How To Ride Your Horse With Unshakable Confidence!

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howdy folks my name is andy curry with superstars of horse training in this quick little video clip i want to give you a few hints on how to ride your horse a lot of people have trouble riding the horse because they don't feel secure in a saddle or like they may fall out or if the horse spooks are they going to get thrown off or whatever so there's a lot of things you need to know to be able to stay glued to that saddle and to ride the horse properly so that he's in balance and so are you so here's a few things i want you to see from some of the trainers that we have filmed that are on our site let's watch this first one let's talk about seat position let's start from the bottom and work up like i was showing you on that other saddle the stirrups on this saddle also cover your cinch that is where you need to ride that is what is the correct position for your legs this is not this is not now everything with horses has a rule of thumb it may there there may come a time when you have to get up in here there may come a time when you have to get back here a little bit for whatever reason but if you get back here you better make sure you get your feet in the stirrup you do this you're in trouble heels down what holds you on your horse if you can see too close this leg is not touching from the knee down my horse this is where i'm saying you need to forget every cowboy or indian movie you've ever watched we don't ride like this this is your accelerator see he's already anticipating me asking him something from your knee down there's no contact with that horse unless you're asking him to do something if you're asking him to turn to give just a little move his ribs over move his hind in over then you come in contact other words you don't this is your steering wheel this is your gas pedal now in a more advanced horse they're also your brakes but we're not going to talk about a lot of that because we're we're trying to get you down to get you to the basics to where you're comfortable with what you're doing you're going to sit up here you're going to relax now let's talk about the seat bones a little bit get around get around like i told y'all before this back here that ain't your sea bones that's your bow hunting that's not where you need to be riding if you're riding like this you are riding incorrectly when you get off your horse you are feeling like you've been beat up you're not using the correct muscles it throws the whole alignment off okay if you think back to when your kids were little and you were giving them a piggyback ride and you've got 40 45 pounds of dead weight on your back and you take off running that child is bouncing against you he is not riding you correctly if you're not riding your horse correctly that's the same feeling you're giving him consequently he can't move correctly he can't pay attention he's too worried about this stuff bouncing on his back your seat bones we kind of come upon a way yesterday a new one to find your seat bones i had always been taught if you will take your feet drop them out of your stirrups and just kind of rock forward just a little bit that is your seat bones you will feel this hard bone hitting the saddle we sat yesterday on a concrete step and we just kind of rocked back and forth you can feel the difference you can feel your seat bones when people say you need to sit on your seat bones this is the part of your anatomy they're talking about wow that was a lot of information a lot of valuable information on how to ride a horse and what to do and why an amazing thing is that was just a few minutes out of a two-hour dvd you can't believe what you're missing in that dvd now here's another tip i want you to see on riding horse watch this okay i like to use a barrel and i like to use it on a hard surface whether it be on concrete but you want to be able to let it rock so that you can see when you're working your horse whether or not you're letting your hips rock what you're doing with your body when we side pass we pick our hands up here in the woe position we pick up our right hand and we tip off to the side tapping here with our right leg making the horse move off to the side then we're going to move him over to the left we're going to rock our hip out here that way that horse will get out and start to move underneath us if we sit up on top of this and try to push him over here he can't move that direction so by using the barrel you can feel how that horse's body should move underneath you so this comes into your leads when you get your leads right hand up left leg on you're going to push out on your left hip and ask that horse to lope off that was good information wasn't it you didn't even have to get on a horse to practice that it's safe and extremely important to know how to do now let's go see this next tip this one's really important to know how to do you should really practice this one one of the first methods i like to use to teach the kids to keep their hands steady and their horse steady is a cup of ice water you have to have the ice in it because the water will flush without the ice and you want to make sure that you can keep your hand good and steady and this is good because it's only water the kids will dry but it makes them become very aware of watching where their hand is at and keeping them setting up and their posture very good he's dribbling can you lope your horse rice giving them this makes them become more aware of what they're doing and kind of leaves the horse alone it's pretty good unless they drop the whole ice water on the horse that was good information on how to ride a horse wasn't and there's so much more to know so i urge you to come over to our site and learn as much as you can it won't cost you a dime all you got to do is sign up for our daily valuable horse training tips and to get one nearly every day you can quit anytime you like and when you do sign up i will give you a free ebook called how to bomb proof your horse it's free to you and i think you're gonna love it come on over and join us you
Channel: acurryhorseguy
Views: 1,192,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, training, train, equine, videos, trainer, ride, horses
Id: w-Sio62s0e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 18 2008
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