How to Handle the Reins- Beginner Horseback Riding

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I'm clay Klimek from rising K ranch I'm gonna show you how will want to use our reins especially if you're a beginner rider out here this will be a very basic introduction to using the reins right here it's your steering wheel as you ride now later on not only are your reins a steering wheel but your feet will also be steering your horse we'll have a few videos about that and even the way you sit where you look everything in a way is a steering wheel but for day one maybe the first week of riding this is pretty well gonna be your steering wheel now your horse is gonna neck rein so for the most part you can hold on to your reins in one hand so if you have split reins here at the beginning if they're split reins then they'll probably be tied in a knot for you and you can just let that hang and you'll just hold on to it this way here and that's called well it's called Romel style these aren't really Romel reins but that's the way you'll hold them it's just thumb up just like that and there is your left then here's your right move your hand way you want to go now when we start off and you first get on your horse we're gonna have you learning how to ride for a minute so we'll probably have you hang on to arraign in each hand okay so what you'll want to do I'm gonna come right up here you don't want to hold on to your reins like this you're not a plow boy okay you're gonna have your the reins will be this way your hand that way right not like this like this you can just hang on to the slack and the left rein you hang on to the right rein so this will be called direct raining we have rain in each hand you're pulling directly on the bit so you want to be as light with your hands as light on their mouth as you can but as hard of a pull as you need to get the job done now with this horse it's not a very hard pull at all I can just pull right over here to the left and my horse goes left right right pretty easy sometimes though you might have a horse that's a little more stubborn especially the ones that we have a lot of little kids riding sometimes the horse learns to take advantage of the rider and you might have to pull them a little harder for a minute once they learn to respect to you just a bit then it'll be a lot easier to ride them so usually in the round pen at the beginning we have your right rein in each hand there's your right turn there's your left turn and then to stop you just pull on both once we go out on the trail you'll switch back to one hand because we'll be able to follow each other a little more and the horse won't be having to rely on you so much the horse will follow the one in front now obviously if you break off from the group or you want to do something special that the rest of the group doesn't then you'll probably go back to direct raining but for the most part you can just relax and neck reining which is this because instead of the bit they're a direct rain instead of that they're feeling the rains right here on their neck and that's the cue to turn okay so that's why it's called neck reining that's how you'll ride out on the trail for the most part just relaxed loose rein neck reining now probably the most important part as far as just any trail ride you ever go on is right here when you start riding most people have a tendency to keep the reins real loose which is good but when you go to stop your horse you really don't have anything there so when your horse takes off you end up just unable to slow your horse down because they can't even feel when you pull because of how long your reins are so well you'll want to be able to do is just let go of this saddle horn it's not the Horn of your salvation you're gonna let go of that saddle horn grab the reign here and slide your hand down and now when you pull your horse will feel it and they'll stop and they'll back up if you keep pulling we don't really have any horses that will put you on that won't stop if they feel it all right if your horse is not stopping when you pull on the rain it's because they're so long that you're having to do this and they can't feel him look forward to riding with you showing you some of this in person [Music]
Channel: Rising K Ranch
Views: 145,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horse, Reins, horses, horse videos, riding, how to use reins, how to ride a horse, horse riding videos
Id: Lzqf5rERiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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