How to rid bees of mites fast easy cheap 100% mite kill please share this

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hey everybody this is David at barnyard bees today what we're doing we're treating for mites and then we'll show you the most simple cheapest way to treat for mites and what we're treating them with is oxalic acid and in this jar is grain alcohol 190 pure grain alcohol or you can also use elbow alcohol I use the 190 Everclear so what you want to do and here's what we're going to use the pocket with is it's an insect bar of course get a brand new one you don't ever just wonder had pesticides in it and the brand of this is called Burges I have one at the black flag but it just didn't work it just for some reason it wouldn't talk that well and I use this one and it works perfectly and the tools that you'll need to do this I will show this first get you a good respirator I've got this one at Lowe's you can get in Home Depot this was like the best one that had it was like fifty fifty dollars on fifty dollars yes it's for paint and gases which I've Celek acid converse until gas so get you a good one and I recommend the glasses the vapors will choke you so as long as you have this your fun this method is a 100% kill rate and what we do will treat the bees three weeks straight and then to maintain afterwards about every three weeks no longer than four tops to maintain and as we're getting close to fall that my council will get higher and higher you want to eradicate the most definitely before you go in the winter so it can get them knocked out now and then maintain once a month say the first add a month go out there and give them this is the like I said that focus I actually got this folder right here on and I think it was fifty to sixty dollars something like that it works very well and anything I've seen to treat these this is the best thing I've seen right here you can also do the mineral oil but it's not near as effective it's about a 50% kill this is a 100% kill right here this works excellent oxalic acid will knock those mites out no problem so what you want to do and I'll fit the recipe down below how much up Selleck acid how much grain alcohol and about this little bitty scale on eBay and what you want to do whatever contend you're pitting in I'm not going to do this complete mix I'm just gonna explain most of it because I don't right now you say I don't have gloves so I'm not going to mess with the acid but I'm all explained that's very easy to do it's set on milliliters so you want if you want to tear it out and then what you're shooting for is a hundred milliliters and town whenever just a tad there that's close enough though that's you can pour out a little bit okay now I'm under a little bit close enough and then once you get your alcohol mix done then what you want to do is set your skeletal dreams and then what I did I just took like a Styrofoam cup set it down of course it weighs nearly nothing but let's go ahead and tear it anyway and then scoop out 25 grams into your cup then once you get that set that aside so now you got your your alcohol here you got your oxalic acid here now here's what I did it try to find your heating pad you can use an old you can use a coffee pot and use the heating pad part here and you just want to heat that alcohol up just a little bit beyond warm tough to hot where you can still can put your finger in and of that's before you put a sit and of course you just get to work put you some gloves on when you when you handle this and do this outside where it's been too late to get up when I mix this up actually when I mix ilex telecasted app into the alcohol there's no there's no fumes but just to be safe you can you put your respirator on if you want to new gloves you get to have your gloves for short because you get your acid and then go ahead you know heat your heater I caught just a little bit did this outside I'm just didn't demonstrating inside because I had everything laid out right here but I'm not going to actually mix it and what I did I just I just set the alcohol on the your heat pad let it get a little bit warm then dump in your acetic acid dump it in get you a metal spoon stir it up and start until it's clear let it set then what I did I set it back on the heater for just a little bit let it heat back up just a little bit and then it's recommended that you run it through a filter no it's pretty simple just just get you an old coffee filter and one that you don't use and run it through and catch it catch it into another jar that simple and because it sometimes they'll have little bitty particles that might get clogged up in your into your fogger and you don't want that so then what you do get simply you just only use a star right here I'd say if I say it this was Bob this is an example here and let me put this on pause and then I'll resume because I can't do this one-handed and I'll show you here in a second hold on now thus it does come with a little container but it's pretty big and these are paint jar this is actually like a half pint jars like a fruit fruit jar and I got plenty of them because I used to Camelot plus I got yours for honey of course you won't use this after you put this in there but it fills it up pretty good it's small and it's easy to suck it up from the bottom with the little pump there as you pump it because actually what you want to do you want to heat this up now the only disadvantage I see about the Burgess and it may be just this Burgess this type of bird just is a black flag once you turn your gas on it has electric start you can click it just like you would on the gas grill weight would light this you get a light man with no big deal so what we'll do our mixer ready to go we're hooked up and I'll resume after I started up okay I'm back outside now sound like Darth Vader with us this a respirator on hopefully you can hear me so what it is i turn on my gas now light it then we'll give it two minutes to heat up so we'll let it heat up and we'll be I'll meet you in the videos okay we're down to be yard employee you can hear me through this respirator you can see it up we're ready to go what you want to do is put two or three squirts in each ah let's definitely how it does another one day holding entrance 6/4 [Music] [Music] just FML the top you might get with three I want the thrill Natalie some of these dancers on the other side [Music] [Applause] [Applause] some of these are actually [Music] [Music] [Applause] nothing about it that's how fast yes I felt my respirator so I can talk a little bit better and get away from it that's how fast that is it the bees get riled up a little bit but I didn't get stung the first time so sitting over there safe I stuck a respirator off and it's that quick get you one of these if you want to treat provide you well you need to treat promotes get you one of these this is the cheapest route and the most effective I can assure you these things work excellent you can't beat it they're easy yeah I treated I didn't count one two I treated fifteen right there please 15 and you can see set your it used use not a ton of skins yellow half an inch maybe so you can treat a lot of highs with this it's better than any treatment that I've seen the most the safest for the bees safe for you you wear that respirator you can't beat it get you one of these at or you can check it Lowe's or Home Depot I usually see the the black flag there so you can look thank you if you order every $40 at you get free shipping he'll ship it right to your door or you can go pick it up at the store stops telecasted got to tell you you can get that on the eBay that uh that brand right there Florida I forget what what it was it works very good you can find that on eBay there's another my friends that's done these videos on the same thing you can check out their channel Joe may the skinny be men and tour a booth at just because they're both done the videos and the on these as well so you may watch my video then going room what's your video and some things that I missed and taro goes into a car on drug goes into a better detail with mix and that they actually do the mixing so check out their channel and please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel thanks for watching learn your DS
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Keywords: how to treat for mites, best way treat for mites, what to use mites, barnyardbees, honey bees, honey, bees, mites, beekeeping, beekeeper
Id: timAIlH_1OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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