How To Reverse Hair Loss In 12 Months

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most shampoos and conditions are not are not there for um the care of your hair they're full of parabens and all these other harmful chemicals do you know what I mean that are not good for your hair so again it was something that I don't know whatever I used to be like wash my hair with I don't care wash and go or head and shoulders then you find out they're some of the worst brands that I should hurt with [Music] hey guys how's it going I'm here just to talk about my personal hair growth and uh half got um my hairline to come back if you like it's been something I've been playing around with myself so I've just been learning along the way they do a post a couple of months ago on my progress so far this is my first year doing it so I started it in like uh May 2022 the 28th of May to be specific I believe was around there where I took my first photo and you can see that I was kind of receding there you know so but honestly it wasn't you know I wasn't too bothered I mean it's just what it is what it is and it wasn't until I started seeing more more like brands that really promote in hair growth and growing it back again and until I start to do my own sort of research so the reason I'm doing this video is to um just show people my personal progress what I do obviously it's up to debate it's just I've gone off the research and gone off trial and error really so um but yes I got a lot of feedback on her that post and I got a lot of inboxes from people asking how I did it and stuff so instead of just like replying to everyone I thought I'd just do this video and make it really easier so I just want to start off by saying the number one thing that you're probably going to have to take on board is this is now going to be like a daily practice so just like brushing teeth every day this is now probably going to be a new self-care thing to add on to that you know because if you're not really willing to do that then you may as well start watching right now to be honest so you may just go for a transplant I've not had any transplants at all everything that I've done is been through certain products certain Lifestyle Changes it'll do something like I say well I wasn't too bothered about it I mean it's just here at the end of the day but then I started to um really go you know what I'll try see what happens these couple of products so I did that and I started to see started some progress and I was like oh God it's coming back you know so and ever since then now I'm kind of like gone the opposite way I kind of just no no I do care you know because you see results and it's a bit like well actually maybe it does make a difference but um yeah my progress so far is he's going really well I'm really amazed about how my hairline's looking now personally I feel like I've got a long way to go I wasn't involved in so much Heroes more just like receded so which bearing in mind it's much easier to come back here than it is here studies show that it's called male pattern baldness that's the problem so that I want to start off with what the problem is and why she causes it basically without getting too scientific I'm gonna make it super simple blokes or men males produce obviously a lot more testosterone right so what happens is testosterone is getting converted into something called DHT so what happens is DHT actually shrinks hair follicles That's the basis of the hair loss that's it you know pretty much nine out of ten times that's what happened in some other circumstances are different sometimes for some males and some individuals that's the main thing you've got to cover is to block the DHT internal and external me personally I didn't go down any drug route at all but some people may have to unfortunately I think I was quite lucky to capture mine when I did it wasn't too far gone but then again if you look at the photo it doesn't look like it was pretty pretty going back you know so the first thing to take into account is obviously this has now become a daily practice for you it's going to be you're gonna have to schedule this in when you're gonna brush your teeth or when you have a shower or whatever it Whatever It Takes we want to we want to get us our hair into a growth state foreign so the first thing we need to initially get in is an ingredient called minoxidil right Mexico is uh basically what you find in Rogaine you know regain and all that sort of stuff which has proven to give results for people with box here the problem is with uh those ones is the whole expensive form super expensive to get those and it's actually a super low dose of minoxidil so because it's in percentages so the main percentage of Rogaine is like or regain whichever one is like two percent so what the finding is though you need to have one it's more like five percent a much higher dose now you can get this in drops form you can get this in foam I recommend the drops if you're looking for that speedy speedy process because there's a difference in like how one has a repellent the drops have a repellent the foam does basically so you want to be looking it's not so much for a brand on this ingredient right now if you're in the UK that's a bit different because obviously FDA rules are different compared to us six I'm currently us so they're a bit different you have to get this prescribed which is kind of mad but in the US you can get this from most stores now and you can even get off Amazon I'm not affiliated with any of the brands by the way you can sometimes get medic still really cheap but sometimes it's super expensive so sometimes it takes a bit of research I find the best ones on Amazon really looking for it you're looking for when it when you're looking in the ingredients you're looking for a minoxidil five percent and WV after it very important the WV basically means with repellent now you're fine with the phone they don't have the WV but it's still be five percent which is if you're further I've tried it but it's I find it's not as good this this is much better but one of the brands I'm using right now is this one super cheap hopefully it's it you'll notice on the back it says minutes still five percent WV so you apply that twice a day however you need the hair growth back so I normally do mine either in the morning and then one day or night so what that's going to do is it's gonna what minix2 actually does is promote blood flow back to the area again so in my circumstance because the DHT has been blocked off it promotes that blood flow again now there's only one polynomial makes a deal is obviously you need to keep using it it's one of those it's pretty safe it's had some really great results from thousands of people and it's approved by the FDA it's always so it's really safe so it is made to be long term so the description for you're gonna be doing probably potentially forever which is quite daunted for some people but either way that's the first thing when you start doing stock prevent the blood flow there again but obviously that only tackles one side of it because obviously the next side of it is we need to block the DHT the conversion from testosterone to DHT something I don't do obviously there's a drug for this called finasteride I believe it's called finish stride that is a drug that actually helps block DHT whereas me I want it again me being me I wanted to go from all sort of natural approach one of the best ingredients I found with that this is the supplement I take as well there's a couple of supplements I takes number one is saw palmetto at anywhere between 300 to 500 milligrams there's still needs to be a lot more research done on this your next if you look it up it would say that it inconclusive but I think it says like 60 of people who took this soil results in a study so again you can cook all these ingredients up yourself so that's what I take I take the 500 milligram dose a day of that so I'll take you with after a meal or something you know with the rest of my supplement regime and what that does is That's supposed to naturally block the HT I obviously take that and then the other ingredient I take is something called biotin I take quite a high dose of this with 10 000 mcgs I'm taking it at this level for so long for maybe a couple of years but then I'll drop back a bit that's also like a DHT blocker but it also it's all to do with um cell regrowth bartenders you know so and it helps obviously with other things as well but the main thing is is that it helps with rejuvenating hair and skin and Nails helps with all that sort of process for them so that's another ingredient to take that I take again this is all my what I do I'm not saying this is the right thing but I just wanted to share this out there with everyone else that you know then so obviously that's one battle to block DHT internally but also we need to block it externally as well so the minute still will help with that and finish ride definitely will if you're struggling if you've got real hair bad hair loss you know but hopefully you can if your March stage you can capture it really soon on foreign that's the next thing to consider there's two brands that I take again I'm not affiliated with any brand it's just the stuff that I take most shampoos and conditioner that are not there for um the care of your hair they're full of parabens and all these other harmful chemicals do you know what I mean that are not good for your hair so again it was something that I don't yeah whatever I used to be like wash my hair with I don't care wash and go or head and shoulders then you find out they're some of the worst brands that I should hurt with because they just increased that loss so there's two brands that I take which is Bonnet hymns which I'll put here in description and the other one's called keeps those two are really great brands for their shampoo and conditioner because they have soil Palmetto and biotin in them I like to go between the two because I like I'm me being me I like to have a variety of different shampoos and conditions just keep keep it mixed up but then two brands are both fine they're I really rate them a lot because also you can still get your mixer mixer deal from there but again if you're in the UK you may have to get it prescribed bearing in mind but trust me the benefits are really worth it there's something to note about Nick minnicks to do is that it also says it may not work for receding hairline but it works more for the for here but as you can see it's working pretty well for me but it just just to know it will say um it's specifically made for the egg in the nest you know at the back of the back of the head rather than the front but I read that I thought yeah okay well if it's gonna grow there then should be fine here right so and it's like I say it's been fine for me but it is important to know it does say that so try not to be too too put off from that but yeah the shampoos and conditions like I say they have the saw palmetto they have the Barton M2 Brands keepers have a little bit more ingredient so I'd say for more growth they have they also have caffeine and also green tea which really helps to promote the growth again because it's blocking the DHT externally as well as internally That's the basis of getting your hair back you need to block that DHT and put your hair back into a growth State that's it that's the basis of the whole thing but honestly that's pretty much about it other than that I've I take extra zinc and magnesium but that's something I've always done anyway I've got my dosage so it's like 400 milligrams of magnesium and 30 milligrams of zinc I'll take them for bed that helps with anything else anyways General Health especially because they help with maintenance of the body and growth factors as well so another products I want to put out there is by keeps again because a lot of people have asked me you know okay another thing that contributes to hair loss is certain hair products you know like gels and like you know hair grooming stuff again they're not there to make your hair healthy they're there just to style it but I did find a product that works amazingly if you still want to choose that hair styling stuff that has Growth Properties in it so again this is from keeps it's actually like a thickening Pomade what I like about this product in particular is is that it's infused with saw palmetto and biotin green tea and caffeine so it's got the same ingredients of the shampoo and conditioner does so this actually promotes hair growth and makes your hair look amazing at the same time if you still want to style your hair this is a great product for that again I'm not even affiliated with these I just it's what I use again it's just if I ever do start my hair which is pretty rare it is nowadays but when I do feel like sawing it a bit I will use this and it works brilliantly I'm not too sure if you get this in the UK but it you definitely can in the US because it's a US company but again I hope I covered like most areas on that there is probably more products out there that could help they're the main ingredients that I use basically I mean like I say it's not there's nothing groundbreaking it's no like oh my God it's this new thing no these things have been around for a while but it might just take a little bit of your own research just to really look see how you respond you know like I say this is just something that that I've done and helped me so my idea is I want to help others because I've done it and it's like look listen you want to dispel a lot of the myths there's a lot of myths out there that's like oh yeah while it is true obviously there is a sequence there obviously for the hair loss from genetically it's I believe through your mother's side yeah your hair so if your granddad from your mum's side is bowled in it Chun saw you probably will too so but that doesn't mean that you're going to if you just take the precautions and take A's like take care of the situation now rather than later so you can get on it get back into that growth State the sooner I'll come back yeah like I said this is mine so far I've got a long way to go I think that you can as you can see there's a massive difference of where I am now to where I was and even like the quality of hair is like completely different now like it's even like the colors change a little bit but I think it's just going back to healthy if that makes sense it's not like like it's changed it's just going back to let's just shows how unhealthy my hair was because I just I don't care yeah whatever most men don't you know it's just kind of like whatever yeah I hope this video helps you guys and um I'll link a lot of the brands so you can go check it out for yourself and if there's anything I missed I will add it in but um okay thanks a lot for watching and um I'd love to hear your story please uh if if you're just starting or off if you've got any questions uh you can drop me a comment happy to help I just wanted to brief ly go over all of this as much as I can whilst again as much information I can to you guys so yeah I hope this helps you or help someone you know and um take care and yeah I'll see you guys later
Channel: Tom Peat
Views: 1,088,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hair loss, receding hairline, hair regrowth, hair care, hair loss treatment, hair growth journey, hair care tips, hair thinning, healthy hair, hair loss remedies, natural hair growth, hair regrowth products, scalp care, diet for hair growth, hair styling tips, hair loss causes, hair health, hair care routine, hair growth tips, hair loss solutions, hair loss prevention, How To Stop Receding Hairline And Regrow Hair, tomlancepeat, Tom Peat, lifestyle, health, fitness
Id: 1odiaa-fO1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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