continue here the names of all of these phones need to match what the corresponding bone is in the Unreal Engine mannequin so you could for example turn this on let's put this in front and also turn on names and let's just hide these large bones so we can see what is going on alright so as you can see this one is called pelvis and then spine underscore 0 1 spine underscore 0 2 and so on so these bones need to have the same names so that's what we're going to update now we're going to use UEFI script to do this in an automated manner so you don't have to manually update every bone by itself now I'm going to go to scripting select open find the ue5 script open text and then click this run script button once and I'll go that'll give us a Yui file script panel in the armature section this one and there are some tools here that'll help us rename these bones are a lot faster than updating them manually so I'm going to select the armature let's just hide the mannequin we don't need it right now and then go into edit mode and then I will select the base of the spine right so this is the pelvis bone and I know in the bone renamed tool I'll select the chain to be the spine then to rename bones so the spine will have all of its bones updated you can see it's called pelvis spine underscore zero once PI underscore 0 2 and so on so similarly for this leg I will simply select the left leg and then we name these bones so these get updated and then I'll select the shoulder select the left arm here renamed bones these these get updated all the way to the hand and then for these individuals fingers I just have to select the right finger here so this is the index rename select base all this the base bone only and this will be the middle finger the ring finger the pinky and so on alright so that's we name the thumb okay all right now we're done so that's a lot faster than manually updating all of these names now you should be aware that this might not always work it'll always work if you do it this way if you manually create a chain of bones like this but if you have if you're using a character from a marketplace that has additional bones attached to it beyond this basic hierarchy then that might confuse the script so in that in that case you'll still have to update the bone names manually but generally speaking I'll just do it this way so it always works and then I and then I add all the additional bones later on now we're going to use the bone roll tool over here in UEFI script to update the rolls on these phones now we could bring in the mannequin again and check what the what the roles are on the user original on the original armature but I can tell you what another way where you can simply remember it it's really easy so we're going to ignore the hands in the feed but for every other bone in this armature this red line for the x-axis needs to point towards the back of the mesh a case for the whole spine for the arms and the legs so let's update update these bones here so you can see the x-axis is pointing down way but we need it to point towards the back of the mesh that'll probably be on - see I think roll the bone okay there you see is pointing towards the back to mesh for this one also same direction and for this one it will be in positive Z where we wanted to point to and then again in negative Z for this one alright so for the entire spine it has been fixed now x axis is pointing straight towards the back the mesh and for for the leg this this is already correct and this is wrong so I'm going to just flip this around and now this is correct as well now for the leg you want them okay this alignment needs to be towards the back of the mesh okay it has nothing to you're not trying to make it parallel to this line you're trying to make it so that this vector is going straight out of the back of the leg so if your leg is kind of rotated it this is this thing is not going to be completely parallel to to the center line here you'll need to experiment with this and try and fix it for your particular mesh my suggestion is when you create your character give it a straight leg so you don't have to deal with this problem now for the arms it's also the same thing this thing this thing and this thing they all need to roll around like so so it's going towards the bet out from the back the mesh and for for the hand it's different we'll get to that in a minute so I'm just going to deselect that and now we can update the hands okay for the hand you want this x-axis to come straight out of the out of the palm essentially so I'm just going to go to item after selecting the hand bone and then just use this roll to update this axis so it's coming straight out of the palm of the hand and you want to make sure you get this as accurate as you can and then from the front view I can box select all of this and then just hide it and I we also don't need it names anymore so I'm just going to turn off the names here and for these fingers we just want to work with the base of the fingers only so I'm just going to select all of these hide them like this hi dad and hide both of these as well okay so let's go to the side view now for these fingers we want to roll them so it comes out at the bottom of the finger and this number is going to be different basically for every finger depending on how you what the fingers on your characters are like me or may not be the same for every finger right so just get the best possible role that you can like so [Music] and you can always update this later on if you you need to okay then now I'm use I'm gonna bring back all these bones and then I will select this one and then shift select the next one and then shift select the base and that has to be the last thing that you selected then I will do shift in well ID selected the bones here that we just select them again then do shift in and then active bone active bone is the last bone that you select when you're making a multiple selection okay so again this one that one that one shift in active bone this one that one that one shift in active bone and same thing again shift in active own shifting active bone and that updates the roles on all of these fingers so the whole thing is done just make sure that your hand bones roll is also looking good and the only thing left now are the feet so let's do that updating the feet is a little different we don't really follow the mannequin in this case just select the foot and what you want to do is meet this x-axis being the same direction as this this line is over here so I'm just going to go down to the roll tool and then flip this around and for the toe the x-axis will be pointing straight up so I'm just going to set this to to be like that and well that's it for the skeleton and we can go up here and then turn off the axes because we don't need them anymore with the names and roles updated I can just go into the front view do alt a to deselect everything shift s and cursor to world origin shift s cursor to world origin so it's over there and now I could do a to select everything right click on any of these bones and then do semi tries and that'll build the rest of the skeleton that we need and it'll have proper names and proper roles because we fix them on the left side now there is a slight problem here if i zoom in on this arm you can see that these bones don't match where the actual meshes and that's because this character is not perfectly symmetrical even though it looks that way but this arm is slightly different from that side the best solution to this problem is just to fix the mesh itself so if you're a 3d artist that's easy for you do that that's the better solution another way that you could deal with this is to update these bones like this so I'm just going to go into wireframe mode select this bit here to shift s cursor to selected and then I can select this entire arm and then set the pivot point to 3d cursor and I can just rotate this thing into place like like so and then from the top view I can also rotate this into place like like this that kind of fixes our issue here but the better solution is still to update the mesh or just create your mesh in a way that this problem doesn't come up at all so cursor back to world origin and then back to with the armature complete we no longer need this wireframe to be on so I'm just going to turn this off then I will go to object mode select the mesh and shift select the armature and then do control P with automatic weights now I can select the armature and then shift select the mesh so this is the opposite of what we did before and then we can go to repeat mode and then from this drop down menu I'm going to set the zero weights to active I'm also going to use this drop-down to turn on show wireframe and now we can review the weight painting done by blender by default blender does a fairly decent job of repainting these characters but generally speaking you're going to have to do some manual updates for example this character teeth are not repainted at all and also you see that you'll almost always find a gradient in the head and the neck will usually be have too much something that's going all the way up yet for example so you'll need to update this this is fairly easy fix but the other two major problem areas are usually this shoulder joint where this shorter joint here and also where the leg meets the pelvis so you're gonna have to update this now you're going to use blenders weight painting tools and if you know if you're a 3d artist you probably already know how to do this but if you have absolutely no idea I have a separate video where I talk about blenders weight painting tools so be sure to check that out when it's online there will be a link to it in the description of this video and also in the corner I've skipped ahead to where I've already updated the weight pins for this character the details of which are in the video or weight painting so be sure to check that out the major changes are to the head and the shoulder joints and leg joints but really the entire character has tweaks to it all over the place so all that details in the other video so right now we are all set to use Yui 5 script to get this thing written into Unreal Engine now I'm going to bring back the mannequin and we have to make one update to this thing because when you update the Unreal Engine mannequin there's usually a problem with the with the foot so I'm going to select this bit here do shift s cursor to selected and select dissipate do shift s selection to cursor set the roll on this thing to minus 10 set the pivot point to 3d cursor select the foot bone rotate lock on the x axis by pressing the X key and then - 9 0 to straighten it out go to the side view G key to grab it Y to lock on the y axis and then just pull this back exactly like we have done in every other video so I'm going to select these two bones right click on this semi tries to fix the other side and we don't really need names on this thing anymore so I'm just going to turn those off go back to object mode now I'm going to make sure that the rotations on the armature are 0 for the character it scale is 1 1 1 and at the origin and the same should be true for the mesh it's at the origin notation and the scale is 1 1 so this is kind of important then I could do shift s cursor to world origin so this thing will go over there then I could do shift a armature and human meta rig now sometimes people may have installed extra add-ons and you may have access to the pitch poi rig or some other kind of meta rig but we don't want to use any of that we want to use the human meta rig that comes by default with blender and then I will press the s key and then type it 100 to scale it up and then I will press the S key again and scale it down so the shoulders match this doesn't have to be exact it's just a rough match then I could do ctrl a and apply rotation and scale so that'll give me a scale of 1 1 1 on the meta rate its rotations will also be 0 and it's going to be at the origin now we can go to scripting and make sure that ue5 script has been one month stand back and lay out in v5 script panel in the armature section we could update this value to be the armature for the character this is the armature for the Unreal Engine mannequin and this is the object for the meta rig you may have to press refresh list to get access to these values the type will be set to a big skeleton this is why we renamed the bones and change the roles now we could do setup character bone names which is a pre process to help you e-file script work with the armature and then we can pose the character so the characters pose will match the Unreal Engine mannequin exactly now and now we can hide the meta rig and we have an opportunity to modify this pose I'm going to hide the mannequin and then go to the front view now we can improve the pose of the feet a little bit so I'm just going to select this foot from this drop down we want to set the pivot point to individual origins rotate this and just straighten it out like that then copy this with ctrl C and then shift ctrl V to fix the other side now I'm going to go to the side view and alt a to deselect everything box select this foot so I get both of these feet and then rotate them into place like that and then I will select the a key just like everything and then G grab a lock on the z axis with z and then just bring this up a little bit like that and then alt a to deselect everything because of the way the Unreal Engine mannequin has has its fingers there its fingers has wavy bones so our fingers also get kind of messed up over here but we can fix this by box selecting these lower lower parts and then doing alt are just reading them out a little and then I can do ctrl C to copy this and then shift ctrl V to fix the other side so that's improves our pose and now we are ready to move on if I go into edit mode you'll see that the rest pose for this character is Stella T pose to update this we first have to go into object mode and then select the mesh and then it's MN in in the modifier properties we will copy this armature modifier apply the lower bit it'll get all messed up here don't worry about this and then we can select the armature go into pose mode do control a and apply pose as rest pose and this will fix everything so now if we go into edit mode you'll see that the rest pose has also been updated and there is no difference anymore now I can bring back the meta rig go to the ufs script panel and then click on post meta rig which will match the pose of the meta rig to our character then we could do alt a to deselect everything I'm going to open this armature here and hide the mesh and then from the front view well we have to select the metric and the armature for the character and then we could go into edit mode with both of these objects selected so we can edit them both at the same time now we I can Fox select all of this and then hide this and then same for the other side and hide this so we're left with just the spine of our character now I'm going to select any of the bones from the mederic and I will make sure that it is the metric by checking over here and then with the cursor on top of that bone I will press the L key to select the whole metric and then I will use the G key to map match the neck so just roughly match the neck the neck joint over here and then I could do I can select these bones like so and then grab this and roughly match match the next joint and then grab these to roughly match the next joint and then this last one like so and then this last one like so and now you could grab the head and match this as well like like that and then I will select just this top bit here Jiki lock on the z axis and you just bring it up to over there and I can also bring back the match so we have a better view over here and then I can bring back everything and all ta - deselect everything go back to object mode I'll tell you deselect everything again I'm going to select the meta rig and now we can disconnect the mesh from its original armature so I'm just going to select this go to the this is a mesh go to the modifier properties apply this here go to object properties relations and disconnect the original armature so now we have the mesh completely on its own and you also have a meta reg that matches this mesh book so I'm just going to go over here and put the meta rig in front as well now I'm going to go to the front view and well we have to set this heel heel bones for this meta rig so I'm just going to go to edit mode select this page Jiki grab it put it like so and then I'm going to grab this bit put it over there and then for the Z values on this thing I will set them to zero so it's just flat on the floor and same for the other side put this to zero and then go to the side view and I will use the G key block on the y-axis bring this back a little and then I'll grab the whole thing G key and take it to the point of impact I'm gonna lock it on the y-axis so it doesn't even go move vertically roughly over there should be okay and then I can right click on this select rise and fix the other side so alt H deselect everything and then go back to object mode because this mesh is not entirely symmetrical if I was to bring back the armature you can see that on this side the fingers for the mederic don't quite match up that's why it's entrie important to have a symmetrical Metro to make your mesh symmetrical if you can but we can still work with this I'm just going to select the meta rig go into edit mode select this bit to shift s cursor to selected and then I'll set the pivot point to 3d cursor and then just select this entire arm like like so now I could just rotate this thing into place or it at least make it a little bit better than what it currently is and then we could do alt a to deselect everything shift s put the cursor back on world origin and set the pivot point back to individual origins all right so now I'm going to create a new collection just to have a better organization here and I will move the mesh and the meta rig into into it and then we don't really need this stuff anymore so with the metric selected I could go into the armature section here and click on generate rig and this might take a moment and rigify will make us a rake over here I'm going to hide the mederic click on the mesh shift-click on the armature to control P this time with just armature deform not with automatic weights or anything else and now I can select on the armature go into pose mode in the armature section here I could put this in front as well and then in ue5 script panel I could do build unreal skeleton and then just give this a minute to complete and then I could do weed paint to transfer the painting over this and now I can select any of these controls and the armature has the character is now ready ready for animation now most of the time you are going to want put rig Lear's to the top and then rig mean properties right underneath now if you want to update repainting or if you add additional bones to this rake what we want to do is go over here to layers and I'm just going to select these three layers alright so this represents everything that is going to be exported to Unreal Engine so if you want to make any changes these are the these are the only bones that you want to add weight paint to do not add any weight into the rigify controls so this is the main layer with the export chain this layer will have the facial regen this this character has everything you need in the mesh to add of facial rake with it just didn't add one here you could check the video that I made on how to add a facial rig to be using UEFI there'll be a link in the description as well as in the corner and this last break has all of the I key controls if you want to manipulate them so this this is the main layer that you will use so for for example I can go into object mode select the armature and then shift select the mesh and then I can go into wheat paint mode and now because I had selected the proper layer earlier you'll see that all of these phones have read paints and you can update them if you want to so I'm just going to go back here go back to object mode and then in post mode and I can select any of these control bones for animation if I want to I just noticed that this rig is not actually inside any collection so I'm just going to grab this and put it into collection three over there and you'll notice that the mesh which was listed separately in this thing is now it's now gone but it's actually inside this rig itself so if you put them both in the same collection they'll just kind of be collapsed into one another now I'm going to rename the rig to armature and you have to do this otherwise Unreal Engine will have problems with these characters this is not optional now we're going to export this character to Unreal Engine and we are going to do this twice I'll see why in a moment so for the first time we go into object mode select the mesh shift select the the rig then file export FBX select the file name or type it in over there we want only the selected object so in case you have cameras and lights and other things this will ignore those and armature we want to add own we don't want to add any phones and we want only the deform bones and we don't have any animations in this thing anyway so this is going to export this character for use with Unreal Engine if you're creating a new skeleton in the engine if you want to use the the mannequins original skeleton to fear animations so people you have just only one copy of the animation you can use it multiple characters or use third-party blueprints you need to set you need to set the original bond rolls that come with the Unreal Engine mannequin but if we do this here this is going to break this character for use in blender while you definitely want to make sure that you have a backup of the blend file before you do this because there's there's no coming back from this so if I'm just going to click this here and now this blend file is useless for anything other than exporting this character so file export FBX select a second file name and with a different name to just indicate that this is with the Unreal Engine roles and the same thing here selected objects are mature no leaf bones only the deform bones and I'm going to export this so now I have two files and I'm just going to cheat a little bit here and then just do use ctrl Z to undo this a couple of times and I kind of get rid of it gets rid of the set original bone rolls although I don't recommend doing that undo is kind of finicky might not work so always have a backup before you do this but right now I can just go back to pose mode and start using this thing again so it's just just a little dangerous shortcut it's up to you if you want to use it so let's look how this thing works in the engine now in the engine I will create a folder and then do import select the file with the blender base joint rolls and then do open and I'm not going to set any skeleton here so that'll just create a new skeleton for me and then do import and just give it a minute and no smoothing groups don't care now with I'm just going to open this and make sure that this hierarchies actually matches the epic skeleton which it does now I can do options show retargeting options I will recursively set this to skeleton and then manually set the route to animation and the pelvis to animation scaled and the AI cabe owns will be set to animation as well now you're going to these values are different for every character you may have to select something a little bit different this helps with retargeting animations onto your character when you create a new skeleton by default everything is going to be set to animation which doesn't really work out very well for reference you can check the mannequin skeleton and see what these values are on that and that'll give you and some idea of how to set these otherwise just run an animation on it and just try different values then in the retarget manager you want to set this to a humanoid Drake and we don't have to set any of these values because they are already accurate because the way you file script built the skeleton and our pose will also be accurate because the script set this pose based on the mannequins supposed to begin with so we don't have to change anything over here so just save this and then close that and of course you could open the mesh and then set any materials over there and you also want to click on apply the asset so that is required for when you do some retargeting the animations so the skeleton will show up okay so that's the first bit here the other way that I can import this character is I could just to create a new folder then do import find the file with the Unreal Engine based joint rolls open that this time I'm going to select the mannequin skeleton this is the default mannequin that comes with the engine and then do import and then just give it a moment there is no skeleton asset created this time because this character is using the mannequin skeleton and if I open this and then go to the skeleton tab I could use the preview mesh to select any character that was imported using the mannequin skeleton so these are all characters that I have rigged with UEFI script in the past and then imported it into the engine so I can pick any one of these things and then I can do apply to asset to get the preview in this animation panel and every animation that was previously retargeted to the epic skeleton is now immediately available for use and I could preview anything you can also create an animal print and all of these characters that are listed here because they have the epic skeleton will work with that and in blueprint you just have to set the mesh and so that this is a great way to share animations using the epic skeleton so everything that was these are animations that I got from the marketplace so all of this is going to work now I will be creating more videos including the weight painting video for this character that we worked on just now so be sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any of that future content and that's all for this video thank you for watching
Channel: Rakiz Farooq
Views: 37,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, rigify, UE4, Uefy Script, Unreal Engine 4, animation, rigging, armature, Game Engine
Id: MRhDDbU0zdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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